Keep focus on input until gets value - javascript

I have a web site that will get an input value from a bar code reader. I need to keep the input field focus until it gets the value. I used <input onBlur="this.focus()"> and some variations using functions, but won't work. I'd prefer not using jQuery, but it's not mandatory.

What you want to do might be perfectly fine in your specific use case, but please don't do this if it isn't really, absolutely necessary. It is very annoying, if users can't control the focus anymore. Having said that, you could do it like this:
<input onBlur="if (this.value == '') { var field = this; setTimeout(function() { field.focus(); }, 0); }" type="text">
You probably should put this in a separate function.


javascript : check if <input> is input-field

HTML5 comes with a lot of new types for
<input />
How can I detect if an input field is "a text field" (date, time, email, text, everything)
I do not want to write input[type='text'],input[type='xxx'] ...
You can use getAttribute to get whatever attribute you want (this includes type)
var input = document.getElementById('myinput');
var inputTYpe = input.getAttribute('type');
var isText = inputTYpe === 'text' || inputTYpe === '';
console.log('type is ', input.getAttribute('type'), ' is text = ', isText)
<input type="hey" id="myinput" />
CSS3 comes with a lot of new types for <input />
HTML5, not CSS3.
I do not want to write input[type='text'],input[type='xxx']
Unfortunately, I don't think you get a choice. But since the vast majority of them are text-like, you probably want to just call out the ones that aren't (like range, checkbox, radio, file, submit, image, reset, button — only one of which is new with HTML5).
Where possible, you'll want to isolate that to a single spot. You've mentioned CSS, which may make it difficult, but for instance if you were doing this in JavaScript, you'd want a single reusable function so you could update it as necessary.
function unameit(el) {
var words=['button','checkbox','hidden','image','radio','range','reset','submit'],tp=el.type.toLowerCase();
return words.indexOf(tp)<0;
If you want to differenciate between tags, you can check the tag by using
For example, if you have a Input, you will get the text "INPUT"
And if you want to know what kind of imput is being used, you can check by looking at the attribute

Process invalid input from form with jQuery

I have a form with an input such as
<td class="units_depth_form">
<input id="id_form-0-rain" name="form-0-rain" step="0.01" type="number" />
and I want to allow a user to enter units. For instance the form could expect values in inches, but I would allow a user to enter '20 cm', and when leaving the text box it would contain '7.87'.
To do this I have in the JavaScript part of the page the following jQuery code:
$(".units_temp_form input").focusout(function() {
// Convert and replace if valid double ending with 'cm'
and I added 'novalidate' at the end of the form tag. The problem is that $(this).val() is empty when the input is invalid. Is there another way to get to the user entered value?
Before anyone suggests the solution, removing the type='number' part would solve the problem but I'd prefer not to do this. This form is created in Django through a ModelForm, and it would involve a lot of hacking that would defeat the purpose of using Django in the first place.
That seems to be the way browsers behave when they find invalid data inside a type="number" input.
Perhaps your best option is to use <input type="text"/> and implement the up and down arrows yourself. There are several options around, I found one that looks nice and another that keeps going on mouse down.
If the form inputs must be created with type="number" because of Django, you can change that on the client as soon as the page loads:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".units_temp_form input").each(function(){
if ($(this).attr('type') == "number") {
$(this).attr('type', 'text');

Can I get <input type=text> to look like <input type=password>?

I'm trying to deal with a frustrating Internet Explorer issue that prevents me from using jquery-validate in conjunction with jquery-placeholder. In short, the validation does not work on fields with type=password.
More info Here
One possible fix I came up with is to modify my passwords to be type=text, but this of course displays the passwords in plain-text rather than as *******.
Is there any clever html/js/css trick to make text fields display as though they were passwords?
So potentially you could have something set up like this.
Have a hidden input type that simulates the password values
So I guess jquery wise it would be
//everytime the password changes hidden changes with it.
$('#passwordId').change(function() {
$('#hiddenID').val() = $('#passwordId').val();
<input type="password" id="passwordId" />
<input type="hidden" id="hiddenID" />
So this would allow you to validate the hidden input which would be the same value as the password.
First "hack" I can think of would be to add a "data-changed" attribute to the input="password" field, then attach an "onchange" event to the password field that sets "data-changed" == true, so that way you can validate if the value "password" was in fact entered by the user (data-changed == true) or if it is being submitted by the placeholder plugin itself.
While these answers were coming in, I had an epiphany of my own. At first glance, it appears to work. I'll check out the other answers and accept whichever approach looks like it will work best and be the least "hacky".
I came up with this approach when I discovered that the problem only exists when the field is empty (still has placeholder text), and as such, only will not pass "required" validation. My fix is to change it to type=password when content is entered.
My approach:
$('#password, #password_confirm').keyup(function(){
if ($(this).attr('type') === 'text') {
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
$(this).attr('type', 'password');
} else if ($(this).val() == "") {
$(this).attr('type', 'text');

textbox is not validated as empty if text is entered and then deleted

i have an annoying issue with watermarked text for a textbox.
what i want is if user click away of the textbox and there is no text in the textbox than the default text should appear (e.g. Search...)
i have this function to check it:
document.getElementById("searchtextbox").onblur = function() {
if (document.getElementById("searchtextbox").value == "") {
document.getElementById("searchtextbox").setAttribute("value", "Search...");
it works great if i just click inside and click out. the problem comes when i click inside, enter text and delete it and then click outside.
i tried doing it with Length == 0, value == null, value.trim() == "", !value.match(/.+/) and none of them return true for this case.
Please consider using the HTML5 placeholder attribute.
<input type="text" id="searchtextbox" placeholder="Search..." value="" />
As a lot of people under my answer pointed out, Internet Explorer won't be really keen on displaying your placeholder text (what a surprise). Still, it is way more semantic to use placeholder, and do a feature detection whether the browser supports it or not.
You can do feature detection like this (from
function supports_input_placeholder() {
var i = document.createElement('input');
return 'placeholder' in i;
If this is false, you can use your Javascript placeholder hack.
UPDATE: If you need help how to implement in a nice way, please refer to Html placeholder text in a textarea form.
I also took a look at your code and fixed it:
jsFiddle Demo
document.getElementById("searchtextbox").onblur = function() {
if (this.value == "") {
Using setAttribute is not the right way here, you do not want to set the attribute, but the live property (.value). Your if condition actually worked, but the change was not reflected.
As bazmegakapa suggested, consider the placeholder attribute.
To answer your question, your code isn't working because you're using setAttribute, while the user just modified the property value. Instead of using setAttribute, try using .value = 'Search...'

jQuery - results of DOM manipulation can't be assigned to a variable?

Using jQuery, I change the value of an input text field through some process. After the process is done, I need to capture this change and apply it to another process. My problem is that I can't seem to capture this change and assign it to a variable. I know the changes are happening because the DOM is getting updated. Furthermore, this variable assignment works in IE, but not for the other browsers I tested.
Below is a snippet to prove my point (and you can see this online here:
<input type="hidden" name="my_hidden" value="Hidden Field" />
<input type="text" name="my_text" value="Text Field" />
$().ready(function() {
$('input[name=my_hidden]').val('Hello Hidden Field');
$('input[name=my_text]').val('Hello Text Field');
// Display
var temp = $('form').html();
// Though the DOM is updated with the new values. The variable temp
// does not capture the changes to the input text field, but captures
// the change in the hidden field. When in IE, temp captures the
// changes in both fields.
Obviously, I need consistent behavior across browsers. Any ideas what's going on?
I don't get any trusted idea what happens, but somehow there should be a difference between setting the value as a member (input.value) or setting the value as a attribute-node.
This works for me :
{ this.setAttribute('value','Hello Text Field');});
I guess its a bug in innerHTML, see bugzilla:
Alternatively, you can store the values of your fields into array and use however you like like this:
var data = [];
$('form :input').each(function(){
Now you can check for values like this:

