Change background image based on URL parts - javascript

I am trying to add to my site the capability, where the background will change based on part of the URL using stylesheets.
address/shop/index.php = background image 1
address/shop/index.php?cPath=22 = background image 2
address/shop/index.php?cPath=23 = background image 3
address/shop/index.php?cPath=24 = background image 4
Any ideas? I have looked at Javascript and jQuery but not sure on which one to choose or how to go about it.

It looks like you are using PHP, so you should be able to do it without javascript. You just need to use PHP's server variables.
Something like
$cPath = $_GET['cPath']; //This allows access to the query part of the url
if($cPath == 24){
//set background url

You can always let the part of url surrounded by a tag e.g. <font>
So the code would be like:
<a>your url link
<font class='background1'>part with background1</font>
<font class='background2'>part with background2</font>
Then in css you can have
.background1{background: url('...')}
.background2{background: url('...')}
This may be a hackish way but in this way you can at least categorize your 'link parts'.

If you really want to do this client-side, I'd suggest:
var pageBackground = {
'default' : 'classOne',
'22' : 'classTwo',
'23' : 'classThree'
document.body.className = pageBackground[window.location.split('cPath=')[1] || 'default'];
Coupled with the stylesheet:
body.classOne {
background-image: url(path/to/defaultImage.png);
body.classTwo {
background-image: url(path/to/imageTwo.png);
body.classThree {
background-image: url(path/to/imageThree.png);

on your html page inside the body tag type:
<body background="your file">
You can do that on each page that you want a different background and it will override any CSS style that styles the body


Display:flex does not load correctly on anchor tag?

I'm working on a full-stack project that is somehow loading inconsistent CSS styles on my anchor elements. Using Javascript I am doing something like the following:
recordData.forEach(record => {
let a = help.createElement('a');
let text = record.jobTitle + " (" + record.deptName + ", " + record.subDeptName + ")-" +;
a.textContent = text;
a.href = `/frontend/contractorForm/contractorForm.html`;
a.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
sessionStorage.setItem('record', JSON.stringify(record));
}, false);
The idea of this was that although I have one single HTML form "template" created, I can populate the values inside contractorForm.html through values stored in my sessionStorage.
Below are my anchor tag frontend views and I also attached images of what happens when I click on other ones. The problem with this is that when I click on my anchor tags on the front end, this is what I get.
My CSS for contractorForm.html is basically display:flex; justify-content:center. But as shown in the images, only the first anchor link works.
Things I've checked and verified: CSS page does load when looking at Devtools, disabling and clearing cache, attaching ?version={random number} onto the .html href, changing style on devtools to see if it works (and it does), changing the background color (it works perfectly), loading my CSS code after bootstrap link, checking paths and links (all correct)
The only issue here is that my display: flex is simple just not working. Any help or ideas will be appreciated! Thank you!
Fixed it - if you have CSS issues, make sure you are referring correctly to the parent.
My CSS looked like this before:
#contractor-form-section {
width: 50rem;
#contractor-form is wrapping just the form element, and the way how my DOM structure looked like was something like this:
<div id="contractor-form-border">
<section id="contractor-form-section">
Essentially, my CSS was referring to #contractor-form-section rather than #contractor-form-border. Switching to that basically fixed the issue!

Copying style from querySelector

I'm trying to copy a style from the .current_page_item to different elements.
I am using WordPress and am not sure of another way to do this dynamically.
Essentially, I am using one style to color the .current_page_item (which changes colors depending on which page), and that is modifying the header color, and the post and content background colors.
The way I have thought up to do this is via JavaScript.
Here is my code:
window.onload = function() {
var page_color = document.querySelector('li.current_page_item').style.backgroundColor;
document.querySelector(' p').style.backgroundColor = page_color;
document.querySelector('').style.backgroundColor = page_color;
It doesn't seem to be reading the backgroundColor from .current_page_item, but I am able to set it if I use the same method.
Here is the page:

show content on specific page javascript

I am trying to show a div element on a specific page e.g. - , right now it is showing on all my-account pages for example -
I know how to use JavaScript but not in webpages so can someone help me? This is how I would do it with JavaScript. I just need someone to help get this to work inside the php page I am trying to edit.
var cx = window.location;
var curWin = String(cx);
var myAccount = "";
if (curWin == myAccount){
<div id="banner"><img src="http://img.c5454o.png"></div>
If you open your developer tool, you can see that the body is assigned with classes (when using <body <?php body_class(); ?>>).
For example <body class="home page page-id-7 page-template-default">.
So from here on, you can tell css what to do like so:
#banner {display: none;} #banner {display: block;}
So you don't realy need Javascript to detect a specific page and display a specific element.
Add Your condition like this
var cx = window.location;
if(cx.substr(-11)=="my-account/") {
//then do whatever you want
OR if your string is without last slash then..
if(cx.substr(-10)=="my-account") {
//then do whatever you want
substr(-11) function will cut your string of url from last 10 indexes so
you can apply your contion then.
if you want to show a div element on specific page then create a unique id on that page like <div id='UniqueId'> then go to javascript code and write,
jQuery Code is:
if($('#UniqueId').length > 0)
//show specific element

Override existing style declaration with jQuery

I have the following HTML code:
.thing { color: red }
<p class="thing">This is a nice thing</p>
I would like to change the ".thing"-style for all current content and all future content which comes to the page via AJAX.
$('.thing').css('color', 'blue');
This would work, but if new HTML code is added to the document via AJAX, all ".thing"-elements will still be colored red.
What I want is to change the whole style property ".thing" for the document and not only for the current elements (with a jQuery selector).
You could add a style rule in the header with the DOM
Demo: The Problem
Demo: DOM Mutation Solution
var newStyles = document.createElement("style");
newStyles.innerHTML = ".thing{color:blue}";
You could use a call back function on your AJAX code to run the jquery css function.
url: "test.html",
context: document.body,
success: function(){
$('.thing').css('color', 'blue');
If for some reason you are not able to use any of the techniques given in the duplicate question, you could modify the stylesheet itself, for example:
document.styleSheets[1].cssRules[0].style.color = "blue";
However, the above line is not cross browser (I don't think it will work in IE, which prefers rules instead of cssRules) but it's possible to make it cross-browser compatible with a bit more code.
All it does is change the actual stylesheet, so it's like you had color: blue in there all along. This will affect elements currently on the page, and any that are added in the future (see the fiddle for a working example).
Note that you'll have to modify the indexes to suit your page. The indexes used in the example are just what work for the given stylesheet on
Edit an attempt at a cross-browser solution:
var cssRules = (document.styleSheets[1].cssRules) ? document.styleSheets[1].cssRules[0] : document.styleSheets[1].rules[0]; = "blue";
You could add a style rule for blue text
.thing { color: red } { color: blue }
and add "blue" class via call back function on your AJAX

How to update HTML element with jQuery and Galleria?

I am using Galleria for a slideshow. I want to place a small, 'Larger' link beside the stage.
I have this code for the 'Larger' button:
this.fullres = this.create('div', 'fullres');
this.get('fullres').innerHTML = 'Larger';
this.appendChild('fullres', this.fullres);
I have this code that assigns every <img>'s rel= tag to the full sized image URL from the page's custom field:
<img ... rel="<?=$attachments[$i]['fullres']?>" />
With JQuery, I am hoping to pull the active image's rel= tag value and append the .fullres href tag. This is the code I have so far, but it doesn't work:
var title = $(.images).attr('rel'); // pulls the fullres url from the rel tag
$('.galleria-fullres').attr('href', ); //append the galleria fullres href with the rel info
Galleria doesn't really work like that. But what you can do, is to create a button to enter fullscreen and have a larger image in fullscreen.
Something like this:
// other galleria options here
dataConfig: function( img ) {
// get the fullscreen image
return {
big: $( img ).attr('rel')
var galleria = Galleria.get(0);
$('#fullscreen-button').click(function() {
I have to say I can't see how this would work as it is...
Do you know you have a typo at: $(.images)? Should be $('.images').
And have you left out the second parameter at $('.galleria-fullres').attr('href', ); on purpose? Shouldn't this be $('.galleria-fullres').attr('href', title); ?
How can the jquery work by referencing the elements by classes? You are getting an array of elements, not just one. I guess this is only an excerpt of your code? Am I missing something?
Could you perhaps post the html of a sample of these elements as seen in the browser? It should be a pretty easy thing, but I really can't see the whole picture with those lines only.

