Does HTML work with any other language other than JavaScript? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any other language which can be used with HTML in programming webpages other than JavaScript?

As far as I understand your question we are talking for client-side language which is being interpreted by the browser, without additional plugin like JVM, flash player.
You can use a programming language which is compiled to JavaScript (CoffeeScript, Dart, JSX, TypeScript...) but the browser will interpret only JavaScript (except Internet Explorer which may supports VBScript and I guess Chrome which may be able to run Dart).

Yes, in the mainstream there is VBScript however it's only supported by Internet Explorer.
Really though your question comes down to where your HTML will be rendered and whatever the host renderer supports.

Yes, CSS is a language too. Then there are client-side technologies like Java and Flash too.
But why do you ask?
Web development uses server-side technologies like some PHP frameworks and ASP.NET, among other. On server-side coding you can program using C#, Java, PHP or a host of other languages, but they usually 'generate' HTML which is served to the client browser.
Does this answer your question?

Well, on the server side, any language can be used.
In the browser, you need a plugin, which could be for Java or something more esoteric like Tcl/Tk

Yes. You're talking about client side scripting. And there are other languages that can do that. I'm not really up to date, but back in the day, ActivePerl (a Perl distribution by ActiveState) had a version that ran in Internet Explorer.

You are referring to any form of client side Language which has to do with how you're browser interprets information.


Why would I like to execute scripting language in JVM [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am not able to understand why and in what kind of scenario I would like to run scripting language inside JVM at server side. I mean we already have great libraries available in JAVA... why wouldn't I use use them to do stuff instead of running scripts in JVM?
Please help me understand this concept, Can someone please tell me one or two use cases where running scripting in JVM at server side will have advantages over using JAVA libraries.
The more general question here is "Why would I want to execute code in <some scripting language> in Java?", where Javascript is simply one example of such a language.
Quoting this article:
Some Java applications' requirements make integration with a scripting language necessary. For example, your users may need to write scripts that drive the application, extend it, or contain loops and other flow-control constructs. In such cases, it's sensible to support a scripting language interpreter that can read user scripts, then run them against your Java application's classes.
Basically: if you want to allow your users to customize your application in a way that requires the richness of a programming language.
Why Javascript specifically? That depends upon your application. There may be reasons to pick that (e.g. your target users already know Javascript), or not (e.g. Lua is more popular for scripting in the games industry).
One use i can think of is:
Javascript engine can be used to evaluate arithmetic expressions
which are in a String format.
example :: String expression = "2+4";
The below is the link to a example which uses java script engine to do this.

Is "Javascript" also a server side language? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Few year back I read on some websites that "JavaScript is only a client-sided language".
is it so? if not then why?
Remember that JavaScript was some day Netscape LiveScript and it was already a client and server programming language. In fact, ASP Classic could be developed using JScript (basically, old JavaScript).
A language turns into a server-side language once it can be used to develop back-end code, and yes, JavaScript has been always a player in the server development.
Now with NodeJS, JavaScript has been turned into a possible and serious language of choice to develop backends.
Eventhough JavaScript was first developed to be used in a browser, the language itself has never been a strict client side language.
Aside from a few string methods that create HTML tags, there is nothing in the language itself that is specific to client side programming. Everything related to the browser is in the DOM, not in the JavaScript language.
JavaScript is used in client side scripting (and that use is almost analogous to client side scripting), but branding it a client side language would be misleading. The fact that the language itself doesn't contain the browser integration has made it easy to adapt it to other environments, including server side scripting.
Node.js is far from the only server side scripting using JavaScript. ASP for example offered VBScript and JScript (Microsofts implementation of JavaScript) as server side languages. This list compares 28 different server side uses, and it's not all there is.

Can compile-to-JavaScript tools be used for "regular" client-side development? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In relation to this stack overflow question, I'm wondering what the typical use-cases are for compile-to-JavaScript tools. I've done some research and I've found a list of programming languages that compile to JavaScript, many of which are strongly-typed.
Emscripted and ASM.JS are typically used for for processor intensive tasks. Is this the primary use case of such tools, or is this dependent on the tool?
For the most part it is dependent on the tool. Libraries such as asm.js offer low-level complex functionality and enhancements that most people would not be able to implement themselves. This is the basis for most libraries, it brings the saying "Standing on the shoulders of giants" to mind.
CoffeeScript and TypeScript are dialects of JavaScript that offer people the option of writing in a language that has features they are accustomed to in other languages (like static typing). They can then compile their CoffeeScript code to JavaScript for use in a web browser.
I hope this gave some insight into your question.
Can compile-to-JavaScript tools be used for “regular” client-side development?
Coffeescript / TypeScript -> Yes. In fact that is on of their main
target audience.
Asm.js -> Depends on how you define regular. If creating a quake clone in the browser is regular for you then yes. If creating a standard SPA (angular/react/ember etc) is regular then no, asm.js is not targetted at you
I think most or all of those "languages that compile to JS" don't have anything to do with ASM.JS. ASM.JS is a very limited subset of JS that only runs assembly-style commands on a block of memory.
The main reason for doing so is performance, yes, since you can't directly access DOM and other handy browser objects directly.

which one is the fastest? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm working on a website which is used on Chrome and IE8. I made it with Javascript and it works fine on Chrome but it is slow on IE.
Is VBScript faster than Javascript on IE? Would I translate my code in VBScript for IE?
VBScript is executed for web sites on IIS(web servers), JavaScript mostly on client side.
I do not see how it would not work on any browsers unless you uploading something to client machines as vbs file. That is dangerous and could be considered as security threat - antivirus program may simply block it or delete file all together.
Basically question is not about if VBScript supported or not by any browsers simply because browsers never-ever touching VBScript, but what you attempt to do with VBScript. And anyone who is saying that it does not supported by any browser need to take a lessons from W3S school all over again.
It is different purpose scripting languages on the web: VBScript for servers side processing while JavaScript mostly to be used running on client side. And before anyone starts discussing that JavaScript can be used on server side please look what I put in bold letters. There are javascript libraries AJAX and JQUERY etc. which can be used to process data as well as connecting to web servers.
If you are looking for replacement of VBScript - C# is the best place to start since you already working on Microsoft platform, NET would be logical choice. There is lot of other languages to choose from but you need carefully consider what your project is all about, budget and time needed to rebuild your project/site.
However you can write VBScript and JavaScript batch files for local execution but as I understand that is not part of your question.

Will Google AppEngine support Javascript? [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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Does anyone know or have an opinion on whether AppEngine will add javascript as a supported language/framework and in what timeframe?
See this:
Because Java now supports JavaScript as part of its standard runtime, you can do all sorts of cool stuff.
I spoke to the Google team at Google I/O and native JavaScript on the server side is not on their near-term roadmap.
Given that JavaScript is rarely used as a server-side language, that seems very unlikely to me. It's not like doing so would add a lot of potential users.
(Disclaimer: I work for Google, but nothing I write here should be taken as Google's stance on things, and I don't know anything about the AppEngine team's plans :)
EDIT: To answer Pointy's point, I think there's a big difference between JavaScript being supported and it being something you can get working if you try hard enough via Rhino and Java. Put it this way: if some obscure change to the Java support made life better for most Java users but broke a bit of JavaScript via Rhino, I'd expect that to have a relatively low priority for the team.
Appengine now supports Node.js using the flexible environment. It's taken a while, but see for info.
Recently, Google released/improved Google Apps Script which allows you to script the cloud using JavaScript.
My old answer for your reference is no longer applicable:
You might want to check out:
I believe the short answer to direct JavaScript support by Google Apps Engine would be no.

