(Raphael) Alternative to free_transform.js? (Slow Animation) - javascript

I have this web app that creates rows and columns of holes. With each hole there can also be text and a path or 2 associated with it. I have all of these stored in a set. The user also has the option of moving this set using free_transform.js. It works great if I have less than 50 holes; less in Firefox for some reason. But the problem really shows itself when the user decides to create a grid of 100 or more holes.
The functionality works fine; it's just that the animation is slow to catch up to my mouse movement. At worst I would say the delay is 2 seconds, but as a client that would be really annoying and of course we don't want to annoy the client.
My question is does anyone have experience using Raphael/free_transform in this context? Is there a better solution? Are the tools I am using insufficient for my goal?


Ways to speed up rendering / plotting performance on plotly.js

I'm looking for all kinds of ways to speed up the rendering of plots in JavaScript, maybe we can collect some stuff here?
I'm plotting scientific data, around 500 points + errors per trace (between 1 and 4 traces normally). Doesn't sound too much, does it? Now the data changes according to user input - a slider, and my goal is to update the plots as smoothly as possible while dragging the slider. And that's where I realized that im not satisfied with the drawing speed.
Since the y data (+errors) can totally change, I use Plotly.redraw - this takes in my case on Chrome about 30-40ms. Seems ok, but considering that I want to present 5-15 plots at the same time, this often adds up to half a second or more. 1 or 2 fps ain't exactly what one would call "smooth". Plus, that's on Chrome, it looks way worse on other Browsers.
So I wonder if redrawing is the only option, and if so, how to speed this up? Any ideas? I tried type: 'scattergl'and while this seems to be a big boost (down to 10-15ms), it only works like a charm for small plots with only one trace, I can't manage to get it to work for all 10-15 plots - it throws multiple different errors, not worth mentioning since they are always different on different machines. So my conclusion is, that the scattergl interface isn't as mature as svg, but maybe I'm using it wrong?
Sorry for the long text, but now I would be really glad to hear some ideas on how to speed things up.

In JavaScript, is it possible to have to audio input as a event listener? (Idea construction)

There is an idea which I have been toying with for the past few weeks. I am extremely serious to realise this concept, but I totally lack any know how about the implementation. I have some thoughts which I'll be sharing as I explain what the idea is.
We have websites. Most of them are responsive.
What is responsive web design?
By and large, responsive web design means that design and development should respond to the user’s behaviour and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. If I change my window size, my website to should change its dimensions accordingly.
If I scale some object on the screen, then the website should rearrange/ rescale accordingly.
This is good, but nothing exciting (nowadays!).
I am again so damnfully limited by a screen and to whatever happening inside it that what I do outside seems still very external and not seamless. Except my contact with the mouse/ keyboard, I do not know any other way to communicate with the things that happen inside the screen. My screen experience is still a very external feature, not seamless with my cognition. I think this is also a reason why my computer always remains a computer and does not behave a natural extension of the human body.
I was toying with a idea which I have no clue how to realize. I have a basic idea, but I need some some technical/ design help from those who are fascinated by this as much as I am.
The idea is simple: Make the screen more responsive, but this time without use of a mouse or any such input device. All laptops and most desktops have a microphone. How about using this small device for input?
Let me explain:
Imagine, a website in which screen icons repopulate when you blow a whiff onto the screen. The song on your favourite playlist changes when you whistle to the screen.
Say you have an animated tree on the screen. That tree sheds its leaves when you blow air to it. The shedding depends on how fast you blow. Getting a small idea?
Let me put some graphics (see the hyperlink after this paragraph) which I think will make it better. I plan to make a website/ API in which there is a person with long hair staring at you. If you blow air from the right side of your screen, her hair moves to the left. If you blow air from the left, her hair blows to the right. If you blow faint, her hair suffers faint scattering. Some naughty stuff, say you whistle: The character on the screen winks, or say throws a disgusting expression- whatever.
The whole concept is that every element of the web must have a direct relation with the user who is sitting outside the screen. It gives a whole lot of realism to the website architecture if things like my whistle, whiff or say even my sneeze can do something to the website! I am not tied to the mouse or the keyboard for my response to be noted. Doesn’t that reduce a hell of a lot of cognitive load on the user?
See this image: http://imgur.com/mg4Whua
Now coming to the technical aspect that I need guidance on.
If I was building a regular responsive website in JavaScript, I'd use addeventhandler("Click", Animate) or addeventhandler("resize", Animate) - something like that. Here I want my event handler to be the audio input that is coming from the microphone. Also, I need to know the place from where the audio is originating that I can decide which side the hair must fall and play that animation.
So in the span of 180/360 degree of the microphone, I need to not just catch the audio, but also its angle that the right animation can be played. It'd be a crashing fail if the same animation is played where-ever I blow air. It needs to have that element of realism.
I have asked around and some people suggested to me that I try WebRTC of HTML5. I am still seeing if that works, but otherwise are there any more options? I guess Processing is one. Has anyone handled its audio features?
I want to build a simple prototype first before I delve into the immense possibilities this idea could have. But if you have some really awesome thing in mind, please let me know about it. Exciting ideas are one thing, and exciting implementation totally another. We want both.
Are there such websites already? Any work happening in this side?
Any small guidance counts!
There are plenty of ways to create your own events. Most libraries have some built-in way of doing so. Basically you're talking about the observer pattern and here's a nice article to explain it in greater detail: https://dottedsquirrel.com/javascript/observer-pattern/
Also as far as listening to audio goes, using an analyzer-node (AnalyserNode) on the input signal and some ingenious code to determine that the sound is what you want to listen to, firing the event is a piece of cake using aforementioned custom events.
But, before diving into those, determining the angle of the sound? I do not think that is even possible. You might be able to determine the angle of the origin of the sound in a '2d' scope, but that certainly won't give you an angle. I think you'd need something rather more ingenious than a simple stereo mic setup to determine the angle.

Chrome canvas becomes blank after waking up from standby mode

Our application downloads about 15meg of images and displays them in a html canvas. We are doing a bit of stress testing and have found that after we have about 10 tabs open if we put the computer in sleep mode, when it comes back the canvas is blank - it just shows plain white (this doesn't happen every time, but very frequently).
We hold the images in JavaScript Image objects, and I have inspected the memory in those and they still appear to be valid. I've tried to use the Chrome memory analysis by taking a snap shot before and after the error occurs, in some cases less memory is being used, in other cases more, so that didn't seem to tell me much.
I am curious if anyone has seen this before, and even if not, does anyone have pointers about debugging something similar. It would be perfectly sufficient if there was a way for us to determine if the error had occurred so we could trigger a reload of the images, but I'm afraid until I figure out what is causing it, I won't even know what to try and inspect.
#rtpg - the draw loop was continuing to run, but it would not display anything
For some reason the canvas would no longer update. I was unable to determine when the problem occurred but did figure out how to get the canvas to start displaying the images again. It was required that I resize the canvas (I change the width by one pixel) and then redraw (it's embarrassingly hackish). I current have it set to run every 30 seconds through setTimeout, but will probably change to window.onfocus once I can verify that gets called when coming out of sleep mode.
There are major canvas issues in Chrome 29.
You may want to check out and star this issue:
(This stress test is failing too and may be related)

Browser render engines: which strategy would be best for a huge image background

I have a project I'm planning which based on kind of an 'interactive world' style experience where the browsers viewport moves around to show many different graphic environments, it must all be fluid and no page-to-page breaks. The project is in js/html5/css3
The problem this poses is that the entire 'world' will be perhaps 8-15,000 px squared (it also rotates, and has various png alpha overlays on top of it)
I was going to run some tests but there are so many ways to approach this and I'm looking for the most fluid one. My knowledge of the internal workings of browser render engines isn't great so I thought I'd ask around.
I cant use the 'tiling' approach which google map uses as it's not fluid enough (too blocky) also when rotating around it's going to create headaches do the math-transforms to work out which tiles to load at what angles so here are the 2 choices I have boiled it down to:
(1) The "Huge" image approach
The benefit of this is that once it's loaded everything is easy, the downside is that it's going to be huge and I cannot show an incremental preloader as the image queue will essentially be 2 images (overlay and huge img)
(2) Image segments
The benefit is that I can show a preloader with an image queue at 10% increments (10x images)
is the 2nd approach going to have a more painful overhead on the browser's rendering engine due to there being 9 separate sets of calculations being done or do browser engines simply see them as one painted area once it's initially rendered and then update it as a whole? Or each time the dom is changed (rotated etc), the browser has to run the same transform/repaint process 9 times?
Thanks very much.
LOTS of tests later: result: Use a big image, seems to be less for the browser to deal with.

I have a couple thousand javascript objects which I need to display and scroll through. What are my options?

I'm working off of designs which show a scrollable box containing a list of a user's "contacts".
Users may have up to 10,000 contacts.
For now assume that all contacts are already in memory, and I'm simply trying to draw them. If you want to comment on the question of how wise it is to load 10k items of data in a browser, please do it here.
There are two techniques I've seen for managing a huge list like this inside a scrollable box.
Just Load Them All
This seems to be how gmail approaches displaying contacts. I currently have 2k contacts in gmail. If I click "all contacts", I get a short delay, then the scrollable box at the right begins to fill with contacts. It looks like they're breaking the task into chunks, probably separating the DOM additions into smaller steps and putting those steps into timeouts in order to not freeze the entire interface while the process completes.
Simple to implement
Uses native UI elements the way they were designed to be used
Google does it, it must be ok
Not totally snappy -- there is some delay involved, even on my development machine running Firefox. There will probably be quite a lot of delay for a user running a slower machine running IE6
I don't know what sort of limits there are in how large I can allow the DOM to grow, but it seems to me there must be some limit to how many nodes I can add to it. How will an older browser on an older machine react if I ask it to hold 10k nodes in the DOM?
Draw As Needed
This seems to be how Yahoo deals with displaying contact lists. The create a scrollable box, put a super-tall, empty placeholder inside it, and draw contacts only when the user scrolls to reveal them.
DOM nodes are drawn only as needed, so there's very little delay while loading, and much less risk of overloading the browser with too many DOM nodes
Trickier to implement, and more opportunity for bugs. For example, if I scroll quickly in the yahoo mail contact manager as soon as the page loads, I'm able to get contacts to load on top of one another. Of course, bugs can be worked out, but obviously this approach will introduce more bugs.
There's still the potential to add a huge number of DOM nodes. If the user scrolls slowly through the entire list, every item will get drawn, and we'll still end up with an enormous DOM
Are there other approaches in common use for displaying a huge list? Any more pros or cons with each approach to add? Any experience/problems/success using either of these approaches?
I would chunk up the DOM-writing into handle-able amounts (say, 25 or 50), then draw the chunks on demand. I wouldn't worry about removing the old DOM elements until the amount drawn gets quite large.
I would divide the contacts into chunks, and keep a sort of view buffer alive that changes which chunks are written to the DOM as the user scrolls through the list. That way the total number of dom elements never rises above a certain threshold. Could be fairly tricky to implement, however.
Using this method you can also dynamically modify the size of chunks and the size of the buffer, depending on the browser's performance (dynamic performance optimization), which could help out quite a bit.
It's definitely non-trivial to implement, however.
The bug you see in Yahoo may be due to absolutely positioned elements: if you keep your CSS simple and avoid absolutely/relatively positioning your contact entries, it shouldn't happen.

