Javascript only does only work on some places on the page - javascript

I added the javascript code directly into the html, so you are able to see what I am doing wrong.
The alert only works on the img in the div class='sandbar-one' nowhere else.
The html ouptut looks like this:
<head> … </head>
<div class="header">
<div class="sandbar">
<a style="display:block" href="/">
<div class="sandbar-logo">
<div class="sandbar-one">
<img width="300" src="/assets/123456.png" alt="123456"></img>
<div class="sandbar-left"> …
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top"> … </div>
<div class="content" data-target="#sidenavbar" data-spy="scroll">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span3"> … </div>
<div class="span9">
$("img").hover(function() {
alert("Hello World!");
},function() {
<img src="/assets/123456.png" alt="123456"></img>
the haml file:
$("img").hover(function() {
alert("Hello World!");
},function() {
= image_tag("/assets/123456.png")
I tested in Firefox and Safari. The web-console shows no errors.

This looks to be because when the javascript is executed, only that one img is loaded in the doc. Try executing the JS on page load instead
$("img").hover(function() {
alert("Hello World!");
},function() {


How to make a webpage open up in a colorbox?

im trying to open a different webpage as a colorbox but i cant seem to figure it out.
Below is the webpage i want to open when a person clicks on the image.
<div class="album py-5">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div id="projects" class="col-md-8 col-lg-6 shadow-sm">
<a href="project1.html" id="yourlink"><img class="img-fluid" src="img/mockup.png" alt="iPhone Mockup">
Below is the script i did.
"use strict";
This is my first time trying to use colorbox so its a little confusing, thank you.
colorbox has a configuration atrtibute called "html" where you can provide html code for it to show. For example:
var code = $('').html();
$('#yourlink').colorbox({html: code});
If you can modify the html to show, you could also check the colorbox examples as they include an inline HTML example.
Edit: Here's a working example:
var button = $("#clickme");
$(document).ready(function() {
var code = $("#myContent").html();
$("#clickme").colorbox({ "html": code })
#myContent {
display: none;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'/>
<title>Colorbox Examples</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<style rel=""></style>
<div id="myContent">
<p>Hello World from the content.</p>
Click me

Jquery toggle() not working on YouTube subscription button

Want to create a DIV which toggle when I click on youtube subscription button. Also, I want to hide the Youtube button.
This seems easy, but Jquery toggle method is not working on youtube sub button.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Your code here
<div id="cc" style="display:none;" >
<h1>this is a hidden item</h1>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="btn">
<div id="xx2" class="g-ytsubscribe"
data-layout="full" data-count="default" ></div>
See this photograph :
Please close the script tag and provide some text inside the xx2 div.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div id="cc" style="display:none;">
<h1>this is a hidden item</h1>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="btn">
<div id="xx2" class="g-ytsubscribe"
data-layout="full" data-count="default" >text</div>
Syntax error
Change $(document) instead of $("document")
And click function declaration was wrong. initiate the click function of xx2 and the toggle inside the click function
$(document).ready(function(e) {
$('#xx2').click(function() {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="cc" style="display:none;">
<h1>this is a hidden item</h1>
<div id="btn">
<div id="xx2" class="g-ytsubscribe" data-channelid="UCwevqbHI8ppBSvVKESoLpPQ" data-layout="full" data-count="default">xx</div>
there is error in the syntax of jquery, use following cod:
<script type="text/javascript">
Maybe the classic way will work:
<div id="cc">
<h1>this is a hidden item</h1>
<div id="btn">
<div id="xx2" class="g-ytsubscribe"
data-layout="full" data-count="default">
xxx <!-- The xxx is used for better hitting -->
I removed the style attribute from #cc.
Added following CSS: {display:none;}
$('#xx2').click(function() {
So far I understand your problem right, this did work according .

JQuery : hover doesn't work

I have a little problem trying to use JQuery.
Here's the code I would like to make work on my page :
But it doesn't work on my page :
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.timeline').hover(function() {
$(this).css('background-color', 'blue');
}, function() {
$(this).css('background-color', 'cyan');
<section id="eduandwork" style="top:20%; bottom:20%; height:100%; width:100%; text-align:center;">
<div class="container hidden-xs">
<ul class="timeline">
<li class="timeline-inverted">
<div class="timeline-panel">
<div class="timeline-heading">
<h5 class="timeline-title"><br><br>IT MANAGEMENT BACHELOR</h5>
<div class="timeline-body">
<p>2014 - 2019</p>
This is my code.
EDIT : By saying it doesn't work, I mean when I hover the element, it doesn't change anything.
Your script tag should look like those below:
Here is your answer:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.timeline').hover(function() {
$(this).css('background-color', 'blue');
}, function() {
$(this).css('background-color', 'cyan');
<section id="eduandwork" style="top:20%; bottom:20%; height:100%; width:100%; text-align:center;">
<div class="container hidden-xs">
<ul class="timeline">
<li class="timeline-inverted">
<div class="timeline-panel">
<div class="timeline-heading">
<h5 class="timeline-title"><br><br>IT MANAGEMENT BACHELOR</h5>
<div class="timeline-body">
<p>2014 - 2019</p>
At the end of your Jquery call add in an end script tag, then start a new one.
In your initial script call you specify a source "src='blah'". If you run your code inline on the page in a second script or in your page's files it will run successfully.
If you call jquery first, then run a second script with your code, your hover works just fine.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.timeline').hover(function() {
$(this).css('background-color', 'blue');
}, function() {
$(this).css('background-color', 'cyan');

Including stylesheet in <head> gives different result than javascript append to head

Using HTML5 and jQuery, I would like to implement JPlayer (from
Unfortunately, I cannot make it work the way I would like. In the end, my problem seems to be an issue of stylesheet "inclusion". For some reason I do not understand, the stylesheet does not work properly when using "jQuery appendTo head" instead of a "html link". The file is definetely included but the GUI is messed up when firing a javascript action.
I have attached both examples which can be used anywhere for testing. I made comments on the only lines which are different.
Here is the first file. This example is working as expected:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Test with link rel</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<!-- END -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="jquery_jplayer_1" class="jp-jplayer"></div>
<div id="jp_container_1" class="jp-audio">
<div class="jp-type-single">
<div class="jp-gui jp-interface">
<ul class="jp-controls">
<li>max volume</li>
<div class="jp-progress">
<div class="jp-seek-bar">
<div class="jp-play-bar"></div>
<div class="jp-volume-bar">
<div class="jp-volume-bar-value"></div>
<div class="jp-time-holder">
<div class="jp-current-time"></div>
<div class="jp-duration"></div>
<ul class="jp-toggles">
<li>repeat off</li>
<div class="jp-title">
<li>Cro Magnon Man</li>
<div class="jp-no-solution">
<span>Update Required</span>
To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin.
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer({ready: function (event) {$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {m4a:""});},supplied: "m4a",wmode: "window",smoothPlayBar: true,keyEnabled: true});
The second file which is not properly working:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Test with jquery appendTo</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="jquery_jplayer_1" class="jp-jplayer"></div>
<div id="jp_container_1" class="jp-audio">
<div class="jp-type-single">
<div class="jp-gui jp-interface">
<ul class="jp-controls">
<li>max volume</li>
<div class="jp-progress">
<div class="jp-seek-bar">
<div class="jp-play-bar"></div>
<div class="jp-volume-bar">
<div class="jp-volume-bar-value"></div>
<div class="jp-time-holder">
<div class="jp-current-time"></div>
<div class="jp-duration"></div>
<ul class="jp-toggles">
<li>repeat off</li>
<div class="jp-title">
<li>Cro Magnon Man</li>
<div class="jp-no-solution">
<span>Update Required</span>
To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin.
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer({ready: function (event) {$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {m4a:""});},supplied: "m4a",wmode: "window",smoothPlayBar: true,keyEnabled: true});
$('<link>', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: '' }).appendTo('head');
<!-- END -->
The stylesheet IS working on the second file, but as soon as you click something on the player, the GUI is messed up. Why is that? Could I make some changes to the provided jPlayer stylesheets to make it work with my second example?
This should fix your issue, calling plugin once CSS file is loaded:
$('<link>', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
type: 'text/css',
href: ''
}).one('load', function () {
ready: function (event) {
$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
m4a: ""
supplied: "m4a",
wmode: "window",
smoothPlayBar: true,
keyEnabled: true
Although, this could be enough in most cases:
$('<link>', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css', href: '' }).appendTo('head');
$("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer({ready: function (event) {$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {m4a:""});},supplied: "m4a",wmode: "window",smoothPlayBar: true,keyEnabled: true});

JQuery | Takes Two Clicks to Hide Div Tag via Menu Bar

On my Contact page I have a link to show an email form, which right now is just a header. I want the email form to hide whenever a different "page" is clicked on; however, right now it takes two clicks to get rid of the form. The form should only be visible on the Contact Page. I made a small testcase to illustrate the problem.
My code works, but only after you click a menu twice. I need help making it so I click a link once and it disappears.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Creighton Barbershop</title>
<link href="style/main.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/jquery-2.0.3.js"></script>
$("nav ul li").on("click", "a",
if ($("#contact").is(":hidden")) {
$("div" + $(this).attr("href")).slideToggle().show().end();
<div id="container">
<li><span class="word_space">About Us</span></li>
<li><span class="word_space">Contact Us</span></li>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" id="home">
<div class="main" id="contact">
Email Us
<div class="contact_form">
<h1>Contact Form</h1>
<div class="main" id="cuts">
<h2>These are the various cuts that Rob Ecklos Specializes in./n/n</h2>
you have to change a little thing in your html
just move the contact_form div inside contact div
let code like this
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Creighton Barbershop</title>
<link href="style/main.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
$("nav ul li").on("click", "a",
if ($("#contact").is(":hidden")) {
$("div" + $(this).attr("href")).slideToggle().show().end();
<div id="container">
<li><span class="word_space">About Us</span></li>
<li><span class="word_space">Contact Us</span></li>
<div class="content">
<div class="main" id="home">
<div class="main" id="contact">
Email Us
<div class="contact_form">
<h1>Contact Form</h1>
<div class="main" id="cuts">
<h2>These are the various cuts that Rob Ecklos Specializes in./n/n</h2>
then remove the if statement form your jquery
$("nav ul li").on("click", "a",
$("div" + $(this).attr("href")).slideToggle().show().end();
is(':visible') checks the display property of an element, you can use css method.
//Check the visiblity of #contact and hide accordangly
if ($("#contact").css('visibility') === 'hidden') {

