sitefinity 6 - events module error javascript - javascript

I've upgraded a website from 4.4 to 6.0 and found some issues. Some I already solved but I keep getting one error (javascript I suppose) on events module. When I try to preview/create new/publish/save draft I get the following js error:
TypeError: startDate is null
Unable to get property 'getFullYear' of undefined or null reference
Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd, line 329 character 1
var range=this.get_rangeView().getRange();
var time=this.get_timeView().getRange();
var startDateTime=new Date(time.get_start());
var endDateTime=new Date(time.get_start());
var startDate=range.get_start();
var endDate=range.get_recursUntil();
I reckon that this is dynamically created by Telerik sitefinity and I'm not sure how to fix it. I went to the administration area and checked the relevant configurations and it seems to be everything ok (similar configs as sitefinity 4.4).
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this? I've tried to post a sitefinity forum thread on their website but they took way to much time to answer.

by any chance were you using external templates or a custom widget to show the events?
Sitefinity 6.0 apparently rebuilt the events module and it is no longer a simple, flat type. Instead it is a nested (hierarchical) type, with a parent calendar to which events are added (or multiple calendars if you need them).
So if you did any custom code or external template to display the content (in other words anything not out of the box that auto-upgraded itself when you updated to 6.0) you may need to rebuild this custom component to use the latest changes.
Consult the upgrade guide to 6.0 for latest breaking changes that one had the most differences, then compare your custom templates (if any) to the widget templates in the SDK:
I hope this is helpful!


Cannot read property 'querySelector' of null - WordPress / Contact Form 7

Seem to be getting an error on our contact forms on version 5.4.1 and the version before using the Contact Form 7 plugin on WordPress. The error occurs when submitting the form regardless of entering information or not. The error which appears in console is as follows:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of null
at c (index.js?ver=5.4.1:1)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at index.js?ver=5.4.1:1
Read a couple of articles about rolling back to version 5.3.2 which I can confirm works and the issue isn't present in this version. Does anyone have a fix for it though? Or do we need to wait for another update? It's been a couple of weeks now since this was first found I believe.
If anyone needs any other information please let me know and I'll try to supply it.
You can edit
define( ‘WPCF7_LOAD_JS’, true );
define( ‘WPCF7_LOAD_JS’, false );
on wp-contact-form-7.php file.
This is due to a incompatability between your theme or a plugin with the new version of jquery used in wordpress. There are a few things you can do.
Update your theme and plugins and hope the JavaScript is patched by the author
Try to patch the broken code your self (this requires knowledge of javascript)
Install jQueryMigrate Plugin (this is only a Band-Aid and should not be the permanent solution)

CKEditor throws error after adding Notification Plugin

I am attempting to add the notification plugin to CKEditor and I receive the following error when I go on any page implementing the CKEditor regardless if it attempts to use the Notification Plugin or not
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
at Area (plugin.js?t=D2LI:448)
at Object.init (plugin.js?t=D2LI:17)
at Object.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js:221)
at n (ckeditor.js:202)
at Array.m (ckeditor.js:202)
at o (ckeditor.js:202)
at ckeditor.js:203
I am clearly including the plugin since I am getting these errors.
this is the line of code in the plugin that is causing the error.
this._uiBuffer = 10, this._layout, this );
Any help is appreciated.
Please see:!/api/
The error means that tools object doesn't have eventsBuffer method. There are two explanations which come to my mind:
This method is available since CKEditor 4.2.1. Please check your ckeditor/ file (your version is at the top) to find out which editor version you use. If your editor is anything below 4.2.1, please upgrade it to latest version. Please also note that if you want to use notifications you need to use at least CKEditor 4.5 -!/api/CKEDITOR.plugins.notification so upgrading to 4.2.1 won't help in this case.
This is a long shot but another possibility is that you have a third-party script which conflicts with CKEditor thus you get such result. If your editor is up to date, please try disabling other scripts, clearing browser's cache according to this link and checking the result one more time.
NOTE: To find out your version you can also click question mark icon on the toolbar (it is available if you have About plugin installed).

Issues while upgrading to Extjs 5.1 from Extjs 4.1

I have developed application using extjs 4.1. Its working absolutely fine as required. Now i want to upgrade my application using extjs 5.1. I included necessary Extjs 5.1 files in my application. But its failed to load, even not single request is getting send to server. I am facing lots of issues as-
1.Uncaught Error: [Ext.createByAlias] Unrecognized alias: data.field.double
This error is appearing for each data type mentioned in model while defining fields. I observerd Extjs 5.1 examples..In most of it data types are not provided while defining fields in model..So should i need to remove type from model? Is there any other solution for it?
2.Uncaught Error: [Ext.create] Unrecognized class name /alias:
3.[E] [Ext.Loader] Some requested files failed to load.
4.[W] [Ext.Loader] Synchronously loading ''; consider adding Ext.require('') above Ext.onReady
So can someone please guide me,what solutions i need to apply.
The problem is that double is not a valid type in ExtJs. ExtJs 4 was permissive and accepted invalid types in field definitions. ExtJs 5 does not.
The message seems clear to me. is neither a class name nor an alias. Probably the file with the class definition is not loaded.
You have to find out.
You should require this store where it is needed, e.g. in a controller with stores: [''] or with require: ['']

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of null using Openerp 7.0

I am using Openerp (Version 7.0-20140429-231256). It was working well for a while one bad day I got a below error. And I don't find any reference to solve the exception.
OpenERP Client Error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of null
In process of debug I wanted to get to the root of problem. Some how I observed that there is openerp.init jquery triggers all the modules where its missing most of the modules which are installed..
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var s = new openerp.init(["web", "web_kanban", "base", "base_setup", "process", "base_import", "web_view_editor", "web_calendar", "web_diagram", "board", "web_gantt", "web_graph", "web_tests"]);
var wc = new s.web.WebClient();wc.appendTo($(document.body));
Though I have installed many module like Point of Sale, Ware house management, Mailing etc. Its not included in init function.
I have installed several module available in openerp not community modules. Am not able to move forward with this error. Please help me how I can able to fix this problem.
Thanks In Advance.
I have solved this problem myself.
Though want to share details with you. So that anyone come across same, then this reference might be helpful.
After debugging the code have found that module information are stored in one particular table called ir_module_module, in this table it store the state of module..
1. installed
2. uninstalled
3. to remove
So when we start openerp server then it fetch for modules for js to load which are installed state.
But many of modules are in to remove state. So I used update statement for postgressql (which is similar to mysql) to update all to remove to installed
here is update statement which is used to update table.
update ir_module_module set state ='installed' where state='to remove';
**Though I have no idea how in first play module went into to remove state.

CRM 2011 | Trigger Silverlight function from Javascript Form

I am working on CRM 2011 online.
I have a form and added a Silverlight web-resource to it.
And when a lookup value changes, I need to trigger/invoke a Silverlight function.
I followed this guide exactly and a few other guides with same concept but still not able to run it properly due to this statement:
silverlightPlugin.Content.interactionObject.FormAttributeChanged(attName, attValue);
I used the IE debugger and found the the Content property is always undefined.
Why it's undefined ?
Has anyone came across this before?
I will answer my own question:
The problem was that I was referencing the HTML page instead of the .XAP.
After debugging the Content property was set.

