Stop & reenable hover with click - javascript

I have a container that fades on a timer when hovered on (#module-container) but when clicking on a .return-news, it stops the hover and keeps it from fading. Now I need it where, when called through a function, I need to allow the hover effect again on the #module-container just like before. Here's the hover code:
var module = $('#module-container');
$('.menu-control').add(module).mouseenter(function() {
$('.menu-control').add(module).mouseleave(function() {
var time = 3000;
window.mtimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, time);
By clicking .return-news, I've successfully stopping the hover with this line:
$('.return-news').on('click',function(e) {
console.log('stop it!');
NOT WORKING: If I click .next-video then I need to re-enable the hover (which will then use the mouseeneter and mouseleave functions previously declared). I've tried calling this line but it doesn't work:
$('.next-video').on('click',function(e) {
Later, I'll be having the hover re-enabled by calling it using Vimeo's API (instead of the .next-video click) but for the sake of time, I stripped the code to it's basic functionality.


How to re-enable button hovers in jquery
I'm attempting to disable the animation on click because when clicked, the animation starts moving and if your still hovered over an object it freezes, the end result is the animation stops running and it just moves,
my code to freeze the animation on hover is
function show_box() {
if($(window).width() > 768) {
function() {
$(this).prev().css('right', '29.337803855%');
$(this).prev().children().children().click(function () {
$('.favorite').off('mouseenter').css('-webkit-animation-play-state', 'running');
$('.secret').off('mouseenter').css('-webkit-animation-play-state', 'running');
$('.current-projects').off('mouseenter').css('-webkit-animation-play-state', 'running');
$('.tab-selection').animate({right: 0}, 3000).queue(function() {
to disable hover on mouseenter and mouseleave i used
but after the function is done, and the moving complete I set
but it doesn't re-enable.
At first your code could be much shorter, i think.
And please take a look in the jQuery doc for the on function it does Not, what you are expecting!
I think you should set a global variable if it is disabled at the moment and in the eventhandler you firstly check the variable and abort if its disabled.

Jquery if else statment for tooltip

I have a tooltip that appears when you mouseover a link. I want the tooltip to stay if you hover over it (because there are links and such in it), or disappear if you mouse away from the link.
I tried a couple things, but haven't figured it out. This is my first time building anything serious with jQuery.
The stuff below is what is in the .hover() 'handlerOut' event.
if ($('.tip_container').hover()) {
$('.tip_container').css('display', 'block');
$('.tip_container').mouseleave(function() {
} else if ($('.tip_container').hover() == false && $(this.a).mouseoff() == true)
>>"this.a" refers to the link<<
With this and the other things I've tried the tooltip doesn't disappear unless you mouse over the off of it. I also tried
else if (!$('.tip_container').hover() && $(this.a).mouseoff()) {
Is it possible to have multiple conditions?
The main idea of the code is that if you mouse off of the link "this.a" the tooltip will be removed by:
but if you mouse over the tooltip it will not be removed until you mouse off of the tooltip.
Do you have a fiddle or anything to demonstrate?
Maybe something like
$(this, '.tip_container').hover(function () {
}, function () {
Basically bind both the link and the tooltip elements to the hover method, which hides/shows the tooltip element on mouseenter/mouseleave. The link Pointy posted in comments is a good place to start
After a good nights rest and ignoring it for a while I figured out a solution. This is what I put in the hover handlerOut event.
var timer;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
$( '.tip_container' ).hover(
function() {
$('.tip_container').css('display', 'block');
}, function() {
On the hover out of the link it will wait before executing the remove and if the mouse hovers over the tooltip it will clear the timer and set the tooltip to block to keep it displayed then on that hover out of the tooltip it will be removed.

jQuery: Delay a mouseenter event (dropdown menu)

I'm working on this fiddle:
It consists of a rollover button which drops down a menu like so:
$('#one').mouseenter(function() {
//Slide down
The event happens immediately on hover, but I want to put in a small delay to prevent accidental hovers from triggering the event. I tried to work with a timer (see but that doesn't seem to execute all the events under '//Slide up'. I guess I'm missing something here, what am I doing wrong?
There is a plugin for this that works well.
You asked how to handle function. There is an example on thé plugin page
var config = {
over: makeTall, // function = onMouseOver callback (REQUIRED)
timeout: 500, // number = milliseconds delay before onMouseOut
out: makeShort // function = onMouseOut callback (REQUIRED)
$("#demo3 li").hoverIntent( config )

How to prevent the parent div from registering the click when a child class is clicked; event.stopPropagation(); doing funny things

We've got the classic problem with a div's child getting clicked and the parent's click event gets triggered as well. I've got a button set within a container that expands and unexpands upon clicking.
The button, when clicked, should:
Unexpand the container
Hide the container's description
The two click functions are given below:
var $NotificationContainer = $("#NotificationContainer");
$NotificationContainer.append('<div class="Notification" title="'+title+'"></div>');
var $thisNotification = $NotificationContainer.children('.Notification[title='+uniqueTitle+']');
$thisNotification.append('<div class="NotificationDescription">'+uniqueDescription+'</div>');
// Button used to close an expanded notification
$thisNotification.append("<div class='NotificationCloseButton'></div>");
$(this).animate({height:250}, 1000);
$thisNotification.animate({height:50}, 1000);
What I find with this code is that when clicking the close button:
SlideToggles the description to be hidden
SlideToggles the close button to be hidden
The container unexpands, but then re-expands (contents still hidden)
The $thisNotification click is being called (I think).
Now, when I try to use event.stopPropagation(); or a simple return false; in the closeButton's click, I get very interesting results.
Clicking the close button with either of the above additions now:
Unexpands the container
The description and button remain present, and do not slideToggle at all.
Code snippets of the exact way I implemented stopPropogation and return false:
$thisNotification.animate({height:50}, 1000);
$thisNotification.animate({height:50}, 1000);
return false;
You have click bindings for a the parent object:
and for a child object:
When you click the close button, the 'click' event is being fired for both handlers, all animations are queued, and you get the undesirable closes-then-opens action.
You have a few options to resolve this. #1 is to unbind the parent click handler and rebind it after the close button is clicked.
notificationClickHandler(); //animations are separated from bindings
Alternately, jQuery has a .clearQueue() method that removes all queued animations. This might have side-effects when users are quick with the mouse, or if your page is heavy on jQuery animations, so you'll have to experiment with the appropriate level of scope for your application.
$thisNotification.animate({height:50}, 1000);

Jquery drop down

Here is a jquery drop down i am trying to make:
Basically i just want a div to drop down when a user mouses over a link and stay down unless i mouse away from the link or over the dropped down div and then away from the div. So it is almost like a standard drop down menu that you see in alot of website navigation, but this just has a bit of animation so it doesn't appear instantly.
I'm finding it terribly difficult, as you can see it doesn't quite function correctly. Any adivce? Thanks for your input.
You can see a working demo of the following here.
I prefer mouseenter[DOCS] and mouseleaveDOCS in this situation as it behaves better when hovering over children. I restructured your HTML so that the hover is over the parent div of the link, so that when you hover over the gray area that slides down it's not considered a mouseleave as follows:
<div class="mask-layer">
<a class="top-link-cart" href="">Test</a>
<div class="slidedown">div should close if user moves mouse away from test (but not to the gray area) or away from the gray area. The .mouseout function doesn't appear to work. </div>
I then restructured your Javascript to use .mask-layer for the hover events, and simplified the animation with slideUp[DOCS] and slideDown[DOCS] as follows:
$('div.mask-layer').mouseenter(function() { // enter animation
}).mouseleave(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
You can use the slideDown() and slideUp() methods - they're a littler easier to work with. You'll also want to use the windowSetTimeout. A lesser known feature is that it returns a number which will allow you to cancel the timeout. You can use that to keep the div open in the event the user scrolls down onto it. Some inspiration for this approach borrowed from here:
$(document).ready(function() {
var timeout = 500;
var closetimer = 0;
$(', .slidedown').mouseover( function(){
$(', .slidedown').mouseout( function(){
closetimer = window.setTimeout(function(){$('.slidedown').slideUp(1000)}, timeout);
function cancel_timer(){
{ window.clearTimeout(closetimer);
closetimer = null;
if you are looking for a click action dropdown menu here it is
//toggle navbar on click.
$('//my link').click(function(event) {
$('//sub menu container').toggle();
//to close dropdown menu when clicked out it.
$(document).click(function() {
$('//sub menu container').hide();
hope it works for you..... !!

