Take div and insertAfter when div loads - javascript

Building a site that gives play by play info for a game and want to insert a div after a specific div appears.
<div id="pbp-no-drive-0-0" class="no-drive">
<div id="pbp-no-drive-0-1" class="no-drive">
<div id="pbp-0-0" class="all-plays">
<div class="drivesum></div>
<div id="pbp-in-drive-0-3" class="play-in-drive">
<div id="pbp-no-drive-0-25" class="no-drive">
<div id="pbp-0-1" class="all-plays">
<div class="drivesum"></div>
The "no-drive" divs will appear first, the "all-plays" div appears after a drive has started. I'm attempting to insert the "no-drive" divs after "drivesum" divs if they are already not there. There are multiple "all-plays" and "no-drives". It is for american football and the "no-drives" represent special teams kicking off.
What would be the best way to handle this?

You can write up a conditional statement. If you are not sure when this would be appended, then you can have a timer in place.
var timer;
timer = setInterval(function() {
if( !$('.all-plays').find('.no-drive').length) {
}, 100);


Text not fully redrawing when I toggle between templates

On my AngularJS app I have a view that allows me to toggle between type of insurance cover and it works fine. However on iPhone in particular (Chrome & Safari), the text kind of scrambles when I toggle between the prices. To be very clear about it, it's only the top few pixels and those pixels generally belong to the price toggled away from, so it's like the page isn't properly redrawing it. This issue then goes away if I do anything in the Dev tools. Any help is appreciated here.
EDIT: This appears to only happen when I select an option that updates the value displayed, not when it switched to a different piece of template.
Here's a screenshot
And a slightly stripped down version of the template in question:
<div class="row quote-tab-container">
<div class="col">
<div class="quote__tab">
<button ng-click="selectedCoverType = 'Comp'; setCoverDetails()" class="quote__tab__button">
<div class="active-selection" ng-show="selectedCoverType === 'Comp'"></div>
<button ng-click="selectedCoverType = 'Tpft'; setCoverDetails()" class="quote__tab__button">
Third Party,<br />Fire & Theft
<div class="active-selection-tpft" ng-show="selectedCoverType === 'Tpft'"></div>
<div class="quote-details row">
<div class="col">
<div class="answer--radio">
<input ng-click="paymentType = 'CC'" type="radio" ng-checked="paymentType == 'CC'" id="singlePayment" name="payment-type">
<label for="singlePayment">Single Payment</label>
<div class="answer--radio answer--radio--right">
<input ng-click="paymentType = 'DD'" type="radio" ng-checked="paymentType == 'DD'" id="monthlyPayments" name="payment-type">
<label for="monthlyPayments">Monthly Payments</label>
<section class="selected-product answer--checkbox" ng-show="paymentType == 'CC'">
<div class="your-online-price">
Your online price is
<div class="selected-product__price">
{{totalPremium | signedCurrencyFilter}}
<div class="selected-product__includes">
Price includes online discount of {{onlineDiscount | signedCurrencyFilter}}
<section class="selected-product answer--checkbox" ng-show="paymentType == 'DD'">
<div class="your-online-price">
Your online price is
<div class="selected-product__price">
{{instalmentAmount | signedCurrencyFilter}}
<div class="selected-product__includes">
Price includes online discount of {{onlineDiscount | signedCurrencyFilter}}
So because the browser would correct this glitch whenever the screen resized or had to redraw I had to force a redraw any time these options were selected. The best way to do this seemed to be to clone the element and replace the original with the clone in order to force a redraw, this was enclosed in a timeout in order to send this to the end of the execution queue.
This answer helped with this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8840703/1999035
var n = document.createTextNode(' ');
var opacity = element.style.opacity;
element.style.opacity = '0.5';
element.style.display = opacity;
}, 20);
My edit of the proposed solution is to use the opacity property rather than display, because the display change causes a jitter/glitch/flash that looks really bad.Opacity just causes a slight fade.

How to show element only if other element contains something using jQuery?

My guess is what I want to achieve should be easy, but due to my lack of knowledge of front-end development, I cannot manage to solve issue. Have a page that works with AJAX-filters that users can select. Filters that are currently applied show up within <div> with id=current-filters.
HTML looks like this:
<div id="current-filters-box">
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px">
<strong>Current filters:</strong>
<div id="current-filters">
<!-- here every single applied filter is displayed -->
Need to hide the the entire DIV current-filters-box in case no filter is applied.
The page uses a Javascript file, bundle.js which is massive, but contains the following line:
Therefore tried the following if-statement to hide the DIV:
But this does not seem to have any effect. Can someone tell, what I did wrong?
Demo of page can be found here
EDIT: this is what the HTML looks like when filters are applied:
<div id="current-filters-box">
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px">
<strong>Current filters:</strong>
<div id="current-filters">
<div class="badge-search-public">
<strong>Humanities & Languages</strong> <span class="x" data-property="disciplines" data-value="4" onclick="filter.removeFilter(this)">×</span>
<div class="badge-search-public">
<strong>January</strong> <span class="x" data-property="months" data-value="1" onclick="filter.removeFilter(this)">×</span>
Both of your conditions are incorrect or I would say they are not doing what you think they do.
s.length will always prints undefined so instead of s.length<1 you could use s.children.length
and the second one is not a condition rather it is an assignment
s==0 // condition
s=0 //assignment
the correct condition for your requirement would be
I have assigned snippets for illustration.
Without filters
s = document.getElementById("current-filters")
if (s.children.length < 1) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="current-filters-box">
filter box
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px">
<strong>Current filters:</strong>
<div id="current-filters">
<!-- here every single applied filter is displayed -->
Without filters
s = document.getElementById("current-filters")
if (s.children.length < 1) {
<div id="current-filters-box">
<div style="margin-bottom: 15px">
<strong>Current filters:</strong>
<div id="current-filters">
<div class="badge-search-public">
<strong>Humanities & Languages</strong> <span class="x" data-property="disciplines" data-value="4" onclick="filter.removeFilter(this)">×</span>
<div class="badge-search-public">
<strong>January</strong> <span class="x" data-property="months" data-value="1" onclick="filter.removeFilter(this)">×</span>
Try this .
if( $('#current-filters').is(':empty') ) {
$('#current-filters-box').hide()// or $('#current-filters-box').css("display","none")
You are performing an assignment, try..
if (s.children.length)
Using vanilla JavaScript, you can check if the current-filters div is empty or not and toggle the parent div current-filters-box like this:
s= document.getElementById("current-filters");
t= document.getElementById("current-filters-box");
if(s.children.length<1) {
t.style.display = 'none';
// t.style.visibility= 'hidden'; <<-- use this if you want the div to be hidden but maintain space
else {
t.style.display = 'block';
// t.style.visibility= 'visible'; <<-- use this if you used visibility in the if statement above
You can achieve this by adding your own variable which counts or maintains your applied filters, e.g.
var applied_filter_count = 0;
at every time filter is applied
if(applied_filter_count) {
and at every time filter is removed
if(!applied_filter_count) {
and by default current-filters-box should be display:none

Show multiple divs

so, I'm working on a project that has 2 tables in database that are related!
I need via JavaScript Hide and Show the divs containing the right information.
I got a main product Stone, and each Stone has 2 other Stone Types
So if I click on the img that has Stone1, I want to show Stone1.1, Stone1.2, etc and hide all the other StoneTypes.
This is what I got now on JS
The problem here is that I only get the first div to show, eventhough I have 2 divs with the same Name example:
<div id="div{IdPedra}" class="SubPedras">
<div id="div{IdPedra}" class="SubPedras">
<div id="div{IdPedra}" class="SubPedras">
And {IdPedra} Is the id of the stone in the database, so I will get "div1" two or 3 times, etc.
Can anyone pls help me, I'm not able to find a suitable solution for my need.
Thank you!
You could use data-attributes to accomplish this. In your change my code to;
<div data-id="{IdPedra}" class="SubPedras">Stone 1.1</div>
<div data-id="{IdPedra}" class="SubPedras">Stone 1.2</div>
<div data-id="{IdPedra}" class="SubPedras">Stone 2.1</div>
<div data-id="{IdPedra}" class="SubPedras">Stone 2.2</div>
You can access an element's data-attribute by using $(element).data("name"); this is equivalent to data-name. I also stored the Pedras
Loop through the SubPedras and check if they match the button where the parent category or value you wish to use as filter. Run the snippet, thanks!
(You could also store them to class attribute instead of data)
jQuery('.Pedras').click(function() {
// store button value to variable
var pedraValue = $(this).val();
// loop through the SubPedras
$(".SubPedras").each(function() {
// get the value from data attribute
if ($(this).data("id") == pedraValue) {
// if match show
// else hide
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div data-id="Stone1" class="SubPedras">Stone 1.1</div>
<div data-id="Stone1" class="SubPedras">Stone 1.2</div>
<div data-id="Stone2" class="SubPedras">Stone 2.1</div>
<div data-id="Stone2" class="SubPedras">Stone 2.2</div>
<button class="Pedras" value="Stone1">Stone 1</button>
<button class="Pedras" value="Stone2">Stone 2</button>

card ui with different card screens

I've built a UI card with a share button. Upon tapping the share button, a share sheet shows up above the card itself.
This card will live in a grid of other such cards so the "share" button should trigger only the share sheet for the current card
I have a Save button which should also fire another sheet, but it doesnt seem to be working.
I've built this demo (http://jsfiddle.net/8hed8yrd/11/) with the share sheet working. I cant seem to get a save sheet to work. Any pointers?
Note: Demo doesn't have save sheet to avoid confusion in code.
<div class="grid">
<div id="card">
<div class="hero_text hero_small">TITLE</div>
<div class="subtext">SUBTITLES</div>
<div class="toggleLink explore_text"><span class="icons">SHARE</span>
<div class="toggleLink explore_text"><span class="icons">SAVE</span>
<div class="share_sheet">
<div class="share_this">SHARE THIS IMAGE</div>
<div class="share_close">CLOSE</div>
jQuery(document).on("click", ".toggleLink", function () {
return false;
jQuery(document).on("click", ".share_sheet", function () {
The problem is that you use jQuery(this).next('.share_sheet'). The second toggleLink SAVE have a share_sheet div right after itself, but the SHARE button doesn't. Thats why jquery can't found the div. Use siblings instead of next if you want to found the same element, or do it like i do in this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/PSYKLON/8hed8yrd/12
<div class="toggleLink explore_text"><span class="icons">SHARE</span></div>
<div class="share_sheet">
<div class = "share_this">SHARE THIS IMAGE</div>
<div class = "share_close">CLOSE</div>
<div class="toggleLink explore_text"><span class="icons">SAVE</span></div>
<div class="share_sheet">
<div class = "share_this">SAVE THIS IMAGE</div>
<div class = "share_close">CLOSE</div>

Making jQuery animate Div's to Grow in Size

I am working on a page for my portfolio website that displays various services. There's a large box in the center column of three columns. On the left and right of the central box are columns of 3 boxes each. Each box is a clickable link that then changes the content in the central block.
I'm trying to make the boxes on the sides of the central box grow in height on mouseover and shrink on mouseout using jQuery .animate().
My problem is that the boxes are very spastic. When you mouseout of one and go to another sometimes it will shrink and then grow and then shrink again. How can I force them to stop growing and shrinking a 2nd time?
Here's the link to the page in question: http://www.nukamedia.com/beta/services.html
Here's the jQuery code:
var classes = ".how-it-works, .built-for-power, .done-on-time, .inform-your-customers, .spread-the-word, .keep-in-contact";
$(classes).on("mouseover", function() {
$(this).animate({height: '+=20px'},500);
$(classes).on("mouseout", function() {
$(this).animate({height: '-=20px'},500);
Here's the HTML Markup:
<div class="services-content container">
<div class="row">
<div class="left-control-squares twocol">
<div class="how-it-works box-defaults">
How It<br/>
<div class="built-for-power box-defaults box-text-align">
Built For<br/>
<div class="done-on-time box-defaults box-text-align">
Done On<br/>
<div class="eightcol" id="content-square">
<img src="images/click-to-learn.png" />
<div class="right-control-squares twocol last">
<div class="inform-your-customers box-defaults">
<div class="spread-the-word box-defaults box-text-align">
Spread The<br/>
<div class="keep-in-contact box-defaults box-text-align">
Keep In<br/>
You should consider using the jQuery stop() function. This will stop the animation in its tracks.
$("#myelm").stop().animate({height : "300px"});

