How to have an angularJS directive on a page called via ajax? - javascript

I have the following html (which can be accessed directly or called via ajax):
<section id="content" ng-controller="setTreeDataCtrl" get-subthemes>
<dl ng-repeat="subtheme in allSubthemes">
Then I'm using the following directive:
myApp.directive('getSubthemes', function() {
return function($scope, element, attrs) {
$scope.allSubthemes = [];
angular.forEach($, function(value, key) {
angular.forEach(value.SubThemes, function(value2, key2) {
'ThemeTitle': value.Title,
'ThemeUrlSlug': value.UrlSlug,
'Title': value2.Title,
'UrlSlug': value2.UrlSlug
$scope.allSubthemes seems ok, but the dl's don't get rendered.
I can see for a second everything rendered properly and then it get's back to {{subtheme.Title}}, almost like it's being "unrendered"... any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?
Demo jsFiddle:

rGil fixed the jsFiddle. It was missing a ng-app="pddc" declaration on an element so Angular did not know where to begin its magic.
I'd like to mention another way to render to the data in question. I suggest using an ng-repeat within an ng-repeat. See my forked & updated fiddle here. You can actually refer to the parent theme within the ng-repeat of the subtheme, so you don't have to copy values from the parent theme into each subtheme (which effectively eliminates the need for the directive in this example).
Another reason to use a nested ng-repeat is because of async issues that could come up when pulling data from a web service asynchronously. What could happen is when the directive executes, it may not have any data to loop through and populate because the data hasn't arrived yet.
If you use two ng-repeats, Angular will watch the $ and re-run the ng-repeats when the data arrives. I've added a 500 ms delay to setting the data in my example to simulate web service latency and you'll see that even with the "latency", the data eventually renders.
There are two other ways around the async issue:
Use scope.$watch() in your directive, to watch for the data manually, or
Use the "resolve" functionality from Angular's routing feature to make sure the data is retrieved prior to controller execution.
While these alternative methods work, I think both are more complicated then just using two ng-repeats.


AngularJS: Function in controller called multiple times by template

I know this question has been asked in here before it seem that all the answers is either quotes from AngularJS doc or doesn't provide with a solution (not a solution I understand anyway) so I'll give it a try once more.
My experience with Angular is relatively new, started out some month ago, so please forgive my ignorance if this is basic knowledge.
Within a list of posts (iterate by using ng-repeat) I've a special "share to" button.
The link on the button (href) depends on three different factors: post_id, user_id, network.
I'm trying to do this, within my ng-repeat="post in posts"
<a href ng-href="{{genShareUrl(,post.author_id,'fb')}}>Facebook</a>
The original function which perform the generation is in a factory, I just use genShareUrl as a middleman function between controller and factory.
When logging out from the genShareUrl function in the post controller, I see this function is called multiple times.
Actually, if I run it on full scale on all posts fetched from backend, my app just come to a halt. No error, just eternal loading (I figured that I might have inadvertently triggered some kind of eternally $digest loop I'm unfamiliar with or at least some exponentially call pattern).
I've tried to recreate the scenario with a simple example:
Here I can see, that the function first is called twice, then four times - which indicates to me that the digest cycle is triggered multiple time.
In such a case as described, how would I best go about generating some value in a link? Is this the best practice? If no, how or could you give me an example on how to refactor the code.
Angular uses dirty checking to achieve two-way binding, all two-way binding watchers would be evaluated in each digest cycle, that is the reason genShareUrl be called multiple times, to avoid this happened, you could use one-way binding in your template:
<a href ng-href="{{::genShareUrl(,post.author_id,'fb')}}>Facebook</a>
I'd like suggest a best practice for your case:
Resolve start-up logic for a controller in an activate function.
So, you can add an activate function as follows:
function activate() {
angular.forEach($scope.json, function (p) {
p.btoa = $scope.func(;
After that, you can update your template and use:
<div ng-repeat="person in json">
<a href ng-href="/user/{{person.btoa}}">{{person.firstName + ' ' + person.lastName}}</a>
In that way you'll avoid multiple calls to your function due to two-way data binding behavior.
Take a look following links:
Angular Styleguide
Your example updated:

How do I change one Directive when I click another Directive?

So here's my problem:
I have a page which displays two different graphs. Each of these graphs are there own Directives which has their own isolate scope.
When a user clicks on one of the bar's in the chart in Directive #1, I need the graph in Directive #2 to change.
Currently both Chart Directives are being fed their respective data sets from the Controller of this page.
Now from what I've seen I really have about three options:
Pass a callback function into Directive #1 which be called when the chart is selected. This callback function will exist on the Controller of the page and then can change the necessary data in order to get Directive #2 to update via data-binding.
Events. Fire an event on $rootScope inside of Directive #1 when the chart is selected. I can then listen to this event on the Controller and change the data in Directive #2 to update it via data-binding.
Use a Library like Rx.JS in order to make an observable inside of Directive #1. I haven't used Rx.JS with Angular that much so to be honest I have no idea if this would even work or what it would look like. But if I could expose this Observable to page's Controller from within Directive #1 then I should be able to subscribe to it and update Directive #2 when necessary.
Now I have a good understanding of Solution #1 and #2 but they have their own issues:
This very quickly could turn into "callback hell" and doesn't seem to be a very "Angular" solution. This also creates a bit of a tight dependency between the page's Controller and this very generic Chart Directive. Out of my options I think this is the best solution but I would love a better one.
I have to build a way to specify id's on the event names that are unique to that explicit instantiation of the directive, since theoretically there could be more than one of these Chart Directives on the page.
I would love to know if anyone has any other ideas that I haven't thought of or a better approach? Maybe even something that I'm not aware of that Rx.JS offers with Observable's?
TLDR: I need to click on Directive #1 and have it effect what is currently being displayed in Directive #2.
I think this can be done by using two binding scopes in your directive like,
.directive('graphOne', function () {
return {
template: blah/blah.html,
scope: {
scopeToPass: '='
.directive('graphTwo', function () {
return {
template: blah1/blah1.html,
scope: {
scopeToGet: '='
and in html
<graph-one scope-to-pass="uniqueScope"></graph-one>
<graph-two scope-to-get="uniqueScope"></graph-two>
Since we are assign $scope.uniqueScope to both directives, and the scopeToPass is two way binding, when the value of scopeToPass get changed it will be passed to uniqueScope and from uniqueScope it will be passed to scopeToGet.

angular how to use scope from a different controller

I have a user.list.ctrl and a user.detail.cntr. All the controllers are build as a module and are injected in a "user-module" which I inject in the app.js. (see the complete code in the plunker below)
my controller module
angular.module('user-module', ['user-module.controllers']);
my user-module
angular.module('', ['user-module']);
In both controllers i inject user-Fctr with data from a REST factory. (works well)
user.list.cntrl has a $scope.refresh()
user.detail.cntrl has a $scope.update()
When I enter a new record, i call the $scope.refresh() so I can refresh the list. (this is working fine)
When i click a user from the list, the user detail loads in a different view (works ok)
when I update the user.detail, I want to call $scope.refresh() to update the user.list , but it is not working. I cannot call $scope.refresh()
I thought that since I inject the same factory into both controllers I can use each others $scopes.
Any ideas on how I can use $scope.refresh() (or update the list when I update the user.detail.js)
I make a plunker with all the js files (the plunker is not functional, it is only to show the code that I have)
thanx for taking a look at this
This is a very conceptual problem.
You have created a controller for each "piece" of view because they are meant for different activities. This is the purpose of controllers. So that is right.
However, you are trying to access the refresh function, written in one controller, in another one. Taken literally, this is wrong, since then, refresh is out of place either inside the user list controller or the detail controller.
A function that is meant to control (literally) what is happening on a specific piece of view is a controller. - There you are right having a controller for the list and one for the details.
A function that is meant to be shared between controllers must be a service. This is exactly what you want for your refresh function to be.
Whenever you inject the same factory into n controllers, you can't use the scope of every controller. This isn't the purpose of a controller.
However, whenever you inject the same factory into n controllers, you can use its exposed methods.
The problem you have, can be solved as follows:
app.factory( 'sharedFunctions', [ 'factoryId', function sharedFunctions( factoryId ) {
var refresh = function () {
factoryId.getAll(/*your params to query*/)
.success( function ( response ) {
//This will return the list of all your records
return response;
return sharedFunctions;
With this factory service registered, then you can inject it to your controllers and whenever you need to refresh, just call the exposed method of the service and plot the new information into the view.
Hope it works for you!
i ended up doing this:
I added in the list.contrl this:
factoryId.listScope = $scope;
since I already have the factoryId (my data service) injected in the detail controller, I can call this:
it works but I don't know if this is the best way. any comments?

Add AngularJS directive at runtime

I am creating a game where the first thing that needs to happen is some state is loaded in from an external JSON file - the contents of one of my directives are dependent on this data being available - because of this, I would like to delay applying the directive until after the data has loaded. I have written the following:
window.addEventListener('mythdataLoaded', function (e) {
// Don't try to create characters until mythdata has loaded
quest.directive('character', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
character: '#'
controller: 'CharacterCtrl',
templateUrl: 'partials/character.html',
replace: true,
link: function(scope, element) {
$(document).on('click', '#'+scope.character, function () {
// Load in myth data
var myth_data;
$.getJSON("js/mythdata_playtest.json", function(json) {
myth_data = json;
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('mythdataLoaded'));
However, it appears that my directive's link function never runs - I'm thinking this is because angular has already executed the part of it's cycle where directives are compiled/linked by the time this directive gets added. Is there some way to force angular to compile this directive after it is created? I googled around a bit, and some people suggested adding $compile to the link function for similar issues - but the link function is never run, so that doesn't work for this case. Thanks!
It seems to me it would be better to always configure the directive, to do the JSON call in the directive, and attach logic to the element in the JSON call's success handler. This would, if I understand you correctly, do what you want.
AngularJS is meant as a framework, not a library, so using it in the way you mentioned is not recommended. Exactly as you mentioned, AngularJS does a lot of things for you when it runs. AngularJS, by default, runs on document loaded, and your $.getJSON callback arrives after that. When AngularJS runs it does all its magic with compiling the content and all that.
As a sidenote, it's also more the Angular way to use $http over $.getJSON.
I think you're thinking about this the wrong way. A major ideology in angular is that you set up declarative elements and let it react to the state of the scope.
What I think you might want to do is pass in what you need through the directive scope, and use other angular built in directives to hide or show your default ("non directive") state until the scope gets set from the controller for example.
You want a box to be hidden until an api call comes back. Your directive sets special styles on your element (not hidden). Instead of delaying to dynamically set your directive, you can pass in a scope var with a default value and use something like ng-show="data.ready" in your directive template to handle the actual dom stuff.

Failing to understand data binding in angularjs

I have a jsbin setup here
I'm getting confused by the way I think angularjs should work, I have some json data attached to a data attribute, angularjs fetches the data and creates the view. Doesn't calling $scope.mydata within the controller set 'mydata' as the model, and shouldn't it now update the view if the data within the data attribute is changed?
Is this easier to achieve in other frameworks if this isn't appropriate for angular?
I think these two will give you the idea:
How Angular uses data
How to make AJAX calls
Although this is not the usual way to do things in Angular, you can achieve what you want, adding a watch to your data
function () { return $("#mydata").data("a");},
function(newValue) {
$scope.mydata = newValue;
}, true);
Basically we are adding a change listener to your data.
Please check this plunker, where the jquery data is changed every 2 seconds, and the div reacts to this change.

