HTML5 Dragend event didn't fire in firefox - javascript

I am making some changes on drag start and want to revert them if drop fails. I wrote this logic in a function triggered by dragend. This works perfect in Chrome but in firefox 'Dragend' event is not fired.
Can anyone tell me something about this behaviour? I am using firefox 22.0 on ubantu.
Code is as below
$(".view-controller").on("dragover", that.dragOverMain);
$(".view-controller").on("dragenter", that.dragEnterMain);
$(".view-controller").on("dragexit dragleave", that.dragExitMain);
$(".view-controller").on("dragend", that.dragEndMain);
$(".view-controller").on("drop", that.dropMain);
$(".view-controller").children().on("dragstart", function(e) {
$(".view-controller").children().on("dragend", function(e) {
dragStartChild: function(e) { console.log('dragStartChild'); },
dragEndMain: function(e) { console.log('dragEndMain'); e.preventDefault(); },
dropMain: function(e) { console.log('dropMain'); e.preventDefault(); },
dragExitMain: function(e) { console.log('dragExitMain'); e.preventDefault(); },
dragEnterMain: function(e) { console.log('dragEnterMain'); e.preventDefault(); },
dragOverMain: function(e) { console.log('dragOverMain'); e.preventDefault(); },

Firefox requires drag data to be set (event.dataTransfer.setData(...)) in the dragstart event. Without setting this data the dragstart event will fire, but the dragend event won't.
To make another HTML element draggable, three things must be done:
Set the draggable attribute to true on the element that you wish to make draggable.
Add a listener for the dragstart event
Set the drag data within the listener defined above.
<div draggable="true" ondragstart="event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'This text may be dragged')">
This text <strong>may</strong> be dragged.

Try this instead.
<div ondragend="dragEndMain(event)" class="viewcontroller">
<!-- some html -->
Basically bind the javascript event in html itself.

Worth adding here that Firefox has a bug that causes dragend to not fire if you're moving or deleting DOM elements as a part of your Drag and Drop functionality.
Moving the DOM manipulations into my method called on dragend solved this problem for me.


Drag event not firing with angular 2

I have a canvas and I want users to be able to drag graphic elements around it. Thus, I don't want the canvas itself to drag, but I want to handle dragstart, drag, and drop events when the mouse does those things.
I'm using Angular 2, so I have:
<!-- editor.component.html -->
<div #rendererContainer
Then in editor.component.ts:
onDragStart(event) {
onDrag(event) {
onDragEnd(event) {
console.log('drag end');
When I try dragging something, I get starting printed in the console, but that's it. How do I get the other drag events to fire? Do I have to roll my own dragging from mousedown/move/up events?
Stand-alone example on stackblitz. I want "dragging" the div around to fire dragstart/drag/drop events, but it only fires the starting one.
You do not have to use event.preventDefault(). This is only necessary if you want to use pure JS.
Try this Stackblitz:
Also refer to the MDN implementation guide to choose the right events for your purposes:
Further steps
If you want to modify the dragged element, simply implement some CSS adjustments inside your dragstart and dragend handler of the
onDragStart(event: DragEvent) {
console.log(`starting`, event);
// Hide dragged element = 0;
onDragEnd(event: DragEvent) {
console.log('drag end', event);
// Show dragged element again = 1;
With you have the complete manipulable DOM element of the dragged element.
try with
onDragOver(event) {
// do something
onDragLeave(event) {
// do something

Meteor Event Selectors for more complex events

I am trying to get a event handler in meteorjs to work as expected:
The White box should be clickable, if it is clicked, I need to call a function that closes or opens a chapter
when clicking the greyish text (which is a contenteditable <div>) you should be able to edit that contenteditable and has a class .editable
My Problem: I have declared an event handler like this:
'click .chapter-box': (e) ->
how would it be possible to prevent that above event handler from firing when I click the contenteditable to edit it?
I already about something like this in the first line of the event handler
if $("editable"):
but it did not work
You can do something like this:
<template name="ChapterBox">
<div class="chapter-box">
<div class='editable'>Text</div>
'click .chapter-box': function (event, template) {
console.log("clicked chapter-box: ", event.currentTarget);
'click .editable': function(event,template){
console.log("clicked editable: ", event.currentTarget);
Check this MeteorPad for a working example.
Event.stopPropagation() prevents the event from bubbling up the DOM tree, preventing any parent handlers from being notified of the event.
I had the same problem, this worked for me:
if ( == "editable") {
console.log("clicked editable");
} else {
console.log("clicked chapter-box");

Adding event listener on a replaced HTML DOM

I am using the tooltipster jquery plugin to show title in a nicer way. In my site there is a link with two classes .fav tooltip
<div class="actsave">
The .tooltip is use to take the above anchor title and display it according to the tooltipster plugin.
This works just fine, but when a user will click on this link the entire DOM will be replace with a new DOM.
$("div.actsave").on("click", "a.fav", function(e){
At this point no events are occurring with the new anchor with .del class.
My question is how i can add a event listener to this newly created dom in jquery?
After doing some research i fix it this way:
$("div.actsave").on("mouseover mouseout", "a.del", function(e){
but it seems that we are adding same event again and again without any reason to the dom when we hover the link, so here is the question can we add an event listener to this newly created dom just for once?
$("div.actsave").on("click", "a.fav", function(e){
var newElement = $('Delete');
Create a flag to keep track using data()
$("div.actsave").on("mouseover mouseout", "a.del", function (e) {
if (!$(this).data('triggered')) {
$('triggered', true);

Prevent keydown() from being captured by document binding

I'm not exactly sure how to phrase this, so I couldn't search it. Basically, I have a keydown() bind on $(document). I'd like to show() another div, and have all keydown events be rerouted to this div and prevented from firing off in the document handler. Is this even possible, or would I have to put all my main keybindings on another div and work from there?
e.stopPropagation, or
e.preventDefault (depending on the situation)
Where e is the event.
function onKeyDown(e) {
e.preventDefault() will prevent the default behaviour of an event. What you need is to use
e.stopPropagation(), so that the event does not bubble up the DOM structure.
$(element).keydown(function(e) {
// do the task
// allow the default behaviour also
//^. BUT stop the even bubbling up right here
e.stopProgation(), can be bit confusing to grasp on the first but I created a demo with click event to explain it.
Hope it helps!!
​$(document).on('keydown', function (evt) {
$('#foo').on('keydown', function (evt) {
return false; // this is very important. Without it, you'll get an endless loop.
The only way I can think of to even have a keydown event run on something other than an input or document, is to manually trigger it. You could have a global variable keep track of whether or not your div is showing, then trigger the event on your div accordingly.
Here's one such solution
Show div
<div id="hiddendiv"></div>​
var showing = false;
function showdiv()
showing = true;
// Set up events on page ready
$(function() {
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
// If the div is showing, trigger it's keydown
// event and return
$('#hiddendiv').data('keydown_event', e).keydown();
return true;
alert('Document keydown! Keycode: ' + e.keyCode);
// Otherwise do the normal keydown stuff...
// Keydown for the hidden div
$('#hiddendiv').keydown(function() {
e = $(this).data('keydown_event');
alert('Hiddendiv keydown! Keycode: ' + e.keyCode);
// Make sure to stop propagation, or the events
// will loop for ever
return false;
As you can see, the #hiddendiv keydown event is being triggered by the document keydown event. I've also included a slight hack to get the event object to the hidden div using the jQuery data function.
Here's a demonstration of the code:

Hide a DIV when it loses focus/blur

I have a JavaScript that displays a DIV (sets its display css property from 'none' to 'normal'. Is there a way to give it focus as well so that when I click somewhere else on the page, the DIV loses focus and its display property is set to none (basically hiding it). I'm using JavaScript and jQuery
For the hide the div when clicking any where on page except the selecteddiv
$(document).not("#selecteddiv").click(function() {
if you want to hide the div with lost focus or blur with animation then also
$("#selecteddiv").focusout(function() {
with animation
$("#selecteddiv").focusout(function() {
May this will help you
The examples already given unfortunately do not work if you have an iframe on your site and then click inside the iframe. Attaching the event to the document will only attach it to same document that your element is in.
You could also attach it to any iframes you're using, but most browsers won't let you do this if the iframe has loaded content from another domain.
The best way to do this is to copy what's done in the jQuery UI menubar plugin.
Basic example HTML:
<div id="menu">Click here to show the menu
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
And the jQuery needed to make it work:
var timeKeeper;
$('#menu ul').show();
$('#menu ul').click(function()
timeKeeper = setTimeout(function() {$('#menu ul').hide()}, 150);
$('#menu').attr('tabIndex', -1);
$('#menu ul').hide();
What it does is give the menu a tab index, so that it can be considered to have focus. Now that you've done that you can use the focusout event handler on the menu. This will fire whenever it has been considered to lose focus. Unfortunately, clicking some child elements will trigger the focusout event (example clicking links) so we need to disable hiding the menu if any child elements have been clicked.
Because the focusout event gets called before the click event of any children, the way to achieve this is by setting a small timeout before hiding the element, and then a click on any child elements should clear this timeout, meaning the menu doesn't get hidden.
Here is my working jsfiddle example
$(document).mouseup(function (e)
var container = $("YOUR CONTAINER SELECTOR");
if (! container.has( === 0)
You can bind a function on click of body and check if its the current div using (e is the event)
$(document).ready(function () {
$("body").click(function(e) {
if($('id') === "div-id") {
else {
Regarding mouse clicks, see the other answers.
However regarding lost focus, .focusout is not the event to attach to, but rather .focusin. Why? Consider the following popup:
<div class="popup">
<input type="text" name="t1">
<input type="text" name="t2">
What happens on moving from t1 to t2:
t1 sends focusout, which bubbles up to $('.popup').focusout
t2 sends focusin, which bubbles up to $('.popup').focusin
... so you get both types of event even though the focus stayed completely inside the popup.
The solution is to analogous to the magic trick done with .click:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('html').focusin(function() {
$('.popup').focusin(function(ev) {
(side note: I found the .not(...) solution not working bc. of event bubbling).
Bonus: working fiddle click me - open the popup, then try tabbing through the inputs.
I was also looking for this and here I found the solution This may be useful for future readers.
The mouseleave event differs from mouseout in the way it handles event bubbling. If mouseout were used in this example, then when the mouse pointer moved out of the Inner element, the handler would be triggered. This is usually undesirable behavior. The mouseleave event, on the other hand, only triggers its handler when the mouse leaves the element it is bound to, not a descendant.
On triggering mouseup() event, we can check the click is inside the div or a descendant and take action accordingly.
$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
var divContent= $(".className");
if(! && divContent.has( === 0) {
I personally haven't tried blur on divs, only on inputs etc. If blur eventhandler works, it's perfect and use it. If it doesn't, you could check this out:
jQuery animate when <div> loses focus
$('.menu > li').click(function() {
$('.menu > li').children('ul').stop().slideUp('fast');
Showing is easy
$('somewhere').click(function {$('#foo').show();})
For hiding
How do I hide a div when it loses its focus?
With jQuery you can hide elements with hide(), ex: $("#foo").hide()
Hide element in event listener:
$("#foo").blur(function() {

