Pass a java array to javascript - javascript

In my app I have an array and I want to pass this array to a javascript script to display an html list.
My app generate this array after reading information from JSON and I need to pass it to javascript. In iOS I used this function: stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString.
How I can do the same in Android?

Use Gson library. It is an amazing JSON parsing library that can parse and create JSON arrays.
So convert your array to JSON and send it over :)


how to parse javascript object with undefined as string in python

Im trying to scrape a website for the javscript objects it contains. Im trying to load them as python dictionary.
However, I can't just pass the javascript object in json.loads because it contains undefined as values. How can we load javascript object from strings to python dictionaries?

how to send the java output in json format to html forms

I had wsdl link and used in java program to get the data in json format and how can use the json to send to the html forms to the display the data what are the technologies I want to use for this process can anyone please suggest me if you can.
With json lib. You can check it on google.
And I dont know maybe you can use struts session.
Gson can be best bet in your case.
Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into
their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON
string to an equivalent Java object. Gson is an open-source project
hosted at

How can i convert CSV file to JSON format in React?

Do i have to make a variable and paste the CSV data and then convert to JSON or please specify some methods.
Thank You!
I'm not familiar enough with react to know if there is a necessity to make it react specific, but if you are open to using a library, this one is superb:
This library allows you to
Fetch the CSV from a url
Parse that CSV into an array
Serialize it back into CSV format if needed
So for you, I would say, use this library to fetch the data, parse the data, and then just JSON.stringify the array.
If you don't need to do it programmatically, why not just take the CSV, and put array brackets around it, and set your variable as that?
For example, my CSV:
Then I turn it into an array:
You can just use built in Excel functions like concatenate to turn it into this format if your CSV file is really big and this is just a one-off exercise

Parsing matrix from JSON message

I am new to Javascript and am not very familiar with its wide range of libraries.
I have a Numpy (Python) matrix serialized into a JSON message, but want to decode the matrix from this JSON message in Javascript.
Is there a well-known JS library that does this? If so, what is the exact data structure I get from decoding? A multi-dimension array in Javascript?
You can unserialize the JSON string with JSON.parse().
var matrix = JSON.parse(numpyString);
Once you've done that, you can explore the format of the resulting object in the console in a web browser.

JSON to String on client side for ASP.NET Script Service?

From this site, I've learned that ASP.NET script services accepting JSON actually require them to be serialized JSON strings (see: "JSON, objects, and strings: oh my!" section of the link). Is there a quick and easy way to serialize them for ASP.NET AJAX consumption on the client side instead of trying to manually convert a bunch of existing objects to JSON-looking strings?
Thanks in advance!
You can use JSON.stringify() to serialize client-side objects for consumption in ASP.NET's Script Services.
Using that approach, you can map client-side objects to server-side objects very easily. ASP.NET will automatically handle converting the JSON to objects (or even collections of objects) for you.
The article writer is confusing Javascript objects with JSON strings. There is no such thing as a "JSON object".
Naturally if you try to send an object to a web service, it has to be serialised, as the request data can only contain text, not objects. The standard way of serialising data to be posted is URL encoding it, so that is what jQuery does.
There is no JSON serialisation built into Javascript or jQuery. You would have to do the serialising yourself or find a library that does it. Here are some options: Serializing to JSON in jQuery
Also, the data sent in the example is not valid JSON. It looks like this:
"{'fname':'dave', 'lname':'ward'}"
To be valid JSON it should look like this:
'{"fname":"dave", "lname":"ward"}'

