How to convert a string into an array? - javascript

How do I convert the following string to an array?
var string = "[energy,people,coding,vein]";
var array = ["energy","people","coding","vein"];

The easiest way to convert a string of comma separated values into an array is just to use split.
string1 = "testing,stuff";
arr = string1.split(","); // arr now equals ["testing", "stuff"]
The opening and closing brackets you could just get rid of using the substr method, or just leaving them off initially if you have that option

This is a two part process:
Remove the brackets with String.substr() (assuming the first and last characters in your string are brackets).
Use String.split() to break the string into an array.
This is the most efficient way to convert the string '[energy,people,coding,vein]' into an array:
var String1 = '[energy,people,coding,vein]',
array = String1.substr(1, String1.length - 2).split(',');
console.log(array); // ["energy", "people", "coding", "vein"]


Easy way to turn JavaScript array into comma AND Quotation Marks separated string list?

I wanted to know if there was a function that could turn an array into a string separated with Quotation Marks and commas in JS?
var array = [1,2,3]
var result = '["1", "2", "3"]';
You can use .map to convert array elements to strings, and JSON.stringify to get the resulting string:
const array = [1,2,3];
const result = JSON.stringify(;

Split a single array with respect to comma in javascript

I am getting an array of single string $scope.Obj= ["Talking Spanish,Spanish food,Spanish things,Football"];
The split should be by watching ,
I need to break it down = ["Talking Spanish","Spanish food","Spanish things","Football"];
How can I do it using javascript?
You can use split
let arr = ["Talking Spanish,Spanish food,Spanish things,Football"];
let op = arr[0].split(',')
You can split 0th index of $scope.Obj with , and reassign to $scope.Obj.
$scope.Obj= ["Talking Spanish,Spanish food,Spanish things,Football"];
str.split(separator, limit)
The above is common syntax to split a array
The split() method splits a String object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings, using a specified separator string to determine where to make each split.
In the following example, split() looks for spaces in a string and returns the first 3 splits that it finds.
var myString = 'Hello World. How are you doing?';
var splits = myString.split(' ', 3);
This script displays the following:
["Hello", "World.", "How"]

Javascript to cut same second character on a text

For example I have text:
var x="default_1305, default_1695, default_1805";
I want to cut before the second comma to get this text:"default_1305, default_1695".
How can I do this?
var x="default_1305, default_1695, default_1805";
string can be split by , like below:
var res = x.split(",", 2);
Note 2 here in the second param.
And if needed as string, then
var res_string = res.join(",");
.split() on MDN
str.split([separator[, limit]])
Optional. Specifies the character(s) to use for separating the string. The separator is treated as a string or a regular expression. If separator is omitted, the array returned contains one element consisting of the entire string. If separator is an empty string, str is converted to an array of characters.
Optional. Integer specifying a limit on the number of splits to be found. The split() method still splits on every match of separator, until the number of split items match the limit or the string falls short of separator.
Convert string to array and get first two elements
var x="default_1305, default_1695, default_1805";
var b = x.split(',')
var c = b[0]+","+b[1]
You can also use .slice() to get the parts you need, eg:
// added an extra item to distinguish first-two vs all-but-last
var x="default_1305, default_1695, default_1805, default_1962";
// get first two
var result = x.split(",").slice(0,2).join(",");
// get all but last
var result = x.split(",").slice(0,-1).join(",");

String split returns an array with more elements than expected (empty elements)

I don't understand this behaviour:
var string = 'a,b,c,d,e:10.';
var array = string.split ('.');
I expect this:
console.log (array); // ['a,b,c,d,e:10']
console.log (array.length); // 1
but I get this:
console.log (array); // ['a,b,c,d,e:10', '']
console.log (array.length); // 2
Why two elements are returned instead of one? How does split work?
Is there another way to do this?
You could add a filter to exclude the empty string.
var string = 'a,b,c,d,e:10.';
var array = string.split ('.').filter(function(el) {return el.length != 0});
A slightly easier version of #xdazz version for excluding empty strings (using ES6 arrow function):
var array = string.split('.').filter(x => x);
This is the correct and expected behavior. Given that you've included the separator in the string, the split function (simplified) takes the part to the left of the separator ("a,b,c,d,e:10") as the first element and the part to the rest of the separator (an empty string) as the second element.
If you're really curious about how split() works, you can check out pages 148 and 149 of the ECMA spec (ECMA 262) at
Use String.split() method with Array.filter() method.
var string = 'a,b,c,d,e:10.';
var array = string.split ('.').filter(item => item);
console.log(array); // [a,b,c,d,e:10]
console.log (array.length); // 1
trim the trailing period first
'a,b,c,d,e:10.'.replace(/\.$/g,''); // gives "a,b,c,d,e:10"
then split the string
var array = 'a,b,c,d,e:10.'.replace(/\.$/g,'').split('.');
console.log (array.length); // 1
That's because the string ends with the . character - the second item of the array is empty.
If the string won't contain . at all, you will have the desired one item array.
The split() method works like this as far as I can explain in simple words:
Look for the given string to split by in the given string. If not found, return one item array with the whole string.
If found, iterate over the given string taking the characters between each two occurrences of the string to split by.
In case the given string starts with the string to split by, the first item of the result array will be empty.
In case the given string ends with the string to split by, the last item of the result array will be empty.
It's explained more technically here, it's pretty much the same for all browsers.
According to MDN web docs:
Note: When the string is empty, split() returns an array containing
one empty string, rather than an empty array. If the string and
separator are both empty strings, an empty array is returned.
const myString = '';
const splits = myString.split();
// ↪ [""]
Well, split does what it is made to do, it splits your string. Just that the second part of the split is empty.
Because your string is composed of 2 part :
1 : a,b,c,d,e:10
2 : empty
If you try without the dot at the end :
var string = 'a,b,c:10';
var array = string.split ('.');
output is :
You have a string with one "." in it and when you use string.split('.') you receive array containing first element with the string content before "." character and the second element with the content of the string after the "." - which is in this case empty string.
So, this behavior is normal. What did you want to achieve by using this string.split?
try this
javascript gives two arrays by split function, then
var Val = "";
var mail = Val.split('#');
if(mail[0] && mail[1]) { alert('valid'); }
else { alert('Enter valid email id'); valid=0; }
if both array contains length greater than 0 then condition will true

Comparing and splitting of string inside JavaScript function

I have a string in a variable:
var test= "";
I want to split this string at the occurrences of the special characters, ie: #%#, then after splitting I want to push this thing to an array like this:
var spcds = [];
What I need is just split the string variable and push that to the spcds array. How can I do this in my JavaScript function such that the resultant values will be stored to another variable which I then push to the array spcds.
Use the split method to split the string:
var parts = test.split("#%#");
And if you don’t want to have empty parts, use the filter method to filter out the values that are not an empty string:
var parts = test.split("#%#").filter(function(val){return val!="";});
This will give you an array of the strings you are after Then you can just iterate through the array as needed.
var mySplitResult = myString.split("#%#");
this should give you the array you want:
var testarray=

