Unexpected behavior using getters and setters - javascript

Look this code:
function dbg (object) {
var _string = "";
for (var a in object) {
_string += a + ":\n";
for (var b in object[a])
if (/^get_/.test (b))
_string += "\t" + b + " - " + object[a][b] () + "\n";
return _string;
function Order () {
var products = [];
this.get_products = function () {return products;}
this.set_products = function (_products) {products = _products;}
function Product () {
var id = null;
var name = null;
this.get_id = function () {return id;}
this.get_name = function () {return name;}
this.set_id = function (_id) {id = _id;}
this.set_name = function (_name) {name = _name}
var order = new Order ();
var product = new Product ();
product.set_id (1);
product.set_name ("Banana");
order.set_products (order.get_products ().concat (product));
alert (dbg (order.get_products ())); // Ok
product.set_id (2);
product.set_name ("Orange");
order.set_products (order.get_products ().concat (product));
alert (dbg (order.get_products ())); // Duplicated values! What?
The first time you push the object "Product" into the object "Order", everything looks fine.
When you set new values to the object "Product", the object itself overwrites the previous values of the object "Order". The final result is a array of duplicated values. Is it normal ? Is there a workaround? Just tried everything I knew without success. Thanks.

Crazy Train has already answered it in the comments. The question is listed having 0 answers so I'll add it as an answer.
When adding a variable containing an object to an array you add a reference to the variable, when you re assign the variable the reference is broken.
Adding a variable containing an object to an array then re assigning the variable doesn't change the object in the array:
var arr=[];
var object={name:"John"};
console.log(arr);//=[Object {name="john"}]
Adding a variable containing an object to an array then changing the internal values of the object that the variable contains does change the object in the array:
var arr=[];
var object={name:"John"};
console.log(arr);//=[Object {name="Jane"}]
So to correct your code you could do the following:
Create a new variable for the product to be added:
var product2=new Product();
product2.set_id (2);
product2.set_name ("Orange");
order.set_products (order.get_products ().concat (product2));
Or break the reference between your product variable and the products array in order:
product=null;//product has no ref to order.products
product=new Product();
product.set_id (2);
product.set_name ("Orange");
order.set_products (order.get_products ().concat (product));
I would not define members of an object in a constructor function with var as JavaScript doesn't support private members. You can simulate them by creating closures but that has it's own problem when you have instance specific privates (as is your case). You can't use prototype if the functions need to access private instance variables, you can't clone it unless you have public accesssors, inheritance and overriding functions will be a pain.
Here is some more info on using constructor functions.
If you have Chrome or Firefox (with Firebug) then you can press F12 to open the console. You an detach the console window (have it's own window) then copy code in the before mentioned answers and paste them in the commandline of the console. There you can run and re run the code, change and see the output to better understand JS behavior.

You are just overriding the variables in object. I'd do it like this, much simpler:
var products = {
set : function(name,id) {
get : function(id) {
var r;
if(typeof id === 'number'){
products.list.forEach(function(e,i){ if(e.id==id) r= products.list[i];});
} else {
products.list.forEach(function(e,i){ if(e.name==id) r = products.list[i];});
return r;
list : []
var order={
set : function(p) {
get : function(id) {
return order.list[id];
delete : function(id) {
return delete order.list[id];
list : {}
then you can do this
var x = products.get(1);
var y = products.get('orange');
working demo:


How does angular or js return data without specifying a parameter name

The title doesnt really explain what i am trying to ask here. Well here is an example:
.factory('Story', function($http) {
var storyFactory = {};
Factory.getStory = function() {
return $http.get('/api');
.controller('StoryController', function(story) {
var vm = this;
.sucess(function(mydata) {
So how allStory() returns data into mydata?
Are you asking about the way javascript replaces the written code with the logical object at the time?
console.log(new Array({"getWalkDetails":function(){return {"MaxSpeed":15, "DistanceWalked": 123}} },
"walking on sunshine",
"oh oh" ).shift().getWalkDetails().MaxSpeed);
//outputs "15" to the console
This can be rewritten as
var arr = new Array();
var func = function(){
var details = new Object();
details.MaxSpeed =15;
details.DistanceWalked = 124;
return details;
var obj = {"getWalkDetails" : func};
arr.push("walking on sunshine");
arr.push("oh oh");
var firstItem = arr.shift();
//the array function 'shift()' is used to remove the first item in the array and return it to the variable
var walkingDetails = firstItem.getWalkingDetails()//same as func() or obj.getWalkingDetails()
As you can see we stored most of the the interpreted outputs as variables to be used seperately.
If you are asking how to pass objects by reference in javascript to allow the mydata variable to receive any changes done to it in the function it is passed to. then this question might be helpful to you:
javascript pass object as reference
edited the code above a bit more
I'm not entirely sure either what you mean (especially because I never worked with Angular), but I have a feeling you're puzzled by this little trick:
//+ fn -> [a]
var getParameterNames = (function () {
var STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg,
ARGUMENT_NAMES = /([^\s,]+)/g;
return function (fn) {
var fnStr = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, ''),
names = fnStr.slice(fnStr.indexOf('(')+1, fnStr.indexOf(')')).match(ARGUMENT_NAMES);
return names || [];
function add (x, y) {
return x + y;
console.log(getParameterNames(add)); // => ['x', 'y']
Edit: And here's a jsfiddle.

What is the most efficient way to create map of functions to arguments?

I want to create a map of functions to its argument. This map will be updated dynamically. Finally all the functions will be called with their corresponding arguments.
function foo1(x) {
//do something with x
function foo2(x) {
//do something else with x
var map = {};
map[foo1] = [1,2,3]; //this array is updated dynamically in my code
map[foo2] = [4,5,6];
// I want to call foo1 and foo2 with their [1,2,3] and [4,5,6] arguments respectively.
I tried 2 approaches :
Converted foo1 to string (using toString() method) as the key for the map. Then later I get back the function from this string using Function constructor. But I am afraid if this will hit the performance.
// This works. But concerned about the performance
map[foo1.toString()] = [1,2,3];
for(i in map){
var fn = Function( 'return '+ i)();
Store objects that wrap up function and their respective arguments like:
{ fn : foo1 , args : [1,2,3] }
{ fn : foo2 , args : [4,5,6] }
Here I store the references to functions instead of the entire function definition. But I have to traverse through the entire array to add more arguments.
Is there any better approach to maintain this map? What are the drawbacks in the above mentioned approaches?
Answer to the question "in what situation I will need this" :
I am maintaining a map from arguments to functions. I update it dynamically.
Later in my code I want to create a reverse map and call the functions with all its arguments.
For eg :
1 -> foo1
2 -> foo2
3 -> foo1,foo2
4 -> foo1
... and so on.
Then I want to create a reverse map like this :
foo1 -> [1,3,4...]
foo2 -> [2,3,...]
And finally call :
foo1( [1,3,4...])
foo2( [2,3,...])
Objects in JavaScript can only have strings as keys, so using map[foo1] is practically identical to map[foo1.toString()]. These both have problems that you haven't noticed: they discard closed-over variables, e.g.:
function makeCounter() {
var counter = 0;
return function() { return ++counter; }
If I have
var myCounter = makeCounter();
then myCounter.toString() will be function() { return ++counter; }, and trying to reconstitute that with the Function constructor will result in having the wrong counter reference.
Really, the best option might be to use the function's name as the property and as a value, use an object like you suggested:
var map = {};
map['foo1'] = { fn: foo1, args: [1, 2, 3] };
Then, if you want to add more arguments later, it's pretty obvious:
And to call them all, you might use something like this:
for(var functionName in map) {
if(!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(map, functionName)) {
map[functionName].fn.apply(null, map[functionName].args);
Until there's a native cross-browser solution for having objects as keys, you could always implement your own solution. Here's an example of what you could do. In the code below, the ObjectMap will store a generated key as a property of the object that needs to serve as a key. The property name that is used to store the key on the object is randomized to reduce possible conflicts. The map implementation can then use this property's value to retrieve the key on the object and then retrieve it's associated value.
JSPERF: http://jsperf.com/object-map
function ObjectMap() {
this.key = 0;
//you should implement a better unique id algorithm
this.mapId = '_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
this.data = {};
ObjectMap.prototype = {
set: function (object, value) {
var key = ++this.key;
if (object[this.mapId]) {
object[this.mapId] = key;
this.data[key] = value;
get: function (object) {
var key = object[this.mapId];
return key? this.data[key] : null;
remove: function (object) {
var key = object[this.mapId];
if (!key) {
delete this.data[key];
delete object[key];
function a() {}
var map = new ObjectMap();
map.set(a, 'test');
console.log(map.get(a)); //test
In order to use objects (or functions) as keys you'll need to use Harmony (EcmaScript 6) WeakMap or Map. They're both currently experimental and both are available in Firefox. I believe WeakMap might also be available in Chrome (with the proper flag settings?).
If your platform supports WeakMap, and you choose to incorporate them, then their usage is quite straightforward:
var myWeakMap=new WeakMap();
myWeakMap.get(key [, defaultValue]);
myWeakMap.set(key, value);
More information (note the MDN references appear to be unlisted):
Also: Alternatively you can use an array of functions, then use indexOf to get the index of the function, then access the parameters in an another array with that index.
function a(){}
function b(){}
var x=[a,b].indexOf(b); //x=1
Credits to Dagg Nabbit for suggesting this in the comments under my question.
"Don't forget functions can have properties. You could always store the
functions in an array, and attach their index in the array to the
function as a propery, and look them up that way." - Dagg Nabbit
Consider the following map of args-to-callback arguments :
map :
1 -> foo1
2 -> foo1,foo2
3 -> foo2
The objective is to construct a callback-to-args map (reverse map) like this :
foo1 -> [1,2]
foo2 -> [2,3]
Approach :
var allArgsPossible = [1,2,3]
// contains the list of callbacks to be called
var callbackArray = [];
//maps the callback index in callbackArray to the callback's arguments
//callbackMap[index] = args means callbackArray[index] will be called with parameter "args"
var callbackMap = {};
for( i in allArgsPossible)
var item = allArgsPossible[i];
var callbacks = map[ item ];
for(j in callbacks)
var callback = callbacks[j];
if(callback.index == undefined)
var index = callbackArray.length;
// adding a new property "index" to the callback
callback.index = index;
callbackMap[index] = [item];
//create a new entry in callbackArray
for( i in callbackArray)
var callback = callbackArray[i];
//get arguments from our reverse map
var args = callbackMap[callback.index];
// Bingo !
You can get the whole picture here : http://jsfiddle.net/kyvUA/2/
One point to note here is that the callback function may already have an "index" property for some other purpose. If that is a concern, you can generate a random string and store this property on the callback with the index as the value. ( as suggested by #plalx )
Cheers !

"OOP"-JS - set propertie equal to function

Basicly, i want "theId" to be equal to what "getId" returns. But how?
var Quiz = {
getId : function() {
var params = 1;
return params;
theId : getId(),
An object literal can't refer to properties/methods within itself, because at the time the object literal is evaluated the object doesn't exist yet. You have to do it as a two-step process:
var Quiz = {
getId : function() {
var params = 1;
return params;
Quiz.theId = Quiz.getId();
Note that that sets theId to whatever getId() returned at that time, it doesn't somehow automatically update theId if your real-world function is more dynamic than your example and potentially returns different values each time it's called.
Alternatively if the function is declared before the object you can create both object properties at once, with one being a reference to the function and the other being the result of calling it.
Seems a bit like a duplicate of Self-references in object literal declarations, but you could use a simple getter function for your property:
var Quiz = {
get theID() {
var params = 1;
return params;

How can I count the instances of an object?

If i have a Javascript object defined as:
function MyObj(){};
MyObj.prototype.showAlert = function(){
alert("This is an alert");
Now a user can call it as:
var a = new MyObj();
So far so good, and one can also in the same code run another instance of this:
var b = new MyObj();
Now I want to know, how can I hold the number of instances MyObj?
is there some built-in function?
One way i have in my mind is to increment a global variable when MyObj is initialized and that will be the only way to keep track of this counter, but is there anything better than this idea?
Have a look at this as suggestion here:
I mean how can I make it get back to 2 instead of 3
There is nothing built-in; however, you could have your constructor function keep a count of how many times it has been called. Unfortunately, the JavaScript language provides no way to tell when an object has gone out of scope or has been garbage collected, so your counter will only go up, never down.
For example:
function MyObj() {
MyObj.numInstances = (MyObj.numInstances || 0) + 1;
new MyObj();
new MyObj();
MyObj.numInstances; // => 2
Of course, if you want to prevent tampering of the count then you should hide the counter via a closure and provide an accessor function to read it.
Per your updated question - there is no way to keep track of when instances are no longer used or "deleted" (for example by assigning null to a variable) because JavaScript provides no finalizer methods for objects.
The best you could do is create a "dispose" method which objects will call when they are no longer active (e.g. by a reference counting scheme) but this requires cooperation of the programmer - the language provides no assistance:
function MyObj() {
MyObj.numInstances = (MyObj.numInstances || 0) + 1;
MyObj.prototype.dispose = function() {
return MyObj.numInstances -= 1;
MyObj.numInstances; // => 0
var a = new MyObj();
MyObj.numInstances; // => 1
var b = new MyObj();
MyObj.numInstances; // => 2
a.dispose(); // 1 OK: lower the count.
a = null;
MyObj.numInstances; // => 1
b = null; // ERR: didn't call "dispose"!
MyObj.numInstances; // => 1
Create a static property on the MyObj constructor called say count and increment it within the constructor itself.
function MyObj() {
MyObj.count = 0;
var a = new MyObj;
var b = new MyObj;
This is the way you would normally do it in say Java (using a static property).
var User = (function() {
var id = 0;
return function User(name) {
this.name = name;
this.id = ++id;
User.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.name;
var a = new User('Ignacio');
var b = new User('foo bar');
User {name: "Ignacio", id: 1}
User {name: "foo bar", id: 2}
Using ES6 Classes MDN syntax - we can define a static method:
The static keyword defines a static method for a class. Static methods are called without instantiating their class and cannot be called through a class instance. Static methods are often used to create utility functions for an application.
class Item {
static currentId = 0;
_id = ++Item.currentId; // Set Instance's this._id to incremented class's ID
// PS: The above line is same as:
// constructor () { this._id = ++Item.currentId; }
get id() {
return this._id; // Getter for the instance's this._id
const A = new Item(); // Create instance (Item.currentId is now 1)
const B = new Item(); // Create instance (Item.currentId is now 2)
const C = new Item(); // Create instance (Item.currentId is now 3)
console.log(A.id, B.id, C.id); // 1 2 3
console.log(`Currently at: ${ Item.currentId }`); // Currently at: 3
PS: if you don't want to log-expose the internal currentId property, make it private:
static #currentId = 0;
_id = ++Item.#currentId;
Here's an example with constructor and without the getter:
class Item {
static id = 0;
constructor () {
this.id = ++Item.id;
getID() {
const A = new Item(); // Create instance (Item.id is now 1)
const B = new Item(); // Create instance (Item.id is now 2)
const C = new Item(); // Create instance (Item.id is now 3)
A.getID(); B.getID(); C.getID(); // 1; 2; 3
console.log(`Currently at: ${ Item.id }`); // Currently at: 3
what about such method?
var Greeter = (function ()
var numInstances;
function Greeter(message)
numInstances = (numInstances || 0) + 1;
this.greeting = message;
Greeter.prototype.greet = function ()
return "Hello, " + this.greeting;
Greeter.prototype.getCounter = function ()
return numInstances;
return Greeter;
var greeter = new Greeter("world");
var newgreeter = new Greeter("new world");
Keeping a global count variable and incrementing every time is an option. Another option is to call counter method after each instance creation by hand (the worst thing I could imagine). But there is another better solution.
Every time we create an instance, the constructor function is being called. The problem is the constructor function is being created for each instance, but we can have a count property inside __proto__ which can be the same for each instance.
function MyObj(){
MyObj.prototype.count = 0;
MyObj.prototype.addCount = function() {
var a = new MyObj();
var b = new MyObj();
This is our a and b variables after all:
Eventually, JS is going to have built-in proxy capability, which will have low-level access to all kinds of things which happen in the background, which will never be exposed to front-end developers (except through the proxy -- think magic-methods in languages like PHP).
At that time, writing a destructor method on your object, which decrements the counter might be entirely trivial, as long as support for destruction/garbage-collection as a trigger is 100% guaranteed across platforms.
The only way to currently, reliably do it might be something like creating an enclosed registry of all created instances, and then manually destructing them (otherwise, they will NEVER be garbage-collected).
var Obj = (function () {
var stack = [],
removeFromStack = function (obj) {
stack.forEach(function (o, i, arr) {
if (obj === o) { arr.splice(i, 1); }
makeObj.count -= 1;
function makeObj (name) {
this.sayName = function () { console.log("My name is " + this.name); }
this.name = name;
this.explode = function () { removeFromStack(this); };
makeObj.count += 1;
makeObj.checkInstances = function () { return stack.length; };
makeObj.count = 0;
return makeObj;
// usage:
var a = new Obj("Dave"),
b = new Obj("Bob"),
c = new Obj("Doug");
Obj.count; // 3
// "Dave? Dave's not here, man..."
Obj.count; // 2
a = null; // not 100% necessary, if you're never going to call 'a', ever again
// but you MUST call explode if you ever want it to leave the page's memory
// the horrors of memory-management, all over again
Will this pattern do what you want it to do?
As long as:
you don't turn a into something else
you don't overwrite its explode method
you don't mess with Obj in any way
you don't expect any prototype method to have access to any of the internal variables
...then yes, this method will work just fine for having the counter work properly.
You could even write a general method called recycle, which calls the explode method of any object you pass it (as long as its constructor, or factory, supported such a thing).
function recycle (obj) {
var key;
for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete obj[key]; } }
if (obj.__proto__) { obj.__proto__ = null; }
Note - this won't actually get rid of the object.
You'll just have removed it from the closure, and removed all methods/properties it once had.
So now it's an empty husk, which you could reuse, expressly set to null after recycling its parts, or let it be collected and forget about it, knowing that you removed necessary references.
Was this useful?
Probably not.
The only time I really see this as being of use would be in a game where your character might only be allowed to fire 3 bullets at a time, and he can't shoot a 4th until the 1st one on screen hits someone or goes off the edge (this is how, say, Contra worked, in the day).
You could also just shift a "disappeared" bullet off the stack, and reuse that bullet for any player/enemy by resetting its trajectory, resetting appropriate flags, and pushing it back onto the stack.
But again, until proxies allow us to define "magic" constructor/destructor methods, which are honoured at a low-level, this is only useful if you're going to micromanage the creation and destruction of all of your own objects (really not a good idea).
My solution is creating an object store instance count and a function to increase them in prototype.
function Person() {
Person.prototype = {
constructor: Person,
static: {
count: 0
countInst: function() {
this.static.count += 1;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var p = new Person();
document.write('Instance count: ');
document.write('<br />');
Here is my plunker: https://plnkr.co/edit/hPtIR2MQnV08L9o1oyY9?p=preview
class Patient{
Object.assign(this,{name, age, id});
static patientList = []; // declare a static variable
static addPatient(obj){
this.patientList.push(...obj); // push to array
return this.patientList.length; // find the array length to get the number of objects
let p1 = new Patient('shreyas',20, 1);
let p2 = new Patient('jack',25, 2);
let p3 = new Patient('smith',22, 3);
let patientCount = Patient.addPatient([p1,p2,p3]); // call static method to update the count value with the newly created object

Can you use custom objects as properties of an object in javascript?

Suppose I create a custom object/javascript "class" (airquotes) as follows:
// Constructor
function CustomObject(stringParam) {
var privateProperty = stringParam;
// Accessor
this.privilegedGetMethod = function() {
return privateProperty;
// Mutator
this.privilegedSetMethod = function(newStringParam) {
privateProperty = newStringParam;
Then I want to make a list of those custom objects where I can easily add or remove things from that list. I decide to use objects as a way to store the list of custom objects, so I can add custom objects to the list with
var customObjectInstance1 = new CustomObject('someString');
var customObjectInstance2 = new CustomObject('someOtherString');
var customObjectInstance3 = new CustomObject('yetAnotherString');
myListOfCustomObjects[customObjectInstance1] = true;
myListOfCustomObjects[customObjectInstance2] = true;
myListOfCustomObjects[customObjectInstance3] = true;
and remove custom objects from the list with
delete myListOfCustomObjects[customObjectInstance1];
but if i try to iterate through the list with
for (i in myListOfCustomObjects) {
I would get an error in the FireBug console that says "i.privilegedGetMethod() is not a function". Is there a way to fix this problem or an idiom in javascript to do what I want? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm new to javascript and have scoured the internet for solutions to my problem with no avail. Any help would be appreciated!
P.S. I realize that my example is super simplified, and I can just make the privateProperty public using this.property or something, but then i would still get undefined in the alert, and I would like to keep it encapsulated.
i won't be the original object as you were expecting:
for (i in myListOfCustomObjects) {
alert(typeof i); // "string"
This is because all keys in JavaScript are Strings. Any attempt to use another type as a key will first be serialized by toString().
If the result of toString() isn't somehow unique for each instance, they will all be the same key:
function MyClass() { }
var obj = {};
var k1 = new MyClass();
var k2 = new MyClass();
obj[k1] = {};
obj[k2] = {};
// only 1 "[object Object]" key was created, not 2 object keys
for (var key in obj) {
To make them unique, define a custom toString:
function CustomObject(stringParam) {
/* snip */
this.toString = function () {
return 'CustomObject ' + stringParam;
var obj = {};
var k1 = new CustomObject('key1');
var k2 = new CustomObject('key2');
obj[k1] = {};
obj[k2] = {};
// "CustomObject key1" then "CustomObject key2"
for (var key in obj) {
With a custom toString, you can set the object as the serialized key and the value to keep them organized and still continue to access them:
var customObjectInstance1 = new CustomObject('someString');
var customObjectInstance2 = new CustomObject('someOtherString');
var customObjectInstance3 = new CustomObject('yetAnotherString');
myListOfCustomObjects[customObjectInstance1] = customObjectInstance1;
myListOfCustomObjects[customObjectInstance2] = customObjectInstance2;
myListOfCustomObjects[customObjectInstance3] = customObjectInstance3;
for (i in myListOfCustomObjects) {
The for iteration variable is just the index, not the object itself. So use:
for (i in myListOfCustomObjects) {
and, in my opinion, if you use an Object as an array index / hash, it just would be converted to the string "Object", which ends up in a list with a single entry, because all the keys are the same ("Object").
myListOfCustomObjects =[
new CustomObject('someString'),
new CustomObject('someOtherString'),
new CustomObject('yetAnotherString')
you will get access to any element by index of array.

