Start and Stop timer not working - javascript

I am trying to make a timer that starts when you click the top button and stops and resets when you click the bottom button. Here is a link to my fiddle
<input type="submit" id="start-clock" value="Click here to start timer" name="submit" onClick="startclock()"/>
<div id="timer">0</div>
<input type="submit" id="stop-clock" value="Click here to stop and reset the timer" name="submit" onClick="stopclock()"/>
My JavaScript:
function startClock() {
if (clicked === false) {
clock = setInterval("stopWatch()", 1000);
clicked = true;
else if (clicked === true) {
function stopWatch() {
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = sec;
function stopClock() {
sec = 0;
clicked = false;

Ok you have a lot of typos.
First, sec+; does not do anything. It should be sec++;.
Second, your onClick properties point to startclock() and stopclock(), which should actually be startClock() and stopClock(). Function names are case-sensitive in JavaScript.
Third, the clicked variable is undefined so startClock() will never actually do anything. Add var clicked = false; before your function declarations.
Last but not least, sec is undefined, so incrementing it doesn't make sense. Add var sec = 0; before your function declarations.
HTML should look like
<input type="submit" id="start-clock" value="Click here to start timer" name="submit" onClick="startClock()"/>
<div id="timer">0</div>
<input type="submit" id="stop-clock" value="Click here to stop and reset the timer" name="submit" onClick="stopClock()"/>
and JavaScript should look like
var clicked = false;
var sec = 0;
function startClock() {
if (clicked === false) {
clock = setInterval("stopWatch()", 1000);
clicked = true;
else if (clicked === true) {
function stopWatch() {
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = sec;
function stopClock() {
sec = 0;
clicked = false;
Here is a working fiddle with the changes above:

In the "stopWatch()" method, Replace sec+; with sec++;
I also found some typos, JavaScript is a CaSe SeNsitIvE language

I've made a few changes dom and js
<input type="button" id="start-clock" value="Click here to start timer"/>
<div id="timer">0</div>
<input type="button" id="stop-clock" value="Click here to stop and reset the timer"/>
var clock;
var sec = 0;
clock = setInterval(stopWatch,1000);
function stopWatch() {
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = sec;
sec = 0;
and have a look at jsFiddle

Try this one :
this is the best i have ever used, you can make little changes accordingly if required.


Pause countdown timer (JavaScript)

I want the countdown timer to pause when I click the pause button, and start from where it left off when I click the go button. It'd also be good if the go button enables again when reset is clicked, but as of now it continues being disabled for as long as the timer was set.
For pausing, I tried what I saw in this fiddle but it didn't work. I also tried this to no avail:
$("#pause").click(function() {
Here's the fiddle.
Here you have solution of working countdown:
var CCOUNT = 60;
var t, count;
function cddisplay() {
// displays time in span
document.getElementById('timespan').innerHTML = count;
function countdown() {
// starts countdown
if (count == 0) {
// time is up
} else {
t = setTimeout("countdown()", 1000);
function cdpause() {
// pauses countdown
function cdreset() {
// resets countdown
count = CCOUNT;
<body onload="cdreset()">
<span id="timespan"></span>
<input type="button" value="Start" onclick="countdown()">
<input type="button" value="Stop" onclick="cdpause()">
<input type="button" value="Reset" onclick="cdreset()">

Manually set interval time for setInterval

I'm trying to create application where the user can select how often they want the counter to increment by. For example, they type into the input box that they want it to increment by 1 every 5 seconds, and the setInterval will be set to 5 seconds, etc. Here's what I have so far:
<input type="text" id="timer"></input>
<input type="button" onlick="setTime()" value="test" />
<button class="play">Play</button>
<button class="pause">Pause</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
function setTime() {
var output = $('h1');
var isPaused = true;
var count = 0;
timer = document.getElementById("timer").value;
setInterval(function() {
if(!isPaused) {
}, timer*1000);
//with jquery
$('.pause').on('click', function(e) {
isPaused = true;
$('.play').on('click', function(e) {
isPaused = false;
Can I get any ideas or help? I appreciate it in advance
Refactoring a little your code, you can do it this way:
Every <input type="text" id="timer"></input>Seconds<br>
<button class="start">Start</button>
<button class="play">Play</button>
<button class="pause">Pause</button>
And the JS:
var interval = null;
var time = 0;
var output = $('h1');
function setTimer() {
var seconds = +($("#timer").val());//Get the user input (and convert to number)
interval = setInterval(function() {
output.text( time );
}, seconds*1000);
//with jquery
$('.pause').on('click', function(e) {
clearInterval(interval);//Clear the created interval
$('.play').on('click', function(e) {
time = 0;
See the working example here:
Each time the user calls setTime, you are creating another interval. These will continue to be created throughout the lifecycle of your application. You should remove timeouts before creating new ones:
var timeoutID = null;
function setTime() {
timeoutID = setTimeout(function() {
}, timer * 1000);
For reference:
Full simple tested program, hope this will help you
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function display() {
$("h1").html(parseInt($("#inc").val()) + parseInt($("h1").html())) ;
t = setTimeout("display()",parseInt($("#int").val())*1000)
function pauseT(){
function continueT(){
t = setTimeout("display()",parseInt($("#int").val())*1000)
Increment Value<input type="text" id="inc"></input>
Interval in Second<input type="text" id="int"></input>
<input type="button" onclick="display()" value="Start" />
<button onclick="continueT()">Continue</button>
<button onclick="pauseT()">Pause</button>

About the relation ship between A driven event and multithreading

While i was doing this try it yourself on W3Schools:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="startCount()">Start count!</button>
<input type="text" id="txt">
<button onclick="stopCount()">Stop count!</button>
Click on the "Start count!" button above to start the timer. The input field will count forever, starting at 0. Click on the "Stop count!" button to stop the counting. Click on the "Start count!" button to start the timer again.
var c = 0;
var t;
var timer_is_on = 0;
function timedCount() {
document.getElementById("txt").value = c;
c = c + 1;
t = setTimeout(function(){ timedCount() }, 1000);
function startCount() {
if (!timer_is_on) {
timer_is_on = 1;
function stopCount() {
timer_is_on = 0;
I noticed that I had a question deep in me that I had never asked before
In this tutorial, the timedCount() kept calling itself and it will never stop.
and obviously. When you click stop the recursion stops
kindly point the key to me.
I thought the program should have ran for ever, which means that it wont accept any driven event by the button
It does not actually “run forever”, it's just a way of seeing it. Actually, it reschedules itself to run again in 1000 milliseconds.
But when clicking the button, stopCount is called, which discards the current rescheduling (clearTimeout(t);)

invoke function everytime a boolean becomes false in JavaScript

I'm trying to invoke a function everytime the "paused" property of a html audio element gets false.
I have a timer which shall count the time a audiofile is actually listened to (i also want to exclude the time while searching with the time bar).
I tried it with SetInterval checking all the time for the status of "paused". Unfortunately this isn't working accurately and quite often misses the status change and so lets the time counter count on.
Is there a simple way to invoke a function everytime a boolean changes?
Help would be very appreciated.
Thanks, f.
Thanks for you answer. Unfortunately this didn't do the trick.
Here's the Code:
<h5 id="test">Audio Timer</h5>
<audio id="player" src="kerry.wav" controls></audio>
<form name="d">
<input type="text" size="8" name="d2">
<h1 id="time"></h1>
var audio = document.getElementById("player");
var millisec = 0;
var seconds = 0;
var timer;
function display() {
if (millisec >= 99) {
millisec = 0
seconds += 1
} else
millisec += 1
document.d.d2.value = seconds + "." + millisec;
timer = setTimeout("display()", 10);
function starttimer() {
if (timer > 0) {
function stoptimer() {
timer = 0;
function startstoptimer() {
if (timer > 0) {
timer = 0;
} else {
function resettimer() {
millisec = 0;
seconds = 0;
setInterval(function () {
var time = audio.paused;
if (time == false) {
}, 1);
Unfortunately the SetInterval(function().. isn't fast enough to track the audio.paused. which seems is what i need. As you can see this code always does start the timer, but quite often it doesn't stop it when you press pause or when you use the time bar to seek through the audio.
Any idea how to accomplish that?
Create a variable that calls your audio tag
var yourAudio = document.getElementById("audio")
And then
If that is not what you are looking for, post your code or part of it, give us more information.
With a while (true) my page didn't even load. But I finally brought it to life by adding two event listeners listening to "playing" and "pause" which invoke the startstoptimer function.
audio.addEventListener("playing", startstoptimer);
audio.addEventListener("pause", startstoptimer);
those two lines were all it needed :)

Disable a button for 30 seconds

I have a button (where I can't change any of the HMTL) that clicks to save an answer to a question.
I want to disable this button for 30 seconds so that they cannot answer the question unless 30 seconds has passed. I don't know much javascript but I was told this can be used to do this.
Here is the html code that I cant change in any way:
<input type="submit" class="btnLarge" value="Submit" name="submit">
I thought maybe I can use the getElementByClassName but I'm not sure how that will be called. Can anyone help?
Starts with your button disabled, Notice added disabled attribute
<input type="submit" class="btnLarge" value="Submit" name="submit" disabled>
If you can't change HTML
document.getElementsByName("submit")[0].disabled = true;
To enable after 30 seconds
Here use setTimeout, to enable it after 30 seconds. In the anonymus function of setTimeout.
To identify element you can use document.getElementsByName, it returns a list of elements with a given name in the (X)HTML document. Thus to access first element [0] is used
Modify the DOM property is also called disabled and is a boolean that takes true or false.
var element = document.getElementsByName("submit")[0] ;
element.disabled = false;
}, 30000);
Complete Code
window.onload = function(){
document.getElementsByName("submit")[0].disabled = true;
var element = document.getElementsByName("submit")[0] ;
element.disabled = false;
}, 30000);
Try this
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout (function(){
document.getElementById('submitButton').disabled = null;
var countdownNum = 30;
function incTimer(){
setTimeout (function(){
if(countdownNum != 0){
document.getElementById('timeLeft').innerHTML = 'Time left: ' + countdownNum + ' seconds';
} else {
document.getElementById('timeLeft').innerHTML = 'Ready!';
<input type="submit" disabled="disabled" id="submitButton" />
<p id="timeLeft">Time Left: 30 seconds</p>
You could try something like this:
var element = document.getElementById('submitBtn');
element.disabled = true;
element.disabled = false;
}, 30000);
I would create a re-usable function that takes the specified amount of time and the className as inputs.
function disableElementForSpecifiedTime(className, disabledTime_milliseconds)
var element = document.getElementsByClassName(className)[0];
element.disabled = true;
element.disabled = false;
}, disabledTime_milliseconds);
Call it like this
disableElementForSpecifiedTime("btnLarge", 3000)
In the name of usability I would recommend highlighting the button when it's enabled, perhaps by making it bigger for a moment, using a jquery animation.
try this
in javasript
var i=0;
window.onload = function() {
window.setTimeout(setdis, 30000);
function setdis() {
document.getElementsByName('submit')[0].disabled = false;
good luck
Add the attributes disabled and id="submit-form" to your button.
window.setTimeout(setEnabled, 30000);
function setEnabled() {
var submitButton = document.getElementById('submit-form');
if (submitButton) {
submitButton.disabled = false;
<input type="submit" class="btnLarge" value="Submit" name="submit" id="submit-form" disabled>
As you can't change the html, you can use javascript functions. Give an id to your button.
Make it disabled on page load.
<input type="submit" class="btnLarge" value="Submit" name="submit" disabled="disabled" id="saveAns">
Then you can use a timer function to enable it after 30 seconds
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload=function() { setTimeout(function()
document.getElementById('saveAns').disabled = false;},30000);

