Assign a user input string as a new variable name in javascript - javascript

I have a text field in which the user inputs some text. I'd like to take the first word of that text and turn it into a global variable name for an object holding the rest of the string content. More string content will be added to object later, so internal indexing inside the object is required.
var textInput = $('#inputText').val();
var splitString = textInput.split(" ");
var firstWord = splitString[0];
This is where I get stuck. How please do I create a new object with the string referenced by firstWord as the object's reference?
Many thanks in advance.

I would try something like this:
globalUserObjects = {};
var textInput = $('#inputText').val();
var splitString = textInput.split(" ");
var firstWord = splitString[0];
globalUserObjects[firstWord] = {};
// Now later you can add stuff to it
globalUserObjects[firstWord]["firstName"] = "John";
globalUserObjects[firstWord]["lastName"] = "Smith";


Why does javascript reads var as a string if i add '+' to it?

I have field names in my firestore document as
videolink1-"some video link"
videolink2-"some video link"
videolink3-"some video link"
I am using a for loop to get all videolinks present in the document.
if (doc.exists) {
for (var i = 1; i == videocount; i++) { //videocount is 3
var data =;
var videolink = data.videolink+i;
//creating new paragraph
var p = '<p class ="trackvideostyle">'+"Your Video Link : "+String(videolink)+'</p>\';
document.getElementById("btn").insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', p);
But this for loop is creating var values which are being read as string and firestore is returning me NaN as I dont have these fields :
data.videolink+2 //Firestore is returning null as i dont have these document fields
How can I write for loop so that var values are created like this and firestore reads it as:
I think you could try something like this,
var videolink = data[`videolink${i}`];
you are using "data.videolink+i" and javascript does not evaluate the value after the "." instead it is treated as the object's property. you need to use [] for evaluation. try this I hope this will work
if (doc.exists) {
for (var i = 1; i == videocount; i++) {
var data =;
var videolink = data[videolink+i];
//creating new paragraph
var p = '<p class ="trackvideostyle">'+"Your Video Link :
Why it doesn't work
The dot operator (property accessor) has higher precendense, so it is evaluated first, so you get the value of the property and then you concatenate the value of your i variable.
What should you do
You can use another property accessor - square brackets, just like in arrays:
You can build your property name inside of the square brackets:
data['videolink' + i]
or using template literals:
You can do this by using
1. template strings
var videolink = `${data.videolink}${i}`
2. concat()
var videolink = data.videolink.concat(i.toString());

Add items to a Javascript object

My app is hitting a WebAPI that returns some JSON records. I get them via jQuery AJAX and assign the JSON to a JavaScript variable. I can loop through and make changes to existing items without issue. However, how do I add more "records" to this object? I'm trying to understand the structure of the resulting variable.
Here is what I have as a test. Is this the best way?
var trustAccounts = {"accounts":[
"nameOnAccount":"Sam Smith Trust",
"bankName":"Bank of Stuff",
var newaccount = {};
newaccount.entityId = 23456;
newaccount.type = "IOLTA";
newaccount.nameOnAccount = "John Smith Trust";
newaccount.accountNumber = "789456";
newaccount.bankCode = "003";
newaccount.bankName = "Bank of Stuff";
newaccount.accountDate = "12/15/2014";
newaccount.status = "A";
newaccount.exempt = "N";
newaccount.accountId = 142923;
newaccount.action = "U";
So if we name the returned variable object we can simply create new elements using object.newItemName. Eg below:
object.newItemName = 'Hello World'
You just add them, as if they already existed. A JSON-parsed object is just a normal JavaScript object.
let obj = {};
obj.newProp = 5;
console.log(obj.newProp); // 5
obj['newProp'] = 4;
console.log(obj.newProp); // 4
You can set them in two ways, with the dot-notation or with square brackets ([]). The dot-notation way, the value after the dot is what it's called. The square bracket can accept a string or variable, so you can use it to set a property to a specific name.
If you need to nest things, you have to create each level. For example, if you wanted to set obj.something.aValue, you could do something like this:
let obj = {};
obj.something = {};
obj.something.aValue = 5;
Or, you can also do it in fewer shots, depending what you're doing:
let obj = {
something: {
aValue = 5;

How can i create object once we have values?

I am new to javascript so i dont know how to create object once we have values dynamically , so below code i have fullName and workerKey from dataItem now i want to create object selectedOwners with values of fullName and workerKey.
How can i achieve that task ?
var selectedOwners = {};
$scope.addProcessOwner = function(dataItem){
var fullName = dataItem.fullName;
var workerKey = dataItem.workerKey;
console.log('WORKER KEY', workerKey);
You use an object initializer:
selectedOwners = {
fullName: dataItem.fullName,
workerKey: dataItem.workerKey
The object initializer is the {...} bit. Each of those two things inside it is a property initializer. The part before the : is the name, the part after is the value, which can be the result of any expression.
In your code, you'd already created the object (var selectedItem = {};). The code above will replace that object. If you just wanted to add to it, you'd just use assignment:
selectedItem.fullName = dataItem.fullName;
selectedItem.workerKey = dataItem.workerKey;
Which you use depends on whether it matters that you not create a new object.
Edited, as per comments:
var list = [];
$scope.addProcessOwner = function(dataItem){
var selectedOwners = {"fullname":dataItem.fullName,"workerKey":dataItem.workerKey};
// use list to populate output
You have already created the object so all you need to do is add the values into it.
var selectedOwners = {};
$scope.addProcessOwner = function(dataItem){
selectedOwners.fullName = dataItem.fullName;
selectedOwners.workerKey = dataItem.workerKey;
//This will print out the newly populated object

Push to array a key name taken from variable

I have an array:
var pages = new Array();
I want to push my pages data to this array like this:
$('').each(function () {
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type');
var info = $(this).attr('data-info');
but this code doesn't replace datatype as variable, just puts datatype string as a key.
How do I make it place there actual string value as a key name?
I finally saw what you were trying to do:
var pages = new Array();
$('').each(function () {
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type');
var info = $(this).attr('data-info');
var temp = {};
temp[datatype] = info;
$('').each(function () {
//get type and info, then setup an object to push onto the array
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type'),
info = $(this).attr('data-info'),
obj = {};
//now set the index and the value for the object
obj[datatype] = info;
Notice that you can put a comma between variable declarations rather than reusing the var keyword.
It looks like you just want to store two pieces of information for each page. You can do that by pushing an array instead of an object:
pages_order.push([datatype, info]);
You have to use datatype in a context where it will be evaluated.
Like so.
var pages = [];
$('').each(function () {
var datatype = $(this).attr('data-type'),
info = $(this).attr('data-info'),
record = {};
record[datatype] = info;
You only need one var it can be followed by multiple assignments that are separated by ,.
No need to use new Array just use the array literal []
You may add below single line to push value with key:
pages_order.yourkey = value;

Can JavaScript data be attached to HTML elements?

I have an array (below)
var img_name = new Array("images/test.jpg", "images/test.jpg");
var imgTotal = img_name.length;
var rnd_no = Math.floor(imgTotal*Math.random());
var ojimg = img_name[rnd_no];
What I need to do is pass another piece of information and attach that to the body tag. So. if test1.jpg is loaded I need to pass "light" to the body tag and if the other image is selected I need to pass "dark". What this does is alows a user in CMS to select a light or dark theme depending on the image. The image will be output randomly.
You could store objects in your array:
// I'm using an Array literal instead of a Array constructor here, because it's shorter
var img_name = [ {image:"images/test.jpg", style:"light"}, {image:"images/test.jpg", style:"dark"} ];
var imgTotal = img_name.length;
var rnd_no = Math.floor(imgTotal*Math.random());
var ojimg = img_name[rnd_no].image;
var ojstyle = img_name[rnd_no].style;
How about nested arrays:
var img_name = [["images/test1.jpg", "light"], ["images/test2.jpg", "dark"]]];
var imgTotal = img_name.length;
var rnd_no = Math.floor(imgTotal*Math.random());
var ojimg = img_name[rnd_no][0];
var cssclass = img_name[rnd_no][1];
In your array, you can just have some additional string with a seperator.
var img_name = new Array("images/test.jpg:light", "images/test.jpg:dark");
For your example, I have used : as seperator. In the consuming method, you can split the data based on seperator : and use both items accordingly.
You could use a map of image srcs strings to theme names. Then you can use a selected image src to directly access the theme name.
var themeMap = {};
themeMap["testImg1.jpg"] = myDarkTheme; //myDarkTheme can be a full object or just a string
You can then do
function getTheme(imgSrcString)
return themeMap[imgSrcString];

