LinkedIn Javascript API - javascript

I would like to know, does anyone here have experienced dealing wth LinkedIn Javascript API's.
I'm a beginner in Javascript API's.Recently I've got a task where I have to create an application which can search the LinkedIn database based on the chosen skills.
For an example,user would want to find people who have a specific skill sets(for example java),they can input the skill set(by text or selection)and the application searches and returns all the people who match the skills set.
I've been reading through the documentation many many times and going through the forums but there dont seem to have complete reference to this.
Some of the answer's i've read is, it seems we can't search skills of the connection as skills are part of the full profile whereas search can only be done for basic profile's.
I've would like to ask,is this application possible to be developed? Is there any example for this application?
Do share your experience,
Thanks a lot in advance,

#Captain Jack,
If you are having some trouble, the first thing that I would request you to check is if your linkedin account through which you are creating your application/ Javascript API, has sufficient priviledges with Linkedin. There are certain levels of authorization that you may require if you would like to acquire more data from linked in.
The skills field is one such out of many that requires this authorization. Quote from linkedin website:
"Member profile fields available to Apply with LinkedIn developers
The following selection of profile fields are only available to applications that have applied and been approved for the Apply with LinkedIn program:
from -"
So do you have this approval from Linkedin. If not then I dont think you're gonna be able to get this done.
Hope I have given you some info. Thanks.

I found the example for java, php and python on this link, it's available on this one too.
Try this add skill:(Java) into your api url


Loopback4 - How to create JWT auth with roles

Well the title pretty much sums it up. I'm trying to add authentication to my app, but i'm hitting a LOT of errors.
I'm pretty new to nodejs and especially Loopback4 and i get stuck quite a lot.
For testing purposes i tried implementing #loopback/authentication but i'm encountering an error such as The key controller.current.ctor was not bound to any value.
I followed the tutorial to the letter and quadruple checked my code to make sure everything is fine. Where others say it works, for me it doesnt.
Either way, that was just as a test implementation. I'm trying to find a way to implement a better authentication which should look for user roles as well.
Lets say i want to create a blog api with loopback and i needs POSTS to be accessed by this -> Users who are authors. Users who have the role admin, moderator, etc and to restrict access to unauthenticated users.
LB4 documentation is pretty small and since i'm new to this i'm literally stuck. Any help, snippets, etc would be highly appreciated!
P.S: I'm using MySQL as my DB.

A search bar in my web app that returns a list of results from my models in Django

I'm creating a web application that will allow people to search book titles, authors, publishers etc. from a database. The database is loaded and ready to go to Django, but I'm struggling to find out how to proceed.
I assume I need to create a webpage with a form that accepts keywords that the user wants to search for, but how do I then search the database (which Django file would this code go into?) for the keyword and output the result in a list?
Sorry if this is super broad. If this is a common question, I can delete it. I would appreciate any help and/or links that could help.
Work through the Django documentation. It is very useful and should be able to solve this problem. Start with their tutorial and learn how the Model/View/Template style works.
Once you understand this, searching by title is very easy via a queryset. You'd use something like this (which would go in your "" file):
More about that here:

Get number of online users from public website page

Say there is a website homepage that publicly displays stats like online users, page generation time, etc.
Is it possible to retrieve those specific values and display them on a piece of software, like for example a simple charting extension written in Javascript? Or does it depend on the software used to get them?
Just to be clear, I'm asking about a generic public webpage, not about my own website - i.e. I do not have any access to internal phps, codes, variables, etc. of the website/domain.
The method which you are looking for is web scraping. Basically it's the process of getting the required data which is already shown in that webpage. You can find tons of tutorial regarding this.
The server is the only thing that knows how many people are browsing. This is not obtainable from the front end unless the back end is providing it to you.

Need to query list of youtube videos in javascript -- v3 APIs wont work

Please forgive me for ranting, this one is giving me a headache...
RANT ON---Great pain with Google programming APIs. Trying to use Google APIs to communicate with YouTube to retrieve a list of my videos. Simple task. Version 2 APIs were easy to use, I had a sample working in 5 minutes. New Version 3 APIs are complex, tedious, require a bunch of advance setup and user account IDs, and after all that hassle, THEY STILL DO NOT WORK.---RANT OFF
C'mon Google, this is really hard to use!
Ok, down to business: I have an API key AND a Client Auth setup. Neither one works with my efforts to use Google's sample code.
Does anyone have a working sample where JAVASCRIPT in an HTML lists the videos in a YouTube account? Something where I can just substitute my account id and API key. Should be very simple, yes?
Thanks in advance for your help... and for bearing with me as I rant...
This sample from the offical docs works just fine. You just need to put your client ID in the OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID variable in auth.js. Make sure you're using the ID that's in the 'Client ID for web application' section in the Developers Console.
If you can't get it to work, be more specific about the error you're getting.

How do I integrate user information into my Facebook application?

I wrote an application in Javascript that I put on facebook and would now like to integrate user information into the gameplay. I would like it to be similar to the way Words with Friends works, where the users' name and profile picture information are used to display the scores. To work best with the way my application works, being able to set the name and picture as variables seem to me to be the best way of doing this. Ideally I would also like to incorporate a way to select from a menu of the users friends which friend they want to challenge and send a request, and also record the users win/loss statistics. I have searched around and have not been able to find any guides on how to do this. If someone could point me to one or provide me with the code to do this that would be really great. I am somewhat new to programming and entirely new to Facebook applications.
Here is a link to what I have so far:
This is a big topic and requires you to dive in the graph API which I assume you've looked at. In case you haven't here is the link
Basically, you need to ask a facebook user for permission to do certain things. What you want to be able to do with their account will be in line with what your application does. When a user accepts these permissions, you will have an access token that you can then use in a query string to query the graph API for any data available about that person (limited by what permissions you asked for from them).
It's then up to your code to interpret that data (JSON or XML) and then display it, interact with it etc.
Be warned, the Facebook API documentation can be quite vague. It is also hard to find certain topics, and Facebook constantly deprecates things. When they deprecate things they do tend to give a good amount of leniency for developers to update their code however.
Best of luck.

