jQuery - bxSlider plugin reloadSlider issues - javascript

I'm using jQuery with the bxSlider plugin, here is the link to it just incase: http://bxslider.com/
I'm trying to reload the slider and my custom pager after I've removed certain slides from it.
Here is what I have tried:
$(function() {
var slider = $('#slider').bxSlider({
pagerCustom: '#bx-pager'
$('.list').on('click', '.delete', function() {
image = $(this).closest('li').find('[type="hidden"]');
// image.attr('id') contains a string: image-0, image-1, image-2, etc.
$('#slider, #bx-pager').find('.' + image.attr('id')).remove();
pagerCustom: '#bx-pager'
}); // I have also tried: slider.reloadSlider();
It works partially. What happens is the slider gets reloaded just fine but it removes the pager completely when it runs the reload.
Thank you very much for any help.

As long as I see, this is a bug in bxSlider, in fact, when you call the reloadSlider method, internally are called the methods destroySlider and init.
In the destroySlider method the pagerEl element is destroyed, this is right if you are not using a custom one, because it is recreated programmatically in the init method, but if you are using a custom one it can't be recreated programmatically.
I ended up modifying the destroySlider method to check if a custom pager is used, in this case it must not be deleted.
Here is the before (line 1294):
if(slider.pagerEl) slider.pagerEl.remove();
And after:
if (slider.settings.pagerCustom === '') {
if(slider.pagerEl) slider.pagerEl.remove();
I'll post the bug on GitHub as soon as I have the time.


understanding Plugin destroy function

hey guys i am very new to js and jquery in genenral and i was just going throught the plugin code of a gallery plugin , i can across the function called _loadevents , that had the following content , see below :
this.$navPrev.on('click.gallery', function (event) {
this.$navNext.on('click.gallery', function (event) {
this.$wrapper.on('webkitTransitionEnd.gallery transitionend.gallery OTransitionEnd.gallery', function (event) {
now $navPrev , $navNext , and $wrapper are obviously some HTML element , now my question is about another method i came across in the same plugin , look below :
destroy: function () {
// console.log('inside destroy');
now i see that if this function is called all the event handlers will be taken off. now , can somebody tell me what is the necessacity of such a function , does it improve a plugins efficiency ? how or when does such a function get used and is it a common practice to write e destroy function for events in plugins ?
Thank you.
Alex-z .
Destroy functions in plugins enable a developer to reset or remove a plugin from an element, restoring the element to before the plugin was initialised. This is useful if, for example, you have a gallery plugin that works and looks fantastic on desktop, but you don't want it on mobile. You can listen to resize event on window and if the window size is smaller than e.g. 710px then destroy the plugin. This will remove all the added events, undo any DOM manipulation, and restore the html elements back to how they were before the plugin was first initialised (turn-wise, if the window size is larger than 710px then initialise the plugin).
They are generally considered good practice.

Using layoutcomplete with Isotope

I am using Isotope to place some grid elements which is working fine. Now I need to run some code on layoutcomplete so I have added the event and end up with the following code.
var $container = $('.iso');
$container.imagesLoaded(function () {
$container.isotope('on', 'layoutComplete',
function (isoInstance, laidOutItems) {
This all works fine except that layoutcomplete is not executed on page load which is of course beacuse the event is added after init. I have then tried setting isInitLayout: false but is then having problem what to do next - I would expect that I could use .arrange() but with no luck.
Anybody who can figure out how I get layoutComplete to execute on page load?
I was pulling my hair off too because of isotope for a long time. But as much as I experienced the 2.0.1 version of it finally we got a stable plugin.
You can use the code below to layout/relayout your isotope:
I recommend you to use isInitLayout: false.
Also keep in mind this, if your containers size changes and your isotope is responsive then your layoutComplete gets fired everytime when it happens. So, you may need to use once instead of on.
var $container = $('.iso');
$container.imagesLoaded(function () {
isInitLayout: false
$container.isotope('on', 'layoutComplete',
function (isoInstance, laidOutItems) {

Getting Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function in nivo slider.js

I am trying to put nivo-slider on my drupal home page. Although all images are showing but they are not sliding and when I check consol, I see an error in nivo-slider.js file i.e.
"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"
My nivo-slider.js code is-
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.nivoSlider = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
// Initialize the slider
$('#slider').nivoSlider({ *//here I am getting error mentioned above*
'effect': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.effect, // Specify sets like: 'fold,fade,sliceDown'
'slices': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.slices, // For slice animations
'boxCols': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.boxCols, // For box animations
'boxRows': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.boxRows, // For box animations
'animSpeed': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.animSpeed, // Slide transition speed
'pauseTime': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.pauseTime, // How long each slide will show
'startSlide': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.startSlide, // Set starting Slide (0 index)
'directionNav': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.directionNav, // Next & Prev navigation
'directionNavHide': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.directionNavHide, // Only show on hover
'controlNav': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.controlNav, // 1,2,3... navigation
'controlNavThumbs': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.controlNavThumbs, // Use thumbnails for Control Nav
'pauseOnHover': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.pauseOnHover, // Stop animation while hovering
'manualAdvance': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.manualAdvance, // Force manual transitions
'prevText': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.prevText, // Prev directionNav text
'nextText': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.nextText, // Next directionNav text
'randomStart': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.randomStart, // Start on a random slide
'beforeChange': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.beforeChange, // Triggers before a slide transition
'afterChange': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.afterChange, // Triggers after a slide transition
'slideshowEnd': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.slideshowEnd, // Triggers after all slides have been shown
'lastSlide': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.lastSlide, // Triggers when last slide is shown
'afterLoad': Drupal.settings.nivo_slider.afterLoad // Triggers when slider has loaded
Help me to sought out this error..thanks!!
Include jquery.js main file in header before any js
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
When you use two different versions of jquery (which is not recommended), you can use
I had encountered a similar problem before. This issue can be fixed by making use of Jquery Update module in Drupal 7 & setting the version of jquery library to 1.9 & above.
Do let me know in case of any doubts
Also please note that in Drupal you should never add Jquery library explicitly because Drupal core by default adds a jquery library.
When you try to add a jquery.js in the head
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
There will be 2 jquery libraries now & which will conflict.
So we need to use jquery update module to upgrade the library
Another likely candidate is referring to jQuery with $ (dollar):
// Target your .container, .wrapper, .post, etc.
If you instead use the no-conflict reference in your script, as below, this may fix the error
// Target your .container, .wrapper, .post, etc.
I just ran into some issues configuring Nivo View Slider on Drupal 7.
I didn't read the module's documentation at first but it looks like Nivo Slider's library isn't included in the package, you need to upload it manually to your server.
Here is the documentation : https://www.drupal.org/project/views_nivo_slider
To sum it up :
install/enable Library API
download Nivo Slider libs from https://github.com/gilbitron/Nivo-Slider/downloads
unzip the archive to sites/all/libraries/nivo-slider
At step 2, you'll have to choose between version 2.x or 3.x
On the module's project page, it says that version 3.x might be broken on Google Chrome, I didn't have any issue myself...

jQuery animate element and hide

I'm building Windows 8 app in JavaScript. What I'm trying to do is to slide the html element out of the screen and then change its "display" property to "none":
var panelContainer = $('#panelContainer');
panelContainer.animate({ right: '-400px' }, 200, function () {
But this code doesn't work correctly: it just immediately hides the element without animation.
I've also tried:
var panelContainer = $('#panelContainer');
panelContainer.animate({ right: '-400px' }, 200, function () {
and it works, but it's a hack: I don't want to change the opacity when animating and I don't need to have additional timeout for hiding.
I've found that jQuery UI library has extended show and hide methods that do that, but I would like not to reference this library just for one call. I'm aware that there is a WinJS.UI.Flyout that performs similar operation, but it's not applicable in my case. Any ideas how this can be done?
The problem was that jQuery does not put hide animation into its animation queue by default. That's why my initial code was hiding the html element first and then animating it. The solution for that is to call hide with the parameter that explicitly specifies that hide call should be queued:
panelContainer.hide({queue: true});

CKEditor Change Config Setting on Focus / Click

I need to be able to change the filebrowserUploadUrl of CKEditor when I change some details on the page, as the querystring I pass through is used by the custom upload process I've put in place.
I'm using the JQuery plugin. Here's my code:
extraPlugins: 'autogrow',
autoGrow_maxHeight: 400,
removePlugins: 'resize'
$("#Content").ckeditorGet().on("instanceReady", function () {
this.on("focus", function () {
// Define browser Url from selected fields
this.config.filebrowserUploadUrl = filebrowserUploadUrl: '/my-path-to-upload-script/?ID1=' + $("ID1").val() + '&ID2=' + $("#ID2").val();
This works fine the first time, but if I come out of the dialogue and change the value of #ID1 and #ID2, it keeps the previous values. When I debug, the filebrowserUploadUrl is set correctly, but it doesn't affect the submission values. It seems the config values are cached.
Is there any way to change a config value on the fly?
Currently I don't see any possibility to change this URL on the fly without hacking.
Take a look at http://dev.ckeditor.com/browser/CKEditor/trunk/_source/plugins/filebrowser/plugin.js#L306
This element.filebrowser.url property is set once and as you can see few lines above it will be reused again. You can try to somehow find this element and reset this property, but not having deeper understanding of the code of this plugin I don't know how.
Second option would be to change this line #L284 to:
url = undefined;
However, I haven't check if this is the correct solution :) Good luck!
BTW. Feel free to fill an issue on http://dev.ckeditor.com.
I solved this by reloading the editor whenever a change occurred; I actually went through the source code for the browser plugin etc, but couldn't get any changes to work (and of course, I really didn't want to change anything for future upgrades).
function setFileBrowserUrl() {
// Remove editor instance
// Recreate editor instance (needed to reset the file browser url)
function createEditor() {
filebrowserUploadUrl: '/my-path-to-upload-script/?ID1=' + $("ID1").val() + '&ID2=' + $("#ID2").val(),
extraPlugins: 'autogrow',
autoGrow_maxHeight: 400,
removePlugins: 'resize'
Then I call setFileBrowserUrl every time the relevant elements on the page change. Not ideal, but it works for my purposes :)

