different symbols in a google charts scatter plot - javascript

I'm using the google charts library to make some interactive scatter plots. And I cannot find is whether you can have symbols other than circles as "markers" ? As far as I can see it was possible with the previous obsolete version of google charts. But is it impossible with the current one ?
Scatter chart "playground":

Currently (as of July, 2013) there is no way to do this within the chart options. You have a choice between circles and no markers, and that's it.
You could go through the code and change the SVG using javascript, changing the circles to rectangles, and manipulating the coordinates appropriately (or drawing paths, or whatever you'd like). That's really the only way to do it.
Edited to add:
Additionally, you could set a fill for the circles themselves using javascript, and make the fill any shape you'd like.

You can do it with the help of image charts. You can change the color and shape of the markers using this.Refer this link. An example for the different shape markers
Click here to see this. For more google charts related queries take a look at this jqfaq.com


Looking for JS chart library with interactive diagrams

In my project I work on a web app that shall provide interactive charts to the user. Interactive is meant in that way that the user can adjust single data points by dragging them around in chart.
More specifically, assume a line chart consisting of six data points. The user clicks one data point and drags it to different coordinates within the chart (drag and drop). Afterwards the line should be rendered again considering the adapted coordinates.
I had a look into Chart.js already but found that this feature is not provided out-of-the-box. I rather have to implement that myself.
Are you aware of any chart library for JS that provides such feature?
Meanwhile I found two potential solutions:
Plugin for Highcharts
Draggable charts of FusionCharts
You can take a look to D3.js, it's battery-included and drag&drop is supported too.
But you have to make the chart in HTML/CSS yourself.

Interactive change-able pie chart

as a part of an app that I'm developing, I am looking for an open source pie chart which can be manipulated on mobiles effectively.
I've found great pie charts such as Flot, jqPlot, HighCharts, etc. however, they only show configured values. While I don't need slice animations of click events, I do need a pie chart with the capability of changing its values from the chart itself, in a way similar to this.
The point is that I want to force a user to have his values sum up at 100 by favoring a slice and increasing its size at the price of lowering another slice.
Thanks in advance.
Chart.js is what you're looking for. If you have a look on the bottom right of the home page you'll see interactivity. You can trigger events when an element is clicked that will resize the chart as long as you are willing to do some javascript yourself.

Alternative to Google Charts Timeline

I've been playing around with the Timeline chart from Google Charts. It's great because it's very easy to use. However, I stumbled upon quite some limitations:
It's not possible to adjust the height of the bars, or the amount of margin around them.
I cant format the labels of the hAxis. No fonts can be applied, or textcolor, or font-size. And for some reason, two of the labels are in bold. (see image below)
It's not possible to add a text column on the right containing an extra set of information (for example, the sum of all hours in this row)
I can't move the hAxis to be displayed above the graph instead of below
Here's a link to the image:
For this reason, I was hoping some of you could introduce me to an alternative tool or api that I can use. It needs to be easy to use, and free/opensource. I've Googled for numerous chart tools, but almost no tools provide this SIMPLE timeline type of chart (note that it's not a Gantt chart, but it looks like one).
There are a few Gantt chart Javascript libraries, but none seem to be close to the Google Timelines chart.
The only chart I could find that is similar is Visavail.js. It builds upon D3.js and is open source, so you can modify it to your liking. Check out the "Custom Category Data" example. It's a lot like a Google Timelines chart.
For your convenience, I've added a screenshot of the example below:
If you are familiar with d3.js, here is a d3js based example: http://bl.ocks.org/bunkat/1962173

select an area of a scatter plot in javascript

I am trying to achieve the following with javascript:
draw a scatter plot with many (~10,000) points
allow the user to draw a curved shape on top of the plot to select a region (I am open to exactly how the shape is designed: an ellipse would be fine, or a polygon, or a path defined by bezier curves)
get a list of the points inside the selected area and do something with them.
Obviously, it is step 2 that is causing the problem. I have previously used jqplot to something similar to the above using a rectangular selection, but it is vital for the purposes of this project that the user be able to select an elliptical region.
Can anybody give any hint as to which javascript library would allow this?
I know that you can create paths using Raphael. I would have though that the most difficult part of this would be the last, but I did find this (yes, I know it's VB, but it gives a basis that can be applied to JavaScript).

Google Visualization API - Line and Scatter on one Chart

Does any one know if it is possible to use the Default Google Scatter Chart in the Google Visualizations Gallery to draw a scatter chart that has both a series with points only, a series with a line of best fit and on top of this a set of lines across the chart indicating limits. i.e. at +/- 20% etc.
The chart we need is actually a Control Chart with multiple series and individual formatting of each series displayed on the chart. i.e some series with only points other series with a line of best fit.
Does any one know of a Control Chart that has already been done using the Google Visualization API?
After working with the google visualization api for a while and searching the web I would have to say that the answer here is no.
You would have to build your own custom chart and from working with the api for a while I would rather do this with another charting library like jqPlot.
You can make separate line sets in the google scatterchart. The examples are on the scatterchart page.

