jquery - append html doesn't append the empty String inside the div - javascript

I am doing a chat project in java.
Using my Server response through jquery-ajax , I am creating an html and append the html to div.
My jquery - html alert without empty string-name(note the id='user' in the alert) will be ,
after appending this in the chat area ,
After jquery-html alert with empty string-name(note the id='user' in the alert) will be ,
after appending this in the chat area ,
My jquery for creating the HTML will be ,
function send(name , message , time){
//name = $("#name").val();
//message = $("#message").val();
var user = "<div id='user' class='fontStyle'>"+name+"</div>";
var msg = "<div id='msg' class='fontStyle'>"+message+"</div>";
var timeStamp = "<div id='time' class='fontStyle'>"+time+"</div>";
var row = "<div id='msgSet' >"+ user + msg + timeStamp +"</div>";
return row;
There is no empty string will be present in chat area.
Hope our stack members will help me.

You can escape html your string so it keeps the white spaces. See details here.
Or you can trim your message string (=remove spaces at the beginning and end of it) with such an instruction, and then manualy add the spaces (with the code inside a div, span, ...):
s.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');


Need help to add javascript array contents to an existing piece of HTML code

My front-end skills are fairly limited. I have a trained language model which generates 'tweets'.
I have this javascript function which currently displays the tweets as a paragraph.
function addResponse(msg) {
document.getElementById("results").textContent = ""
var para = document.createElement("div");
var s = "<div class='center' id='gpt2'> <b> Here what our BOT has to say... </b> </br></br>"
i = 1
for (var key in msg){
var value = msg[key];
s = s + i + ") " + " <b>" + value + "</b> </br></br>"
i = i + 1
para.innerHTML = s + "</div>";
Instead of displaying in a paragraph, I want to display as a proper tweet.
Here is a tailwind CSS implementation to create the UI of the tweet: https://codepen.io/webcrunchblog/pen/xedQVv
Currently this displays a fixed string "Starhopper". What I want to do is, loop through my array object 'msg' and display all the tweets with the proper UI .
Currently the addResponse() is called as part of ajax callback for successful response. From there how can I include the tailwind CSS code so that I can display every array element in its own tweet UI?
Hope the question is clear.
EDIT: Created this codepen if anyone wants to try it out: https://codepen.io/nikhilno1/pen/RwPBWvb
In the output, there is a tweet and three sentences. I want 3 tweets to be created for each of the sentence.
I've updated a bit of your code here: https://codepen.io/rxna/pen/OJVwMOm
The idea is to:
Clone the tweet element, have added a custom class for that:
var articleNode = document.querySelector(".tweet-body");
var clone = articleNode.cloneNode(true);
Update the text within each element:
var title = clone.querySelector(".tweet-text");
title.innerText = value;
And lastly append within the DOM:
It's not perfect but hopefully you'd get the idea.

Replace String Text with HTML

I'm trying to implement emoticons so for example :happy: should display an emoticon. However, the text is sanitized and does not generate the actual html.
How can I replace certain strings such as :happy: with html image?
Current attempt (replace :happy: with html):
var data = snapshot.val();
var username = data.name || "anonymous";
var message = data.text;
message = message.replace(":happy:", "<img src='https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/static/emoticons/1.0.jpg'>");
var messageElement = $("<li>");
messageElement.text(": "+message).prepend(nameElement);
I think something like text.splitText() should be used here. But I'm trying to find the best way to find the text, then split it.
Use .html() to have an element effect. .text() will just put the content without having any HTML effect
messageElement.html(": "+message).prepend(nameElement);
You can use a single detached DOM element to sanitize the inputs, then convert strings to images.
Done by setting Node.textContent[mdn] and getting Element.innerHTML[mdn] on the detached node.
Then using String.prototype.replace()[mdn] method on the resulting string.
This is library free.
var username = "anonymous",
message = "Some text with an happy <b>emoticon</b> :happy: and a sad <i>emoticon</i> :sad:.",
messageList = document.getElementById("messageList"),
sanitizer = document.createElement("p");
var messageElement = document.createElement("li");
sanitizer.textContent = message;
message = sanitizer.innerHTML;
message = message.replace(":happy:", "<img src='https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/horde.tv/static/emoticons/1.0.jpg'>");
message = message.replace(":sad:", "<img src='https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/86/1.0'>");
messageElement.innerHTML = username + ": " + message;
<ul id="messageList"></ul>

Javascript: Add HTML to string - make a link and add it to output

New to javascript, how do I fix this problem I'm having?
I want to add an a tag to a string variable that i'm creating using a function.
The whole message (eg - "Your tutor is JOHN DOE. Contact them here: CONTACT FORM") Is added to the DOM with another function (which works).
When I run the script it outputs to the browser but the second part (makeLink()) doesnt work.
This is what I get: "Your tutor is JOHN DOE. Contact them here http://www.example.com" - Instead of the URL I want word CONTACT FORM which should be a link.
How do I do this?
I tried using link() Method, which also didnt work and had similar output.
I'll only include the relevant script below, the rest works fine...
function makeMessage(){
for(i in msgArr){
stringMSG += msgArr[i];
//do not add a comma after last item
if(i < msgArr.length - 1){
stringMSG += ', ';
var highRiskmsg = "Your tutor is " + stringMSG + ". Contact them here" + makeLink();
return highRiskmsg;
function makeLink() {
var contactLink = document.createElement("a");//create <a> tag
contactLink.setAttribute("id", "linkC");//set id att for <a> tag
contactLink.setAttribute("href", "http://www.example.com/contact.php");//set id att for <a> tag
var contactLinkTxt = document.createTextNode("CONTACT FORM");//new text node
contactLink.appendChild(contactLinkTxt);//append text as child of <a> tag
return contactLink;
It seems the problem is you are returning a DOM element from your makeLink() function, and this won't concat with the string as you expect.
You need to return a valid HTML string instead, such as: <a id=".." href="..">..</a>
The quickest way to fix your code would be just to change the return for the makeLink() function as follows:
return contactLink.outerHTML;
Using outerHTML will return the HTML string for the element, rather than the element itself.
Here is a working example
As an alternative to musefan's answer, you can return an element that contains both the message and link as nodes, instead of text.
function makeMessage(){
var highRiskmsg = "Your tutor is " + msgArr.join(',') + ". Contact them here";
var span = document.createElement('span');
return span;

Reading and formatting Access data

I'm using JavaScript and HTA to read data in access database (.mdb) on local but having a small issue. My JavaScript code is like this:
function miseryBusiness() {
var box = document.getElementById("lyrics");
box.innerHTML = "";
var db = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='paramore.mdb'";
var adoConn = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection");
var adoRS = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");
adoRS.Open("SELECT * from 2007_RIOT WHERE track=4", adoConn, 1, 3);
var lyrics = adoRS.Fields("lyrics").value;
box.innerText = lyrics;
I have a div in the page with id="lyrics". Function gets the specified cell's value and change's div's inner text to that value.
What I want to do is use innerHTML instead of innerText. And if I use inner HTML I get the cell's value as a single line. I want to add line breaks to the end of the each line. Also an anchor to the beginning of the text.
If I was getting the text from a .txt file I'd use
while(!lyrics.AtEndOfStream) {
box.innerHTML += '<a id="miseryBusiness">' + lyrics.ReadLine() + '<br/>';
but this doesn't work with access database. Or I couldn't get it to work. Any ideas?
The HTA and .mdb file I'm using: link1 link2
If the lyrics are in a Memo field with hard line-breaks then the line terminator is almost certainly <cr><lf>, so try the following:
box.innerHTML = '<a id="miseryBusiness">' + lyrics.replace(/\r\n/g, '<br/>');

How to include javascript generated text into html link?

I have a javascript that displays a generated text into a div:
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phrase;
Basically I'm trying to set up a link that will take the text and post it to twitter with a link:
Clicky for tweety
How can I include the generated text in the link?
Do you mean like:
function setPhrase(phrase) {
var url = 'http://twitter.com/home?status=' + encode(phrase);
$('#phrase').html('' + phrase + '');
Un-jQuerying it should be straightforward enough, if that's how you roll.
This is un-jQueried:
function setPhrase(phrase) {
var url = 'http://twitter.com/home?status=' + encodeURI(phrase);
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = '' + phrase + '';
If you didn't see my failbraining encode for encodeURI as an error you should use Firebug. It may also fail if you have more than one element with the id phrase or if you have no elements with the id phrase.

