How can rewrite function instead of reference? - javascript

var BigObject = (function() {
function deepCalculate(a, b, c) {
return a + b + c;
function calculate(x) {
deepCalculate(x, x, x);
return {
calculate: calculate,
api: {
deepCalculate: deepCalculate
This is basic self executing function with private function I keep in api.
The problem I have is that now I can't overwrite deepCalculate from the outside of the function.
How is that a problem? I use Jasmine and want to test if function was called. For example:
spyOn(BigObject, 'calculate').andCallThrough();
fails. However as I debug, I am sure that Jasmine binds BigObject.api.deepCalculate as a spy, however from the inside calculate still calls original deepCalculate function and not the spy.
I would like to know how can I overwrite the function and not just a reference for it.

The simple answer would be:
(function ()
var overWriteMe = function(foo)
return foo++;
overWrite = function(newFunc)
for (var p io returnVal)
if (returnVal[p] === overWriteMe)
{//update references
returnVal[p] = newFunc;
overWriteMe = newFunc;//overwrite closure reference
returnVal = {
overWrite: overWrite,
myFunc: overWriteMe
Though I must say that, I'd seriously think about alternative ways to acchieve whatever it is you're trying to do. A closure, IMO, should be treated as a whole. Replacing parts of it willy-nilly will soon prove to be a nightmare: you don't know what the closure function will be at any given point in time, where it was changed, what the previous state was, and why it was changed.
A temporary sollution might just be this:
var foo = (function()
var calc = function(x, callback)
callback = callback || defaultCall;
return callback.apply(this, [x]);
return a*a+1;
return {calc: calc};
foo(2);//returns 5
foo(2,function(x){ return --x;});//returns 1
foo(2);//returns 5 again
IMO, this is a lot safer, as it allows you to choose a different "internal" function to be used once, without changing the core behaviour of the code.


Spy function with elementary JavaScript syntax [duplicate]

The main reason why I want it is that I want to extend my initialize function.
Something like this:
// main.js
window.onload = init();
function init(){
// extend.js
function extends init(){
So I want to extend a function like I extend a class in PHP.
And I would like to extend it from other files too, so for example I have the original init function in main.js and the extended function in extended.js.
With a wider view of what you're actually trying to do and the context in which you're doing it, I'm sure we could give you a better answer than the literal answer to your question.
But here's a literal answer:
If you're assigning these functions to some property somewhere, you can wrap the original function and put your replacement on the property instead:
// Original code in main.js
var theProperty = init;
function init(){
// Extending it by replacing and wrapping, in extended.js
theProperty = (function(old) {
function extendsInit() {
return extendsInit;
If your functions aren't already on an object, you'd probably want to put them there to facilitate the above. For instance:
// In main.js
var MyLibrary = {
init: function init() {
// In extended.js
(function() {
var oldInit = MyLibrary.init;
MyLibrary.init = extendedInit;
function extendedInit() {; // Use #call in case `init` uses `this`
But there are better ways to do that. Like for instance, providing a means of registering init functions.
// In main.js
var MyLibrary = (function() {
var initFunctions = [];
return {
init: function init() {
var fns = initFunctions;
initFunctions = undefined;
for (var index = 0; index < fns.length; ++index) {
try { fns[index](); } catch (e) { }
addInitFunction: function addInitFunction(fn) {
if (initFunctions) {
// Init hasn't run yet, remember it
} else {
// `init` has already run, call it almost immediately
// but *asynchronously* (so the caller never sees the
// call synchronously)
setTimeout(fn, 0);
Here in 2020 (or really any time after ~2016), that can be written a bit more compactly:
// In main.js
const MyLibrary = (() => {
let initFunctions = [];
return {
init() {
const fns = initFunctions;
initFunctions = undefined;
for (const fn of fns) {
try { fn(); } catch (e) { }
addInitFunction(fn) {
if (initFunctions) {
// Init hasn't run yet, remember it
} else {
// `init` has already run, call it almost immediately
// but *asynchronously* (so the caller never sees the
// call synchronously)
setTimeout(fn, 0);
// Or: `Promise.resolve().then(() => fn());`
// (Not `.then(fn)` just to avoid passing it an argument)
There are several ways to go about this, it depends what your purpose is, if you just want to execute the function as well and in the same context, you can use .apply():
function init(){
function myFunc(){
init.apply(this, arguments);
If you want to replace it with a newer init, it'd look like this:
function init(){
//anytime later
var old_init = init;
init = function() {
old_init.apply(this, arguments);
The other methods are great but they don't preserve any prototype functions attached to init. To get around that you can do the following (inspired by the post from Nick Craver).
(function () {
var old_prototype = init.prototype;
var old_init = init;
init = function () {
old_init.apply(this, arguments);
// Do something extra
init.prototype = old_prototype;
}) ();
Another option could be:
var initial = function() {
console.log( 'initial function!' );
var iWantToExecuteThisOneToo = function () {
console.log( 'the other function that i wanted to execute!' );
function extendFunction( oldOne, newOne ) {
return (function() {
var extendedFunction = extendFunction( initial, iWantToExecuteThisOneToo );
2017+ solution
The idea of function extensions comes from functional paradigm, which is natively supported since ES6:
function init(){
// extend.js
init = (f => u => { f(u)
As per #TJCrowder's concern about stack dump, the browsers handle the situation much better today. If you save this code into test.html and run it, you get
test.html:3 Uncaught ReferenceError: doSomething is not defined
at init (test.html:3)
at test.html:8
at test.html:12
Line 12: the init call, Line 8: the init extension, Line 3: the undefined doSomething() call.
Note: Much respect to veteran T.J. Crowder, who kindly answered my question many years ago, when I was a newbie. After the years, I still remember the respectfull attitude and I try to follow the good example.
This is very simple and straight forward. Look at the code. Try to grasp the basic concept behind javascript extension.
First let us extend javascript function.
function Base(props) {
const _props = props
this.getProps = () => _props
// We can make method private by not binding it to this object.
// Hence it is not exposed when we return this.
const privateMethod = () => "do internal stuff"
return this
You can extend this function by creating child function in following way
function Child(props) {
const parent = Base(props)
this.getMessage = () => `Message is ${parent.getProps()}`;
// You can remove the line below to extend as in private inheritance,
// not exposing parent function properties and method.
this.prototype = parent
return this
Now you can use Child function as follows,
let childObject = Child("Secret Message")
console.log(childObject.getMessage()) // logs "Message is Secret Message"
console.log(childObject.getProps()) // logs "Secret Message"
We can also create Javascript Function by extending Javascript classes, like this.
class BaseClass {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props
// You can remove the line below to make getProps method private.
// As it will not be binded to this, but let it be
this.getProps = this.getProps.bind(this)
getProps() {
return this.props
Let us extend this class with Child function like this,
function Child(props) {
let parent = new BaseClass(props)
const getMessage = () => `Message is ${parent.getProps()}`;
return { ...parent, getMessage} // I have used spread operator.
Again you can use Child function as follows to get similar result,
let childObject = Child("Secret Message")
console.log(childObject.getMessage()) // logs "Message is Secret Message"
console.log(childObject.getProps()) // logs "Secret Message"
Javascript is very easy language. We can do almost anything. Happy JavaScripting... Hope I was able to give you an idea to use in your case.
Use extendFunction.js
init = extendFunction(init, function(args) {
But in your specific case, it's easier to extend the global onload function:
extendFunction('onload', function(args) {
I actually really like your question, it's making me think about different use cases.
For javascript events, you really want to add and remove handlers - but for extendFunction, how could you later remove functionality? I could easily add a .revert method to extended functions, so init = init.revert() would return the original function. Obviously this could lead to some pretty bad code, but perhaps it lets you get something done without touching a foreign part of the codebase.

Getting correct scope in functions (not using that = this)

I am trying to fix a function I have here to be able to use it without using a that = this (or self = this as some like to use). It is a scoping issue but I am not sure how to get around it, and I would like to get in the habit of not using a that = this . So the functions are all in a return (angular factory) and I am having trouble referencing another function . Let me show you what I mean :
return {
loadStates: function() {
var that = this;
//chgeck if is loaded module, then change and fire callback
var currentModules = moduleHolder.getModules();
if (currentModules[name]) {
//works here
} else {
//module cannot be found check for 5 seconds
$log.warn("Requesting " + name + "...");
var timeToCheck = true;
setTimeout(function() {
timeToCheck = false;
}, 5000);
var check = {
init: function() {
checkAgain: function() {
if (timeToCheck) {
if (currentModules[name]) {
//but not here
} else {
//still doesn't exists
setTimeout(check.checkAgain, 200);
} else {
//doesn't exist after 5 seconds
$log.error("Requested module (" + name + ") could not be found at this time.");
prepState: function() {
So in the top if it finds the currentModule[name] I can use a this.prepState() and it works fine. However inside the timing functions I cannot use the this anything because it is inside a different scope so I have temporarily gotten around this by setting a that = this up top, however I would like see if I could not use this method. How does one get around this without using the that= this? Thanks!
It is a scoping issue...
No, it isn't. this and scope have essentially nothing to do with each other. (For now; ES6's arrow functions will change that.) It's an issue of how the functions are called.
If you pass a function reference to something that will call it later, unless the thing you're passing it to has a way you can use to tell it what to use for this when calling it, your function will get called with this not referring to what you want it to refer to.
You can get a new function reference that will call your original function with the correct this by using Function#bind:
var usesCorrectThis = originalFunction.bind(valueForThis);
So for example, suppose I have:
var check = {
name: "Fred",
sayHello: function() {
console.log("Hi, I'm " +;
If I do:
All is good: Calling the function as part of an expression retrieving it from a property tells the JavaScript engine to use the object as this during the call.
However, if I do:
setTimeout(check.sayHello, 0);
...that doesn't work right, because when setTimeout calls the function, it doesn't use the right value for this.
So I can use Function#bind to address that:
setTimeout(check.sayHello.bind(check), 0);
More (on my blog):
Mythical methods
You must remember this
there are different ways you can do that.
One way is to use bind can use
var checkInitBindFn = check.init.bind(this);
Secondly you can use call and apply also.;
Like this you can use this instead of that.
Check the complete api doc online...
It's not a scoping issue. If you want to avoid self = this you can always reference functions by objects. Makes cleaner code and since factories in angular are singletons you're not wasting memory.
angular.module('myApp').factory('myFactory', function ($timeout) {
var myFactory = {
loadState: function () {
$timeout(function () {
}, 500);
check: function () {
return myFactory;

need help understanding closures usage in this code

Here is a simplified snippet from some code I wrote for managing tablet gestures on canvas elements
first a function that accepts an element and a dictionary of callbacks and register the events plus adding other features like 'hold' gestures:
function registerStageGestures(stage, callbacks, recieverArg) {
stage.inhold = false;
stage.timer = null;
var touchduration = 1000;
var reciever = recieverArg || window;
stage.onLongTouch = function(e) {
if (stage.timer) clearTimeout(stage.timer);
stage.inhold = true;
if (callbacks.touchholdstart), e);
stage.getContent().addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
stage.timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, touchduration);
if (callbacks.touchstart), e);
stage.getContent().addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
if (stage.timer) clearTimeout(stage.timer);
if (stage.inhold) {
if (callbacks.touchholdmove), e);
} else {
if (callbacks.touchmove), e);
stage.getContent().addEventListener('touchend', function(e) {
if (stage.timer) clearTimeout(stage.timer);
if (stage.inhold) {
if (callbacks.touchholdend), e);
} else {
if (callbacks.touchend), e);
stage.inhold = false;
later I call registerStageGestures on a few elements (represented by 'View' objects) in the same page. Something like:
function View() {
var self=this;
function InitView() {
registerStageGestures(kineticStage, {
touchstart: function(e) {
// do something
touchmove: function(e) {
// do something
touchendunction(e) {
// do something
touchholdstart: function(e) {
// do something
touchholdmove: function(e) {
// do something
touchholdend: function(e) {
// do something
}, self);
Everything works fine, however I'm left wondering about two things in the implementation of registerStageGestures:
First, is it necessary to make inhold, timer and onLongTouch members of the stage ? or will closures make everything works well if they are local vars in registerStageGestures ?
Second, is it necessary to call the callbacks with '.call(receiver,' syntax ? I'm doing this to make sure the callback code will run in the context of the View but I'm not sure if it's needed ?
any input is much appreciated
First, is it necessary to make inhold, timer and onLongTouch members
of the stage ? or will closures make everything works well if they are
local vars in registerStageGestures ?
As far as registerStageGestures() is concerned, var inhold, var timer and function onLongTouch(e) {...}. would suffice. The mechanism by which an inner function has automatic access to its outer function's members is known as "closure". You would only need to set stage.inhold, stage.timer and stage.onLongTouch if some other piece of code needs access to these settings as properties of stage.
Second, is it necessary to call the callbacks with '.call(receiver,'
syntax ? I'm doing this to make sure the callback code will run in the
context of the View but I'm not sure if it's needed ?
Possibly, depending on how those callbacks are written. .call() and .apply() are sometimes used when calling functions that use this internally. In both cases, the first parameter passed defines the object to be interpreted as this. Thus, javascript gives you the means of defining general purpose methods with no a priori assumption about the object to which those methods will apply when called. Similarly, you can call a method of an object in such a way that it acts on another object.
For completeness, please note that even in the absence of this in a function, .apply() can be very useful as it allows multiple parameters to be specified as elements of a single array, eg the ubiquitous jQuery.when.apply(null, arrayOfPromises)...
There are some simple answers, here.
First, closure:
Closure basically says that whatever is defined inside of a function, has access to the rest of that function's contents.
And all of those contents are guaranteed to stay alive (out of the trash), until there are no more objects left, which ere created inside.
A simple test:
var testClosure = function () {
var name = "Bob",
recallName = function () { return name; };
return { getName : recallName };
var test = testClosure();
console.log(test.getName()); // Bob
So anything that was created inside can be accessed by any function which was also created inside (or created inside of a function created in a function[, ...], inside).
var closure_2x = function () {
var name = "Bob",
innerScope = function () {
return function () {
console.log("Still " + name);
return innerScope;
var inner_func = closure_2x();
var even_deeper = inner_func(); // "Bob"
even_deeper(); // "Still Bob"
This applies not only to variables/objects/functions created inside, but also to function arguments passed inside.
The arguments have no access to the inner-workings(unless passed to methods/callbacks), but the inner-workings will remember the arguments.
So as long as your functions are being created in the same scope as your values (or a child-scope), there's access.
.call is trickier.
You know what it does (replaces this inside of the function with the object you pass it)...
...but why and when, in this case are harder.
var Person = function (name, age) {
this.age = age;
this.getAge = function () {
return this.age;
var bob = new Person("Bob", 32);
This looks pretty normal.
Honestly, this could look a lot like Java or C# with a couple of tweaks.
bob.getAge(); // 32
Works like Java or C#, too.
? Buh ?
We've now passed Bob's method into a function, as a function, all by itself.
var doug = { age : 28 };
doug.getAge = bob.getAge;
Now we've given doug a reference to directly use bobs methid -- not a copy, but a pointer to the actual method.
doug.getAge(); // 28
Well, that's odd.
What about what came out of passing it in as a callback?
var test = bob.getAge;
test(); // undefined
The reason for this, is, as you said, about context...
But the specific reason is because this inside of a function in JS isn't pre-compiled, or stored...
this is worked out on the fly, every time the function is called.
If you call
this === obj;
If you call
this === a.b.c;
If you call
var test = bob.getAge;
this is equal to window.
In "strict mode" this doesn't happen (you get errors really quickly).; //32
Balance restored!
There are still a few catches.
var outerScope = function () {
var inner = function () {
console.log("Still " + this.age);
// "32"
// "Still undefined"
This makes sense, when you think about it...
We know that if a function figures out this at the moment it's called -- scope has nothing to do with it...
...and we didn't add inner to an object...
this.inner = inner;
would have worked just fine (but now you just messed with an external object)...
So inner saw this as window.
The solution would either be to use .call, or .apply, or to use function-scoping and/or closure
var person = this,
inner = function () { console.log(person.age); };
The rabbit hole goes deeper, but my phone is dying...

javascript function modification

I am trying to write a logger object which logs messages to screen. here is my code.
in every function that needs to log something, I am writing loggerstart and loggerEnd functions at start and end of my functions. But I want to run thos codes automaticalls for every function. is there a way to modify Function prototype so every function call can run automatically.
(I am not using any javascript framework.)
EDIT: Rewritten the function to make it more modular
Well, this is a creepy way to do it, but I use this way sometimes when I need overriding some functions. It works well, allows any kind of customization and easy to understand (still creepy).
However, you will need to have all your functions stored in some kind of global object. See the example for details.
function dynamic_call_params(func, fp) {
return func(fp[0],fp[1],fp[2],fp[3],fp[4],fp[5],fp[6],fp[7],fp[8],fp[9],fp[10],fp[11],fp[12],fp[13],fp[14],fp[15],fp[16],fp[17],fp[18],fp[19]);
function attachWrapperToFunc(object, funcName, wrapperFunction) {
object["_original_function_"+funcName] = object[funcName];
object[funcName] = function() {
return wrapperFunction(object, object["_original_function_"+funcName], funcName, arguments);
function attachWrapperToObject(object, wrapperFunction) {
for (varname in object) {
if (typeof(object[varname]) == "function") {
attachWrapperToFunc(object, varname, wrapperFunction);
And some usage example:
var myProgram = new Object();
myProgram.function_one = function(a,b,c,d) {
myProgram.function_two = function(a,b) {
myProgram.function_three = function(a) {
function loggerWrapperFunction(functionObject, origFunction, origFunctionName, origParams) {
alert("start: "+origFunctionName);
var result = dynamic_call_params(origFunction, origParams);
alert("end: "+origFunctionName);
return result;
Output will be:
So generally it allows you to wrap each function in some object automatically with a custom written wrapper function.
You could call every function with a wrapper function.
function wrapper(callback) {
And call it with wrapper(yourfunction);

Javascript function hooks

EDIT: OK, I believe the following solutions are valid:
Use the jQuery AOP plugin. It basically wraps the old function together with the hook into a function sandwich and reassigns it to the old function name. This causes nesting of functions with each new added hook.
If jQuery is not usable for you, just pillage the source code, there did not seem to be any jQuery dependencies in the plugin, and the source is simple and very small.
Have an object describing all hooks and their targets and one to store the initial unmodified function. When adding a new hook, the wrapping would be redone around the original function, instead of re-wrap the the previous wrapping function.
You escape nested functions, and get two objects to handle instead. Potentially, this could also mean easier hook handling, if you add/remove hooks often and out of order.
I'll go with the first, since it's already done, and I don't have performance to worry about. And since the original functions are not affected, even if I switch hooking methods, I'll only need to redo the hook adding, which might be just some simple search&replace operations.
Is it possible to create a mechanism, in which function A might have a set of hooks(functions that will execute before/after function A)?
Ideally, function A would not be aware of hooking functionality, so that I do not have to modify the source code of function A to call the hooks. Something like:
A = function(){
alert("I'm a naive function");
B = function(){
alert("I'm having a piggyback ride on function A!"+
"And the fool doesn't even know it!");
addHook(B, A)//add hook B to function A
//getting alerts "I'm a naive function"/"I'm having a
//piggyback ride on function A! And the fool doesn't even know it!"
I've been trying to hack something up for a couple of hours, but so far no luck.
Might not be pretty but it seems to work...
function A(x) { alert(x); return x; }
function B() { alert(123); }
function addHook(functionB, functionA, parent)
if (typeof parent == 'undefined')
parent = window;
for (var i in parent)
if (parent[i] === functionA)
parent[i] = function()
return functionA.apply(this, arguments)
addHook(B, A);
Take a look at jQuery's AOP plugin. In general, google "javascript aspect oriented programming".
Very simple answer:
function someFunction() { alert("Bar!") }
var placeholder=someFunction;
someFunction=function() {
This answer is not definitive, but rather demonstrative of a different technique than those offered thus far. This leverages the fact that a function in Javascript is a first-class object, and as such, a) you can pass it as a value to another function and b) you can add properties to it. Combine these traits with function's built-in "call" (or "apply") methods, and you have yourself a start toward a solution.
var function_itself = function() {
alert('in function itself');
function_itself.PRE_PROCESS = function() {
alert('in pre_process');
function_itself.POST_PROCESS = function() {
alert('in post_process');
var function_processor = function(func) {
if (func.PRE_PROCESS) {;
if (func.POST_PROCESS) {;
The following function will give you before and after hooks that can be stacked. So if you have a number of potential functions that need to run before the given function or after the given function then this would be a working solution. This solution does not require jQuery and uses native array methods (no shims required). It should also be context sensitive so if you are calling the original function with a context if should run each before and after function likewise.
// usage:
function test(x) {
var htest = hookable(test);
htest.addHook("before", function (x) {
alert("Before " + x);
htest.addHook("after", function (x) {
alert("After " + x);
htest("test") // => Before test ... test ... After test
function hookable(fn) {
var ifn = fn,
hooks = {
before : [],
after : []
function hookableFunction() {
var args = [], 0),
i = 0,
for (i = 0; !!hooks.before[i]; i += 1) {
fn = hooks.before[i];
fn.apply(this, args);
ifn.apply(this, arguments);
for (i = 0; !!hooks.after[i]; i++) {
fn = hooks.after[i];
fn.apply(this, args);
hookableFunction.addHook = function (type, fn) {
if (hooks[type] instanceof Array) {
} else {
throw (function () {
var e = new Error("Invalid hook type");
e.expected = Object.keys(hooks); = type;
return e;
return hookableFunction;
Here's what I did, might be useful in other applications like this:
//Setup a hooking object
//default hooks (also sets the object)
//Add a hook
//Apply each Hook (can be done with for)
I don't know if this will be useful. You do need to modify the original function but only once and you don't need to keep editing it for firing hooks

