slickgrid collapsing tutorial - javascript

I am currently working with example 5: so that I can implement collapsing in my own slickgrid. However I am having trouble doing this and was wondering if there is some tutorial I can look at or if someone has done this and can give me a few pointers. The following is some test code that I have been working with to get this to work, without a lot of luck
var grid;
var data = [];
//this does the indenting, and adds the expanding and collapsing bit - has to go before creating colums for the grid
var TaskNameFormatter = function (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) {
value = value.replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/</g,"<").replace(/>/g,">");
var spacer = "<span style='display:inline-block;height:1px;width:" + (15 * dataContext["indent"]) + "px'></span>";
var idx = dataView.getIdxById(;
if (data[idx + 1] && data[idx + 1].indent > data[idx].indent) {
if (dataContext._collapsed) {
return spacer + " <span class='toggle expand'></span> " + value;
} else {
return spacer + " <span class='toggle collapse'></span> " + value;
} else {
return spacer + " <span class='toggle'></span> " + value;
var columns = [
{id: "title", name: "title", field: "title", width: 150, formatter: TaskNameFormatter},
{id: "duration", name: "Duration", field: "duration"},
{id: "start", name: "Start", field: "start"},
{id: "finish", name: "Finish", field: "finish"}
var options = {
enableColumnReorder: false
var searchString = "";
function myFilter(item) {
if (searchString != "" && item["title"].indexOf(searchString) == -1) {
return false;
if (item.parent != null) {
var parent = data[item.parent];
while (parent) {
if (parent._collapsed || (searchString != "" && parent["title"].indexOf(searchString) == -1)) {
return false;
parent = data[parent.parent];
return true;
$(function () {
var indent = 0;
var parents = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var d = (data[i] = {});
var parent;
d["id"] = "id_" + i;
if (i===0){
d["title"] = "1st Schedule";
}else if(i===1){
d["title"] = "1st Schedule Late";
}else {
d["title"] = "1st Schedule Early Leave";
if (i===0){
parent =null;
if (i===1){
parent = parents[parents.length - 1];
if (i===2){
if (parents.length > 0) {
parent = parents[parents.length - 1];
} else {
parent = null;
d["indent"] = indent;
d["parent"] = parent;
d["duration"] = "5 days";
d["start"] = "01/01/2013";
d["finish"] = "01/01/2013";
/* **************Adding DataView for testing ******************/
dataView = new Slick.Data.DataView();
dataView.setFilter(myFilter); //filter is needed to collapse
/* ************** DataView code end ************************* */
grid = new Slick.Grid("#myGrid", dataView, columns, options);
//this toggles the collapse and expand buttons
grid.onClick.subscribe(function (e, args) {
if ($("toggle")) {
var item = dataView.getItem(args.row);
if (item) {
if (!item._collapsed) {
item._collapsed = true;
} else {
item._collapsed = false;
dataView.updateItem(, item);
//this is needed for collapsing to avoid some bugs of similar names
dataView.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, args) {

I strongly suggest you to look into the grouping example instead, it's also with collapsing but is made for grouping, which is 90% of what people want and since couple months can also do multi-column grouping. You can see here the SlickGrid Example Grouping then click on these buttons (1)50k rows (2)group by duration then effort-driven (3)collapse all groups...then open first group and you'll see :)
As for your code sample, I replaced the example with your code and it works just as the example


How to orderby number

My plunker
In this plunker based on orderby in ng-repeat it is working fine but when the rowId exceeds 9 number in parent + button, the rowid becomes 10.
The parent rowid 10 is displaying as a child of 1.
Here I am separating parent and child with -.
If the rowid is child then I am adding - before child record.
Finally what I want to achieve is I want to display 10 as parent, 1-10 as child.
var newRow = {
"rowId": "1",
"componentIdentification": "",
"componentName": "",
"codigo": "",
"componentType": "",
"componentState": "",
"actionId": "",
"actionPerform": ""
$scope.componentList = [];
$scope.addParentRow = function(rowId) {
var newGridRow = angular.copy(newRow);
var lastChar = getListOfSameLevel(rowId, true); //isParentRow
var parentId = rowId.length > 1 ? rowId.slice(0, rowId.length - 1) : "";
newGridRow.rowId = parentId + getNextChar(lastChar);
$scope.addChildRow = function(rowId) {
var newGridRow = angular.copy(newRow);
var lastChar = getListOfSameLevel(rowId, false);
if (rowId.length === lastChar.length) {
newGridRow.rowId = rowId + "-1";
} else {
var parentId = lastChar.length > 1 ? lastChar.slice(0, lastChar.length - 1) : "";
newGridRow.rowId = parentId + getNextChar(getLastChar(lastChar));
var getNextChar = function(inputChar) {
return parseFloat(inputChar) + 1;
var getLastChar = function(fullStr) {
return fullStr.slice(-1);
var getListOfSameLevel = function(rowId, isParentRow) {
var compIdLength = rowId.length;
var matchedArray = [];
var sortedMatchedArray = [];
var latestCompId = "";
if (compIdLength > 1) {
var parentId = isParentRow ? rowId.slice(0, rowId.length - 1) : rowId;
if (!isParentRow) {
matchedArray = _.filter($scope.componentList, function(row) {
return ((row.rowId.length >= compIdLength) && row.rowId.startsWith(parentId));
} else {
matchedArray = _.filter($scope.componentList, function(row) {
return ((row.rowId.length === compIdLength) && row.rowId.startsWith(parentId));
sortedMatchedArray = matchedArray.sort();
latestCompId = sortedMatchedArray[sortedMatchedArray.length - 1].rowId;
return isParentRow ? getLastChar(latestCompId) : latestCompId;
} else {
matchedArray = _.filter($scope.componentList, function(row) {
return (row.rowId.length === compIdLength || (!isParentRow && row.rowId.startsWith(rowId)));
sortedMatchedArray = matchedArray.sort();
latestCompId = sortedMatchedArray[sortedMatchedArray.length - 1].rowId;
return latestCompId;
The problem is a result of you sorting on rowID as a string, instead of rowID as a number.
I've added a function to return the integer value of rowID and then sort on that. It places the 10th row at the correct place in the list (after 9, not after 1), but stops incrementing at 10, so you've got other issues there you'll have to figure out.
Basically you add this function:
$scope.rowIdAsNumber = function() {
return parseInt(;
And then change your repeat to orderBy that function
<tr data-node="treetable-1" id="basetr10" name="0" ng-repeat="rowData in componentList | orderBy:'rowIdAsNumber'">
I've forked your plnkr here:

JS: Create new unique instance of my plugin

I have created a JavaScript plugin, I'd like to have the potential to use this multiple times, however, having it called one the page twice like follows doesn't seem to make a new instance:
var lightbox = new MarvLightbox({
imagesContainer: 'detail-hdr__detail-images',
limit: 11
var lightbox2 = new MarvLightbox({
imagesContainer: 'image-grid-2',
galleryFolder: 2,
mobileFolder: 0
The following code seems to be returning the same values, so for example, if I click an image to set the c value within the state object then it's changed for instance lightbox2 AND lightbox.
MarvLightbox.prototype.current = function() {
I have tried to remove any none required code from my plugin. But what I'm basically doing is:
1. Compile a list of the images within a container.
2. Generate HTML from a JSON string.
3. Assigning click events to the images, and then when clicked they open the lightbox and change the image etc.
(function() {
var instance = null,
// Constructor
this.MarvLightbox = function() {
instance = this;
// Create global variables
this.images_count = -1; = false;
this.error = false;
this.debug = false;
// Define option defaults
var defaults = {
activeClass: 'marvLightbox',
appendTo: '#wrapper',
imagesContainer: null,
thumbClass: null,
lightboxId: 'marvLightbox',
galleryFolder: null,
mobileFolder: null,
showAlt: true,
showMax: true,
limit: null,
html: '{ "div": { "id": "{lightboxId}", "0": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__container", "data-click": "EventClose", "0": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__controls {lightboxId}__controls--top", "0": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__eschint", "content": "Press <span>ESC</span> to close" } }, "1": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__close", "data-click": "EventClose" } } } }, "1": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__image", "0": { "img": { "src": "", "class": "responsive-img image", "data-click": "EventRight" } } } }, "2": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__controls {lightboxId}__controls--bottom", "3": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__left", "data-click": "EventLeft", "data-hover": "EventClass(#{lightboxId}, toggle: left)" } }, "4": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__right", "data-click": "EventRight", "data-hover": "EventClass(#{lightboxId}, toggle: right)" } }, "5": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__alt" } }, "6": { "div": { "class": "{lightboxId}__num" } } } } } } } }'
// Create options by extending defaults with the passed in arugments
if (arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0] === "object") {
this.options = extendDefaults(defaults, arguments[0]);
this.options.html = this.options.html.replace(/\{(lightboxId)}/g, this.options.lightboxId);
// this.options.limit = this.options.limit + 1;
// Check if debugging is enabled
(function() {
var args = document.querySelectorAll('[data-external-arg]');
if(args.length > 0 && args[0].src.indexOf('marv.lightbox') !== -1) {
if (args[0].dataset.externalArg === 'debug') instance.debug = true;
// Initialise plugin
// Debugging messages
var debug = function(code, arg) {
var args = function(n) {
if (arg === undefined) {
return '[arg undefined]';
if (arg[n] === undefined) {
return '[arg undefined]';
} else {
return arg[n];
var messages = function(code, argument) {
return [
'marv.lightbox(debug): Debugging mode is on, make sure you turn this off before you launch',
'marv.lightbox(debug): HTMLElement(' + args(0) + ') with the name of ' + args(1) + ' has been detected',
'marv.lightbox(debug): Found '+ arg + ' image/s within your Lightbox container ',
'marv.lightbox(debug): ' + args(0) + ' key pressed, changing current (' + args(1) + '), number of images (' + args(2) + ')',
'marv.lightbox(debug): Current is set to null, closing lightbox',
'marv.lightbox(debug): Inserting Lightbox within HTMLElement(' + args(1) + '), using ' + args(0),
'marv.lightbox(debug): 1 image found, don\'t add previous/next arrows, don\'t show numbers either',
'marv.lightbox(debug): showAlt set to false, don\'t display alt text',
'marv.lightbox(debug): showMax set to false, don\'t display numbers below alt text',
'marv.lightbox(debug): Reverting to mobile version (' + instance.options.mobileFolder + ') of images',
'marv.lightbox(debug): Over-riding to ' + instance.options.galleryFolder + ' version of images'
if (instance.debug === true)
console.log(messages(code, arg));
// Error messages
var error = function(code, arg) {
var args = function(n) {
if (arg === undefined) {
return '[arg undefined]';
if (arg[n] === undefined) {
return '[arg undefined]';
} else {
return arg[n];
var messages = function(code, argument) {
return [
'marv.lightbox(error): I need to know which images to use... add { imagesContainer: "id/class" } to the plugin initialization',
'marv.lightbox(error): The HTML structure provided appears to have an error: ' + arg,
'marv.lightbox(error): Issue compiling list of images, speak to Dev, error: ' + arg,
'marv.lightbox(error): Your going to need some images for this to work... make sure they have the class: ' + instance.options.thumbClass,
'marv.lightbox(error): I was unable to find an element which matches ' + instance.options.imagesContainer + ', please double check this',
'marv.lightbox(error): I was unable to find a container with the name of ' + args[0],
'marv.lightbox(error): EventListener with arguments passed, had an issue seperating arguments, check formatting',
'marv.lightbox(error): Unable to apply class event to element, please check your attribute',
'marv.lightbox(error): You have attempted to over-ride the images folder with a size that doesn\'t exist, please choose a size between 0 and ' + arg
console.log(messages(code, arg));
var imageSizes = function(e) {
var sizes = [ '344x258', 'full', 'large1' ];
if (sizes[e] !== undefined) {
return sizes[e];
error(8, sizes.length);
// Initilise the plugin
MarvLightbox.prototype.init = function() {
if (this.options.imagesContainer === null) {
container = (instance.options.imagesContainer).objectType();
if (container === null || container === undefined) {
// Generate HTML from JSON
function buildHTML(json) {
"use strict";
var handleAttribute = function(element, attribute, value) {
if (value instanceof HTMLElement) {
return element.appendChild(value);
switch (attribute) {
case 'class':
case 'src':
case 'id':
case 'data-click':
case 'data-hover':
return element.setAttribute(attribute, value);
case 'content':
element.innerHTML = value;
// other keys...
console.log(element.tagName, attribute, value);
var htmlReviver = function(key, value) {
// parse as element
if (isNaN(key) && typeof value === 'object') {
var element = document.createElement(key);
var subValue;
for (var attribute in value) {
handleAttribute(element, attribute, value[attribute]);
return element;
// move element from { index: { tagName: Element } } to { index: Element }
} else if (!isNaN(key)) {
return value[Object.keys(value)[0]];
// leave property alone
} else {
return value;
try {
var htmlObject = JSON.parse(json, htmlReviver);
return htmlObject;
} catch (e) {
error(1, e);
// Manage item change
var images_compiled;
var state = {
c: null,
altValue: null,
maxValue: null,
get current() { return this.c; },
get max() { return this.maxValue; },
get alt() { return this.altValue; },
set max(e) { this.maxValue = e; },
set alt(e) { this.altValue = e; },
set current(e) {
if (this.c !== null) {
// Remove class from current
if (e === null) {
// Collapse Lightbox
if (document.getElementById(instance.options.lightboxId)) {
this.c = e;
// Change current element, update lightbox
this.c = e;
var lightbox = document.getElementById(instance.options.lightboxId),
// Check lightbox exists, if so change the image src
if (lightbox) {
var image = images_compiled[e].image.src;
if (instance.options.galleryFolder !== null) {
var filter = image.match(/([^\/]*)/g).filter(Boolean);
image = image.replace(filter[filter.length - 2], imageSizes(instance.options.galleryFolder));
lightbox.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src = image;
if (instance.options.showAlt) {
lightbox.getElementsByClassName(instance.options.lightboxId + '__alt')[0].innerHTML = images_compiled[e].alt;
if (instance.options.showMax && this.max > 1) {
lightbox.getElementsByClassName(instance.options.lightboxId + '__num')[0].innerHTML = (images_compiled[e].index + 1) + '/' + this.max;
} else {
res = generateExpand(images_compiled[e]);
// Add active class
if (res) {
// Setup light box
function setupLightbox() {
var images;
images = container.getElementsByTagName('img');
if (instance.options.limit !== null) {
var tmp = [];
for (var i = 0, length = images.length; i < length; i++) {
if (i < instance.options.limit) {
images = tmp;
if (images.length < 1 || images === undefined) {
try {
images_compiled = Array.from(images, function(el) {
// Generate array of objects containing image information
return {
target: function() {
if (el.parentElement.nodeName === 'A') {
return el.parentElement;
return el;
index: instance.images_count,
alt: ((el.alt) ? el.alt : ''),
image: function() {
// If class put on an A link then find the image
if (el.tagName === 'A') {
return el.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
} else {
return el;
} catch(e) {
// Issue with generating array
error(2, e);
debug(2, images_compiled.length);
// Add image click event
images_compiled.forEach(function(el) {
if (el !== null) {
var elm =;
elm.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (elm.nodeName === 'A') {
} = true;
if (state.current === el.index) {
state.current = null;
state.current = el.index;
state.alt = el.alt;
state.max = images_compiled.length;
function generateExpand(img) {
// Generate lightbox HTML and append
var html = buildHTML(instance.options.html); = {
EventClose: function(evt) {
if (evt !== undefined) {
} = false;
state.current = null;
EventLeft: function(evt) {
if (evt !== undefined) {
if (state.current !== 0 && state.max > 1) {
state.current = state.current - 1;
} else {
state.current = instance.images_count;
EventRight: function(evt) {
if (evt !== undefined) {
if (state.current !== instance.images_count && state.max > 1) {
state.current = state.current + 1;
} else {
state.current = 0;
EventClass: function(evt) {
var arg = (evt.dataset.hover).replace(/ /g,''),
args = (arg.match(/[^(]*/g).filter(Boolean))[1].match(/(?:([^,()]+)?)+/g).filter(Boolean),
target = args[0].objectType(),
action = args[1].match(/^(.*):(.*)/).filter(Boolean);
switch(action[1]) {
case 'add':
// Add class
case 'remove':
// Remove class
case 'toggle':
evt.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {
// Error
// Lightbox is active = true;
// Assign event listeners'[data-click]'), function (e) {
});'[data-hover]'), function (e) {
e.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {[eventName(e.dataset.hover)](e); });
// Insert lightbox into website
var appendTo = (instance.options.appendTo).objectType();
if (appendTo === null || (instance.options.appendTo).objectType() === undefined) {
error(5, [instance.options.appendTo]);
return false;
debug(5, ['id', instance.options.imagesContainer]);
appendTo.insertBefore(html, appendTo.firstChild);
return true;
MarvLightbox.prototype.current = function() {
As I said above though the state object appears to be shared between both instances, it should be unique.
The problem lies at instance i think:
var instance = null;
MarvLightbox = function() {
instance = this;
So whenever a new Lightbox is created, instance points to it. This also applies to asynchronous callback functions which will all point to the last instead of the current instance. You may scope instance locally:
var instance=this;
Same applies to state:
MarvLightbox.prototype.current = function() {
console.log(this.state); //make it an objects property, not global

Extjs 6 - grid search

I try to apply this example with another way. When I try it on console.log it seems run without error but when I do it on function(){}, it turns error all grid method is undefined such:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getView' of undefine.
The function:
onTextFieldChange = function () {
var grid = Ext.getCmp('grid'),
value = Ext.getCmp('gridfield'),
view = grid.getView(),
columns = grid.getColumns();
grid.searchValue = value.getValue();
grid.matches = [];
grid.currentIndex = null;
if (grid.searchValue !== null) { (record, index) {
var node = view.getNode(record),
count = 0;
if (node) {
Ext.Array.forEach(columns, function (column) {
var cell =, true),
if (cell) {
matches = cell.innerHTML.match(grid.tagsRe);
cellHTML = cell.innerHTML.replace(grid.tagsRe, grid.tagsProtect);
cellHTML = cellHTML.replace(grid.searchRegExp, function (m) {
if (!seen) {
record: record,
column: column
seen = true;
return '<span class="' + grid.matchCls + '" style="font-weight: bold;background-color: yellow;">' + m + '</span>';
}, grid);
Ext.each(matches, function (match) {
cellHTML = cellHTML.replace(grid.tagsProtect, match);
// update cell html
cell.innerHTML = cellHTML;
The event:
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'searchField',
id: 'txtfield',
hideLabel: true,
width: 200,
change: onTextFieldChange()
Any suggestions?
I answer my own question if there is none, this is onTextFieldChange() method
onTextFieldChange = function () {
var me = Ext.getCmp('grid'),
count = 0;
me.searchValue = getSearchValue();
me.indexes = [];
me.currentIndex = null;
if (me.searchValue !== null) {
me.searchRegExp = new RegExp(me.searchValue, 'g' + (me.caseSensitive ? '' : 'i')); (record, idx) {
var td ='td'),
cell, matches, cellHTML;
while (td) {
cell = td.down('.x-grid-cell-inner');
matches = cell.dom.innerHTML.match(me.tagsRe);
cellHTML = cell.dom.innerHTML.replace(me.tagsRe, me.tagsProtect);
// populate indexes array, set currentIndex, and replace wrap matched string in a span
cellHTML = cellHTML.replace(me.searchRegExp, function (m) {
count += 1;
if (Ext.Array.indexOf(me.indexes, idx) === -1) {
if (me.currentIndex === null) {
me.currentIndex = idx;
return '<span class="' + me.matchCls + '">' + m + '</span>';
// restore protected tags
Ext.each(matches, function (match) {
cellHTML = cellHTML.replace(me.tagsProtect, match);
// update cell html
cell.dom.innerHTML = cellHTML;
td =;
if (me.currentIndex !== null) {
}, me);
// no results found
if (me.currentIndex === null) {

How to make empty rows not visible in dojo Datagrid

I have 2 header rows in my grid.The problem is, that because of this, there is another row in my Grid, unter my row with data. Here's my grid after rendering:
grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
id : OwnId,
store : gridStore,
onStyleRow : function (row) {
if (row.index === 14) {
var color = "color:red;";
row.customStyles += color;
structure : structure,
onHeaderCellClick: function(e) {
if (!dojo.hasClass(, "staticHeader")) {
onHeaderCellMouseOver: function(e) {
if (!dojo.hasClass(, "staticHeader")) {
dojo.addClass(e.cellNode, this.cellOverClass);
So how can I eliminate/hide this empty rows ? Any Suggestions?
I'm creating structure like this:
var _gridStyle = 'text-align: center;';
var _dateColumn = true;
var _gridStructure = [];
if (params.connectorNames !== "undefined") {
// setting grid structure
for (var i = 0; i < params.connectorNames.length; i++) {
name : "test",
headerClasses : "staticHeader"
for (var i = 0; i < metricNames.length; i++) {
// if data column is required
if (_dateColumn === true && i === 0) {
field : "Datum",
name : "Datum",
width : "5%",
styles : _gridStyle
_dateColumn = false;
} else {
field : metricNames[i],
name : metricNames[i].replace("ANZAHL_", ""),
styles : _gridStyle,
okay I added
onStyleRow: function(e) {[0].children[0].rows[0],'display','none');
to my grid... and the empty cells are gone. Change index of rows[0] to "1" if the first datacolumn is filled with data.

jQuery Easy UI + treegrid + checkbox

I am using "jQuery Easy UI" in my website. I need treegrid in a page with checkbox for each row (The same way as "jQuery Easy UI"-tree provedes).
I needs the same tree to be appear with grid in treegrid widget, instead of
Any suggestion is most welcome....
add the following code to have checkbox column to your tree table
$(function() {
{field:'col4',title:'col4',width: 100,
editor: {
type: 'checkbox',
options: {on: '1', off: '0'}
formatter: function (value, row) {
if (! row.leaf) {
if (value == 1) {
return '<img src="../resources/image/checked.jpg"/>';
} else {
return '<img src="../resources/image/unchecked.jpg"/>';
} else {
//Edit the end of the line,
// use click event first perform onAfterEdit event before the event trigger
onClickRow: function (row) {
var rowIndex =;
if (lastIndex != rowIndex) {
$('#tablegridJS').treegrid('endEdit', lastIndex);
//Line editing,
//use double-click event
onDblClickRow: function (row) {
var rowIndex =;
if (lastIndex != rowIndex) {
$('#tablegridJS').treegrid('endEdit', lastIndex);
$('#tablegridJS').treegrid('beginEdit', rowIndex);
lastIndex = rowIndex;
OnBeforeEdit: function (row) {
beforEditRow(row); // Here are the main steps and code functions
OnAfterEdit: function (row, changes) {
var rowId =;
$.ajax ({
url: "saveProductConfig.action",
data: row,
success: function (text) {
$.Messager.alert ('message', 'text', 'info');
onClickCell: function(field, row) {
var rowIndex =;
if (lastIndex != rowIndex) {
$('#tablegridJS').treegrid('endEdit', lastIndex);
$('#tablegridJS').treegrid('beginEdit', rowIndex);
options = $('#tablegridJS').treegrid('getEditor',{, // pass the editing row id, defined via 'idField' property
if(options.oldHtml=='<img src="../resources/image/unchecked.jpg">'){
}else if(options.oldHtml=='<img src="../resources/image/checked.jpg">'){
lastIndex = rowIndex;
function beforEditRow (row) { // This is the core, very useful if the same needs, then you can learn to achieve
//check box
var libraryCoclum = $('#tablegridJS').treegrid('getColumnOption', 'col4');
//checkbox object
var checkboxOptionsObj = new Object ();
checkboxOptionsObj.on = '1 '; = '0 ';
//add checkbox object on edit
var checkboxEditorObj = new Object ();
checkboxEditorObj.type = 'checkbox';
checkboxEditorObj.options = checkboxOptionsObj;
//ckeck whether to make checkbox or combo box editable
if (row.leaf) {
libraryCoclum.editor = null;
typeCoclum.editor = comboboxEditorObj;
} else {
libraryCoclum.editor = checkboxEditorObj;
typeCoclum.editor = null;
var dataSelected = "";
nodes = $("#tablegridJS").treegrid('getSelection');
dataSelected = $("#tablegridJS").treegrid("check",'01');

