Extend JavaScript Class from separate file - javascript

I'm sorry to ask quite a dim question as I'm very new to OOP in JavaScript.
I'm trying to use John Resig's Simple JavaScript Inheritance method, and ideally I'd like to store this within say utils.js, and then use it (using Class.extend), throughout the range of script files that my project uses. Is this possible? I've noticed that if I create a subclass from within my utils.js file, I can then create a new instance of that class from a different script, so that makes me think it might be possible. Does it have something to do with the method being wrapped in an immediately-invoked function expression?

Sure it's possible, just load the util.js file before the rest. ALthough if I were you (seems like you're starting to have several different files in your project) I'd check out http://requirejs.org/ or some other AMD library to break up your project in modules.

Yes, this is possible only thing is you have to include Utils.js file before calling Class.extend, so that browser should be able to find the base class.
Browser works like an interpreter, it loads scripts once it finds the script tag

Does it have something to do with the method being wrapped in an immediately-invoked function expression?
Yes, in the moment in which the utils.js script is loaded, the method executes and returns the object Class to the global scope. From then on, the object can be used in all other files.


How to access to functions/variables from GWT code in Javascript?

I am trying to use some functions from a code that has been obfuscated. So i have an html file that is calling a JS file thru the tag:
<script src="gwt_svg_viewer/gwt_svg_viewer.nocache.js"></script>
that file is defining a function called "onScriptdownloaded" which receives a string like this:
gwt_svg_viewer.onScriptDownloaded(["var $wnd = window.parent;function RE(){}"]);
So my question is how can i access to RE? in another JS file?
It seems that there was a kind of GWT code implemented, but i am not really familiar with that.
Variable names and functions in gwt will be obfuscated every time you compile your project, and variables and functions will be renamed in the process, in order to call a gwt code from javascript in a consistence manner you will need to use jsinterop to export java types. more information can be found in the gwt jsinterop documentation

Defining Durandal ViewModel with TypeScript

How can I do this?
Some of the examples I have seen, look horrible for example, the following, which does not read like an OO code at all, and hence what's the point of TypeScript if it's gonna be a hack. I can't exactly get intellisense on the following at all, since there's no class definition. So I have a compiled code, with no intellisense, without being able to enforce encapsulation etc - so why bother wasting time?
/// <reference path="../durandal/durandal.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../scripts/knockout.d.ts" />
import app = require("durandal/app");
import http = require("durandal/http");
export function activate() {
Other examples are even more funky, by exporting a variable declaration.
The resulting code is not much better, it's DI-ing this variable called exports And the code just keeps adding properties to it, which does not make sense.
If I were to write this all in javascript, I return a new object may be in JSON notation - that I can understand, a proper factory method/class. A lot less work, cleaner and no time wasted compiling.
So can someone explain what's going on?
Why is the code creating properties on a DI-ed exports object? It's like a mutant pass by reference.
Is there a more OO way of doing this? I can see myself exporting a class, but this is just too weird and goes against everything I believe to be right and just. Ok that was an exaggeration, but sure feels that way.
The resulting code is not much better, it's DI-ing this variable called exports And the code just keeps adding properties to it, which does not make sense.
This is the way web (amd) works. Its dependent on requirejs : http://requirejs.org/ and even jquery (pick any file from https://github.com/jquery/jquery/tree/master/src) uses a similar pattern e.g. : https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/deferred.js#L1-L5
If I were to write this all in javascript, I return a new object may be in JSON notation - that I can understand, a proper factory method/class. A lot less work, cleaner and no time wasted compiling.
You can do this with TypeScript as well by not using external modules and compiling with --out flag.
Why is the code creating properties on a DI-ed exports object? It's like a mutant pass by reference.
Is there a more OO way of doing this? I can see myself exporting a class, but this is just too weird and goes against everything I believe to be right and just. Ok that was an exaggeration, but sure feels that way.
You need to learn about External / Internal modules. In a nutshell external modules depend upon a module system (amd for the browser, provided by e.g. requirejs, commonjs for the server e.g nodejs). If you've never heard of amd/commonjs you probably shouldn't care. EXCEPT the library you are trying to use (durandal) needs you to use it. This means your javascript code would not be as simple as you think it would be.
PS: I have a video explaining typescript module systems : http://www.youtube.com/watch?hd=1&v=KDrWLMUY0R0

Creating a "controller" script for Node.js

I'm creating a program in Node.js. I'm pretty new to programming anything other than small javascript functions for websites so please bear with me if my terminology/ideas are totally wrong.
I originally had the entire program in one giant (~500 line) script file. Several people suggested I split it up into separate classes, where each class only has one 'job' to complete. I like this idea as it has helped me really streamline my code and make it more modular and manageable.
My issue is: How do I access these classes from a central file?
For instance, pretend I have 3 classes, in 3 separate javascript files, all containing 3 functions each. I want to access and pass data to/from all of these from one central "controller" script. What's the best way to do this? Can I just require it into a variable, then access the script's functions like so?
var class1 = require('./class1.js');
class1.function1(); // call the first function contained in class1.js
Is such a thing even possible? Again, totally new to this.
NodeJS supports CommonJS modules. A CommonJS module provides three global variables: module, exports and require.
You can export your API by adding to the exports object and require these files just like other node modules (add ./ to indicate that it is relative to the current file), assign it to a variable and access the values you added to that files exports object:
// first-module.js
exports.hello = 'world';
exports.num = 23;
// main.js
var first = require('./first-module');
You need to add functions to the exports object in class1.js.
require("./class1") will return this object.

Javascript .js File Guidelines - How do I use a function outside of this file?

So two part question here. Basically, what is the proper practise for javascript function locations? I assumed it would be to have several MyScriptFile.js files, each with a few functions instead of one huge AllMyScripts.js file, as not every page needs every function.
However I'm not sure how to reference another function from outside of this file...
My situation: I'm using an AJAX request in many of my pages. Each request response is different (drawn from different files, etc) and is very hard to make dynamic (one-script-fits-all would be difficult). However, I do have my MakeAJAXRequest() function which creates the request object, which is standard to all DoSomethingWithRequest() functions.
How do I include MakeAJAXRequest() in the other files which contain the DoSomethingWithRequest() functions? It seems as though I should have been able to find this.. but I havn't come across it.
tl;dr I have MakeObject.js and UseObject.js. How does UseObject() reference MakeObject()?
EDIT: Found that if you include MakeObject BEFORE UseObject in your HTML <script> tags, UseObject will be able to reference MakeObject. Seems a little dirty still, as anybody who wants to use the UseObject script will have to be aware of the MakeObject dependency...
If you want to ensure your dependencies are loaded, you could use a function such as this: http://phpjs.org/functions/include:433 There is also include_once(), require(), and require_once()

"Can't find variable" error with Rails 3.1 and Coffeescript

I have views in my application that reference my application.js file which contains functions I use throughout my application.
I just installed the Rails 3.1 release candidate after having used the edge version of 3.1. Until I installed the RC I wasn't having any problems but now I'm getting this error:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: indicator_tag
indicator_tag is a function I defined in application.js.
The only difference I notice in the javascript file is that now all my functions are wrapped in:
(function() { ... }).call(this);
I understand this is for variable scoping? But could it be preventing my pages from using those variables? And before anyone asks, I've made sure the javascript paths are correct in my include tags.
By default, every CoffeeScript file is compiled down into a closure. You cannot interact with functions from a different file, unless you export them to a global variable. I'd recommend doing something like this:
On top of every coffeescript file, add a line like
window.Application ||= {}
This will ensure that there's a global named Application present at all times.
Now, for every function that you'll have the need to call from another file, define them as
Application.indicator_tag = (el) ->
and call them using
Dogbert's solution is a great way to go if you have a very sophisticated JS back-end. However, there's a much simpler solution if you only have a handful of functions you're working with. Just add them directly to the window object, like this:
window.indicator_tag = (el) ->
Then you can use your functions from anywhere without having to wrap them up in another object.

