How do I post large data to the server? - javascript

I have to send the XML from the client side to the server side.
The method adopted by me was that:
First the xml is converted to string in the javascript and then post as a uri
var url = '/perl/set_zorder_xml.cgi'+'?'+xmlString+'&'+location+'&'+'nocache='+randomnumber;
xml string is the string that contains the xml in string form.
The post function looks like this:
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
req_anno = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, false);
The problem is that when my xml string is very large then html 414 error occurs i.e url too large.
Is there any way out, Javascript and perl is used

Even though you're doing a POST request, you're still sending the data in the querystring of the URL. Instead you should move the data to be sent as POST data, and remove it from the URL."POST", '/perl/set_zorder_xml.cgi', false);
req_anno.send('xml=' + encodeURIComponent(xmlString));
The XHR .send() method accepts the string to be sent as the request body (ie POST data).


How can I send a file from a URL (not a file upload) to the backend with javascript?

I would like to have a button that when clicked gets a file (in this case a dynamically generated PDF) from a (predefined) URL on the same domain, and sends it to a (php) backend to be saved.
I am guessing that the best way to do this is to somehow load the file returned by the URL into a javascript variable, base64 encode it and send that to the backend with an ajax POST. Then on the backend I would base64 decode it and save it as a regular file.
Is this the right approach, or is there a better way to do it?
If this is the right approach, the part I am not sure how to do is getting the file from the URL into a variable. Once it's there, I guess I can use btoa() to base64 encode it. The other thing I am not 100% sure about is whether that will be compatible with base64_decode() in PHP for when I decode it?
You say, the URL is predefined, and you don't know how to get in into a javascript variable. I guess, the URL is defined in the backend (PHP). So you could simply set/inject it in the client side code (javascript) with PHP.
Don't post the URL back from the client to the server, as there seems to be no need for that, and the URL could easily be changed by the user (security issue)!!!
So, maybe a better way would be to keep the URL on the server side, and inject it in the client page using php, without posting it back to the server.
Original answer
This answer is only appropriate if the client generates the URL and you have a secure way to verify it, as every client side input has to be treated as potential harmful user input.
In my opinion this is the absolutely right approach. Yes, you should base64 encode your variable. You could put the base64 encoded string in a json object and post this json object via ajax, or post it as plain text in your post body. Make sure to verify this as a client input!
I see no reason why btoa()/base64_decode() should not work. Base64 is platform independent.
I figured it out. It's a mix of vanilla and jQuery because the vanilla is from this article and the project I am working in already has jQuery available for $.ajax to make the POST to the backend easier.
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
var fileUrl = '[URL from PHP]';"GET", fileUrl, true);
oReq.responseType = "arraybuffer";
oReq.onload = function (oEvent) {
let arrayBuffer = oReq.response; // Note: not oReq.responseText
if (arrayBuffer) {
let binaryText;
let byteArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
for (var i = 0; i < byteArray.byteLength; i++) {
binaryText+=String.fromCharCode( byteArray[ i ] );
type: "POST",
url: "/path/to/backend-upload",
data: {"fileData":btoa(binaryText)},
success: function(resultData){
alert("File Uploaded");
and in the PHP backend:
file_put_contents("/path/to/destination", base64_decode($_POST['fileData']));

I have a file that is encoded in RIFF. How can I send this file through an ajax post response?

I am trying to preserve the RIFF encoding of the file while sending it back as a response, as shown below.'/someroute', function(req,res,next){
var riff1= fs.readFileSync(somefilepath);
When I receive a response from my AJAX call, and examine the response it is in an ASCII format. I have tried to change the encoding of readFileSync to utf8, but that isn't working. How can I achieve this?
Use a Blob();
var riff1 = fs.readFileSync(somefilepath);
var blob = new Blob([riff1], {type: 'audio/mpeg'});
Should work.

Why when sending data over AJAX, do you have to JSON.stringify() your objects?

JSON stands for javascript object notation (as I'm sure you're aware), so why, when sending json via ajax do you need to turn it into a string to send it? Is it simply a formatting thing, or what?
This may belong in another place, if so, let me know, I'll close it and move it.
Obviously, I'm not looking for opinions, I'd like to know the actual answer.
Just to make sure I'm clear, I understand what JSON.stringify() does, and its counterpart JSON.parse(). I just want to know, why using stringify is required.
when sending json via ajax do you need to turn it into a string to send it?
If it isn't a string, then it isn't JSON in the first place.
JSON is a text based data format. HTTP is a text based communications protocol.
JSON stands for javascript object notation
JSON is based on the syntax for JavaScript literals. A JavaScript object is not JSON.
AJAX is all about HTTP requests, which are basically "text" requests to a server. That's the main reason why you have to stringify your object: That way it's turned into text that can "travel" over HTTP.
When sending data to a web server, the data has to be a string.
That's why we are using JSON.stringify() function to convert data to string and send it via XHR request to the server.
// Creating a XHR object
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
let url = "submit.php";
// open a connection"POST", url, true);
// Set the request header i.e. which type of content you are sending
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
// Converting JSON data to string
var data = JSON.stringify({ "name": name.value, "email": email.value });
// Sending data with the request

Get JSON in a Chrome extension

Small problem with my chrome extension.
I just wanted to get a JSON array from another server. But manifest 2 doesn't allow me to do it. I tried specify content_security_policy, but the JSON array is stored on a server without SSL cert.
So, what should I do without using manifest 1?
The CSP cannot cause the problem you've described. It's very likely that you're using JSONP instead of plain JSON. JSONP does not work in Chrome, because JSONP works by inserting a <script> tag in the document, whose src attribute is set to the URL of the webservice. This is disallowed by the CSP.
Provided that you've set the correct permission in the manifest file (e.g. "permissions": ["http://domain/getjson*"], you will always be able to get and parse the JSON:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function() {
var json = xhr.responseText; // Response
json = json.replace(/^[^(]*\(([\S\s]+)\);?$/, '$1'); // Turn JSONP in JSON
json = JSON.parse(json); // Parse JSON
// ... enjoy your parsed json...
// Example:
data = 'Example: appended to the query string..';'GET', 'http://domain/getjson?data=' + encodeURIComponent(data));
When using jQuery for ajax, make sure that JSONP is not requested by using jsonp: false:
jsonp: false ... });
Or, when using $.getJSON:
$.getJSON('URL which does NOT contain callback=?', ...);

Encode string javascript so that it can be transmitted to a server

I'm trying to send json string in the get request to the server, here is how it looks before encoding :
Naturally I end up with null pointer when trying to get this json string, then I googled this encodeURIComponent and it partially encodes this string like this :
But this is how it supposed to be in order to work :
How do I get this, entirely encoded string so I can read it at server side properly ?
Reason why I used get instead of post
I'm sending this filter(json) content to the server side, web service gets data from the database and returns pdf document.
Using post, I'm able to send correct data and the response is successfully displayed in my firebug console. But I need to return pdf doc to override the current page or open new window/tab and return in that one.
I think you're overworking this problem. Or encoding too many times. Or something.
You've got a JSON string, and you are trying to JSON encode it. That seems...unhelpful.
A better approach might be to produce a Javascript object, then JSON.Stringify that, and then transmit it as a parameter.
var thing = {
groupOp : "AND",
rules : [
{ field : "countrycode", op : "eq", data : "ARG" },
var stringrep = JSON.stringify(thing);
// post via jQuery
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: stringrep,
dataType: 'json'
success: function() { ... },
Normally for a JSON stringified message to or from the server, you'd want to use HTTP POST. HTTP GET puts all "parameters" in the URL; there is no message body. In contrast, HTTP POST allows you to attach a message body to the HTTP message, which can be "anything". With that approach, you don't need to url-encode the quotes and spaces; the JSON message just gets transmitted as the message body of the HTTP message.
HTTP POST is the way applications upload images, or transmit XML documents, and so on. Anything complex gets transmitted via POST.
var filtersParameter = 'filters=' + encodeURI(JSON.stringify(filters));
var filtersParameter = 'filters=' + atob(JSON.stringify(filters));
Note: atob() method uses base64 algorithm to encode the data. This encoded data can be easily passed to a server where it can be decoded using corresponding decoding methods (in python base64.b64decode(encoded_string) is used).

