jquery blind and exposing child div behind? - javascript

I'm trying to achieve the effect of a sliding div using the jquery animate option. I'm able to "slide" the parent div up but I'm having issues with showing the div behind the slider.
I've created this jsfiddle to show my issue.
Try uncommenting the photoOptions div. I'm trying to hide this div so it's only revealed when the parent div is slid up.
<div class="photoWrapper">
<!-- <div class="photoOptions"> This is your data. </div>-->
<div class="photoHolder">
Image Here
<div class="photoMeta">More data here</div>
<div class="photoCredits">
jQuery.fn.blindToggle = function(speed, easing, callback) {
var h = this.height() + parseInt(this.css('paddingTop')) + parseInt(this.css('paddingBottom'));
return this.animate({
marginTop: parseInt(this.css('marginTop')) < 0 ? 0 : -h
}, speed, easing, callback);
Current CSS:
.photoWrapper {
border: solid 1px #ddd;
.photoHolder {
border: solid 1px #eee;
.photoOptions {
padding-top: 50px;
height: 266px;
width: 200px;
background: #eee;
Any thoughts on how I can achieve this?

The browser renders elements based on there place in the DOM, if an element preceeds another element in the dom, it is rendered under it.
To change this default behaviour, you should use the CSS rule z-index, by defining a lower z-index on your .photoOptions div, it will be rendered below it.
as seen in this fiddle
Also be aware that z-index values may be handled differently for elements that are positioned absolute, due to the fact that they are not rendered in the normal flow.

Using the callback on .blindToggle() can achieve that effect but you're going to have to edit your CSS so that .photoCredits is visible and just start off with .photoOptions hidden:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".trigger").click(function () {
$('.photoHolder').blindToggle('slow', function () {
.photoOptions {
padding-top: 50px;
height: 266px;
width: 200px;
background: #eee;


Make popup have smart positioning

I am working on a piece of legacy code for a table. In certain cells, I'm adding a notice icon. When you hover over the icon a <span> is made visible displaying some information. I would like to be able to make this <span> smart about its positioning but can't figure out a good method. I can statically position it but depending on which cell in the table it is in it gets lost against the edge of the page. I have done a JsFiddle here demonstrating the issue. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to use anything but HTML, CSS and vanilla JS.
The title attribute to most tags is pretty smart about its position. I have added a title to one of the cells in the table in the jsFiddle (cell containing "Hello"). Is there any way to make my span exhibit the same smart behaviour?
A pop-up can be added before any element by putting the popup html code inside a 'div' with 'position:absolute; overflow:visible; width:0; height:0'.
When these events: 'onmouseenter', 'onmouseleave' are fired on the element, just toggle the popup css attribute 'display' between 'none' and 'block' of the element.
Example on jsfiddle:
HTML and JS:
<div class="popup-holder">
<div class="popup" id="popup-box">Some content</div>
Some link
function show_popup() {
var e = $("#popup-box");
e.css("display", "block");
function hide_popup() {
var e = $("#popup-box");
e.css("display", "none");
.popup-holder {
position: absolute;
overflow: visible;
width: 0;
height: 0;
.popup {
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
position: relative;
top: 20px;
width: 300px;
display: none;

Jquery .animate acts unintentionaly

I don't know why suddenly the sidebar moves unintentionally. I'm creating a fixed sidebar that show only when hovered.
When I slowly point the mouse on the parent div #containter element it works fine, but when I move the mouse several times on the parent div element #containter the div shows and hide like insane. And also there an area where the parent div shows even you didn't actually hovered on the parent div.
I'm using this code.
<div id="containter"><!-- parent div -->
<div class="wrapdownload">
<div class="wrapdownload">
<div class="wrapdownload">
#containter {
width: 140px;
height: 282px;
position: fixed;
margin-top: 30px;
left: -104px;
border: 1px solid red;
.wrapdownload {
width: 100px;
height: 90px;
border: 2px solid black;
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#containter").mouseenter(function(event) {
left: "1px"
$("#containter").mouseleave(function(event) {
left: "-104px"
When you hover on the parent div for six times the div show 6 times also. I just want it to show when the mouse is pointed on div element and if i move the mouse outside the parent div, it must hide.
Here is the sample on jsfiddle https://jsfiddle.net/py0622ms/6/
Use stop() method:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#containter").mouseenter(function(event) {
left: "1px"
$("#containter").mouseleave(function(event) {
left: "-104px"
Working fiddle:

How can i make a div that slides up to reveal a page without completely hiding it?

I have a div that I want to be able to click and shrink to the top ~10% of a page. I have code similar to this where one DIV should cover everything, then the second DIV would have the content for the page:
<div id="cover">Optimized the javascript so that all code is based on jQuery.
<div id="content" style="height:300px;" class="hide" >Optimized the javascript so that all code is based on jQuery.
This is a partial example of what I want to do:
The problem with this is that the slideUp() function seems to completely hide the "cover" DIV rather than shrink it to part of it's size. The other problem I have is that the background doesn't scale with the DIV. I would like the background image to shrink to a reasonable size in the cover DIV. Is this possible? In my example JSFiddle, the white space should have the "cover" DIV, and a smaller version of the background image.
jQuery slideToggle(); is actually supposed to hide or show an element completely due the fact that you're not supposed to hide or show it with the element you're hiding / showing.
So to solve your problem I've created an extra div that will hide or show the element giving it the appearence of only partly hiding the element. You can find the fiddle here:
I've also scaled the background for you.
I would use jquery's animate() for this and replace background-attachment:fixed with background-size: 8em;
Tweak this part depending on the size of your divs { "height": "30%","background-size": "6em" }
$(function () {
$('#cover').click(function () {
$(this).animate({ "height": "30%","background-size": "6em" }, 400, function () {
* {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
html {
.hide {
display: none
.show {
#cover {
background-color: black;
height: 100%;
background-size: 8em;
margin: 0 auto;
background-image: url('http://i.stack.imgur.com/JVX13.png');
#content {
background-color: #CCCCFF;
padding: 5px 10px;
height: 100%;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="cover">Optimized the javascript so that all code is based on jQuery.</div>
<div id="content" class="hide">Optimized the javascript so that all code is based on jQuery.</div>

CSS or JS Rule for all Divs to Change BG Color of Div inside Div, Without Changing Parent Div

I know it seems trivial, but I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around this.
<div id="divA" style="width: 400px; height: 400px; background-color: #FF0000;">
<div id="divB" style="float: left; width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: #FFFF00;">
<div id="divC" style="float: left; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: #FF00FF;">
What I need is a rule that applies to all divs, like div:hover { background-color: #000000 !important; }, that only affects the first parent div of the event (when I hover divC, I want the background color of divC to change to black, but not the background colors of divB or divA)... like the inspector does in Google Chrome.
Any ideas?
I don’t believe it is possible to do this with just CSS, but you can with JavaScript.
The key is to use event.stopPropagation() on the mouseover event.
Here is an example using jQuery: http://jsfiddle.net/K96DS/2/
$('div').on('mouseover', function(){
// this is the key, this stops te mouover event
// from bubbling up to the parent elements
}).on('mouseout', function(){
Are you thinking using something like .this because of an odd behavior in :hover?
Are you looking for something like this ?
jQuery Solution:
#divC:hover #divA { background-color: #FF0000 !important; }
#divC:hover #divB { background-color: #FFFF00 !important; }
Maybe hacks... :)

Add/remove CSS will cause IE9 to increase the table's height

I add a mouse event to the HTML TR when user mouse-over/out the TR to change some CSS color. But in IE9 seems to have an issue that the table's height will keep increasing each time the CSS changed.
Note: the issue only occurs when the horizontal scrollbar appears.
Here is the HTML.
<div style="width:100%;height:100%;">
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid-body">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="table-layout:fixed;">
<td style="width:3040px;" class="item">
Please mouse-over me and out
<td class="item">
Please mouse-over me and out
Here is the Javascript
$(document).ready(function (){
$('.item').mouseover(function () {
}).mouseout(function() {
Here is the CSS setting
html, body {height:100%}
body {
margin: 0; padding: 0 5px;
div.grid {
background: #DAE7F6; border: 1px solid #86A4BE; overflow: hidden; zoom: 1;
div.grid-body {
background: red; border: 0; overflow: auto; width: 100%; position: relative;
tr.item-over {
color: #6eadff;
You can run the full example here.
Here's another possible fix that also seems to work in my case.
Setting ANY margin (top, right, bottom, left, or any combination) to 'auto' seems to solve it.
div.grid-body {
margin: 0px auto;
div.grid-body {
margin-top: auto;
Another possible fix suggested in the blog post IE9 Hover Bug Workaround:
div.grid-body {
min-height: 0%;
In case anyone came here looking for a fix for datatables jquery plugin, the proper class to add this fix to is:
Took a bit of digging to find the proper div, so I figured I would try to save someone time.
I might have just solved it.
width: 100%;
display: inline-block;
on the containing element ("div.grid-body" in this case).
Open Developer tools and remove the table-layout:fixed rule from the table that is the child of grid-body. it should work may be.
It stops doing it and yet does the mouse hover effect by setting:
div.grid-body {
background: red; border: 0; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; position: relative;
instead of overflow:auto. Mabe you'd prefer to use overflow:scroll or visible. And make it trigger this as an extra property only for the IE9 case.
remove with form the first 'TD' element <td style="width:3040px;". It will help.
Do you need so huge "td" there ?
just to see
div.grid {
background: #DAE7F6; border: 1px solid #86A4BE; overflow: hidden;
zoom: 1;
what about this:
width:100% !important;
if you can change the overflow try this
div.grid-body {
background: red; border: 0; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; position: relative;
change your script to this (the problem is in the add/remove class)
$(document).ready(function (){
$('.item').mouseover(function () {
$(this).parent("tr").css("color", "#6eadff");
}).mouseout(function() {
why do you do it with JS and not with the css?
.grid-body table tr:hover {background:red}
Maybe you should just "memorize" the height of the element in a variable when the mouseover event is fired, and then set it back to that value again when the mouseout event is fired.
$(document).ready(function (){
$('.item').mouseover(function () {
// store the height in a variabile (keep also in mind margins and paddings)
}).mouseout(function() {
// now set back the original height
should work to just add a fixed height to the table row
so the containing table row reads:
<tr height="50px">
you can see it working here http://jsfiddle.net/f3TDb/
I'm assuming that you're not doing it wisth divs and css:hover for a specific reason?
i realize i'm months behind on this, but this stumped me yesterday and found this thread. hopefully my answer helps:
it's the overflow: auto in div.grid-body that's messing things up. you'll have to change this to scroll, possibly:
div.grid-body {
overflow-x: scroll;
if you don't want the vertical scrollbars.
note that you'll have to code your js to determine if you need a scrollbar so you can set overflow-x to visible (the default) if there are no overflows and scroll if there are, simulating auto.

