SOAP Web Service Single User Login Integration - javascript

Working on a project where i need to implement single-user login, or letting them use the same login on their main website, as well as on another site. Right now they are using a SOAP web service. I have used my googlefu to try and work this out, but I need some help.
Just above this is a link to their service. I am using a .net authentication service on our website. With no experience in SOAP or authentication, how can I set up my site to authenticate a user from their service, and also pull other information like address and email address?
I have looked at their site, and they are using javascript and not PHP, whereas on google most people use PHP. I would prefer to keep using JS or jquery.
Thanks for looking, and help is appreciated.


Authentication mechanism for a crawler with javascsript

Forms Authentication
I am trying to integrate an authentication mechanism on the crawler. As a result of my research, I decided that the most optimized solution is to have the user fill out a login form and use it to authenticate. But I don't know exactly how to do this. Can anyone help who has developed a login mechanism like the image I shared before or knows how it was developed?

Azure Active Directory for securing Custom JS Frontend and Java Rest API

I've currently got a REST API (written in Java using Spring) and a frontend for that API (written in Javascript using Express) which will query that API for the data to display. I've not gotten too far along in the frontend, and wanted to add in my Authorization/Authentication. I would like to use Azure Active Directory (AAD) for this - we have users in AAD, so this is what we're pursuing. I understand that I can use the MSAL.js library to get an access_token that I can then send to my Java REST API for validation. However, I'm not able to find any decent documentation or examples for this specific case, though. I see a some Javascript Single Page Application (SPA) documentation and examples, but seeing as this is AuthN/AuthZ, I don't want to have a kinda correct solution, because this is important stuff. I also want to make sure I'm handling caching, sign outs, etc, in the right manner.
If anyone could point me in the direction of some documentation, examples, readings, etc, I'd be very appreciative!
You can use MSAL.js to easily integrate with the front end of your API for authentication/authorization of your users.
For java web apps, you can use the MSAL4J authentication library, so that the application can be integrated with the Microsoft identity platform. It allows you to log in to a user or application using a Microsoft identity (Azure AD, Microsoft account, and Azure AD B2C account) and obtain a token to call the Microsoft API.
For more details, please check:here.

How can I use OpenID with my own RESTful API?

I'm currently creating an EmberJS application,
So obviously my front end is done in EmberJS, and I've decided to go with Go (Golang) as my API service.
I've gotten the back end authentication working using Steams OpenID service
The problem I'm currently facing is, my API runs on localhost:3000 and my front end runs on localhost:4200.
So how can I make a request to my API service which will require human intervention part way through (to be able to type in the username / password on steams website before redirecting back) from my client side.
Right now
localhost:3000/auth/login is to initiate the OpenID request which redirects to steams website
and then
localhost:3000/auth/return is the callback on returning from steams website
I need to be able to some how use this authentication from the client side via some how to be able to authenticate users, e.g.:
$.get("localhost:3000/auth/login").then(() => {
// How the hell am I supposed to login on steams website from here
any information would be great as this is really stumping me. If you'd like to see any code feel free to ask, I'm not sure what to provide as everything is working as intended, but I just can't figure out how to connect the API to the client and make OpenID work the way I need to. Thanks!
Side Note: I know some websites will have a popup which the authentication in there (like a twitter or facebook popup) and then refresh the main site after the authentication has been processed I don't know how I might achieve something like that.

How to send facefook notification to the users on a blog post created?

I'm developing a site similar to blog. In that I would like to add a facebook notification feature.
For example, if I created one article it should send a notification to the subscribed facebook users.
I have done facebook share. But I don't know about this.
Note: I'm using and c# for the web development.
Is this possible. if possible, can someone say a way to achieve it.
First of all You will need to create a facebook application and add your web page as a "Web Page with Facebook login": You can find this setting in application settings. After you will need to log in your blog users via facebook and ask for some basic permissions (No special permission needed for sending notifications.) And after all these steps you will be able to send notifications to your users. Here are some resources that might help you.
Here is the C# SDK resource.

Twitter OAuth with Javascript

I'm trying to make a Twitter client with Adobe AIR, how can I successfully use OAuth with Javascript? I mean, I've used jsOauth but it seems to lack the oauth_signature somewhere...
One thing you can try is you can use the approach that is described in the Facebook developers section dedicated to authentication. You want the section that is called "Client-side flow".
In a nutshell they propose that you make an application that will redirect the page it is loaded in to a special URI with it's app_id and backurl in the query parameters. Once Facebook manages your app's permissions, it will redirect the user back to your page with a special access token in a URI fragment, e.g. This way only your script on the client side can access this token and use it to make requests to the Facebook API.
go have a look at streamie, a twitter client based on node.js. In the source, you can find an extremly good implementation. It's done by cramforce. You find it on github:
jsOAuth uses the Authorization header to pass the OAuth relevant data to the API service.
If you are having issues, by all means email me I'll be happy to look at your code. jsOAuth isn't flawless, I'm fixing bugs as they come up.
Theres a boiler plate for PIN based client auth here:

