pageLoad function in master page and content page - javascript

I have a pageLoad js function in master page,
and another one inside content page.
Does the first one (in master page) prevent the second one (in content page) from firing ?

It's the other way round. The one on the Content Page will be fired first. To know if one is messing with the other, simply debug it on Firebug or even on Visual Studio.

You can use the jQuery syntax to chain functions to run on page load in both Master and Child pages like this:
$().ready(function() {
// Do stuff
Contents will be execute in the order that the appear on the page, from top to bottom.
You could force items to be run in a specific order with a construct like this in your MasterPage:
$().ready(function() {
// Do MasterPage stuff
if (onChildPageLoad) onChildPageLoad();
and in the child page place a script block like this:
var onChildPageLoad = function() {
// Do childpage stuff


jQuery Load Content into DIV and retain parent Javascript

I am trying to use this
$(document).ready( function() {
var data = 'testing'
$("#about").on("click", function() {
When I click the "About" button, it loads the HTML page "about.html" into the div called "main-content". But I have 2 issues
When it loads, it loads the "about.html" page into the whole page rather than just inside the "main-content" div
When I load the "about.html" I want to be able to access the JavaScript variable "var data" from the main page
Are these both possible?
Unless about.html is HTML and inline CSS only,
ifrmae is for this purpose.
<iframe src="about.html" />
First issue: the about.html page should actually be loaded only inside the main-content div. Maybe the css makes the about page fill everything. Maybe there's another javascript in the code causing this issue. The browser inspector should help debugging it.
Second issue: One possible way is to write the variable content into the html then fetching it later. The jQuery data does that creating/reading data attributes on html tags:
// javascript in current page
var foo = 'testing';
$("#main-content").data('myvar', foo);
// javascript in about.html
var bar = $("#main-content").data('myvar'); // equals 'testing'

Use javascript (and jQuery and other libs) from parent document on iframe with several sources

good day all.
I'm working on a project in which there is an application that has one of its view implemented with an iframe, the iframe src is changed when the user clicks on some of the "parent" document. So basically there is always the same container, but the contents of the iframe will change according to the user choices.
let's say that there will be:
parent.html (which will have all the js logic)
each "child" page will be an html page with no (or very little) javascript. What I want to obtain is that when the user arrive on the child1.html, only the code that is global to every child is execute and of course also the code related to that page.
Let's say that on the child1.html there must be executed a couple of ajax calls, then some js to handle tables, and things like that. while on the child2.html there will be some forms whith their own validations, and another ajax call to send the forms (displayed on the child1.html).
There will be a big js library on parent.html that will contain the js code of every child page, so what I'd like to have is a way to "know" in which page I am and execute only the portion of code that is related to that page.
the structure should be something like:
var myGlobalObject = {username:undefined,foo:1}
if (myGlobalObject.username == undefined){
$.ajax(retrieve username);
$("body",iframeContext2).on("submit","#someFormOnChild2", function(){
//do something
and/or something on childpages that could execute only its code... like:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
//execute only my part of the global js!
I hope to have been clear on what I'd like to obtain:
a parent page, with all the js used in childs, executed on demand OR with the capability to understand in which page we are.
several child page without or with a very little js.
Just for information, the iframe src will be changed by js on the parent page, by destroying the previous one and adding a new iframe with the new source.
If you want to keep all the Javascript in the parent page then you just really need a way to map the child pages to any code you wish to execute. This is a long way around doing something, but without further context it's difficult to suggest a more appropriate solution.
With that in mind, here's how I'd approach your problem.
First of all, I'd create an array of objects that defines what script to run for each child page...
var childScripts = [{
"src": "childpage1.html",
"init": function() {
// what to do when childpage1 is loaded
"src": "childpage2.html",
"init": function() {
// what to do when childpage2 is loaded
Don't destroy and recreate the iFrame every time you want to load a new page, or (if you really have to), assign an event handler to the load event every time. You only have to do this once if you never destroy the iFrame...
$("#iframeId").on("load", function() {
var scriptInfo = childScripts.filter(function(childInfo) {
return window.location.href.slice(-childInfo.src.length) === childInfo.src;
for (var i in scriptInfo) {
Obviously replace the selector #iframeId with something that will find your iframe.
In short, you create an array that holds each child page filename (prefix with / so you don't run scripts on pages that end with the same thing, but aren't the same page), and a function that you want to execute when that page loads. You then parse that array each time the iframe is loaded and execute all associated functions. Realistically you'll only have 1 init function per child page, but that code will handle multiple instances.

How to do some operation after web another page is loaded?

Hello I have some JavaScript code to fill some table of page1 and auto click its submit button, then it jump to another page2.
What I want is to execute some other codes after page2 is fully loaded. I know methods like window.onload and jQuery.ready but i don't know how to set this method to page2. For example if i write window.onload then the window reference to the current page.
Can anyone help?
You could achieve it the following way.
example :
Add unique identification classes to each of the page body.
page 1
<body class='page1'></body>
page 2
<body class='page2'></body>
in your javascript file, use the following to run the code.
//run page 1 code
}else{ // You can add a second if just to check if it's page 2
//run page 2 code
Then import the file to both pages at the bottom of the body tag. the script will run as needed.
To get the current browser url just use window.location.href to get the url. The url is a unique page identifier so just update the condition to the following.
if(window.location.href == 'page1-url'){
//run page 1 code
}else{ // You can add a second if just to check if it's page 2
//run page 2 code
I would prefer using the window.location.pathname since it would just return the page path without the host, but the above will work too.
You can use $( document ).ready() if page 2 is a new document.
If "page 2" is at a scroll point in the same document, you can use an if statement with the scroll point using .scroll(). Add your script in the head of your new document or a link to a new js file.

JQuery Mobile do X to every div with given class

I'm building a JQuery mobile site which has an image slider on 2 pages. The sliders are activated using the following JS:
$(function () {
where '#slider' is the name of the div that gets rendered as the slider.
I have this slider on the 2 pages and have given both the same id, and don't want to insert the above code into both pages. To make things easy I want to be able to make add the above code into a.js file that I'm referencing at the top of both pages.
However, the script only kicks in when one of the pages are the first page to be navigated to. So, I assume this means the code is only being called in the once, and due to the AJAX loading of the subsequent page, it isnt called when this new page loads.
So, how can I run the code to affect any/all pages which feature the slider?
I dont know how many times you have to call .excoloSlider(); function. In case you have to call it each time the page is visited, then you need to use any of these page events, pagecontainershow or pagecontainerbeforeshow.
If you use pagecontainershow, you can run .excoloSlider(); on #slider even if you have the same id in a different page. This way, you specify in which page to look for #slider.
$(document).on("pagecontainershow", function () {
var activePage = $.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("getActivePage");
/* check if #slider is within active page */
var slider = activePage.find("#slider").not(".slider");
if(slider) {
I have added .not(".slider") selector to exclude already rendered slider. The function .excoloSlider() will be called on new sliders only.
Try to use class instead of id since id is unique, then you can change your jQuery code to:
$(function () {
Use jQuery Mobile API for the navigation system
$(window).on( "navigate", function( event, data ) {
Use pageinit
From the jQM docs:
Important: Use $(document).bind('pageinit'), not $(document).ready()
The first thing you learn in jQuery is to call code inside the
$(document).ready() function so everything will execute as soon as the
DOM is loaded. However, in jQuery Mobile, Ajax is used to load the
contents of each page into the DOM as you navigate, and the DOM ready
handler only executes for the first page. To execute code whenever a
new page is loaded and created, you can bind to the pageinit event.
This event is explained in detail at the bottom of this page.

jquery getscript causing loop

I am using .load to call content from a section of my site when someone clicks a link. I am then using getscript to load in any scripts that are needed that .load strips out.
However, the content call function is needed on links that are loaded from this loaded content.
I am therefore in a situation where there is a loop being created and multiple executions.
This isn't an issue if the user clicks on one or two links to load content from other pages, but if they do it for several links then I get a spike in CPU, and therefore need to find a solution.
I am not sure why there is this issue, as the script executions are done through user clicks, so there shouldn't be continual execution.
The script looks like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.Select a').one("click", function () {
var toLoad = $(this).attr('href') + ' .containerPlus';
$("body").append($("<div class='loadedcontent'>").load(toLoad, function () {
$.getScript("scripts required for loaded content", function () {
$.getScript("load this script again");
basically the user clicks on a link, this calls the content and loads it into a new container, scripts needed on that page are then loaded, and then finally this code is applied to any links within this loaded content that need it.
This is a loop, but as there is a click element, I wouldn't have thought the second execution wouldn't take place until another click event.
Thanks for any advice

