how to detect event when user has disabled javascript in his browser? - javascript

how to detect event when user has disabled javascript in his browser, until the user reloads the page I can send a command to the server not to use javascript
Thanks for the answer.
Consider this scenario, the user uploaded the page, then changed his mind to use javascript and changed the browser settings. The script is still running on the page until the page is reloaded. The question is to catch the moment when the user changes the settings of the browser. Then I would be able to send a command to the server not to use javascript using AJAX

You can't. JavaScript is required to detect events.
Follow the principles of Progressive Enhancement and Unobtrusive JavaScript instead.

The best you can do is a noscript tag. Noscript tag is only displayed if there is no javascript. Beyond that you can't do much if the user has javascript disabled.
<noscript>JAvscript Disabled. Enable it or the world cannot function. </noscript>\
I am not sure if it is deprecated or something

Not sure what you mean, but to detect is not possible since javascript is disabled. I suggest you make the server wait for a javascript "command" (maybe you mean a ajax call/command ?) and if it doesn't arrive, then JS is off.
If you want to know good practice, check Quentin's links.


How to prevent browser Ctrl+U?

I want to disable Ctrl+U from browser to stop users viewing the source (html + JavaScript) for a page.
This unfortunately is not how it works.
When a user visits your website, there's a lot going on behind the scenes:
The user queries a page on your site.
Your server does some fancy things
Your server transforms those fancy things into something for the users browser to use
Your server sends off its final product back to the browser.
The browser then gets a bunch of code, such as HTML or Javascript.
The browser then reads that HTML and Javascript and organizes it to look and work how it's supposed to on the users screen.
Basically, another way of saying all this, is that the HTML and Javascript that you want to hide is executed client-side. This means that your browser gets a bunch of code, it executes it, and then displays its results to the user. If someone really wanted to see the source code of your website, they could easily bypass your prevention of using CTRL+U. All they have to do is to somehow tell the browser not to execute the code!
Ultimately, if a user really wants to see your source code, they will do it. There is no way to stop it. For this reason, it is recommended to keep things you need to remain a secret on the server-side code (such as your PHP).
You potentially can not prevent user from viewing the html source content. The site that prevents user from rightclick. but Fact is you can still do Ctrl+U in firefox and chrome to view source !
It is impossible to effectively hide the HTML, JavaScript, or any other resource sent to the client. Impossible, and isn't all that useful either.
Furthermore, don't try to disable right-click, as there are many other items on that menu (such as print!) that people use regularly.
Please have a look at this
I think this may help you.
Unfortunately CTRL+U is for "View Source", you can't disable browser functionalities, but you can write secure coding whichever you don't want to show.

Disable javascript in a site that you are framing

Would it be possible to disable javascript in a website that you are trying to frame? If that website is trying to bust your framing attempts, could you essentially disarm all of their javascript completely, even if this means that the user will have to interact with the site without javascript?
Nope. If you are loading it in a frame or iframe there is no way to specify "load this website but don't enable javascript in its frame".
You might be able to proxy it and strip the js out: bad choice but probably your best option.
That should not be possible, for several reasons. You can't enable/disable JavaScript at all from inside a page, other than to simply not use it, and you can't affect what's going on in pages loaded from different domains.
"Frame busting" is something sites do to protect themselves from sites like the one you're describing :-)
You could do this server side by fetching the site and removing all of their script tags, then sending that to the user instead of a direct connection. But that could get very complicated if you needed to use cookies or something like that.
There is no way to do it client side because browsers prevent xss.

how to check if js file is downloaded on client end

I have experienced a weird problem with javascript.
The problem page uses some jQuery code to collect data and it does input checking validation. If the validation is true, it posts to the server. Some of our users reported (10% or maybe a lot less), they could not submit on the website.
We talked with one of the users who had the problem, and were even more confused afterwards.
Tester's PC: XP, IE8, FireFox
The first time he used IE and the JavaScript validation did not fire, he was NOT able to submit data to server neither, because the validation was set to be false by default.
(it is supposed to have a error message showing up if the validation is false)
Afterwards he tested with F.F. (F.F. worked straight away).
Coming back to IE again, the validation script started working and the submit was again successful.
So, after all the tester don't have problem any more, and couldn't replicate neither.
I am wondering if there is any software or program may stop the js file from downloading properly?
Because the page is also hosted in a i-frame in another website, that is why i thinking some antivirus may think this is a across-domain threat and stopped the posting working.
If so how can i do a check to ensure all the required js files are downloaded before user doing a submit?
What else should i look into, since the problem happens on client end only, with no server-end validation yet.
#drachenstern: thanks for the edit
You could disable the submit button, enable it only after jQuery is fully loaded and executed.
For example:
<input type="submit" disabled />
then, in your Javascript,
$(function () {
$('input:submit').attr('disabled', false);
However, be advised that
User will not be able to submit
anything on a browser that doesn't
support Javascript
You should not
depend on Javascript to verify the
user content; always validate the
data again on the server-side.
It is possible that there is some delay in loading the javascript on the client sde. anti-Virus "Internet secutiry" products (may) do a lot of checks.
It is highly possible that the internet security product scans a call, and then decides "ok, this is safe" and then the javascript file is downloaded. There might be a delay in this.
How to avoid the situation?
Don't tie your form submit to javascript. Let it happen always, with or without javascript. If javascript is ready the user will have a good experience (immediate validation). If it is not yet ready, the user will still be able to do the submit, do the validation and throw error messages the "traditional" way - by refreshing the page
Make the user wait till the javascript is loaded. You can have a small "loading" icon somewhere in the page to tell the user he has to wait. The user can enter the data, but can't submit yet. In the background, keep checking whether the javascript is loaded (setTimeout and checking for a specific variable). Once it is loaded, you can use javascript validations
A combination of the two: Allow non-javascript submit till you know that javascript is loaded. Once done, use javascript validations.
I would suggest at first that you should always validate everything on the server. The only reason to validate on the client is to make the response to the user faster on bad inputs.
Additionally, to ensure that each file is downloaded and processed, you could always put a global var in each file, then check them in the document proper to see if each variable has been found. It's a crude back but it would work.
You didn't specify what version of IE the user was using, but the problem of the file not being loaded right away in IE sounds normal behavior to me, however quirky. I've run into that many times, and the only solution is a ctrl-F5 for me. I don't know what else to say there. It would be WONDERFUL if we could always have every browser respond the same, but we can't, so we go on. Also, what OS were they doing all this testing on? And What browser do you test on?
What behavior do you see in IE? If you're using IE8 or later, you'll have debug tools for sure, and you could always use FirebugLite to debug your pages in IE without using the IE tools. Then you could see what the page is doing in IE. Perhaps it's throwing a javascript parsing error? Are there any icons on the window chrome in IE that would give a tipoff?
But I think that if you're trying to fix the second paragraph, you're doing it wrong if you're relying on the javascript to process the validations. But I'm just one guy.

Disable Cookies Inside A Frame/Iframe

Is there any way to programatically disable cookies being created by a page displayed inside of a frame/iframe? Or to generalise further, is it possible to programatically disable javascript running on such a page?
with iframe sandbox attribute (html5) it will be possible (implemented in chrome)
NullUserException already answered what you can do today without browser support
The only way you could change that for an external website you have no control over is to retrieve the pages using a server-side script, filter the input and display it to the user (ie: act as a proxy).
You just can't modify sites out of your domain (or subdomain - it might depend on the browser) using J/S for security reasons.
If you mean that you want to change the settings of the browser by code in a web page, then no, this is not possible (and if it were possible, it's a huge security breach and all alarms would go off).
You may surpass this, however, by writing a plugin, but then each user must first download the plugin. You can also request higher priviledges, but it'll depend on the browser whether you can change any user settings.
If you mean that you want to write a script on every pc in your company to disable JS + cookies for certain pages, you can write plugins and install them everywhere, or use a proxy (as has been suggested by others) and filter the pages. If it is just for debugging a self-made page, use the Developer Toolbar for the various browsers, that can turn JS/Cookies on and off.
Why would you want to do such a thing? If you want to disable cookies, you disable it on your own page by simply not using cookies. The same goes for javascript: don't add it to your page and you've disabled it on your page.
Note: if any page would change anything of the user settings of the browser, your page will probably be blacklisted by Google, most virus scanners and fishing prevention tools.

How can javascript stream some contents to the user?

I need a Javascript sample which reads contents from a url and creates a file in the client with same contents when some button is clicked. I also understand that Javascript cannot be allowed to access the local file system (Unless you use ActiveX objects). I do not want to rely on ActiveX objects (since my client is not IE always).
So here is what I did. I used the standard XmlHttpRequest made a request and got my bytes. Now I thought I could kinda stream this contents to the user, first by opening a standard dialog box (the box that pops up when you attempt download something from internet with options like Open/Save/Cancel) and then asking the user to save it somewhere.
I know how to do the read part, can someone show some javascript/html sample on "How to stream open a confirm dialog box to the user and stream some contents?"
PS: Not too sure if this could be done in javascript at all but with Javascript you never know what is possible and what is not :)
Rather than using Javascript to stream the content, which is not possible for obvious security reasons, you need to point the browser at a URL that will return a 'Content-Type' header of 'application/octet-stream'. In most cases this will force the browser to initiate a 'save as' operation and ask the user what to do with it.
I believe it is possible to do this using an iframe in the same page, such that the user will not have to navigate away from the page or open a new tab/window.
See it this way: if you could read/write to users' computers using JavaScript, then no computer would be safe from browsing the web.
Having said so, you cannot read/write client-side files using JavaScript.
But you could if you use Flash / a Java applet; in those cases the embedded objects asks for your permission before doing such actions.
You may want to have a look at TiddlyWiki that claims it can write itself to the disk...
If I understand what your question is, then you want to use JavaScript to write data like a server-side script would (PHP, Python, Java, etc..) but in browser?
If so, then what your asking isn't possible with in browser JavaScript.
However if for some reason you wanted to do this with server-side JavaScript, then yes the "streaming" part is possible.

