Is it possible to use HTML/Javascript to browse another website - javascript

Is it possible to use HTML/Javascript to browse another website?
I am able to access a website (a wiki) using a browser. The site has a Kerberos/SSO authentication mechanism, which I am unable to log in to using anything other than Internet Explorer.
What I would like to do is to create a backup of the contents on the site recursively (it is a Wiki). I tried this with Java, but I am unable to log in. So I figured, can I create a HTML/Javascript tool that accesses the site from within IE? I tried using frames, having my tool in one frame and the Wiki in another, but that doesn't seem to work.
Thanks, Kjeld

Cross domain is not possible.
You can try this plugin: LINK

Open on a IFrame, and then use JQuery to navigate:
<iframe id="site2" ...>
and, on jquery:
$('#field', '#site2')...


Preview and edit external website

I have a difficult one
I am trying to show an external website within my page (currently using an iframe)
The trick is I want to be able to edit the site
e.g. I really want to show a preview of another website that I can modify.
Not sure if there is any tools out there, was thinking of using a jquery request to create a page within my domain that I can edit?
Any advice?
If that would be possible from within the browser, that would be a bug.
The way you should do it, is creating some sort of a proxy on your own domain/server, and fetch the site through there. Then you're allowed to access the iframe and edit whatever you like.
Of course, the site won't run like it normally would, since it can't use its own cookies, AJAX calls, etc.
I think this js library could inspire you something!

Use JS or some applet to create a screenshot in Firefox?

I'm creating a personal home page, due to the fact that iGoogle will be discontinued. One of the things I'm trying to create, is a speed dial-type interface, with website thumbnails as links, and I'd like to automate this process.
I've attempted screenshot automation a few years back with linux and the webkit engine. And it's fine. But my problem is, that I want the screenshots to be from my browser, i.e. my Gmail inbox, not the login page I'd get if attempting a remote screenshot.
I thought of using html2canvas but again, I'd have to load the source of the webpages remotely using a proxy, and that's not what I want. Another attempt of mine, was to load the website in an iframe, extract the source, and pass it on to html2canvas. Unfortunately most websites like google, facebook etc don't allow embeding their websites into iframes, so I'm still stuck.
How do plugins like FoxTab, and SpeedDial make the screenshots from within the browser without popups etc? They do it "browser side" silently, is it possible to duplicate this using just JavaScript? Or is there a way I could accomplish the same in another way, perhaps with a custom addon or something?..
Have you considered using a service like ? is also a great service for that if you want to do it yourself.
Take a look at phatomjs. We use it to take screenshots of all our hosted sites periodically. Phantomjs is a headless Webkit implementation.

Convert HTML page into image using Javascript

EDIT: I want to achieve it by with out using any third party software..My application is a SAP product and I cannot go to every customer and install that software in his system.
I have the following scenario.. There is a button in my webiste(ofcourse,its a business applicaion) named "Save as image".so whenever user presses that button the content of the page has to be converted to image file and saved in his system.
Can we achieve it by either javascript or jquery?
If we cannot do it in javascript ,can we do it in SAP BSP,since my application is being developed in SAP BSP?
I had already searched in this site and found one solution which only works in Firefox extesnion. But I need a cross-browser solution which must work for IE,Chromer,ect.
The way to do this would be render the HTML page in hidden <canvas> element and then saving the canvas content as an image.
It is possible, but you won't have perfect rendering output or a solution working on legacy browsers.
Please see
for more information.
Alternatively submit a stateless page URL to the server-side where a headless browser renders the page and takes a screenshot using Selenium automation. If the page is public some web services exist for this too.
One easy but partial IE solution, it uses ActiveX so not crosswbrowser and a general one that is a bit more cumbersome
The IE solution
function printScreen(){
var oWordBasic;
if (window.ActiveXObject){
oWordBasic = new ActiveXObject("Word.Basic");
oWordBasic.SendKeys('%{PRTSC}'); //or if the above doesnt work..
//save or transfer the clipboard contensts
The general solution:
Use a screen capture utility like Gadwin PrintScreen, it's for windows but i'm sure there are the like for Linux and Mac. You can define a hotkey and let this save the image to a fixed location with autonumbering. The program doesn't need to be installed, it's portable so it can reside on a networkshare.
you may also try to create java applet or jar included into site that would capture some part of the screen or browser. i saw mechanism for real time screen sharing based on jar loaded files, but i didn't see the code.
here is some lib for java html into image conversion
heres simmilar topic
How to capture selected screen of other application using java?

capture a part of a website with javascript or flash

We want to make a website that has kind of a 'photocamera' on it. The ideas is that the user can place this camera somewhere on the website and create a 'screenshot' of it and store it in a database, or send it to the website owner.
Is there any chance to realize this with JavaScript or Flash for all browsers?
Well this is not cross browser, but there is a Chrome Plugin at
Screen Capture (by Google)
You can rename the .crx to .zip. Then extract it and check out how they did the trick.
I'm afraid you have to create custom solutions for the different browsers which is hard. but it sounds not impossible!

Alternatives to iframe for loading cross-site HTML when using iPhone?

I apologize if this has been asked before. I searched but did not find anything. It is a well-known limitation of AJAX requests (such as jQuery $.get) that they have to be within the same domain for security reasons. And it is a well-known workaround for this problem to use iframes to pull down some arbitrary HTML from another website and then you can inspect the contents of this HTML using javascript which communicates between the iframe and the parent page.
However, this doesn't work on the iPhone. In some tests I have found that iframes in the Safari iPhone browser only show content if it is content from the same site. Otherwise, they show a blank content area.
Is there any way around this? Are there other alternatives to using iframes that would allow me to pull the HTML from a different domain's page into javascript on my page?
One answer mentioned JSONP. This doesn't help me because from what I understand JSONP requires support on the server I'm requesting data from, which isn't the case.
That same answer mentioned creating a proxy script on my server and loading data through there. Unfortunately this also doesn't work in my case. The site I'm trying to request data from requires user login. And I don't want my server to have to know the user's credentials. I was hoping to use something client-side so that my app wouldn't have to know the user's credentials at the other site.
I'm prepared to accept that there is no way to accomplish what I want to do on the iPhone. I just wanted to confirm it.
You generally can NOT inspect the contents of an iframe from another domain via JavaScript. The most common answers are to use JSONP or have your original server host a proxy script to retrieve the inner contents for you.
Given your revisions, without modification or support from the secondary site, you are definitely not going to be able to do what you want via the iPhone's browser.
"In some tests I have found that iframes in the Safari iPhone browser only show content if it is content from the same site"
I found the same thing. Is this documented somewhere? Is there a workaround? This sounds like broken web standards to me, and I am wondering if there is a solution.

