Getting Started with Durandal - javascript

I'm interested in building a SPA application. From what I can tell, Durandal provides the majority of what I'm looking for. Except, I'm looking for the most basic possible example that uses durandal. The sample app that's included uses bootstrap and sammy.
Is Bootstrap and Sammy required? If not, is there a sample I can see somewhere that doesn't have the code? I just want a basic app with two screens to use as an example. Yet, I can't seem to find the bare minimum example anywhere.
Thank you,

Version 1.20 of Durandal uses Sammy.js for routing if you include the optional router plugin. It is not necessary, but a pretty good idea to use it to simplify learning Durandal without having to learn how to route.
Durandal 2.0 is scheduled for release this month that gets rid of Sammy.js's dependency and has it's own router.
To find an example or sample app using Durandal that doesn't rely on either Sammy.js or Bootstrap will be difficult because they are easy to include, everyone understands them, and it's hard to go wrong when using these to simplify a sample app.
If you are looking for a very simple sample you can look up John Papa's CodeCamper JumpStart, but it includes a lot of other dependencies. The Durandal Starter Kit however is available on nuget and from and has a single view and is an excellent way to start learning Durandal.js.


What is the impact if we use the jquery plugins in angular 7?

I'm new to angular. Some forums and tutorials show how to integrate jquery plugins in angular. Actually there are plenty of jquery plugins. I used a lot of jquery plugin in my previous projects which were implemented only in jquery. So I would like to get that feel (colors,UI, animation...) into my angular 7 project. But in the middle, I'm worrying that some forums say "Don't mix jquery plugins with angular"
So may I import jquery plugins inside angular? Will it be a problem? For Eg : Datatable has a lot of function where I need most. Jquery Confirm Master gives a better UI. And there are a lot of API calls also. If I need to use these kind of jquery plugins, what can I do?
There are some core reasons you shouldn't access the DOM directly in Angular (as you do with Jquery). I answered a similar question here
Angular is a fully blown framework where you shouldn't differ from the 'Angular way'. There are several reasons for this. For one your code will become very complicated in the way it works. Some things you do in Jquery is very hideous compared to how simple you can implement the same thing with Angular. Another reason is that Angular applications are not always meant to be ran in a browser. For example you can run Angular in a web worker, which doesn't have direct access to the DOM. Your components will become dependent on Jquery when there is no need to, which might hurt you if you want to reuse those components in other Angular applications.
Your value point for sticking to Jquery is that you can reuse that code. To that I will say that you should rewrite those components for your Angular application so you can later reuse those components in other Angular applications. Modernize / rewrite your components now, so you have optimized clean Angular components. You will quickly find that your Jquery code is overly complicated compared to how you do similar things in the Angular framework.

Best framework to multi-window app using electron.js

I wrote electron.js multi-window application using native javascript. I want to rewrite this app using one of javascript framework like React, Vue or Angular. They are SPA frameworks so I predict, that one instance corresponds to one window. I think that Angular may be too large for smaller windows.
My app currently has one main window (that executes a lot of code) and three smaller, so I don't want to use too big frameworks for them. One more question: all of those framewoks are compatybile with typescript?
I have built a multi-window (multi-page) Electron app using both Bootstrap and Angular and had no issues.
You can get Typescript definitions for React / Bootstrap here or (for Bootstrap) here.
A tutorial for using Typescript with Angular can be found here. It is a little dated but should be a good starting point.
This question in stackoverflow also has some useful information that you may find helpful.

Laravel and Angular(JS), where to start with Angular?

I'm a software engineer and want to learn developing web applications with PHP and JavaScript. I'm familliar with C#, object oriented programming and working with frameworks.
So i decided to learn directly creating an web application based on a framework (Laravel, as we work with this framework on my work also). I start understanding how the framework works and as programming is not new for me i also understand the basics of PHP.
For the front-end i want to use Angular JS as i heard a lot of positive things about it. During my research on Google about Angular and Angular in combination with Laravel i read that we already have Angular V2 and V4.
I have a few questions about this:
What is the best version to start with? This because i heared the
good things about V1 (and the combi with Laravel), but V2 and V4 has
a complete other concept? I'm a bit confused if it has the same
purpose and if it is still a good approach to combine the newer
versions with Laravel?
I can find how to combine Laravel with AngularJS(1) and how to structure the project, but cant find a good tutorial or explaination how to combine/structure Laravel with
Angular 2 or 4. This also confuses me.... Are the newer versions not
a good combination with Laravel anymore?, Angular just uses Json
API's so why not? or are i'm wrong.
What i found about Laravel and the newer Angular versions is that it is a no-go to use both in 1 project. The advice is to use 2
different projects? I do not understand why as i can still make them
independed from eachtoher in 1 project by a nice folder structure.
So if this is true, what is the reason behind?
If it is no problem to combine both in 1 project, i prefer to do this. But what is the best practice to add Angular into the Laravel project? especially for the folder structure? Is there a tutorial which describes how to use these 2 frameworks in 1 project?
I hope that someone can give me a "kickstart" how to start with increasing my skills.
I would suggest using Vue.js instead if you are familiar with new Laravel 5.x. It is supported by default and plays together pretty good.
In my previous projects I used Laravel 3/4 + Backbone.js. Backbone, to me, is much better then diving into a full framework that your entire structure ( html + js ) depends on multiple custom tags etc. Backbone gives you a better approach on that case that you can use it partially in some modules etc or you can build your entire layout with it.

2 AngularJS apps on the same website, multiple pages

I am trying to implement this AngularJS/Bootstrap Typeahead app and also use AngularJS for search functionality as well. I have the Typeahead implemented and working, however I can not seem to figure out how to implement 2 AngularJS apps on the same website...?
The first comment really helped because I didn't fully understand AngularJS, was just learning at the time. The first comment helped to realize my misunderstanding and gave the "light bulb" moment of just having 2 separate modules to include the functionality that I needed.
AngularJS - being modular - is great! You can really build capable apps using it.

Is Google's Polymer a fully functioning Frontend Framework to Subsitute OR Complement other Frontend Frameworks?

The question is in regard to AngularJS, BackboneJS, EmberJS and the other frameworks.
I have to translate a project from php to javascript and I have to decide, if I am going to use:
A combination of them
I prefer using Polymer, because I like it.
Yet, I am missing (and correct me where I am wrong) the ability to make:
Views and link between them (like in Angualar)
I know that the structure is up to me, on how to build my application, but it seems that angularjs has a well predefined structure for building mvc-applications.
Therefore I want to know: Is Polymer a substitute for Angular, if you want to build a well structured web application or is Polymer complementary library to be used along other existing frameworks?
EDIT 21.09.2014
No one really answered the question to my fullest satisfaction, therefore I marked it as not answered yet. Many say it just "DEPENDS". But no one is able to elaborate, on what exactly it depends.
On the complexity of the application? On the needs of the application? For what needs does Polymer fit and for which doesn't it fit? These are the answers I was looking for.
Some say it can be used as a frontend framework. Others say that is just a library and others say "Yes and No". Unfortunately rather confusing answers.
I wish there was an official answer to this, but I let you in on what my feeling is. I believe it is a substitute, but Polymer hasn't yet reached the structure, that other frameworks require to work. Maybe this is intentional, maybe it is just a matter of unreached maturity, because the framework is new.
I hope that the creators will explain, when it is best to use AngularJS and when should someone use Polymer for building large scalable web applications.
EDIT 15.08.2015
Polymer 1.0 is out. And it turns out Polymer is officially NOT a framework and is supposed to work in a complentary way with other frontend frameworks.
IMHO both are two different things and they both are to serve two different purposes. Though they have some common features to offer, data-binding can be one of them.
If you truly want to use the Awesome Webcomponents, Polymer is one way to achieve that. There are other options like you can go with your vanilla JS, or use other libraries like X-Tag from Mozilla or Bosonic. These libraries polyfill the webcomponent features which are still in drafted state. So, these libs help us have/provide the same user experience across browsers even where there is no native support for the webcomponents.
This is a full fledged MVC framework. And people here know what Angular as an MVC framework includes/provides.
That all said to answer your question
Google's Polymer is not exactly a fully functioning Frontend Framework and can be used as a Subsitute OR Complement to other Frontend Frameworks. It can be used as a substitution for the V part in Angular as MVC. Like people use React as V in different frameworks. It is not much a different case for me. Being more specific in case of Angular, Polymer is like directives in Angular 1.x while like components in upcoming Angular 2.x.
To be more sure of what I am talking about and for additional sources on how to use the Polymer with Angular2 (Angular2 not released to this date)
you can check this video at "" starting from time 32:15 where Rob explains how to use the generic webcomponents/polymer as the components/View in the Angular2.
you can check this project "" which uses Angular2 and google-youtube web component.
From the polymer-starter-kit
Framework-free, or framework-compatible
Build your app out of elements, or wire in an external framework to handle business logic. It's up to you!
So, in my view these two projects are not competing each other.
Webcomponent Specs
The webcomponent specs are here for one's reference
Custom Elements -
HTML Imports -
Shadow DOM -
I just wish the webcomponents are native to the evergreen browsers ASAP.
From the Polymer Starter Kit:
"Framework-free, or framework-compatible
Build your app out of elements, or wire in an external framework to handle business logic. It's up to you!"
What was described as Carbon Elements seems to fall under:
Polymer(version 2) App Toolbox
Component-based architecture using Polymer and web components.
Responsive design using the app layout components.
Modular routing using the elements.
Localization with <app-localize-behavior>.
Turnkey support for local storage with app storage elements.
Offline caching as a progressive enhancement, using service workers.
Build tooling to support serving your app multiple ways: unbundled for delivery over HTTP/2 with server push, and bundled for delivery over HTTP/1.
Carbon Elements adding framework features
During The Polymer Summit 2015 Keynote, Google announced a new "Polymer idiomatic and framework oriented" set of elements, tentatively named the Carbon elements.
Some quotes from the longer tjsavage answer regarding Angular 2 vs Polymer Carbon:
"The trick is in thinking about the web platform as an application framework... Polymer the library is to the web components component model as the carbon elements will be to using the web platform itself as an application framework: the opinionated rails to make it easier to understand and achieve."
"Angular 2 will provide one way of structuring your application that uses Angular's view of what makes a good application structure. The carbon elements will provide a different way of structuring your application that more directly uses what the web platform itself provides as its structural underpinning."
Polymer is almost fully functional.
Currently it is missing routing for example but this doesn't mean you can't do this with Polymer.
There is now
In Dart also dependency injection works fine with Polymer because of the types. If it's possible in Dart, it's possible in JS as well because Dart transpiles to JS. DI in plain JS might be more cumbersome though.
In this package (Dart)
I made the routing and DI packages used by Angular.dart available for Polymer. There are also routing packages for Polymer.js available.
I put together some router demos. The "missing parts" really depend on what type of application you're building.
I've used it as both, as an enhancement to an app written in another framework, and as the full framework itself, where it was responsible for every element on the page.
I really like just about everything about Polymer, so I've been very happy using it for the whole app, even built my own router. If you've got an existing app I'd recommend dipping your toe in the water, as Polymer works great composed into other apps to see if it's to your liking.
Let me give this another try:
The key behind web-components (and thus Polymer) is, that they are self-contained. You have a web-component somewhere, you import it, and (if you're lucky) it just works, wherever it comes from. The web-component will NOT interfere other components. So doing things like MVC is not Polymers business (although it provides a data-binding mechanism), as this belongs to the process of tying things together. It is considered to be best practice that these kind of things are solved by creating new elements too, that create and react to events. When it comes to the model you code non-visual web-components, that don't have/need a template. TodoMVC has an (outdated) example for that (
So Angular gives you a path to follow on how to do MVVM, whereas it is up to you on how to do the "logic" in your app when using Polymer. IMHO Angular is for more complex and rather enclosed apps, whereas Polymer is for any kind of app, that embraces the web. You even can use Polymer, if you're not writing an app at all ;)

