bootstrap component's navigation sidebar + animated section indicator - javascript

I've been trying for weeks to build a navigation sidebar like these images:
I'm using twitter bootstrap, however, even though their has a very good looking navigation sidebar, there is no such component in their library and it is so much pain to build one. Therefore, I resorted to using jquery in my attempt to build one like the Tommy Hilfiger's global site.
Tommy Hilfiger's Global Site
However, I'm new with javascript and css... they are my weakpoints... especially if they are minified :( and I'm stuck at trying to make the arrow marker and have it move along (animating) and always pointing to the current section. I managed to animate the page scrolling though, and my WIP so far is here:
WIP - Twitter Bootstrap Navigation Sidebar
Is there any open source components (or preferably bootstrap ones) to achieve that section indicator animation?
I'm so confused with my scripts that are getting messier, so open source component is highly desireble, however, any input on how to achieve it (with script example please) will also be appreciated.. Thank you very much in advance!

Check out ScrollSpy, the component exist on bootstrap itself:
bootstrap scrollspy
extracted from:
So you need to use the scroll spy activate event described here:
Basically you need some code like so:
$(function() {
var $spy = $('.nav.nav-pills');
$spy.scrollspy({offset: 20});
$spy.bind("activate", function(e) {
// do stuff here when a new section is in view
Here is a working example:
please ignore the fact that it starts at the bottom... not sure if that a unrelated or related bug, but the main point is you can see how the activate event works


Backdrop for mobile with Javascript

I need this kind of behavior like when we click on make we can open the next model list in the same section
Please can you help me with how I can achieve this?
Im not sure about vanilla js but u can achieve this in ReactJS using react-router-dom package. you can add Link to each section which will replace that modal in the section without page reloading/refreshing.
I have 2 ideas to to this with vanilla js but its a bit complicated and confusing.
using appenChild() change section child with onclick.
adding display: none to all and changing display: block for the once to display
this will not change reload or take to new page but u will need to add js for onclick for each route/model

Adding bootstrap to an existing header for collapse & using bootstrap animation

This is a new question and I mentioned it in my previous one here just to save posting the code again.
I don't want to start over so I was wondering how I'd go about making the navbar collapse but in an animated way, the code I have works but the navbar still doesn't collapse when clicked off. Would this also be done with bootstrap?
Completely new to bootstrap animations and I can't find any libraries with good instructions or examples. Any links would be appreciated, as well as a fix to my header issue.
Thanks in advance.
Vist this link they have listed 9 libraries, when you click on the link of library it will redirect you to github and there in ReadMe they have given explanation related to the library.

Latest methods on using js to detect screen size to include php file

I've searched for latest info but can't find a full answer relevant to my situation and since I'm new to js and php I need a little more direction.
I created a site using Bootstrap and the popover section proved a problem on mobile (specifically Safari - it doesn't dismiss). I decided to use BS panels for mobile and used Bootstrap's .hidden-lg and .visible-sm classes to show that popovers are visible on desktops and panels are visible on mobile sizes. However the script clashed, as soon as both are in my html file, it won't load won't of them, eg. popovers won't work but panels does. I tried to place it differently, thinking maybe the order in my code matters. In the end I found that little sentence in BS docs that says "don't use data attributes from multiple plugins on the same element". I figured that means I can't use two types of plugins in my one page even though the two sections are not supposed to be displayed on the same page - it should load only one depending on the device size.
I searched for a method to use jquery to detect screen size to insert a php file. I created two php files (one for large screens, one for small, placed the popover and panel sections in each) I created my original index as a new index.php.
I can't tell where I went wrong because it's not working and I've made so many changes to the code to try and fix it that it's probably a mess right now anyway.
I tried another method: I found some old info to create which means you have to include link rel="alternate"... in desktop file and rel="canonical" in mobile to link to mobile_file.php
It loaded the correct files (though mobile is duplicating my footer for no apparent reason) but the js script is still not activating properly. Now mobile is loading panels but not dismissing it (and it worked for sure when I tested the single file before) and desktop popover is not opening up (meaning the js is not working) at all!
How can I use a simple method to say: if the screen size is this, use this file and if not, use that file. I'm sure this is possible with js but I just can't find a clear, easy to understand and follow method online. Clearly my js knowledge is lacking but a simple site is proving complicated in the final steps. All help would be appreciated because it's really hard to find updated info on this exact issue.
for more info: I used the Bootstrap html boilerplate which links this by default as script: src=""
The panels would only work if I use src="js/jquery.min.js"
I know these two are the culprits because when I deleted the first then the panels would work and when I deleted the second the popovers would work but they will not work for both with either one of these. I don't know what to change to make it work.

Linking to an ID inside a Bootstrap nav-tab

We are using Bootstrap nav-tabs on our new website's events pages to create different sections on a single page related to our events — About, Speakers, Travel, Register and so on.
Our events coordinator would like to be able to link directly to the individual speakers who appear on the Speakers tab from outside the website. Normally, this is pretty simple —
However, because we're using nav-tabs, there isn't an easy and obvious way of creating this link. I've looked through posts here and elsewhere to see if anyone else has addressed this problem, but have yet to find anything.
The site was built using Bootstrap 3 and uses ExpressionEngine 2.10 as the CMS.
You can view a working example of how our events pages are set up at
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
This is how it can work with jQuery:
Select an anchor within a JQUERY Tab from a link on anther webpage
You can adapt the code from there.
Here you can try this function:
function goToTab(){
var hash=document.location.hash,
$('.nav-tabs a[href='+hash.replace(prefix,"")+']').tab('show')

jQuery Tools (horizontal accordion) combined with jQuery UI (tabs)?

Hello everybody and thanks for taking your time.
I got an existing project where the main-page uses a horizontal accordion for the main content area from jQuery Tools (the Tabs element).
Now i have to implement a Tabs-menu (into one of the existing accordion pages) which is build with jQuery UI (the main container are Tabs and inside of them are several nested accordions).
Is there any easy way I can solve this problem and combine jQuery Tools with jQuery UI?
I did a search-replace on the tabs code of jQuery UI (js+css) and changed everything from "tabs" to "tabsnew"..
The script seems to work with this, but the css is not working correctly with this (even tough I changed all elements which are used to build up the Tabs).. I think there must be an easier solution for this..
I'm very thankful for any ideas or solutions!
Drop jQuery UI and implement the tabs again in jQuery Tools. If this is production code for a website there's no reason the users should load both libraries.

