How can I read & write data to a new tab in Firefox? - javascript

In the past this used to work:
// writing
var newTab =;
newTab.document.write("<html><head><title>I'm just a tab</title></head>");
newTab.document.write("<body id='hello'>With some text on it</body>");
// reading what was wrote
newTab.document.getElementById('hello').addEventListener("click", custom_search_function(), false);
However now when I try to execute this code, Firefox mentions a security error:
Error: SecurityError: The operation is insecure.
I searched the forum for an alternative and this works:
var textOnPage = "<html><head><title>I'm just a tab</title></head><body>";
var newTab ="data:text/html;charset=UTF-8," + encodeURIComponent(textOnPage));
But I can't access the page via getElementById
newTab.document.getElementById('hello').addEventListener("click", custom_search_function(), false);
Error: TypeError: newTab.document.getElementById(...) is null
How can I write to this new tab and then go back to read it through functions such as getElementById?

You're falling foul of the Single Origin Policy. When you open a new window without a URL, by definition it can't have the same domain name as the original (opener) window.
You could instead have the call open another URL on your site (mostly blank html) and as part of its body.onload event handler (or jQuery.ready()) you could set up an event handler for the message event like this:
window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
function receiveMessage(evt)
if (evt.origin !== "")
// do something with
In your originating window you call:
otherWindow.postMessage(message, "");
The postMessage API is now well supported across a variety of modern browsers.
You'll still not be able to directly reach in to maniuplate the content of otherWindow, but you can post messages back from otherWindow to your originating window to achieve the same effect. (e.g: put your content manipulation code in otherWindow's content and 'call' it from your originating window).

This used to work in a variety of browsers for a long time (in my past life as a web developer I actually took advantage of this technique for web applications). It used to be that pages were treated mostly like they were from the same domain as the parent page (although the behavior was always a little weird and the url in the url bar was usually about:blank).
Now the standard is to open the pages with the url origin being about:blank, and while I can understand why it made sense to simplify things and I can understand the reason this breaks the previous behavior, but the issue here is that about:blank is not a real url so the standard cross-origin rules should be different, at least in the case of calls.
Is there a real security threat here from allowing windows to write to pages they have opened? I do not think so, but it is possible. In the end, I am no longer a web developer and do not care that much about these things, but I would not be surprised if other people's applications broke as well.


Javascript redirect not working in Edge browser when opened with android ActionView intent, but working after manual reload

In our Android app (Xamarin), we open a web page using an ActionView intent. The code looks like this:
Intent intent = new Intent((string)Intent.ActionView, Android.Net.Uri.Parse(args.url));
The opened page at some point does a JS redirect, with a line like this:
window.location = '...';
We tried many different variations of that line, including window.location.href = '...', window.location.assign('...'); and some more. All show the same behavior.
This has worked fine for years now, in all browsers - but now we ran into a problem, when the browser on the android device is the Edge browser:
When the browser tab is initially opened by the intent, the window.location = '...' line in Javascript is just ignored by the browser. No error message - just ignored.
However, if that same browser tab with exactly the same URL is opened manually (either by reloading or by copying and pasting the URL), the JS redirect is executed just fine.
How do we fix this, how do we make the JS redirect reliably work?
My guess is that we are running into a security feature, which prevents JS redirects in browser tabs that the user has never interacted with.
Is there something (maybe an intent flag?) to circumvent this? We already tried the flag GrantWriteUriPermission, but it did not help.
Possible duplicates
Android Browser Facebook Redirect Does Not Always Trigger Intent for URL :
The proposed situation of setting the URL on a link and faking a click on it did not work.
Microsoft Edge security
Microsoft Edge recently fixed an issue regarding XSS Targeting Non-Script Elements (June 24, 2021).
The vulnerability was found by two researcher when they visited a website in another language via the Microsoft Edge browser and attempted to translate the page. The goal of the recent fix by Microsoft is to avoid vulnerability regarding accessing dynamically to a content from a third party application and specifically in the case of browser redirection. They need to act quickly because the vulnerability is quite huge.
In order to mitigate a large class of potential cross-site scripting issues, the Microsoft Edge Extension system has incorporated the general concept of Content Security Policy (CSP)
Ok, but ... is there any solution?
Maybe you can find a solution to solve your issue here, in particular the part concerning the <button onclick="...">.
Inline code is considered harmful in concept of CSP and microsoft recommend some good practices :
1 - The clickHandler definition must be moved into an external JavaScript
2 - The inline event handler definitions must be rewritten in terms of addEventListener and extracted into your external js file. If you are currently starting your program using code like <body onload="main();">, consider replacing it by hooking into the DOMContentLoaded event of the document, or the load event of the window, depending on your requirements. Use the former, since it generally triggers more quickly.
3 - Function inside onclick call must be rewritten to avoid converting the string of function into JavaScript for running.
The code exemple of the external .js file cited in the documentation look like this :
function awesome() {
// Do something awesome!
function totallyAwesome() {
// do something TOTALLY awesome!
function awesomeTask() {
function clickHandler(e) {
setTimeout(awesomeTask, 1000);
function main() {
// Initialization work goes here.
// Add event listeners once the DOM has fully loaded by listening for the
// `DOMContentLoaded` event on the document, and adding your listeners to
// specific elements when it triggers.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
Hope it's helps

Cross-origin security error when moving an application to a subdomain (2018)

Background information: We have a platform which runs on This platform consists of 10 separate web applications (all written in PHP and JS). Each application has historically been in a sub-directory within the same subdomain:
We are in the process of rebuilding one of the applications, app2, and have decided to host this on a new separate subdomain,
Part of the app2 application uses JavaScript to open a pop-up window for app10. Most functionality inside this popup works as expected. However, when attempting to use a "Save" button inside the popup my browser console was showing:
Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
I have read both SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame and but still unclear as to how to fix this.
The code and process I have is as follows:
The popup is opened from by a button which has an onclick event handler:
<button onclick="postToPopUp('', 'fileManage', 'width=800px,height=600px', ['f_id', '123'], 'app2', 'filesCallbackManage')">Open app10</button>
The postToPopup() function is used to pass POST data from app2 into based on Javascript pass values using POST - this works fine.
The problem occurs when I click a "Save" button inside the popup which renders the following markup within the popup window:
<!doctype HTML><html><head><title>upload</title>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8">
var fileObject = {"files":{"0":{"f_id":"1784","f_title":"test07.pdf"},"f_id":123}};
What this did originally - when everything was under the same subdomain - was called a js function filesCallbackManage() which resided in the code for The function itself was passed an object, fileObject, which updated various parts of the UI inside app2. The popup was closed after clicking the Save button due to window.close();
Although I've read about using postMessage I don't understand how this fits in or whether this is even the correct solution to my problem? The data is being posted from the subdomain to correctly. The problem is that filesCallbackManage() won't fire because of the cross origin restriction. Inside my code for I have a simple statement to see if it's firing:
function filesCallbackManage(data)
console.log('filesCallbackManage has fired');
This never fires because of the problem I have. I get the console error mentioned previously and a blank popup window (technically this is correct since there is nothing in the <body> tag in the above markup) but the window doesn't close and the callback isn't fired.
The example given on the Mozilla website isn't extensive enough to understand how it can be adapted to this type of scenario. Please can someone elaborate? Furthermore, the linked Stack Overflow post is four years old so I want to be sure anything I put on this is secure and up-to-date.
The postToPopup() function is used to pass POST data
Submitting a form across origins is fine. So you can do this.
The problem occurs when I click a "Save" button inside the popup
You're trying to access the DOM of the window across origins. This is forbidden.
Although I've read about using postMessage I don't understand how this fits in or whether this is even the correct solution to my problem?
postMessage is as close as you can get to accessing the DOM of a window across origins.
You can't do this.
var fileObject = {"files":{"0":{"f_id":"1784","f_title":"test07.pdf"},"f_id":123}};
Instead you have to send a message:
window.opener.postMessage(fileObject, "");
And have code which listens for it:
addEventListener("message", receiveMessage);
function receiveMessage(event) {
if (event.origin !== "") { return false; }

How Do I Set Value of Elements in iframe?

I need to set the value attribute of several elements in the document of an iframe. I am able to easily do this from Chrome Tools Console. But the same commands do NOT work from a JavaScript injected into the page by Keyboard Maestro or AppleScript.
The iframe is generated by a Chrome extension: Evernote Web Clipper.
In the below examples, I have already invoked the Evernote Web Clipper.
This script/commands work from Chrome Console, after I have selected the iframe document:
var remElem = document.getElementById("comments");
remElem.value = "KM This is a test";
var titleElem = document.getElementById("title")
titleElem.value = 'KMTEST title'
I suspect that I first need to get or select the iframe document before I run the above script. How do I do this?
I have tried many different SO solutions, and none of them work.
Here is a screenshot of the main document in Chrome Tools:
Screenshot of iframe document in Chrome Tools:
Here is what I have tried, unsuccessfully:
// *** NONE of These Work ***
//--- Method 1 ---
var frame = window.frames[‘frame1’];
var documentObj = frame.document;
var element = documentObj.getElementsByName(‘frame1Text’);
//--- Method 2 ---
var frame = document.getElementById(‘myframe1’);
var documentObj = frame.contentWindow.document;
var element = documentObj.getElementById(‘frame1Text’);
//--- Method 3 ---
For example, from Chrome Tools, when I have the main document selected:
//--- From Chrome Tools with Main document selected ---
enFrm = document.getElementById("evernoteGlobalTools")
<iframe id=​"evernoteGlobalTools" src=​"chrome-extension:​/​/​pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/​content/​global_tools/​global_tools.html" class=​"evernoteClipperVisible" style=​"height:​ 528px !important;​">​</iframe>​
oDoc = enFrm.contentWindow.document;
VM882:1 Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at <anonymous>:1:27
(anonymous) # VM882:1
oDoc = enFrm.contentWindow.document;
VM892:1 Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at <anonymous>:1:27
Any/All suggestions/ideas gratefully accepted.
The error you are facing:
Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
clearly states that your code has been blocked due to a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing restriction (A.K.A. Content Security policy or evn CORS).
Your domain is quite rightly considered not the same when compared to chrome-extension:​/​/​pioc…
(main page versus extension's injected IFrame's domain …). Accessing the IFrame's DOM in such a situation would be a HUGE security flaw.
I fear there is no realistic solution that would let you run this code from the main page Javascript context.
If you were in control of the chrome extension, you could try adding your domain as a host permission in the manifest file (If this was really relevant). (More details on Google Chrome documentation).
I'm not sure window.postMessage would help you here.
If you have static code to execute you could create a Bookmarklet containing the code, then ask your visitors to add it to their bookmarks (bar) and click it to execute changes. But this is not a realistic solution and won't probably fit your need.
In response to «Please help me understand why that is any more of a security issue» comment.
Browsers sandboxes code in contexts, each context has its own set of security restrictions and some of them are at risk (mostly) regarding XSS attacks.
WEB page is the most exposed context to attacks, any browser will execute the code it contains after fetching its URL. This is the ideal target for attacks (such as XSS) because the more people visit an affected website the more people pay the costs. This is why restriction such as Cross-Origin Resource Sharing exist which prevent different frames (with different domains) to access each other documents by default.
There are factors that ease attacks, for instance: identified security flaws in open source outdated CMS consisting in not correct escaping of content coming from the database letting tags appear in the page source (which is then executed by browsers…), etc.
In the "Extension" context, some APIs require the developer to explicitly ask for permissions in the extension's manifest file. Interactions with the current page (active tab) is granted if the ActiveTab permission has been declared. Once you install an extension, you give access to APIs the extension has requested for.
The developer console context is a particular case. What is executed their ONLY COMES FROM YOU AND WILL ONLY AFFECT YOUR EXPERIENCE.
One can guess that risks are quite limited there compared to code in websites source (where there may have injected malicious code using XSS attacks).
In other words, only the code you enter in the console will be exectuted there and no code from a WEB page will gain access to the console context.
You may have experienced browsers warning you about risks when you past code to execute in the console, telling you to do so if and only if you understand what the code will do or at least if you absolutely trust the author/origin of the snippet.
A (not so) fictional scenario: Access Iframe content from main page.
Let say we have a web page containing malicious script. This script could try to identify installed extensions by periodically scanning DOM nodes and look for specific extensions injected content, and ultimately access that content.
All this reminds me an interesting article for developers.

Execute command on another tab

I'm new at JavaScript, so can someone help me? How can I execute a command on another tab? For example, I have opened new tab from my main tab and opened (just for textbox) on it, and the problem is I don't know how to put text in search textbox?
I open the page with this command:
var page ='');
On the page, I can enter text with this code:
$string1 = $("#source_text");
I have tried this, but this code doesn't work the way I want it to.
var page ='');
function f1() {
$string1 = $("#source_text");
$string1.val("ka tu");
I find the function that you are trying to run very abnormal. So, let's start with small steps.
The page.close() function is perfect you can do that and it works. The other part won't work first of all because the page object created by has no function called f1 on it.
Furthermore it is very important from where you are trying to run the script on the other window you always must take into consideration the cross-origin limitations. Easily explained if you try to run a function from a tab on a separate window it won't work this is a security issue.
In order to run function f1 in that window it is important that f1 function is declared globally and ussualy you try and do this the following way page.window.f1() - and there you have it. So for example your code would be
refactoring your code would be like this:
var page ='');
setTimeout(function(){ page.window.$("#source_text").val('something');},20000);
open in a tab open dev tools in chrome and paste the above code in the console tab and see the results, it will work.
I recommend that before running code in another window you should check that that window is loaded first of all (in your case works) because of the long timeout.
A better solution would be using HTML5's postMessage API: check this link here for a good tutorial: - also this meens of course that the window you are opening is listening for some sort of postMessages.
In general you do this things with hosts that you manage and not other hosts because it might not work always. Also it will always work if you are on a host and open the same host in another window otherwise you end up with this security error: VM88:2 Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "https://some_other_host" from accessing a frame with origin "". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.
Hope this helps, and you understand the way it works now.

HTML5 - Cross Browser Iframe postmessage - parent to child communication

I wrote a content script that injects an iframe to any website (therefore different domain).
I need the parent website to send some information to the child iframe, however I couldn't find a way to do it.
The code
var targetFrame = $('#myIframe')[0];
targetFrame.contentWindow.postMessage('the message', '*');
Doesn't work somehow and i get a Cannot call method 'postMessage' of undefined error.
But then when I tried the same code directly in Chrome's console, it worked.
I had no trouble sending a postMessage from the child to the parent though but just need a way for the parent to send messages to the child iframe.
I recently wrote code that did postMessage to an iframe and I encountered quite a similar issue where it said contentWindow is undefined.
In my case, my iframe was not yet part of the DOM tree, it was a variable created by document.createElement('iframe').
Once I put it hidden (width and height 0px, visibility hidden) into the body of the page, contentWindow was no longer undefined and everything worked as expected.
I found the Mozilla Developer Network page for postMessage extremely useful when I was working on my project.
I've had success using the following library:
It doesn't require any flash/silverlight, only javascript. And it is compatible as far back as as IE6.
It took a little doing to get it up and running, but once it was things ran very smoothly.
Keep in mind that if the iFrame you're opening on the other domain uses a different protocol (HTTP vs. HTTPS) the browser will kick out a warning which prevents your script from running (unless the user says they will accept the risk). If you have access to both protocols it may be wise to host the contents of the iFrame on both HTTP and HTTPS and load the appropriate script accordingly.
Good luck!
You don't need to target contentWindow. Try this:
var targetFrame = $('#myIframe')[0];
targetFrame.postMessage('the message', '*');

