JAVASCRIPT / JQuery How execute onmouveover 1 time - javascript

Im trying to show a popup when the mouse is over a li element.
My popup got an animation (get visible with fading, comes up, then comes down)
The problem is that my popup's animation seems to be in a endless loops while the mouse is over the li.
I got alot's of li element and I made a process to give them automatics ID, passing them in a 'for' loop.
echo"<li id='".$li_id_name.$li_id."' onmouseover='showpopup(this)'>";
echo"<div id='".$li_id_name.$li_id."detail'>SOME TEXT</div>";
Javascript / jQuery
function showpopup(obj) {'#'+$(obj).attr('id')+"detail").transition().duration(100).style('opacity','1').each('end', function() {'#'+$(obj).attr('id')+"detail").transition().duration(100).style('margin-top','-300px').each('end', function() {'#'+$(obj).attr('id')+"detail").transition().duration(500).style('margin-top','-250px');
SORRY I DID A MISTAKE IN MY CODE, in fact, the popup is a div inside the li element

just use mouseenter instead of mouseover
//What to do..
Try a look at this

Try like this
<li class="assignenter">LI1</li>
<li class="assignenter">LI2</li>
<li class="assignenter">LI3</li>
$("li.assignenter").on( "mouseenter", function() {
"background-color": "red",
"font-weight": "bolder"
}).on( "mouseleave", function() {
var styles = {
backgroundColor : "green",
fontWeight: ""
$(this).css( styles );
Hope this will solve your problem


Hover out from two divs simultaneously

Have a look at the following JQuery code:
function my_hover()
$( "#up,#down" ).hover(
function() {
"background-color": "#020306"
"background-color": "#171716"
function() {
$("#up").css("background-color","#C8CACF" );
$("#down").css("background-color","#FAFAF8" );
There are two divs: #up,#down which I cannot wrap into a parent div(due to design restrictions). What I want to do is to animate the change in background color whenever #up or #down are being hovered. However, in case the mouse leaves one div by going directly to the other(the two divs are stuck together vertically) I do not want the last two lines of the above code being applied. I want them to be applied only when mouse hovers out from both divs. How may I achieve that? At you may see what is happening with the above code in the first left rectangle with the target photo (transition between up and down provokes change of color and that's not desirable).
Thank you
Try this.
<div id="up">Up</div>
<div id="down">down</div>
div{ transition:all 0.25s ease-in-out;}
$('#up, #down').mouseenter(function(){
Fiddle Demo
Using the technique #nnnnn alluded to, e.g., using a timeout:
(function init() {
var $up = $('#up'),
$down = $('#down'),
hovered = false;
$up.hover(over, out);
$down.hover(over, out);
function over() {
hovered = true;
"background-color": "#020306"
"background-color": "#171716"
function out() {
setTimeout(function to() {
if (!hovered) {
$up.css("background-color", "#C8CACF");
$down.css("background-color", "#FAFAF8");
}, 1000);
hovered = false;
And with the elements inline next to each other, instead of vertically aligned:

change css of body on mouseover

I want to get an highlighting effect on some various div container while the rest of the site should be dampened down in opacity including the background-image.
Any idea?
Why does this code not work? tried .hover() instead of .mouseover() too but the function won't react on any input...
$(function () {
$('body').mouseover(function () {
"background-color": "red";
Another try would be to set a frame around the body tag in the html and then set props to that frame while the hovered frame is in normal state but I have no idea how to do this. Just beginning with js dev. :)
EDIT: did a fail...
$(function () {
$('body').mouseover(function () {
"opacity": "0.3";
should be that way...
any way to apply the opacity to the background image too?!
fiddle Demo
Use .css()
Set one or more CSS properties for the set of matched elements.
$(function () {
$('body').mouseover(function () {
"background-color": "red"
//or $(this).css("background-color","red");
Set one or more properties for the set of matched elements.
.prop() will set the property for a particular element. In your case you have to use .css() to set the style. Please read .prop() and .css() to see the difference.
Try this,
Here's a FIDDLE
body {
background: gray;
min-height: 1000px; /* For demo purposes */
$(function() {
$('body').on('mouseover', function() {
$(this).css({ backgroundColor: 'red' });
$(function() {
$('body').on('mouseover', function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: 'red' }, 600);
*Note: For some reason it doesn't work with jQuery 1.x(edge).
I think this is what you might want: a "dim" DIV element that adds a semi transparent black box on the entire page, that puts itself "below" the DIV you want to highlight, and then some javascript to turn it off and on, and rearrange the z indexes. The HTML would look something like this:
this is some text
<div id="div1" class="dimmable">hello</div>
<div id="div2" class="dimmable">goodbye</div>
<div id="dim"></div>
And then the JS:
$('div.dimmable').hover(function() {
$(this).css('z-index', 101);
.css('z-index', 100)
}, function() {
var dimmable = $(this);
$('#dim').fadeOut({complete: function() {
dimmable.css('z-index', 99);
You can see it working here.
A slight catch: the DIVs need to have position:relative, otherwise you can't change their z-indexes and you can't put them on top of the "dim" DIV. Also, anything with a higher z-index will not stay behind the "dim", of course, but you can just use higher numbers as a workaround.

Color cycling some elements' css properties with jQuery, :hover gets stuck and erratic

I'm color cycling through the color, background-color and border-color css properties of some elements with the help of jQuery and this little plugin.
I'm doing this:
var currentColor = myRandNumber; // I get this variable from the main page
var myWebColors = [ '#49aea2', '#5da270', '#a1b144', '#ceb33d', '#ce812d',
'#c44e4e', '#ac4275', '#705f91', '#4d6791', '#5199a4' ];
window.setInterval( animateColor, 2000 ); // not using requestAnimationFrame
// for browser compatibility
function animateColor() {
$(".new-project-header, .button a:active,
#logo, ul#menu-main-nav li a:active, ul#menu-main-nav a,
ul#menu-main-nav a:visited, .footer-twitter,
backgroundColor: myWebColors[currentColor]
}, "slow");
$("a:hover, p a:hover, ul#menu-main-nav a:hover,
h3.portfolio-item-title a:hover").animate(
color: myWebColors[currentColor]
}, "slow");
$("p a, p a:visited").animate(
borderColor: myWebColors[currentColor]
}, "slow");
if (currentColor == 9) { // the following cycles through the array
// in an endless loop
currentColor = 0;
} else {
EDIT: jsfiddle HERE!
The problem I'm having is that when I hover over p a, while jQuery does the color cycling just fine, but once I mouseout the link will stay at its :hover state, with the latest color it cycled into.
It's even worse when I hover over ul#menu-main-nav li. It'll change the a:hover color, when that should only be applied to ul#menu-main-nav It's like this latter selector :hover state is taking precedence over the css of the former.
Maybe I should do everything manually with on events? Maybe I should 'reset' all non- :hover states at the end of each loop step? Maybe all of this is overkill and I should try a different approach?
You need to change the state back to default when the mouse exits the element. I.e. hover completes.
JQuery hover can do this easily.
$( "a" ).hover(
function() {
$( this ).animate({ color: myWebColors[currentColor] }, "slow");
}, function() {
$( this ).animate({ color: default_color }, "slow");
Just out of curiosity, why wouldn't you use CSS:hover property as explained here ?
First, you have a loop (setInterval()) that is running even if you didn't hover anything. It is useless.
So, i make an update of your Fiddle with setTimeout(). You can start from something like this. I also replaced :hover statments by event handlers. I don't know if it is ok for you. But this is how I should have done it. Hope it'll help.

This Jquery Menu is Driving Me Nuts?

I'm using a jquery navigation menu that has the line follow when you hover over an element and highlights it. It works now, but I'm having a bunch of quirky issues that I can't figure out for the life of me.
I'll show you my code first and then explain the issues I'm having.
$('#nav2 li a').hover(function()
var offset=$(this).offset();
var thiswidth =$(this).width()+13;
$('#nav2 li.ybg').stop().animate({left:offset.left+12+"px",width:thiswidth+"px"},400,function(){
$('#nav2 li.ybg').stop().animate({height:"4px"},150,function(){
var offset=$(this).offset();
Also, here is the DIV for the ybg if it helps:
ul.nav li.ybg { background-color:#5222B4; position:absolute; z-index:50; width:55px; height:4px; margin-top:6px; }
The main problem is that when you move your mouse off of the menu it stops where it is and shrinks instead of going back to the left most item (Home).
There are other quirks but I'm hoping that if I can figure this out I'll be able to work out the rest.
Hopefully that makes sense (the URL is if you want to see what I'm talking about - it's just a random URL I'm using to test).
$(this).animate({ left: "0px", width: "55px" }, 600, 'easeOutBounce');

jQuery hover animation

I want to appy a hover effect to div boxes, may be up to 60 boxes on a page. It should be quite equal to the css hover effect but I want to apply a fade effect to the hover color. E.g. I have light green as background color and dark green as hover background color, then it should fade from the one to the other side.
I played a bit around with jQuery but could get the result that I wanted:
$(".box").hover(function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#68BFEF" }, 1000);
},function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#68BFEF" }, 500);
You need to use a decent color plug-in. See jQuery animate backgroundColor for more information.
Also, your original code is not really going to do anything, as you want it to animate to another colour afterwards.
$(".box").each( function () {
$(this).hover(function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#68BFEF" }, 1000);
},function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: $(this).data('baseColor') }, 500);
EDIT: see for example.
I don't have much experience with jQuery, but it looks like just a copy-and-paste mistake, since you have the same color in both .animate()s
I believe you are not using the hover function like you should. the second function is used when the user leave the box so your should return to the original color.
White for example:
$(".box").hover(function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#68BFEF" }, 1000);
},function() {
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF" }, 500);
function () {
// this is mouseover
function () {
// this is mouse out
see example here
review this code, I think this might help you!!!
<!DOCTYPE html>
ul { margin-left:20px; color:blue; }
li { cursor:default; }
span { color:red; }
<script src=""></script>
<li class='fade'>Chips</li>
<li class='fade'>Socks</li>
function () {
$(this).append($("<span> ***</span>"));
function () {
//li with fade class
take a look at this link too,
60 boxes? Please use event delegation, or live.

