Adding rows dynamically using jQuery - javascript

I have a form containing a select field id="projects" which upon being changed shows a hidden select field 'task' dynamically populating the tasks for the selected project by querying the dB. User can then enter hours which are updated on proj_id,task_id combination from the selects. Following code shows the 'task' select when 'Projects' is changed.
$('.tasks').append("<option>1</option><option>New Task</option>");
I then added the functionality of clicking a button that replicates the form, each row contains 'project' 2. hidden select 'task' shown on project select 3. hidden textbox activated when New Task option is selected 4. hour input boxes for the whole week.
$('#add').click(function () {
The functionality needed is that each user be able to add rows and choose different project-task combinations to log hours against them.
The problem here is that when I change the first rows projects all the added rows get affected too, I am not able to seperate them out. I am new to dynamically changing things in a web-page. Please help me out.
Working Fiddle of the whole thing -

You may try this
$('#dynform').on('change' , '#projects', function(){
.append("<option>1</option><option>New Task</option>")
$('#add').click(function () {


How to bind multiple function results as options to select in a form select pop down box?

Here is the fiddle
To be clearer. In the drop down box, I'd like two options (text). when the user clicks one of these options the relevant function results are returned. Like see when clicking the buttons, which are for example only.
I've added the drop down box, but cannot see how to bind the results from the two queries to it.
Could I use something like ?
$("select#FriendsConnected option.filter-prop2").show();
$("select#FriendsConnected option.filter-prop1").show();
Feel like I've hot a brick wall with this and ideally would like some help with the fiddle to move past it.
In your HTML, change select id to a valid css id, something like: s_FriendsConnected
<select name="huge" class="btn-group select select-block mbl select-multiple" id="s_FriendsConnected">
In your Javascript, change the select = getElementByID(FriendsConnected)'s ID to your new select id: s_FriendsConnected
var select = document.getElementById("s_FriendsConnected");
This solves it on my local machine... will update with the jsfiddle in a while..
Here's the jsfiddle. :
As per your requirement, in this new jsfiddle, I've removed the buttons and placed option tags with values in the html.
In Javascript, I've removed the var select = document.getelementbyid() function.
Also, I've replaced your click functions for the buttons with on Change event to the select menu:
var selection = $(this).val();
else if(selection=='f_requests')
That's mostly all. Here's the updated jsfiddle:

Jquery Chosen is updating cascading selects on step behind native select boxes

I am using jquery chosen on 4 select boxes that are being populated via database.
The select box ids are: #Year_395, #Make_395, #Model_395, #Trim_395.
I am using the following script to "cascade" them so that the second select box's options depend on what option has been selected in the first, the options for the third are dependent on the second selection etc.
function cascadeSelect(parent, child){
var childOptions = child.find('option:not(.static)');'options',childOptions);
var parentValue = (this.value).replace(" ", "_");
.append('options').filter('.sub_' + parentValue))
childOptions.not('.static, .sub_' + parent.val()).remove();
The native select boxes are cascading correctly. The problem is that when I implement jQuery Chosen, the new select boxes update, but do so one step behind the native boxes. For now I am using the below code to update the options for jQuery Chosen's replacement select box display. This should cause jQuery Chosen to update #Trim_395 as soon as an option for #Model_395 has been selected.
Here is the link to the build site:
You will see that if you select your year, make, and model, no trim options will be available, as if you have yet to select the model. If you then select another model, the options for the first model you selected will be displayed. Selecting a third model will display the trim options for the second, etc.
I figured it out on my own. jQuery Chosen was updating before the hidden select boxes had time to update so:
wto = setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
Solved the problem. Thanks to anyone who looked :)

Show sections based on value of Check box in jQuery (SharePoint 2010)

I am trying to use jQuery to show section if a user selects a certain checkbox in a sharepoint form. I have had success doing this with a button and with a simple checkbox with one value to show all from this blog post, but am struggling with if they select multiple values.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/Libraries/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
$("nobr:contains('Desk Calendars')").parent('h3').parent('td').parent('tr').hide();
$("nobr:contains('Calendar Refills')").parent('h3').parent('td').parent('tr').hide();
$("nobr:contains('Spiral Bound')").parent('h3').parent('td').parent('tr').hide();
$("nobr:contains('Wall Calendars')").parent('h3').parent('td').parent('tr').hide();
$("nobr:contains('Misc. Calendars')").parent('h3').parent('td').parent('tr').hide();
$("nobr:contains('Franklin Covey')").parent('h3').parent('td').parent('tr').hide();
$("nobr:contains('Retention Policy')").parent('h3').parent('td').parent('tr').hide();
It would appear the value needs to be an if statement for contains VALUE not a click function. I am not sure what to do with this though.
Basically if they select Wall Calendars it should show jsut wall calendar but if they do Wall and desk, it should toggle them both.
Any guidance would be fantastic. Thank you!
EDIT: I change my answer based on your comment below
To do what you want I'll use the library I created that is called SharepointPlus (please load jQuery and SharepointPlus in your page). Then the JavaScript code would be something like:
// hide all the rows by default
$SP().formfields("Desk Calendars,Calendar Refills,Spiral Bound,Wall Calendars,Misc. Calendars,Franklin Covey,Comments,Retention Policy").row().hide();
// add a trigger for when you click a checkbox
$SP().formfields("Calendar Type").elem().on('click', function(event) {
// the value of the checkbox is found with the "title" attribute from the parent
// if it's checked, then we show the row, if it's not then we hide it

changing a html select value with jQuery does not reflect on screen display

I wrote two jquery plugins: the first converts a text or hidden input containing a date in a set of three drop down menus with day/month/year choice.
The second plugin allows me to generate a set of rows starting from a set of input fields, and automatically adds a "Add row" button and a "delete row" button.
Moreover, I've added a addRow() function to the "multiple row plugin", which allows me to add a row programmatically.
In this way I can do a call to
$(...).addRow(["event name", "30/06/2013"]);
to add a new row to my list.
Here is a simplified fiddle:
The problem is that the value of the input field containing the event name is updated correctly, whereas the selected value in the drop down menu is not updated.
I think there is some stuff in dddtpicker plugin which breaks the DOM, but I can't figure out why.
Any help would be appreciated.
var fields = templclone.find('input, select')
There are 3 inputs and one select for each row which makes it 4 elements.
fields.each(function (index, element) {
if (index < fields.length - 1) {
myevt.addRow(["my event name", "30/06/2013"]);
You provide 2 arguments. So the select element gets the value undefined.

Click function in Django form

I have no idea how can I solve my problem. I have Django template with two models. I put these models in inlineformset_factory.
DhcpConfigFormSet = inlineformset_factory(Dhcp, IPRange, extra=1)
and I displayed this form in template like this pictures
I want implement event, when I click on plus stick (marked field on pictures), show one more row (ip initial field, ip final field and delete check box).
I tried to do it on this way :
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".plusthick-left").click( function() {
var tr= $(".sort-table").find("tbody tr:last").length;
$(".sort-table").find("tbody tr:last").after($(".sort- table").find("tbody tr:last").clone())
but I have problem, because I just made copy of last row and took same attributes values?
My question is : How can I make new row, and set all attributes with values of last row increased by one.
For example:
<input type="text" id="id_ip_initial_0_ip_range">
This is field that generated form in template, and I want make field with id value like this:
<input type="text" id="id_ip_initial_1_ip_range">
How can I do it? :)

