Replace .split() with .match() using regex in javascript - javascript

I'm having difficulties with constructing some regular expressions using Javascript.
What I need:
I have a string like: Woman|{Man|Boy} or {Girl|Woman}|Man or Woman|Man etc.
I need to split this string by '|' separator, but I don't want it to be split inside curly brackets.
Examples of strings and desired results:
// Expample 1
string: 'Woman|{Man|Boy}'
result: [0] = 'Woman', [1] = '{Man|Boy}'
// Example 2
string '{Woman|Girl}|{Man|Boy}'
result: [0] = '{Woman|Girl}', [1] = '{Man|Boy}'
I can't change "|" symbol to another inside the brackets because the given strings are the result of a recursive function. For example, the original string could be

try this:
var reg=/\|(?![^{}]+})/g;
Example results:
var a = 'Woman|{Man|Boy}';
var b = '{Woman|Girl}|{Man|Boy}';
["Woman", "{Man|Boy}"]
["{Woman|Girl}", "{Man|Boy}"]
for your another question:
"Now I have another, but a bit similar problem. I need to parse all containers from the string. Syntax of the each container is {sometrash}. The problem is that container can contain another containers, but I need to parse only "the most relative" container. mystring.match(/\{+.+?\}+/gi); which I use doesn't work correctly. Could you correct this regex, please? "
you can use this regex:
var reg=/\{[^{}]+\}/g;
Example results:
var a = 'Nature|Computers|{{Girls|Women}|{Boys|Men}}';
["{Girls|Women}", "{Boys|Men}"]

You can use
to match those. However, if you have a nesting of arbitrary depth then you'll need to use a parser, [javascript] regex won't be capable of doing that.

Test this:


Javascript include delimiter when using command [.split]

Is it possible to keep the selected delimiter using javascript [.split], without involving regex? In below example I am sending in the commands using node.js.
// A css text string.
var text_string = "div-1{color:red;}div-2{color:blue;}";
// Split by [}], removes the delimiter:
var partsOfStr = text_string.split('}');
// Printouts
console.log("Original: " + text_string); // Original.
console.log(partsOfStr); // Split into array.
console.log(partsOfStr[0]); // First split.
console.log(partsOfStr[1]); // Second split.
The output:
Original: div-1{color:red;}div-2{color:blue;}
[ 'div-1{color:red;', 'div-2{color:blue;', '' ]
Wanted behaviour:
I need the output to include the delimitor [ } ]. The result lines should look line this:
I did find below question but it does not use javascript split, it uses regex:
Javascript split include delimiters
Here's a way using replace - although technically there is a regex involved. Techical in an almost pedantic way since it matches the actual strings, only between slashes rather than quotes.
var text_string = "div-1{color:red;}div-2{color:blue;}";
var partsOfString = text_string.replace(/;}/g, "};\n")

Extract Twitter handlers from string using regex in JavaScript

I Would like to extract the Twitter handler names from a text string, using a regex. I believe I am almost there, except for the ">" that I am including in my output. How can I change my regex to be better, and drop the ">" from my output?
Here is an example of a text string value:
"PlaymakersZA, Absa, DiepslootMTB"
The desired output would be an array consisting of the following:
PlaymakersZA, Absa, DiepslootMTB
Here is an example of my regex:
var array = str.match(/>[a-z-_]+/ig)
Thank you!
You can use match groups in your regex to indicate the part you wish to extract.
I set up this JSFiddle to demonstrate.
Basically, you surround the part of the regex that you want to extract in parenthesis: />([a-z-_]+)/ig, save it as an object, and execute .exec() as long as there are still values. Using index 1 from the resulting array, you can find the first match group's result. Index 0 is the whole regex, and next indices would be subsequent match groups, if available.
var str = "PlaymakersZA, Absa, DiepslootMTB";
var regex = />([a-z-_]+)/ig
var array = regex.exec(str);
while (array != null) {
array = regex.exec(str);
You could just strip all the HTML
var str = "PlaymakersZA, Absa, DiepslootMTB";
$handlers = str.replace(/<[^>]*>|\s/g,'').split(",");

Regular Expression to get the last word from TitleCase, camelCase

I'm trying to split a TitleCase (or camelCase) string into precisely two parts using javascript. I know I can split it into multiple parts by using the lookahead:
And it will make an array ['String', 'To', 'Split']
But what I need is to break it into precisely TWO parts, to produce an array like this:
['StringTo', 'Split']
Where the second element is always the last word in the TitleCase, and the first element is everything else that precedes it.
Is this what you are looking for ?
"StringToSplit".split(/(?=[A-Z][a-z]+$)/); // ["StringTo", "Split"]
Improved based on lolol answer :
"StringToSplit".split(/(?=[A-Z][^A-Z]+$)/); // ["StringTo", "Split"]
Use it like this:
s = "StringToSplit";
last = s.replace(/^.*?([A-Z][a-z]+)(?=$)/, '$1'); // Split
first = s.replace(last, ''); // StringTo
tok = [first, last]; // ["StringTo", "Split"]
You could use
return [this.slice(0,this.length-1).join(''), this[this.length-1]];
//=> ["StringTo", "Split"]
In [other] words:
create the Array using split from a String
join a slice of that Array without the last element of that
add that and the last element to a final Array

RegExp match a single quoted text without quotes - JavaScript

I'm sorry if it is a confusing question. I was trying to find a way to do this but couldn't find it so, if it is a repeated question, my apologies!
I have a text something like this: something:"askjnqwe234"
I want to be able to get askjnqwe234 using a RegExp. You can notice I want to omit the quotes. I was trying this using /[^"]+(?=(" ")|"$)/g but it returns an array. I want a RegExt to return a single string, not an array.
I don't know if it's possible but I do not want to specify the position of the array; something like this:
var x = string.match(/[^"]+(?=(" ")|"$)/g)[0];
in English: look for " the match and record anything that isn't " till you see another "".
match and exec always return an array or null, so, assuming you have a single double-quoted value and no newlines in the string, you could use
var x;
var str = 'something:"askjnqwe234"';
x = str.replace( /^[^"]*"|".*/g, '' );
// "askjnqwe234"
Or, if you may have other quoted values in the string
x = str.replace( /.*?something:"([^"]*)".*/, '$1' );
where $1 refers to the substring captured by the sub-pattern [^"]* between the ().
Further explanation on request.
Notwithstanding the above, I recommend that you tolerate the array indexing and just use match.
You can capture the information inside quotes like this, assuming it matches:
var x = string.match(/something:"([^"]*)"/)[1];
The memory capture at index 1 is the part inside the double quotes.
If you're not sure it will match:
var match = string.match(/something:"([^"]*)"/);
if (match) {
// use match[1] here

Splitting string in javascript

How can I split the following string?
var str = "test":"abc","test1":"hello,hi","test2":"hello,hi,there";
If I use str.split(",") then I won't be able to get strings which contain commas.
Whats the best way to split the above string?
I assume it's actually:
var str = '"test":"abc","test1":"hello,hi","test2":"hello,hi,there"';
because otherwise it wouldn't even be valid JavaScript.
If I had a string like this I would parse it as an incomplete JSON which it seems to be:
var obj = JSON.parse('{'+str+'}');
and then use is as a plain object:
alert(obj.test1); // says: hello,hi
Update 1: Looking at other answers I wonder whether it's only me who sees it as invalid JavaScript?
Update 2: Also, is it only me who sees it as a JSON without curly braces?
Though not clear with your input. Here is what I can suggest.
and then append the double quotes to each string
str.split('","'); Difficult to say given the formatting
if Zed is right though you can do this (assuming the opening and closing {)
str = eval(str);
var test = str.test; // Returns abc
var test1 = str.test1; // returns hello,hi
That's a general problem in all languages: if the items you need contain the delimiter, it gets complicated.
The simplest way would be to make sure the delimiter is unique. If you can't do that, you will probably have to iterate over the quoted Strings manually, something like this:
var arr = [];
var result = text.match(/"([^"]*"/g);
for (i in result) {
Iterate once over the string and replace commas(,) following a (") and followed by a (") with a (%) or something not likely to find in your little strings. Then split by (%) or whatever you chose.

