jQuery Chosen plugin query - javascript

I am using chosen plugin for a multiple select and I want to dynamically display all the selected options somewhere in the page.
I am able to show them, however, I also want to remove them if someone deselects/removes them. This is what I am struggling with.
My code till now looks like
$(".chosen-select").chosen({max_selected_options: 5}).change(function() {
var bStr = "#home-summary-right";
var htmlContent = $("#home-summary-right").html();
$(".search-choice").find("span").each(function() {
$(bStr).html("" + htmlContent);
toAppend = '<span>' + $(this).text() + '</span>';
Otherwise, is there any way to disable removing of elements once they are select in the multiple select? There is that cross, to which I can do display none, but I still don't know how can i disable the backspace from removing the elements.

Okay, I fixed it.
I used setTimeout in combination with bunch of other things.
The problem was after change, the inner html would return the same content as before... So I called an event after pretty much everything was done. Works super smooth!


How can I invisiblize groups of controls via jQuery?

In my Sharepoint project/Web Part/Web Page, I dynamically create page elements/controls using C# in the *.ascx.cs file.
In the *.ascx file, I use jQuery for responding to events that happen on the page (selections, changes of checkbox states, etc.).
I have a need to conditionally invisiblize groups of controls/elements on the page. Specifically, if the user checks a certain checkbox, I can "remove" whole swaths of the page that, in that scenario, don't apply to her.
How can I do this? I've got this starting point:
/* If the select "Yes" (they are seeking payment for themselves, as opposed to someone else), omit (invisibilize) sections 2 and 3 on the form */
$(document).on("change", '[id$=ckbxPaymentForSelf]', function () {
var ckd = this.checked;
if (ckd) {
// what now?
I could do it the hair-pulling-out way (which would be very painful for me, because I have almost as much hair as Absalom did), and set each individual element, like so:
if (ckd) {
var $this = $('[id$=txtbxthis]');
var $that = $('[id$=txtbxthat]');
var $theother = $('[id$=txtbxtheother]');
. . . // store a reference to all the other to-be-affected elements in vars
$this.visible = false; // <= this is pseudoscript; I don't know what the jQuery to invisiblize an element is
$that.visible = false; // " "
$theother.visible = false; // " "
. . . // invisiblize all the other to-be-affected elements
Surely there's a more elegant/better way!
Is it a matter of assigning all the conditionally invisible elements a particular class, and then invisiblizing every element that is assigned that class, or what?
Also, I want the area formerly used by this now-invisible swath to "go away" or "roll up" not sit there with a blank stare, yawning chasm, or Gobi Desert-like featureless expanse.
there are a number of ways to do this. but in your jquery implementation I would decorate the elements with data tags that will tell the code which elements to hide and show.
<input data-group="1" type="text" />
<input data-group="2" type="text" />
var $group1 = $('*[data-group="1"]');
var $group2 = $('*[data-group="2"]');
if (ckd) {
You could do the same thing with css classes as well but I prefer using the data attribute
If you can group your controls using classes, you could select the class which needs to be hidden in that particular scenario and just use the hide() function:
if (ckd) {
var cls = getClassForCurrentScenario();
$("." + cls).hide(); //slideUp() would be an animated alternative
If the controls can be grouped inside a div, for example, then you'd just need to hide that element:
if (ckd) {
var id = getElementIdForCurrentScenario();
$("#" + id).hide(); //slideUp() would be an animated alternative
It really depends on how you manage to group your controls into "target groups", so that you can efficiently access them later.
You can hide an element like so:
Or you can slide it up with:
to get a nice sliding up animation.
On a side note, you can do this to multiple elements at once, in your case:
$('[id$=txtbxthis], [id$=txtbxthat], [id$=txtbxtheother]').slideUp();

How to get ids from divs that were dragged into a drop zone on button click javascript

I'm trying to find a way to get the ids from dragged divs after they are in the drop zone.
All the drag components have an id from drag1 - drag8 and the drop zone is div drop zone. Because there are no divs in the drop zone when the page loads I want to gather the ids on a save button for now with a text box entry and drop down menu select.
I have tried the code below:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#dropzone div").click(function() {
var index = $("#dropzone div").index(this);
$("#dropzone_drag").html("Index " + drag + " was clicked");
And I use jQuery for the text box, which works nicely:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#save').click(function() {
How do I find the ids from dragged divs after they are in the drop zone?
After playing around i came up with the following:
var ids = {};
ids[i] = $(this).prop('id');
which at the moment says undefined, but i did manage to put it on the save button so it no longer pops up when i open the page.
Any suggests please?
In my comprehension .index(this) returns the index of the element relative to the list "#dropzone div"., which may or may not contain the elements in the order you want. But if all your elements have a common class, say ".foo_bar" it probably would be easier to know the id given an clicked element.
Otherwise, as you're using this on the function, if this is one of your "drags" it is probably easier to pick the id from this than to try the indexes.
Try doing it like that and maybe it'll word better.
ids = {};
ids[$(this).prop('id')] = $(this).prop('id').replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
the code .replace() means that we are removing characters (in this case anything that isn't a number) from the string so we end up with it's true number. Instead of it's place in the DOM.
If i didn't comprehend well your problem, correct my comprehension errors and i will edit the answer. And an html of the zones would be nice ;)
The following code worked for me:
var div = document.getElementById('dropzone')
and on the button i added:
alert( div.innerHTML )
The result gave me all of the div information from it's html page so i could select the information i wanted to push to the database.
Thank you all for you input and advice.

Is there a way to place a keyboard shortcut inside an editable div?

For example, i have a div which users can type into it. i would like to place shortcuts so when the user inputs the word pi. The output would be the symbol π. Or if the user inputs sqrt then they would get this symbol inf then the output would be ∞. and even when the tab button is clicked to indent a couple of lines. I have not seen a web app that does this yet so any help would be appreciated.
There's some extensive key tracking + field updating you can do to accomplish this, or you can get a jQuery plugin that already does something similar (if not exactly) and modify it to accomplish the same task.
This might be what you are looking for though:
You could simply use a replace. See JSFiddle demo here
$('.test').keydown(function (event) {
if ($('.test').val().contains("pi")) {
var newVal = $('.test').val().replace("pi", "π");
//Place Cusor at the end of the div if using editable div
else if ($('.test').val().contains("inf")) {
var newVal = $('.test').val().replace("inf", "∞");
//Place Cusor at the end of the div if using editable div
In this sample I am using an input. You can change that to div

jquery selector checkboxes

My page is moderately complicated and I'm fairly sure its the jquery acting weird. So i'll add the relevant content first and if anyone needs more info let me know and I'll provide it.
The premise is that there is a div which holds keyword bubbles. These bubbles have a tooltip (qTip plugin) with relevant info that you can select and deselect. Sometimes keywords have overlapping relevant info so when one is deselected all others need to be deselected at the same time. This list of bubbles is built dynamically via ajax and can continue to be added on to the page live.
The problem is that some of the check boxes don't uncheck when I click on them, but if I click on the same one in another tooltip it works... which also now lets the original one work just fine. I have no idea why some work and others dont. I figure it has to do with the way the live onlick function binding and/or selectors are written.
The following function writes the html content of the tooltip based on a json object, so just assume the content is there. The jquery code at the bottom is the function I have bound to the checkboxes.
function constructSpecializationsHTML(data){
var html = '';
for(i = 0; i < data.specializations.length; i++){
if(data.specializations[i].name != ''){
html += "<span class='is-specialization-line'>";
html += "<input class='is-specialization-checkbox' type='checkbox' name='" + data.specializations[i].name + "' checked='" + isSpecializationChecked(data.specializations[i].name) + "'/>";
html += "<span>" + data.specializations[i].name + "</span>";
html += "</span><br />";
} else {
html += "This keyword is not known in our ontology";
return html;
$(document).on("click", ".is-specialization-checkbox", function(){
var $checkboxs = $(".is-specialization-checkbox[name='" + $(this).attr("name") + "']")
$checkboxs.prop("checked", !$checkboxs.prop("checked"));
Firstly, when the click event fires the "checked" property has already been changed, meaning that the states of your checkboxes are different.
Solves that.
Secondly when you have only displayed one tooltip your select is only returning one checkbox. If you display all the tooltips before checking or unchecking it returns the correct number. My guess is that qTip isn't adding the html for the tooltip to the DOM until it is displayed.
That's why not all your similarly named checkboxes are unchecking though (At least I think that's it!)
$(document).on("click", ".is-specialization-checkbox", function(){
var $checkboxs = $(".is-specialization-checkbox[name='" + $(this).attr("name") + "']")
$checkboxs.not($(this)).prop("checked", false);
changed this to $(this) - that way it is the specific checkbox that was clicked that is getting excluded from the deselection.

Making a scrollable List without drop down lists

I want to make a transition page that stands as a break between the Login page & the main page.
The Page contains nothing but The list of names ... So, I don't want to make it to be a drop down list ... I want the page to be filled with a scrollable list.
I tried making a div with some buttons inside it, but it doesn't look good. So, do you have any ideas on how can I make the page looks better, or whether I should use 2 divs inside each other & modify them using CSS?
This is what I made:
function GetClassesList(data) {
var classes = (typeof data) == 'string' ? eval('(' + data + ')') : data;
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
var text = '<button class="BigDiv" value="' + classes[i].Cls_ID + '" >' + classes[i].Cls_Name + '</button>';
$("#ClasssesList").bind('click', 'button.BigDiv',CallLink());
<div id="ClasssesList" ></div>
Thanks a lot.
It seems like your code works fine... If I understand correctly, you could define the height and width of #ClassesList and set the overflow to scroll in the CSS. Then, you can format the buttons to appear however you wanted when you are formatting the html inside of the for loop.
I don't understand exactly what you are looking for though. Maybe if you could clarify a bit.

