to show alert message when user closes particular page for first time - javascript

I have jquery which shows alert message when page loads for first time and not again but now i want jquery which shows alert message when page is closed for first time only Please can anyone help me what changes can be made in give jquery which is for page load?
<script type="text/javascript">
// First Time Visit Processing
// copyright 10th January 2006, Stephen Chapman
// permission to use this Javascript on your web page is granted
// provided that all of the below code in this script (including this
// comment) is used without any alteration
function rC(nam)
var tC = document.cookie.split('; ');
for (var i = tC.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var x = tC[i].split('=');
if (nam == x[0])
return unescape(x[1]);
return '~';
function wC(nam,val)
document.cookie = nam + '=' + escape(val);
function lC(nam,pg)
var val = rC(nam);
if (val.indexOf('~'+pg+'~') != -1)
return false;
val += pg + '~';
return true;
function firstTime(cN)
return lC('pWrD4jBo',cN);
function thisPage()
var page = location.href.substring(location.href.lastIndexOf('\/')+1);
pos = page.indexOf('.');
if (pos > -1)
page = page.substr(0,pos);
return page;
// example code to call it - you may modify this as required
function start() {
if (firstTime(thisPage())) {
// this code only runs for first visit
// other code to run every time once page is loaded goes here
onload = start;

That's really overcomplicating things?
To alert a message the first time any page loads, you'd do:
if ( ! localStorage.getItem(window.location) ) {
localStorage.setItem(window.location, true);
You can't really alert anything on beforeunload, but you can pop up a confirm dialog:
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
if ( ! localStorage.getItem('unload_' + window.location) ) {
localStorage.setItem('unload_' + window.location, true);
return 'Dialog text here.';
Support for older browsers can be added with the localStorage shim from MDN.


infinite scroll on squarespace get category filter

I am using this code to infinite load a page on squarespace. My problem is the reloading doesn't capture the filtering that I have set up in my url. It cannot seem to 'see' the variables or even the url or categoryFilter in my collection. I've tried to use a .var directive but the lazy loaded items cannot see the scope of things defined before it. I'm running out of ideas here please help!
edit: I've since found the answer but gained another question.
I was able to use window.location.href instead of window.location.pathname to eventually get the parameters that way. Except this doesn't work in IE11 so now I have to search for this.
function infiniteScroll(parent, post) {
// Set some variables. We'll use all these later.
var postIndex = 1,
execute = true,
stuffBottom ='clientHeight') +,
urlQuery = window.location.pathname,
postNumber = Static.SQUARESPACE_CONTEXT.collection.itemCount,
presentNumber = Y.all(post).size();
Y.on('scroll', function() {
if (presentNumber >= postNumber && execute === true) {'<h1>There are no more posts.</h1>')
execute = false;
} else {
// A few more variables.
var spaceHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight + window.scrollY,
next = false;
This if statement measures if the distance from
the top of the page to the bottom of the content
is less than the scrollY position. If it is,
it's sets next to true.
if (stuffBottom < spaceHeight && execute === true) {
next = true;
if (next === true) {
Immediately set execute back to false.
This prevents the scroll listener from
firing too often.
execute = false;
// Increment the post index.
// Make the Ajax request. + '?page=' + postIndex, {
on: {
success: function (x, o) {
try {
d = Y.DOM.create(o.responseText);
} catch (e) {
console.log("JSON Parse failed!");
// Append the contents of the next page to this page., d, true).innerHTML);
// Reset some variables.
stuffBottom ='clientHeight') +;
presentNumber = Y.all(post).size();
execute = true;
// Call the function on domready.
Y.use('node', function() {
Y.on('domready', function() {
I was able to get this script working the way I wanted.
I thought I could use:
to get {collection.categoryFilter} like with jsont, like this:
or this:
It didn't work so I instead changed
urlQuery = window.location.pathname
urlQuery = window.location.href
which gave me the parameters I needed.
The IE11 problem I encountered was this script uses
I changed it to the ie11 compatible
and we were good to go!

Leaving a page - message appears twice

I've added this Javascript to my website which detects when the user navigates away from the page, but I only want a warning to appear if the navigator is offline AND one of my elements contains the word "unsaved":
window.thisPage = window.thisPage || {};
window.thisPage.closeEditorWarning = function (event) {
if (navigator.onLine===false) {
// See if any fields need saving...
for (i = 1; i <= 500; i++) {
try {
ToSave = document.getElementById("Q" + i).innerHTML;
if (ToSave.indexOf("unsaved")!=-1) {
return "You are currently offline and some of your responses are not yet saved.\r\n\r\nIf you want to save the changes you've made, choose to 'Stay on this Page' and then reconnect to the internet and any unsaved responses will save automatically.";
catch(err) { }
// If got this far, nothing needs saving anyway...
return undefined;
window.onbeforeunload = window.thisPage.closeEditorWarning;
The code works fine except; if the message pops up the first time and I choose "Stay on this page", then try to navigate away again and the second time click "Leave this page" - rather than navigating away it displays the message again but I can't work out why.
Try returning true from your catch, so the unload will execute. You can also remove the return undefined; from the end.
This works for me, is this what you're after?
This works for me in Firefox.
Fiddle: (clicking 'Run' triggers the onbeforeunload)
Updated JavaScript code:
window.thisPage = window.thisPage || {};
window.thisPage.closeEditorWarning = function (event) {
if (navigator.onLine === false) {
// See if any fields need saving...
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
try {
var ToSave = document.getElementById("Q" + i).innerHTML;
if (ToSave.indexOf("unsaved") != -1) {
return "You are currently offline and some of your responses are not yet saved.\r\n\r\nIf you want to save the changes you've made, choose to 'Stay on this Page' and then reconnect to the internet and any unsaved responses will save automatically.";
} catch (err) {
return true;
window.onbeforeunload = window.thisPage.closeEditorWarning;

Firefox, javascript and iFrame performance with Jquery

I'm having a bit of a jquery javascript performance issue, specifically related to Firefox.
We have a set of vimeo embeds, and the ids are pulled in via a json file. On each click, a new video is displayed. After the video is played, the container is removed and the title cloud is put back in. After a certain number of rounds, Firefox performance seriously degrades and you get the "unresponsive script" error. This isn't happening on any other browsers. Furthermore, the profiler in FF doesn't seem to point to a root cause of the slowdown.
I believe this is caused by poor iframe performance and how FF handles iframes, but I'm not entirely sure about this. Nothing else I'm doing is anything too, mostly just stock jquery functions like empty(), remove(), prepend(), etc.
I have implemented a click counter which will just refresh the page after a certain amount of click throughs. This resolved the problem, but it's a hacky solution which I seriously dislike. I would love some ideas on the root cause of this and any advice on how to solve it.
Here's the link to the site and the specific portion mentioned:
This isn't all the code, but this is the part that gets called every click.
Also, I have tried just swapping out the src="" in the iframe, but performance still degrades.
EDIT: I can confirm this is not a memory leak, I used about:memory and with addons disabled in safe mode I'm getting decent memory usage:
359.11 MB ── private
361.25 MB ── resident
725.54 MB ── vsize
Something in the vimeo embed is slowing down the javascript engine, but it's not a memory leak. Also, this is confirmed by the fact that I can resolve the issue by just refreshing the page. If it was a memory leak I would have to close FF altogether.
function getIframeContent(vid) {
mangle_vid_id = vid;
return '<div class="vimeoContainerflex"><div class="vimeoContainer"><iframe class="vimeo" style="z-index:1;" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" src="//' + mangle_vid_id + '?api=1&title=0&color=89ff18&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=1"></iframe></div></div>';
function show_titles() {
if ($('#mangle-titles').length < 1) {
if (clicks > 12) {
$('#mangle-titles span').click(function() {
clicks = clicks + 1;
var vidID = $(this).attr('data-id');
if ($('.vimeoContainer').length < 1) {
if (vidID == "home") {
} else {
$('#mangle-titles span').not('noscale').each(function() {
var _this = $(this);
var classname = _this.attr('class');
var scaleNum = classname.substr(classname.length - 2);
var upscale = parseInt(scaleNum);
var addition = upscale + 5;
var string = addition.toString();
function() {
_this.addClass('scale' + string);
function() {
_this.removeClass('scale' + string);
function vimeoAPI() {
var player = $('iframe');
var url = window.location.protocol + player.attr('src').split('?')[0];
var status = $('.status');
// Listen for messages from the player
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('message', onMessageReceived, false);
} else {
window.attachEvent('onmessage', onMessageReceived, false);
// Handle messages received from the player
function onMessageReceived(e) {
var data = JSON.parse(;
switch (data.event) {
case 'ready':
case 'finish':
// Helper function for sending a message to the player
function post(action, value) {
var data = {
method: action
if (value) {
data.value = value;
var message = JSON.stringify(data);
if (player[0].contentWindow != null) player[0].contentWindow.postMessage(data, url);
function onReady() {
post('addEventListener', 'finish');
function onFinish() {
setTimeout(show_titles, 500);
Part of you're problem may be the fact that you keep adding more and more click-handlers to the spans. After each movie ends the onFinish function calls show_titles again, which attaches a new (=additional) click-handler to the $('#mangle-titles span') spans. jQuery does not remove previously attached handlers.
Try splitting the show_titles function into two. init_titles should be called only once:
function init_titles() {
if ($('#mangle-titles').length < 1) {
$('#mangle-titles span').click(function() {
var vidID = $(this).attr('data-id');
if ($('.vimeoContainer').length < 1) {
if (vidID == "home") {
} else {
$('#mangle-titles span').not('noscale').each(function() {
var _this = $(this);
var classname = _this.attr('class');
var scaleNum = classname.substr(classname.length - 2);
var upscale = parseInt(scaleNum);
var addition = upscale + 5;
var string = addition.toString();
function() {
_this.addClass('scale' + string);
function() {
_this.removeClass('scale' + string);
function show_titles() {
I'd recommend trying to re-use the iframe instead of wiping and re-adding. Failing that, I think you may be out of luck. Your method of closing the iFrame is fine; your browser that it's running in is not.
You're overloading window with eventListeners. Each time a user clicks a video, you're attaching an event to window that fires every time you're receiving a message.
You can easily check this by adding console.log("Fire!"), for instance, at the beginning of onMessageReceived. You'll see that this function gets triggered an awful number of times after the user has performed some clicks on videos.
That surely has an impact on performance.
Hope this helps.

"Unable to load http://url status:0" error in onbeforeunload-method

may someone of you can help me to find this problem?
I've got an xpage with client-side js-code included which should be executed when you decide to leave the page. In the client-side js you refer to a button and click it automatically. This button got some server-side js code included and change the flag from a document from ("opened by ..." to "").
The thing is that somehow the client-side js did not work in all different browsers except the current IE (10.0.5) and throws the error:
unable to load http://urlofthedocument/... status:0
The funny thing about this is, when I insert an alert()-method right after the click()-method everything works fine in every browser. But as I don't want to include this alert statement I figure out there must be something different to avoid this. (A short pause instead of the alert-method also did not work.)
My CS JS-Code:
window.onbeforeunload = WarnEditMode;
function WarnEditMode(){
if(needUnloadConfirm == true){
var el = window.document.getElementById("#{id:Hidden4SSJS}");;
//alert("You're about to leave the page");
function pause(millis){
var date = new Date();
var curDate = null;
do { curDate = new Date(); }
while(curDate-date < millis)
This refers to to button, which executes following SS JS code, after it is clicked:
print("Hidden4SSJS-Button-Test # Person");
var db:NotesDatabase = database;
var agt:NotesAgent;
var doc:NotesDocument = XPPersonDoc.getDocument()
agt = db.getAgent("(XPUnlockDocument)");;
May you guys can help me with this?
I would do this using the XSP object with a hidden computed field (and not your special button)...
Something like this:
function WarnEditMode(){
if(needUnloadConfirm == true){
XSP.partialRefreshGet("#{id:unlockDocCF1}", {
params: {
'$$xspsubmitvalue': 'needToUnlock'
onComplete: function () {
alert('You are about to leave this page and the document has been unlocked.');
onError : function (e) {
alert('You are about to leave this page and the document has NOT been unlocked.\n' + e);
Then the computed field's javascript would be something like this:
var sval = #Explode(context.getSubmittedValue(), ',');
if (sval == null) return result + " no action.";
if (!"needToUnlock".equals(sval[0])) return result + " no action.";
print("Hidden4SSJS-Button-Test # Person");
var db:NotesDatabase = database;
var agt:NotesAgent;
var doc:NotesDocument = XPPersonDoc.getDocument()
agt = db.getAgent("(XPUnlockDocument)");;
return 'document unlocked.';

javascript html5 history, variable initialization and popState

main question
Is there a javascript way to identify if we are accessing a page for the first time or it is a cause of a back?
My problem
I'm implementing html5 navigation in my ajax driven webpage.
On the main script, I initialize a variable with some values.
var awnsers=[];
Process(awnsers) will update the view according to the given awnsers, using ajax.
In the funciton that calls ajax, and replaces the view, I store the history
history.pushState(state, "", "");
I defined the popstate also, where I restore the view according to the back. Moreover, I modify the global variable awnsers for the old value.
function popState(event) {
if (event.state) {
state = event.state;
Navigation (back and forth) goes corectly except when I go to an external page, and press back (arrving to my page again).
As we are accessing the page, first, the main script is called,the valiable awnsers is updated, and the ajax starts. Meanwile, the pop state event is called, and updates the view. After that the main ajax ends, and updates the view according to empty values.
So I need the code:
var awnsers=[];
only be called when the user enters the page but NOT when it is a back. Any way to do this?
Possible solution
After the first awnser I have thought of a possible solution. Tested and works, whoever, I don't know if there is any cleaner solution. I add the changes that I've done.
First I add:
$(function() {
then I modify the popState function, so that is in charge to initialize the variables
function popState(event) {
if (event.state) {
state = event.state;
} else if(justLoaded){
Thats all.
what about using a global variable?
var hasLoaded = false;
// this function can be called by dom ready or window load
function onPageLoad() {
hasLoaded = true;
// this function is called when you user presses browser back button and they are still on your page
function onBack() {
if (hasLoaded) {
// came by back button and page was loaded
else {
// page wasn't loaded. this is first visit of the page
Use cookie to store the current state.
yeah! This is what I have:
var popped = (($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 9) ? 'state' in window.history : window.history.hasOwnProperty('state')), initialURL = location.href;
$(window).on('popstate', function (event) {
var initialPop = !popped && location.href === initialURL, state;
popped = true;
if (initialPop) { return; }
state = event.originalEvent.state;
if (state && state.reset) {
if (history.state === state) {
$.ajax({url: state.loc,
success: function (response) {
$(".fragment").fadeOut(100, function () {
$(".fragment").html($(".fragment", response).html()).fadeIn(100);
document.title = response.match(/<title>(.*)<\/title>/)[1];
} else { history.go(0); }
else {window.location = window.location.href; }
success: function (response) {
var replace = args.replace.split(",");
$.each(replace, function (i) {
replace[i] += ($(replace[i]).find("#video-content").length > 0) ? " #video-content" : "";
var selector = ".fragment "+replace[i];
$(selector).fadeOut(100, function () {
$(selector).html($(selector,response).html()).fadeIn(100, function () {
if (base.children("span[data-video]")[0]) {
if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) === 7) {
} else {
document.title = response.match(/<title>(.*)<\/title>/)[1];
window.history.ready = true;
if (history && history.pushState) { history.pushState({reset:true, loc:link}, null, link); }

