Move HTML5 Canvas with a background image - javascript

I want to visualize a huge diagram that is drawn in a HTML5 canvas. As depicted below, let’s imagine the world map, it’s impossible to visualize it all at the same time with a “decent” detail. Therefore, in my canvas I would like to be able to pan over it using the mouse to see the other countries that are not visible.
Does anyone know how to implement this sort of panning in a HTML5 canvas? Another feature would be the zoom in and out.
I've seen a few examples but I couldn't get them working nor they seam to address my question.
Thanks in advance!

To achieve a panning functionality with a peep-hole it's simply a matter of two draw operations, one full and one clipped.
To get this result you can do the following (see full code here):
Setup variables:
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
ix = 0, iy = 0, /// image position
offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0, /// current offsets
deltaX, deltaY, /// deltas from mouse down
mouseDown = false, /// in mouse drag
img = null, /// background
rect, /// rect position
rectW = 200, rectH = 150; /// size of highlight area
Set up the main functions that you use to set size according to window size (including on resize):
/// calc canvas w/h in relation to window as well as
/// setting rectangle in center with the pre-defined
/// width and height
function setSize() {
canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
rect = [canvas.width * 0.5 - rectW * 0.5,
canvas.height * 0.5 - rectH * 0.5,
rectW, rectH]
/// window resize so recalc canvas and rect
window.onresize = setSize;
The main function in this is the draw function. Here we draw the image on the position calculated by mouse moving (see next section).
First step to get that washed-out look is to set alpha down to about 0.2 (you could also draw a transparent rectangle on top but this is more efficient).
Then draw the complete image.
Reset alpha
Draw the peep-hole using clipping with corrected offsets for the source.
/// main draw
function update() {
if (img === null) return;
/// limit x/y as drawImage cannot draw with negative
/// offsets for clipping
if (ix + offsetX > rect[0]) ix = rect[0] - offsetX;
if (iy + offsetY > rect[1]) iy = rect[1] - offsetY;
/// clear background to clear off garbage
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
/// make everything transparent
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;
/// draw complete background
ctx.drawImage(img, ix + offsetX, iy + offsetY);
/// reset alpha as we need opacity for next draw
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
/// draw a clipped version of the background and
/// adjust for offset and image position
ctx.drawImage(img, -ix - offsetX + rect[0], /// sx
-iy - offsetY + rect[1], /// sy
rect[2], rect[3], /// sw/h
/// destination
rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
/// make a nice sharp border by offsetting it half pixel
ctx.strokeRect(rect[0] + 0.5, rect[1] + 0.5, rect[2], rect[3]);
Now it's a matter of handling mouse down, move and up and calculate the offsets -
In the mouse down we store current mouse positions that we'll use for calculating deltas on mouse move:
canvas.onmousedown = function(e) {
/// don't do anything until we have an image
if (img === null) return;
/// correct mouse pos
var coords = getPos(e),
x = coords[0],
y = coords[1];
/// store current position to calc deltas
deltaX = x;
deltaY = y;
/// here we go..
mouseDown = true;
Here we use the deltas to avoid image jumping setting the corner to mouse position. The deltas are transferred as offsets to the update function:
canvas.onmousemove = function(e) {
/// in a drag?
if (mouseDown === true) {
var coords = getPos(e),
x = coords[0],
y = coords[1];
/// offset = current - original position
offsetX = x - deltaX;
offsetY = y - deltaY;
/// redraw what we have so far
And finally on mouse up we make the offsets a permanent part of the image position:
document.onmouseup = function(e) {
/// was in a drag?
if (mouseDown === true) {
/// not any more!!!
mouseDown = false;
/// make image pos. permanent
ix += offsetX;
iy += offsetY;
/// so we need to reset offsets as well
offsetX = offsetY = 0;
For zooming the canvas I believe this is already answered in this post - you should be able to merge this with the answer given here:
Zoom Canvas to Mouse Cursor

To do something like you have requested, it is just a case of having 2 canvases, each with different z-index. one canvas smaller than the other and position set to the x and y of the mouse.
Then you just display on the small canvas the correct image based on the position of the x and y on the small canvas in relation to the larger canvas.
However your question is asking for a specific solution, which unless someone has done and they are willing to just dump their code, you're going to find it hard to get a complete answer. I hope it goes well though.


Zoom in in a canvas at a certain point

I try to let the user zoom in the canvas with a pinch gesture, it's a Javascript Canvas Game (using Intel XDK)
I got the point coordinates (relativley to the window document, saved in an array) and the scale "strength".
var scale = 1;
function scaleCanvas(sc, point) { //point["x"] == 200
//sc has value like 0.5, 1, 1.5 and so on
x = sc/scale;
scale = sc;
ctx.scale(x, x);
I know that I have to translate the canvas to the point coordinates, and then retranslate it again. My problem is, that the canvas is already translated. The translation values are saved in the vars dragOffX and dragOffY. Furthermore, the initial translation may be easy, but when the canvas is already scaled, every coordinate is changed.
This is the translation of the canvas when dragging/shifting the content:
var dragOffX = 0;
var dragOffY = 0;
function dragCanvas(x,y) {
dragOffX = dragOffX + x;
dragOffY = dragOffY + y;
x = x* 1/scale;
y = y* 1/scale;
So when the player is dragging the content for e.g. 100px to the right, dragOffX gets the value 100.
How do I translate my canvas to the correct coordinates?
It will probably be easier if you store the transformation matrix and use setTransform each time you change it - that resets the canvas transformation matrix first before applying the new transformation, so that you have easier control over the way that the different transformations accumulate.
var transform = {x: 0, y: 0, scale: 1}
function scaleCanvas(scale, point) {
var oldScale = transform.scale;
transform.scale = scale / transform.scale;
// Re-centre the canvas around the zoom point
// (This may need some adjustment to re-centre correctly)
transform.x += point.x / transform.scale - point.x / oldScale
transform.y += point.y / transform.scale - point.y / oldScale;
function dragCanvas(x,y) {
transform.x += x / transform.scale;
transform.y += y / transform.scale;
function setTransform() {
ctx.setTransform(transform.scale, 0, 0, transform.scale, transform.x, transform.y);
Simply Use this to scale canvas on pivot point
function scaleCanvasOnPivotPoint(s, p_x , p_y) {
ctx.translate(p_x, p_y);
ctx.translate( -p_x, -p_y);

How to zoom in and center on an object with fabricjs?

I would like to be able to click on an object, and have it zoomed to its boundingbox in the canvas viewport. How do I accomplish that? See for what I would like to get working.
Fabricjs' canvas has the zoomToPoint method (about which the docs say: Sets zoom level of this canvas instance, zoom centered around point), but that does not center to the given point, but it does work for zooming with scrolling. See
I tried several other approaches, like using canvas.setViewportTransform:
// centers a circle positioned at (200, 150)??
canvas.setViewportTransform([2, 0, 0, 2, -250, -150])
But I can't find the relation between the last two parameters to setViewportTransform and the position of the object.
(Btw, another problem is with the first example fiddle, that the zooming only works on the first click. Why is that?)
I found a way to do this, which is composed of:
canvas.setZoom(1) // reset zoom so pan actions work as expected
vpw = canvas.width / zoom
vph = canvas.height / zoom
x = (object.left - vpw / 2) // x is the location where the top left of the viewport should be
y = ( - vph / 2) // y idem
canvas.absolutePan({x:x, y:y})
See for a working example.
I was unable to get it to work with zoomToPoint and setViewportTransform (the latter of which does strange things, see for example and click the blue circle; it is supposed to put the top left viewport at (25, 25), but it does not)
Here's an example of how to do it with setViewportTransform:
// first set the zoom, x, and y coordinates
var zoomLevel = 2;
var objectLeft = 250;
var objectTop = 150;
// then calculate the offset based on canvas size
var newLeft = (-objectLeft * zoomLevel) + canvas.width / 2;
var newTop = (-objectTop * zoomLevel) + canvas.height / 2;
// update the canvas viewport
canvas.setViewportTransform([zoomLevel, 0, 0, zoomLevel, newLeft, newTop]);

how to change the origin position to rotate a drawed line in the HTML5 Canvas

I've a little problem with canvas
I'm trying to make a paddle game , I want to rotate the upper paddle according to the mouse X-position My problem is that the drawing position is the top left of the paddle as normal and I want to change it after Drawing to be in the center of the paddle for rotation.
so the origin position of the paddle will be the center and every time the mouse moved the paddle will be rotated from the center not the top left.
here is updated function which invoked to updated the canvas.
function update() {
// Update scores
// Move the paddles on mouse move
// Here we will add another condition to move the upper paddle in Y-Axis
if(mouse.x && mouse.y) {
for(var i = 1; i < paddles.length; i++) {
p = paddles[i];
// the botoom paddle
if (i ==1){
p.x = mouse.x - p.w/2;
// the top paddle; // saves the coordinate system
ctx.translate(W/4,H/2); // now the position (0,0) is found at (250,50)
ctx.rotate(0.30 * mouse.x); // rotate around the start point of your line
ctx.moveTo(0,0) // this will actually be (250,50) in relation to the upper left corner
ctx.lineTo(W/4,H/2) // (250,250)
ctx.restore(); // restores the coordinate system back to (0,0)
}// end else
}//end for
Your translations are a little off, but it's easy to fix. Consider this alternative -- translate the context to the center of the paddle. After all, this is where you will be doing the rotation. Rotate the canvas, and then draw a horizontal line centered around the origin. I've codified my suggestion, and I've stored a few things in local variables to make it clearer.
var W = 200;
var H = 200;
var x = W / 2;
var y = H / 2;
var lineLength = 80;;
ctx.translate(x, y);
ctx.rotate(0.3 * mouse.X);
ctx.moveTo(-lineLength / 2,0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(lineLength / 2.0, 0);

Bridge Text Effect in HTML5 Canvas

Want to create a Bridge Text Effect like below, i tried using arctext but it doesnt help. I tried to google id but it doesnt understand Bridge text Shapes.
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="578" height="200"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var x = canvas.width / 2;
var y = canvas.height / 2;
context.font = '30pt Calibri';
// textAlign aligns text horizontally relative to placement
context.textAlign = 'center';
// textBaseline aligns text vertically relative to font style
context.textBaseline = 'middle';
context.fillStyle = 'blue';
context.fillText('BRIDGE TEXT', x, y);
There are at least two ways you can achieve a curved text effect - both share the same principle of displacement of pixels (moving them out of position relative to their real position), it's just a matter of which method we use to do this.
In the following demo I will use simple slicing using the internal drawImage method. Optional we could have iterated the pixel buffer and manually projected the pixels but for cases such as this it's simpler to use slicing IMO and we get anti-aliasing for free.
Example + demo
Here is a full example (see demo for sliders and custom text) on one way of doing this:
The result will be:
var ctx = demo.getContext('2d'), /// get canvas
font = '64px impact', /// define font
w = demo.width, /// cache width and height
h = demo.height,
curve, /// curve for our text
offsetY, /// offset from top (see note)
bottom, /// bottom origin
textHeight, /// height of text
angleSteps = 180 / w, /// angle steps per pixel
i = w, /// counter (for x)
os = document.createElement('canvas'), /// off-screen canvas
octx = os.getContext('2d');
/// set off-screen canvas same size as our demo canavs
os.width = w;
os.height = h;
/// prep text for off-screen canvas
octx.font = font;
octx.textBaseline = 'top';
octx.textAlign = 'center';
/// main render function
function renderBridgeText() {
/// snipped... get various data (see demo for detail)
/// clear canvases
octx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
/// draw the text (see demo for details)
octx.fillText(iText.value, w * 0.5, 0);
/// slide and dice (MAIN)
i = w;
while (i--) {
/// calc distance based on curve (=radius) and x position
y = bottom - curve * Math.sin(i * angleSteps * Math.PI / 180);
/// draw the slice for this vertical line
ctx.drawImage(os, i, offsetY, 1, textHeight,
i, offsetY, 1, y);
Note on offset: offset can be many things - in this demo I let it be the top source of the text to "correct" the curving a little as texts aren't drawn at the very top (due to various glyph geometry which I'm not gonna into here) - you will see this clearly between Chrome and Firefox as the text is rendered differently.
The demo let you change text and adjust a few parameters so you can see what effect they have on the text.
How it works
The width is divided first on number of pixels we want to displace on the x axis. This gives us the delta angle we need to use for each pixel step.
Then we calculate a basic distance based on angle for y-axis using sinus using curve as radius. As the delta angle now corresponds to an angle from 0 to 180 based on x position this will gives us a nice curve matching the text width which is drawn in center.
This value we subtract from bottom to get the y position for the bottom of text.
Then we pick a normal sized slice from the source, one pixel thick, and we scale it to destination based on the y value. This does the trick.

Dragging a rotated element within a certain boundary

In the following fiddle, you can click and drag around the image, and it will not be able to exit the blue border. By clicking the red and green rectangles, you can rotate the image. However when you click and drag a rotated object, the image does not follow the mouse. I would like the image to follow the mouse even if it is rotated.
I think the issue occurs within my move function
move = function (dx, dy)
nowX = Math.min(boundary.attr("x")+boundary.attr("width")-this.attr("width"), this.ox + dx);
nowY = Math.min(boundary.attr("y")+boundary.attr("height")-this.attr("height"), this.oy + dy);
nowX = Math.max(boundary.attr("x"), nowX);
nowY = Math.max(boundary.attr("y"), nowY);
this.attr({x: nowX, y: nowY });
One thing to notice is that when you click and drag a rotated object, after you release your mouse click, if you rotate the image, it snaps to where your mouse was when you released the mouse click, even obeying the boundary.
I was able to get the rotated image to drag with the mouse previously, but by adding the boundary rectangle, i had to use a more complex approach.
If anyone has an idea of what I need to change, I would be very grateful!
The required output can be achieved in a bit different way. Please check the fiddle at I have trimmed to code to keep the basic parts for demo.
var paper = Raphael(0, 0, 475, 475),
boxX = 100,
boxY = 100,
boxWidth = 300,
boxHeight = 200,
imgWidth = 50,
imgHeight = 50,
box = paper.rect(boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight).attr({fill:"#ffffff"}),
html5 = paper.image("",boxX+boxWidth-imgWidth,boxY+boxHeight-imgHeight,imgWidth,imgHeight)
.attr({cursor: "move"}),
elementCounterClockwise = paper.rect(180, 0, 50, 50).attr({fill:"#ff5555", cursor:"pointer"}),
elementClockwise = paper.rect(250, 0, 50, 50).attr({ fill: "#55ff55", cursor: "pointer" }),
boundary = paper.rect(50,50,400,300).attr({stroke: '#3333FF'}),
xBound = {min: 50 + imgWidth/2, max: 450 - imgWidth/2},
yBound = {min: 50 + imgHeight/2, max: 350 - imgHeight/2};
start = function (x, y) {
// Find min and max values of dx and dy for "html5" element and store them for validating dx and dy in move()
// This is required to impose a rectagular bound on drag movement of "html5" element.
transform = html5.transform();
move = function (dx, dy, x, y) {
// To restrict movement of the dragged element, Validate dx and dy before applying below.
// Here, dx and dy are shifts along x and y axes, with respect to drag start position.
var deltaX = x > xBound.max && xBound.max - x || x < xBound.min && xBound.min - x || 0;
deltaY = y > yBound.max && yBound.max - y || y < yBound.min && yBound.min - y || 0;
this.attr({transform: transform + 'T'+ [dx + deltaX, dy + deltaY]});
up = function () {
html5.drag(move, start, up); {
html5.animate({transform: '...r90'}, 100);
}) {
html5.animate({transform: '...r-90'}, 100);
Use of '...' to append a transformation to the pre-existing transformation state (Raphael API) is important for the rotational issue. While, for translating the element on drag requires absolute translation, which neglects the rotational state of the element while translating the element.
Drag bounding is worked on and updated. However, there remains an issue with incorporating the difference between mouse position and image center.
I can help you with your rotation and drag problem, you need to store the rotation and apply it after you have moved the object.
elementClockwise.node.onclick = function()
html5.animate({'transform': html5.transform() +'r90'}, 100, onAnimComplete);
elementCounterClockwise.node.onclick = function()
html5.animate({'transform': html5.transform() +'r-90'}, 100, onAnimComplete);
function onAnimComplete(){
default_transform = html5.transform();
At present I can't get the boundary to work, but will have a try later.

