Validate radio button that depends on a value in database - javascript
def method(request):
settings = Setting.objects.get(user = user)
return render(request,'index.html',{'settings':settings})
class Settings(models.Model):
date_format = models.BooleanField(default=False)
var format1 = document.getElementById("id_date_format_1");
var format2 = document.getElementById("id_date_format_2");
if (settings.date_format == True)
$('format1' = checked)
$('format0' = checked)
I want to validate the radio button. I am uisng django.
So if the value in date_format is 1, I need to show the radio button as checked otherwise unchecked.
I tried with the above code but it does not work.

so; django template tag render "{{ settings.date_format }}" --> True or False ok ? date_format variable replace boolean javascript.
var format0 = document.getElementById("id_date_format_0");
var format1 = document.getElementById("id_date_format_1");
var date_format = "{{ settings.date_format }}" == "True" ? true : false;
if (date_format) {
format0.checked = true;
} else {
format1.checked = true;

Use:- $('#format1').attr( "checked", "checked" ) to check the radio button
var format1 = document.getElementById("id_date_format_1");
var format2 = document.getElementById("id_date_format_2");
if (settings.date_format == True)
$('#format1').attr( "checked", "checked" )
$('#format0').attr( "checked", "checked" )


javascript - Confirm/Cancel before onclick button function

I have a button that submits a payment for my website using a function that's defined in an external file. I want to add in an alert box popup for confirming or cancelling the function that's called with the button's onclick. I'm familiar with javascript, however, I'm not sure of how exactly to call the function within another if it's defined externally.
What I have:
<script type="text/javascript">
var $jj = jQuery.noConflict();
$jj(document).ready(function () {
$jj('.alertbox').on('click', function () {
var _this = $jj(this);
title: 'Confirm!',
content: 'Are you sure?',
buttons: {
confirm: function; {
cancel: function () {
Button phtml:
<button type="submit" title="<?php echo Mage::helper('core')->quoteEscape($this->__('Place Order')) ?>" class="button btn-checkout alertbox" onclick=";" ><span><span><?php echo $this->__('Place Order') ?></span></span></button>
I know this does not work, as I get the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: review is not defined
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick
Do I get rid of the onclick?
Is there a more efficient way of doing this? Maybe using a form and input rather than button?
$('#press').on('click', function(){
var val = validate();
if(val == true){
var r = confirm("Submit form!")
var txt;
if (r == true) {
txt = "You pressed OK!";
//$( "#myform" ).submit(); //use this for submitting the form
} else {
txt = "You pressed Cancel!";
alert(txt); //this line of code for test reasons
alert("input fields empty");
function validate(){
var val = true;
var teste1 = $("#input1").val();
var teste2 = $("#input2").val();
if(teste1== "" || teste1 == null){
var val = false;
//some css and jquery to change the input color
if(teste2 == "" || teste2 == null){
var val = false;
//some css and jquery to change the input color
return val;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<form id = "myform" action="test.php" method="post">
<input type = "text" id ="input1" value = "">
<input type = "text" id ="input2" value = "">
<button id = "press" type="button">Click Me!</button>

php and javascript form validation issue

I have created a form using bootstrap and am using javascript for form validation and then a php script to grab the post data and display it
the basic structure is the following and I have made this as minimal as I could to address this specific issue. The issue I am having is that the script to check for the form validation works perfectly in the <script> tags at the end of the body, but instead of preventing the page from being submitted as it should it still processes to the next page with the form's contents that are being made through the php post action when the form is indeed not filled out correctly.
Why is this? Should the form validation still not stop the page from moving on to the post data since the validation is returning false if the form has not been submitted correctly. All the form validation alerts pop up correctly and I;m getting no console errors after checking, or do I need to perform an additional check to only process the post data if the form is valid?
other tags.....
<form name = "OrderForm" action = "process_order.php" onsubmit = "orderbutton" method = "post">
a bunch of content, divs, checkboxes, etc
function CheckForm() {
var Name = document.getElementById("Name");
var fries = document.forms.OrderForm.FryRadio;
var fryyes = fries[0].checked
var fryno = fries[1].checked
var bool = true;
if ((Name.value == "" || Name.value == "Name") || (!(document.getElementById("SandwichRadio").checked || document.getElementById("WrapRadio").checked))) {
bool = false;
else if (!(fryyes || fryno)) {
bool = false;
if (!(bool)) {
alert("Please fill out all of the required fields.");
return false;
else {
alert("Your order is being submitted");
You should call function on submit , I dont know what are you doing with current onsubmit='...'
So use following, call function when you submit the form.
<form name = "OrderForm" action = "process_order.php" onsubmit = "return CheckForm()" method = "post">
a bunch of content, divs, checkboxes, etc
For demo : Check Fiddle
first of all what you can do is:
you do not need the !fryes in another if statement:
you can do it also in the first if:
if ((Name.value == "" || Name.value == "Name") || (!(document.getElementById("SandwichRadio").checked || document.getElementById("WrapRadio").checked)) || ( (!(fryyes || fryno))) {
bool = false;
also what you can do is if bool is false, disable your submit button if there is any?
you can also do an onchange on the texboxes, that way you can validate each text box or checkbox one by one. and have the bool true and false?
I did something like this on jquery long time ago, for validation, where I checked each texbox or dropdown against database and then validate, aswell..
The code is below
var works=true;
//Coding for the captcha, to see if the user has typed the correct text
// userid: $("#userlogin").val(),
mocaptcha: $("#mycaptcha").val(),
document.getElementById("final_error").innerHTML="Captcha did not match";
//Works like a flag, if any mistake in the form it will turn to false
//Coding the submit button...
var arrLang = [];
var arrPrf = [];
uid = $("#userid").val();
capc = $('#mycaptcha').val();
pwd = $("#pwd1").val();
fname = $("#fname").val();
lname = $("#lname").val();
email = $("#memail").val();
pass = $("#pwd2, #pwd1").val();
daysel = $('#dayselect').val();
monthsel = $('#monthselect').val();
yearsel = $('#yearselect').val();
agree_term = $('#agree_box').prop('checked');
//checks if the textboxes are empty it will change the flag to false;
if((!uid) || (!capc) ||(!fname) || (!lname) || (!email) || (!pass) || (!daysel) || (!monthsel) || (!yearsel) || (!agree_term)){
document.getElementById('final_error').innerHTML ="<font size='1.3px' color='red'>Please fill the form, accept the agreement and re-submit your form</font>";
//A jquery function, that goes through the array of selects and then adds them to the array called arrLang
$('[id=lang]').each(function (i, item) {
var lang = $(item).val();
//A jquery function, that goes through the array of select prof and then adds them to the array called arrprf
$('[id=prof]').each(function (i, item) {
var prof = $(item).val();
var data0 = {fname: fname, mlname : lname, userid : uid,password:pwd, emailid : email, mylanguage : arrLang, proficient : arrPrf, dob : yearsel+"-"+monthsel+"-"+daysel};
//var json = JSON2.stringify(data0 );
// userid: $("#userlogin").val(),
json: data0,
window.location = 'Registered.php';
//to open the agreement in a seperate page to read it..
$("#load_agreement").click(function () {"agreement.html", "PopupWindow", "width=600,height=600,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no");
//A code that loads, another page inside the agreement div
$( "#agreement" ).load( "agreement.html" );
//This part here will keep generating, duplicate of the language and profeciency box, incase someone needs it
//we select the box clone it and insert it after the box
//this part here generates number 1-31 and adds into month and days
for(i=1; i<=31; i++){
$('#dayselect').append($('<option>', {value:i, text:i}));
$('#monthselect').append($('<option>', {value:i, text:i}));
//this code here generates years, will work for the last, 120 years
year=(new Date).getFullYear()-120;
i = (new Date).getFullYear()-16;
for(i; i>=year; i--){
$('#yearselect').append($('<option>', {value:i, text:i}));
//Regex Patterns
var pass = /^[a-z0-9\.\-\)\(\_)]+$/i;
var uname = /^[a-z0-9\.\-]+$/i;
var mname = /^[a-z ]+$/i;
var emailReg = /^([\w-\.]+#([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/;
//When the Last Name texbox is changing this will be invoked
//comparing the above regex to the value in the texbox, if not from the box then send error
//fill the textbox label with error
document.getElementById("fname_error").innerHTML="<font color='red' size='2px' family='verdana'>Invalid FirstName</font>";
works = true;
});//end of fname onchange
//When the Last Name texbox is changint this will be invoked
//comparing the above regex to the value in the texbox
//fill the textbox label with error
document.getElementById("lname_error").innerHTML="<font color='red' size='2px' family='verdana'>Invalid LastName</font>";
works = true;
});//end of lname on change
//When the userid textbox is chaning,this will be invoked
//comparing the above regex to the value in the texbox
//fill the textbox label with error
document.getElementById("userid_error").innerHTML="<font color='red' size='2px' family='verdana'>Invalid UserId</font>";
else if($("#userid").val().length<4){
//fill the textbox label with error
document.getElementById("userid_error").innerHTML="<font color='red' size='2px' family='verdana'>Minimum user length is 4</font>";
//disable the submit button
// userid: $("#userlogin").val(),
userid: $("#userid").val(),
works = true;
});//end of change
//When the userid textbox is chaning,this will be invoked
//comparing the above regex to the value in the texbox
//fill the textbox label with error
document.getElementById("email_error").innerHTML="<font color='red' size='2px' family='verdana'>Invalid Email</font>";
works = true;
useremail: $("#memail").val(),
works = true;
});//end of change
//When the userid textbox is chaning,this will be invoked
//checking length of the password
document.getElementById("pwd_error").innerHTML="<font color='red' size='2px' family='verdana'>Please enter a password minimum 10 characters</font>";
$("#pwd1, pwd2").css("border-color","rgba(0,255,100,.6)");
//checking if the password matches
else if($("#pwd1").val()!=$("#pwd2").val()){
document.getElementById("pwd_error").innerHTML="<font color='red' size='2px' family='verdana'>Passwords do not match</font>";
$("#pwd1, pwd2").css("border-color","rgba(0,255,100,.6)");
$("#pwd1, #pwd2").css("border-color","rgba(0,0,0,.3)");
//comparing the above regex to the value in the texbox and checking if the lenght is atleast 10
//fill the textbox label with error
document.getElementById("pwd_error").innerHTML="<font color='red' size='1px' family='verdana'>Your password contains invalid character, Please use: a-z 0-9.( )_- only</font>";
$("#pwd1, #pwd2").css("border-color","rgba(255,0,0,.6");
works = false;
$("#pwd1 , #pwd2").css("border-color","rgba(0,255,100,.6)");
works = true;
});//end of change
});//end of document ready

How to check drop-down values using JavaScript

I have drop-down and Textbox inside a Gridview so I want to check the followings on a button click:
(1) Check if NOTHING is selected from the drop down first (the drop-down options are either YES, NO or NA) . If nothing is selected, I want to show message that reads like this “Please make selection from the drop-down”
(2) If the selection from the drop-down is NO and the Textbox is blank or empty then I want to show message that says: “Please provide comments”
The first code checks if the text-box is blank and it works and the 2nd code checks if no selection is made from the drop down and that one works fine too so how can i combine between those 2 codes? I want to execute both codes on button click, right now it is only calling the first code. please help. Thanks.
here is my code that checks if the textbox is blank:
<script type ="text/javascript">
function Validate() {
var flag = false;
var gridView = document.getElementById('<%= GridView1.ClientID %>');
for (var i = 1; i < gridView.rows.length; i++) {
var selects = gridView.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('select');
var areas = gridView.rows[i].getElementsByTagName('textarea');
if (selects != null && areas != null) {
if (areas[0].type == "textarea") {
var txtval = areas[0].value;
var selectval = selects[0].value;
if (selectval == "No" && (txtval == "" || txtval == null)) {
flag = false;
else {
flag = true;
document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID%>').style.visibility = 'visible';
if (!flag) {
alert('Please note that comments are required if you select "No" from the dropdown box. Thanks');
document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID%>').style.visibility = 'hidden';
return flag;
and here is the code that checks the drop-down
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate_DD() {
var flag = true;
var dropdowns = new Array(); //Create array to hold all the dropdown lists.
var gridview = document.getElementById('<%=GridView1.ClientID%>'); //GridView1 is the id of ur gridview.
dropdowns = gridview.getElementsByTagName('Select'); //Get all dropdown lists contained in GridView1.
for (var i = 0; i < dropdowns.length; i++) {
if (dropdowns.item(i).value == 'Select') //If dropdown has no selected value
flag = false;
break; //break the loop as there is no need to check further.
if (!flag) {
alert('Please select either Yes, No or NA in each dropdown and click the Save button again. Thanks');
document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID%>').style.visibility = 'hidden';
return flag;
Try this:
<select id="ddlCars">
<option value="1">Honda</option>
<option value="2" selected="selected">Toyota</option>
<option value="3">BMW</option>
Accessing dropdown:
To get the value:
var el = document.getElementById("ddlCars");
var val = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; // val will be 2
To get the text:
var el = document.getElementById("ddlCars");
var car = el.options[el.selectedIndex].text; //car will be Toyota

use variables in "document.Form1.checkbox.checked == true"

document.Form1.checkbox.checked == true
can i substitute Form1 and checkbox by javascript variables??
var a= checkbox;
var b= Form1;
document.b.a.checked == true
You can do it like this:
var form = 'Form1';
var field = 'checkbox';
document[form][field].checked == true
Also you can give ID for that checkbox and then use it.
document.getElementById('checkbox1').checked == true

How do I prevent JavaScript error message from hiding after just first of multiple corrections?

I have a form that validates user input. When the user clicks the submit button and one or more required fields are empty, a "Required" message appears to the right of the field or label and a general message at the top and bottom. This seems to work fine. However, when I test the form by updating one of the empty required fields, the general messages vanish even though other required fields remain blank. How can I prevent this? I appreciate any assistance. Thanks--DJH
$(document).ready(function() {
var isErrorFree = true;
$('input.required, select.required, textarea.required',this).each(function(){
if ( validateElement.isValid(this) == false ){
isErrorFree = false;
return isErrorFree;
return getFocus;
}); // close .submit()
var validateElement = {
var isValid = true;
var $element = $(element);
var id = $element.attr('id');
var name = $element.attr('name');
var value = $element.val();
var hideMsg = true;
// <input> uses type attribute as written in tag
// <textarea> has intrinsic type of 'textarea'
// <select> has intrinsic type of 'select-one' or 'select-multiple'
var type = $element[0].type.toLowerCase();
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
case 'password':
if ( value.length == 0 ||
value.replace(/\s/g,'').length == 0 ){ isValid = false; hideMsg = false; }
case 'select-one':
case 'select-multiple':
if( !value ){ isValid = false; hideMsg = false; }
case 'checkbox':
case 'radio':
if( $('input[name="' + name +
'"]:checked').length == 0 ){ isValid = false; hideMsg = false; };
} // close switch()
var method = isValid ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass';
var msgStat = hideMsg ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass';
if ( type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio' ) {
// if radio button or checkbox, find all inputs with the same name
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').each(function(){
// update each input elements <label> tag, (this==<input>)
$('#errorMessage_' + name)[method]('showErrorMessage');
} else {
// all other elements just update one <label>
$('#errorMessage_' + name)[method]('showErrorMessage');
// $('#errorMessage1')[msgStat]('showErrorMessage');
// $('#errorMessage2')[msgStat]('showErrorMessage');
// after initial validation, allow elements to re-validate on change
.bind('change.isValid',function(){ validateElement.isValid(this); });
return isValid;
// close validateElement.isValid()
// close validateElement object
// close ready object
Do you need to specifically write your own validation script?
Seems a lot of what you're testing for is covered in the jQuery validation plugin -
Might make life easier

