Find specific attribute inside a list with JavaScript/KnockoutJS - javascript

1. The goal
Find an attribute inside a list using JavaScript, KnockoutJS or jQuery.
2. The scenario
I have a store application working with KnockoutJS to dynamize its UI.
3. The problem
Each product available to add to shopping cart of my store has an add button, but it is only available if the product isn't on shopping cart already.
I need to iterate with the shopping cart to discover if each product of my available products list is already on it.
4. A few code ago...
Each product of my available products to add to list is using this fragment to toggle between the buttons:
<!-- ko if: Summary.hasItem($element) -->
<button class="btn btn-small action remove">
<i class="icon-minus"></i>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko ifnot: Summary.hasItem($element) -->
<button class="btn btn-small action add">
<i class="icon-plus"></i>
<!-- /ko -->
As you can see, I'm using the hasItem() function to check if the product is already on the shopping cart or not — but I have to implement it, and I need your help to do this.
5. What I've already tried
As you can see below, I tried to make a loop to check product by product inside my shopping cart until...
self.hasItem = function (element) {
var $productId = $(element).closest("li").data("productid"),
products = self.products();
if (products.length > 0) {
for (var product in products) {
if (products[product].id() == $productId) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
... something went wrong! Continues in the next chapter.
6. Something goes wrong
My brain can not compute the logical, but as I have this loop for each button, it seems that when one runs, the other does not run, or if there is an item in the list, the other does not add.
7. Playground
Play with this!
8. I need to ask...
My loop/logic is right?

In your case this will work :
self.hasItem = function (element) {
var $productId = $(element).closest("li").data("productid"),
products = self.products();
return ko.utils.arrayFirst(products, function(p){
return ( == $productId);
}) != null;
ko.utils.arrayFirst returns the first item that match the given predicate; otherwise null.

The code inside the for loop only executes for the first product.
You should have something like this:
for (var product in products) {
if (products[product].id() == $productId) {
return true;
return false;
Beside the loop, where you should probably use arrayFirst from ko.utils anyway, there seems to be a problem with the add function.
The ng-click binding provides the DOM event as the second parameter, so you probably want to change the signature of the method add to
function(data,event) {
var element =;
self.add = function(model, event) {
var $productId = $("li").data("productid"),
$productName = $("h1");
self.products.push(new Product($productId, $productName));

You need to look at this a little differently, instead of calling a "hasItem", you should have something like "isSelected" within your Product object.
Then, you can loop around your Products and say (pseudo-code) if is not "isSelected" then show the add button. When this add button is clicked, then the "isSelected" property of your Product object will be set to true.
Make Knockout JS work with your self-contained objects where possible.
Such as:
<!-- ko foreach: Products -->
<!-- ko if: IsSelected --> // Automatically inherited from parent
<button class="btn btn-small action remove">
<i class="icon-minus"></i>
<!-- /ko -->
<-- /ko -->


Angular/Javascript - Hide button with id onclick

I have multiple buttons on one page, "Add to cart" buttons where each button has a unique id attribute.
I want to hide a particular button when the user clicks on it.
The issue:
What's happening currently is that when a user clicks on a button 1 it hides, then clicks on button 2 it hides but on the same time it shows button 1
The expected behavior:
When the user clicks on button 1 it should hide and keep hiding even after clicking on button 2
P.S. the information of the buttons (products) gets added to an array.
Current code:
<div *ngFor="let product of products; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="hideButton != i" []="i" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product, i)">ADD</div>
addToCart(itemDetails, index) {
this.hideButton = index;
You need an array of hidden buttons and you need to add the index to that array:
// at the top
hiddenButtons = [];
addToCart(itemDetails, index) {
<div *ngFor="let product of products; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="hiddenButton.indexOf(i) === -1" []="i" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product, i)">ADD</div>
If you have a cart to which products are being added, you can look in the cart to check whether the product already exists in it, and use that to decide whether to display the ADD button.
If your product objects can have more properties to them, you can do away with indexes completely.
<div *ngFor="let product of products">
<div *ngIf="productInCart(product)" []="" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product)">ADD</div>
productInCart(product) {
return this.products.findIndex(p =>!=-1;
addToCart(product) {
<div *ngFor="let product of products; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="!product.isHidden" []="i" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product, i)">ADD</div>
In component
addToCart(itemDetails, index) {
itemDetails.isHidden = true;
this.products[index] = itemDetails;
Logic behind this is to create a new property in product when it clicked for add to cart. Initially there will be no property with name isHidden. SO, it will return undefined and undefined will treat as false.
I would suggest the following:
<div *ngFor="let product of products; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="!isInCart(product)" []="i" class="addButton" (click)="addToCart(product, i)">ADD</div>
private hiddenProducts = new Set<FooProduct>();
products: FooProduct[] = [];
this.products = // some value
hiddenProducts = new Set<FooProduct>();
isInCart(product: FooProduct): boolean {
return this.hiddenProducts.has(product);
addToCart(product: FooProduct, index: number){
// optional: check if the element is already added?
// rest of your addToCart logic
Why using a set instead of a simple array?
Performance: access time is constant.
Why not use the index as identifier?
Weak against list mutations (filter, reorder, etc)

Remove item from array by pressing button

I'm using angularJS to build a SPA. I am trying to delete an object from an array in my controller. I am using ng-repeat and can't seem to get my head around this. Here is the related html:
<div class="cat-button" ng-repeat="category in cats" category="category">
<button class=" close-button" ng-click="removeCat()">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign" aria-hidden=true> </span> </button>{{}}
This created a div with a button for every object that gets saved to my $scope.cats array. It works fine but I cant figure out how do I use the button in each div to delete that specific object.
When I click on the button , the function on my controller gets called, but this is where I get lost, how do I delete the specific object created dynamically by the user.
This is the related code on my controller:
//Function to delete category
$scope.removeCat = function () {
//I know I have to use splice on my array but how do I Identify the object that needs to be deleted from my array?
You can either pass on $index like so:
<button class=" close-button" ng-click="removeCat($index)">
and in your function:
$scope.removeCat = function (index) {
or pass the whole item and use indexOf (the saver way)
<button class=" close-button" ng-click="removeCat(category)">
$scope.removeCat = function (item) {
$scope.cats.splice(myArray.indexOf(item), 1);
You can pass the index of the item you want to delete in the ng-click function:
<div class="cat-button" ng-repeat="category in cats" category="category">
<button class=" close-button" ng-click="removeCat($index)">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-sign" aria-hidden=true> </span> </button>{{}}
Then you can use this in your Angular controller like this:
$scope.removeCat = function (index) {
$scope.cats.splice(index, 1);
Incase you don't want to pass in the index, instead you can also pass in the entire object and locate the index in your controller. The code below is setup to work on all browsers. (Just haven't tested it ;) )
$scope.removeCat = function (cat) {
// Using underscore
var index = _.indexOf($scope.cats, cat);
// Or using a for loop
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.cats.length; i++) {
//Assuming your cat object has an id property
if($ === {
index = i;
Or any other way to locate the index of an object in an array.
$scope.removeCat = function (categoryToDelete) {
var index = $scope.cats.indexOf(categoryToDelete);
$scope.cats.splice(index, 1);

adding array elements to another array

I have a very big list which is an array named leagues, I need to allow the user to take the elements on that array(list) , and choose those as favorites by clicking a button
$scope.favoriteLeagues = [];
$scope.favoriteLeague = function(league) {
so I want to know what am I doing wrong ? the function sometimes allows me to add one as favorite, but once I click on the second one, I got a message of something undefined, and also, the binding is not working, I am unable to see the {{}} printed.
<ion-option-button class="button-light icon ion-star"
<div ng-repeat="sport in sportsFilter = (sports | filter:query)">
<ion-item ng-repeat="league in sport.leagues">
here the controller:
.controller('SportsController', function($scope, $state,
AuthFactory, SportsFactory) {
$scope.favoriteLeagues = [];
$scope.sports = [];
AuthFactory.getCustomer().then(function(customer) {
$scope.customer = customer;
SportsFactory.getSportsWithLeagues(customer).then(function(sports) {
if (sports.length) {
$scope.sports = sports;
$scope.isSportShown = function(sport) {
return $scope.shownSport === sport;
$scope.favoriteLeague = function(league) {
You haven't pasted the full html, but it should look something like this:
<!-- Use ng-app to auto-bootstrap an AngularJS application-->
<!-- Use ng-controller to attach your view with your SportsController controller -->
<!-- Looping through all the favourite leagues-->
<div ng-repeat="favouriteL in favoriteLeagues">
<!-- Looping through all the sports -->
<div ng-repeat="sport in sportsFilter = (sports | filter:query)">
<!-- Bind the sport name -->
<!-- Looping through all the leagues -->
<ion-item ng-repeat="league in sport.leagues">
<!-- Display a button which on tap will call favoriteLeague function -->
<ion-option-button class="button-light icon ion-star" on-tap="favoriteLeague(league)">
<!-- Bind the name of the league -->
Don't forget to attach the view with your controller using ng-controller.
I can't help you much with angular.js, I've never used it, but the fact that you are accidentally replacing the array with the function probably doesn't help. ng-repeat is trying to loop through favoriteLeagues but fails because that's a function! Look at the comments I put in your code.
$scope.favoriteLeague = []; // creates an array
$scope.favoriteLeague = function(league) { // replaces the array with a function!!!
$scope.favoriteLeagues.push(league); // suddenly leagues takes an S ?
To avoid this type of error, you should respect a naming convention for your functions. I like to use action words and verbs for functions. I only use plural forms on arrays and related functions. Here's what I'd do in your case:
$scope.favoriteLeagues = [];
$scope.addToFavoriteLeagues = function(league) {
You need to attach your controller to the html in order for the bind to work, usually at the top level parent element, e.g a div, containing the ngrepeat markup.

Reseting variables and editing arrays with AngularJS

I'm building an app using AngularJS and LocalStorage. I've run into a problem that it's a tad too complex for me.
I have a list of people, and the idea is to be able to add arrays of names. I choose X names, click add, creates an object in an array, it resets the list, and I can start over, choose X names, click add, etc.
Here's how I create the temporary array that then I push into LocalStorage:
<div class="col-md-3" ng-repeat="staff in stafflist | orderBy: 'name'">
<button class="btn form-control" ng-show="!staff.chosen" ng-click="pushStaff(staff)">{{}}</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary form-control" ng-show="staff.chosen" ng-click="unpushStaff(staff)">{{}}</button>
<button class="btn ng-click="addRecord()">Add passangers</button>
$scope.paxlist = [];
$scope.pushStaff = function (staff) {
staff.chosen = true;
$scope.unpushStaff = function (staff) {
staff.chosen = false;
var index=$scope.paxlist.indexOf(staff)
My problem is that I can create objects into the array, but when I add an object, the selected items of the list of names won't reset, so they will be pre-selected when adding the next object.
At the same time, it will also stay linked to the last object added, so when I modify the selection, the last object will also get modified.
This also messes with the possibility of adding an editing capability for each object of the array.
I've created a Plnkr that illustrates the issue.
If you could shed some light on the issue, that would be brilliant.
In addRecord you need reset property chosen
$scope.addRecord = function () {
$scope.recordlist.push({ pax: angular.copy($scope.paxlist) });
$scope.editItem = false;
$scope.paxlist = [];
$scope.stafflist.forEach(function (el) {
el.chosen = false;

Accessing objects within viewmodel Knockout

I'm using knockout for a single page app that does some basic calculations based on several inputs to then populate the value of some html . In an attempt to keep my html concise I've used an array of objects in my viewModel to store my form. I achieved the basic functionality of the page however I wish to add a 'display' value to show on html that has formatted decimal points and perhaps a converted value in the future.
I'm not sure of a 'best practices' way of accessing the other values of the object that I'm currently 'in'. For example: If I want my display field to be a computed value that consists of the value field rounded to two decimal places.
display: ko.computed(function()
return Math.round(100 * myObj.value())/100;
I've been reading through the documentation for knockout and it would appear that managing this is a common problem with those new to the library. I believe I could make it work by adding the computed function outside of the viewmodel prototype and access the object by
However I would imagine there is a cleaner way to achieve this.
I've included a small snippet of the viewModel for reference. In total the input array contains 15 elements. The HTML is included below that.
var ViewModel = function()
var self = this;
this.unitType = ko.observable('imperial');
this.input =
name: "Test Stand Configuration",
isInput: false
name: "Charge Pump Displacement",
disabled: false,
isInput: true,
unitImperial: "cubic inches/rev",
unitMetric: "cm^3/rev",
convert: function(incomingSystem)
var newValue = this.value();
if(incomingSystem == 'metric')
//switch to metric
newValue = convert.cubicinchesToCubiccentimeters(newValue);
//switch to imperial
newValue = convert.cubiccentimetersToCubicinches(newValue);
value: ko.observable(1.4),
display: ko.computed(function()
}, self)
<!-- ko foreach: input -->
<!-- ko if: $data.isInput == true -->
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<label class="control-label" data-bind="text: $"></label>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="input-group">
<!-- ko if: $data.disabled == true -->
<input data-bind="value: $data.value" type="text" class="form-control" disabled>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: $data.disabled == false -->
<input data-bind="value: $data.value" type="text" class="form-control">
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: viewModel.unitType() == 'imperial'-->
<span data-bind="text: $data.unitImperial" class="input-group-addon"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: viewModel.unitType() == 'metric' -->
<span data-bind="text: $data.unitMetric" class="input-group-addon"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: $data.isInput == false -->
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<h3 data-bind="text: $"></h3>
<!-- /ko -->
If you want to read/ write to & from the same output, #Aaron Siciliano's answer is the way to go. Else, ...
I'm not sure of a 'best practices' way of accessing the other values of the object that > I'm currently 'in'. For example: If I want my display field to be a computed value that consists of the value field rounded to two decimal places.
I think there's a misconception here about what KnockoutJS is. KnockoutJS allows you to handle all your logic in Javascript. Accessing the values of the object you are in is simple thanks to Knockout's context variables: $data (the current context, and the same as JS's this), $parent (the parent context), $root(the root viewmodel context) and more at Binding Context. You can use this variables both in your templates and in your Javascript. Btw, $index returns the observable index of an array item (which means it changes automatically when you do someth. wth it). In your example it'd be as simple as:
<span data-bind="$data.display"></span>
Or suppose you want to get an observable w/e from your root, or even parent. (Scenario: A cost indicator that increases for every item purchased, which are stored separately in an array).
<span data-bind="$root.totalValue"></span>
Correct me if I'm wrong, but given that you have defined self only in your viewmodel, the display function should output the whole root viewmodel to the console. If you redefine a self variable inside your object in the array, self will output that object in the array. That depends on the scope of your variable. You can't use object literals for that, you need a constructor function (like the one for your view model). So you'd get:
function viewModel() {
var self = this;
self.inputs = ko.observableArray([
// this builds a new instance of the 'input' prototype
new Input({initial: 0, name: 'someinput', display: someFunction});
// a constructor for your 15 inputs, which takes an object as parameter
function Input(obj) {
var self = this; // now self refers to a single instance of the 'input' prototype
self.initial = ko.observable(obj.initial); //blank =;
self.display = ko.computed(obj.fn, this); // your function
As you mentioned, you can also handle events afterwards, see: unobtrusive event handling. Add your event listeners by using the ko.dataFor & ko.contextFor methods.
It appears as though KnockoutJS has an example set up on its website for this exact scenario.
From reading that page it looks as though you can create an extender to intercept an observable before it updates and apply a function to it (to format it for currency or round or perform whatever changes need to be made to it before it updates the ui).
This would probably be the closest thing to what you are looking for. However to be completely honest with you i like your simple approach to the problem.

