Reassemble udp messages with node.js - javascript

I'm just getting started with node.js and UDP. I'm trying to capture UDP packets and then format the output.
The UDP packet's I'm receiving are being split up in to multiple messages. I can't figure out how to reassemble the message. I can concatenate each message, but how do I know that the message is complete? I need to process that data but I need to complete message.
FYI... This is for a scoreboard type application. The statistics are being broadcast via UDP and I'm trying to create an application that will monitor the stats.
Here is some basic code
var dgram = require("dgram");
var server = dgram.createSocket("udp4");
var fs = require('fs');
var STATS;
server.on("message", function (msg, rinfo) {
STATS = STATS + msg;
msg = msg + '<!>';
// *****************************
// When the message is complete
// Process STATS
// *****************************
server.on("listening", function () {
var address = server.address();
console.log("server listening " +
address.address + ":" + address.port);
// server listening

Do you have control over the client? If so, you can simply have some sort of symbol that identifies the end of a message, and your program can detect if msg ends with that.
But UDP sockets are volatile - there is no guarantee that any message will actually arrive. There is also no guarantee that your datagrams will arrive in the order that you send them. Correcting for these issues is more complex - if you don't need the real-time requirement, then switching to TCP is much easier.
TCP will automatically split your data into chunks when you send it from the client, so you will need to use that same end-of-message system, or detect when the socket is closed.


WebSocket needs browser refresh to update list

My project works as intended except that I have to refresh the browser every time my keyword list sends something to it to display. I assume it's my inexperience with Expressjs and not creating the route correctly within my websocket? Any help would be appreciated.
let socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000");
socket.addEventListener('open', function (event) {
console.log('Connected to WS server')
socket.send('Hello Server!');
socket.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
const keywordsList = JSON.parse(;
console.log("Received: '" + + "'");
document.getElementById("keywordsList").innerHTML =;
socket.onclose = function(code, reason) {
console.log(code, reason, 'disconnected');
socket.onerror = error => {
console.error('failed to connect', error);
const ws = require('ws');
const express = require('express');
const keywordsList = require('./app');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
const wsServer = new ws.Server({ noServer: true });
wsServer.on('connection', function connection(socket) {
socket.on('message', message => console.log(message));
// `server` is a vanilla Node.js HTTP server, so use
// the same ws upgrade process described here:
const server = app.listen(3000);
server.on('upgrade', (request, socket, head) => {
wsServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, socket => {
wsServer.emit('connection', socket, request);
In answer to "How to Send and/or Stream array data that is being continually updated to a client" as arrived at in comment.
A possible solution using WebSockets may be to
Create an interface on the server for array updates (if you haven't already) that isolates the array object from arbitrary outside modification and supports a callback when updates are made.
Determine the latency allowed for multiple updates to occur without being pushed. The latency should allow reasonable time for previous network traffic to complete without overloading bandwidth unnecessarily.
When an array update occurs, start a timer if not already running for the latency period .
On timer expiry JSON.stringify the array (to take a snapshot), clear the timer running status, and message the client with the JSON text.
A slightly more complicated method to avoid delaying all push operations would be to immediately push single updates unless they occur within a guard period after the most recent push operation. A timer could then push modifications made during the guard period at the end of the guard period.
The WebSockets API does not directly support broadcasting the same data to multiple clients. Refer to Server Broadcast in ws documentation for an example of sending data to all connected clients using a forEach loop.
Client side listener
In the client-side message listener
document.getElementById("keywordsList").innerHTML =;
would be better as
document.getElementById("keywordsList").textContent = keywordList;
to both present keywords after decoding from JSON and prevent them ever being treated as HTML.
So I finally figured out what I wanted to accomplish. It sounds straight forward after I learned enough and thought about how to structure the back end of my project.
If you have two websockets running and one needs information from the other, you cannot run them side by side. You need to have one encapsulate the other and then call the websocket INSIDE of the other websocket. This can easily cause problems down the road for other projects since now you have one websocket that won't fire until the other is run but for my project it makes perfect sense since it is locally run and needs all the parts working 100 percent in order to be effective. It took me a long time to understand how to structure the code as such.

How to connect to a TCP server and pass a Javascript to it

I'm definitely a newbie with JS and node. I have telescope management software called SkyX Pro, and it has the ability to run a TCP Server on port 3040. I can connect to it using Netcat and hand it a Javascript starting with //* Javascript *// this works and allows me to startup cameras and other equipment and send commands for taking pictures etc. The issue is it needs to be run from a batch file which makes getting any information back to an HTML page tough (Like Camera, focuser and filter wheel status and temperatures).
The NC call looks like "NC localhost 3040 < Javascript-file.js
To get around the browser to local machine security issues I want to run this from node.js with maybe if possible, but I don't know the proper syntax for it.
I have seen plenty of client syntax sending hello's etc. but nothing send javascript and allowing for two-way connectivity that I can understand.
I have tried using:
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost');`enter code here`
socket.on('httpServer', function (data) {
document.write(data + "\r\n");
socket.emit('tcp', "For TCP");
const net = require('net');
const client = new net.Socket();
client.connect({ port: 3040, host: process.argv[2] });
client.on('data', (data) => {
But I do not understand it well enough to troubleshoot why it's not working.
Any help would be wonderful, and please treat me like a baby that needs its step by step.
Reading [1], We can assume socket-io isn't the perfect fit for you, because that Server you have sound like a typical tcp-socket server, not a server ( which requires special headers ) or a web-socket server.
So you only needs "net" library to do the job.
const net = require('net');
// module to send a message to TCP-socket server and wait for the response from socket-server
const sendAndReceive = async (client, message) => {
let response = null
await ( new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
client.on('data', function(data) {
response = data;
return response;
// send a single message to the socket-server and print the response
const sendJSCode = (message) => {
// create socket-client
const client = new net.Socket();
client.connect(3040, 'localhost', async function() {
// send message and receive response
const response = await sendAndReceive(client, message)
// parse and print repsonse string
const stringifiedResponse = Buffer.from(response).toString()
console.log('from server: ', stringifiedResponse)
// clean up connection
sendJSCode('var Out; \n Out="TheSky Build=" + \n\r')
This script will:
Initiate a socket client
on connection successfully, client sends a message
client receives back response from that message
client prints response to terminal
Note that TheSkyX has a limitation of 4096 bytes for each message[2], any more than that and we will need to chunk the message. So you may want to keep the js-code short and precise.
that snippet I gave is minimal, it doesn't handle errors from server. If you want, you can add client.on("error", .. ) to handle it.
Your point of connecting to the socket server directly from browser is very intriguing, unfortunately it is not allowed by modern browsers natively due to security concerns 3

Send data to certain client using client ID with websocket and node.js

I am creating customer service chat application that get data from client website to node.js server then send this data to agent and the agent reply to the client..
Server code:
var ws = require("nodejs-websocket");
var clients = [];
var server = ws.createServer(function(conn){
console.log("New Connection");
//on text function
conn.on("text", function(str){
var object = JSON.parse(str);
conn.sendText("Message send : " + object);
console.log("User ID: " +;
var unique=clients.filter(function(itm,i,a){
return i==a.indexOf(itm);
conn.on('message', function("test") {
console.log('message sent to userOne:', message);
unique[0].send("Message: " + message);
console.log("Number of connected users : " + unique.length);
//closing the connection
conn.on("close", function(){
console.log("connection closed");
}).listen(process.env.PORT, process.env.IP);
Everything works perfectly and I have each client ID but the
I want to reply with a message to that client ID..
What I have tried:
I have tried to reply to the client using conn.send("message", callBackFunction) but it send to all not with a specified user ID.
Disclaimer: co-founder of Ably - simply better realtime
You have two problems there I suspect. Firstly, if you ever need to scale to more than one server you've got problems as you will need to figure out how to pass messages between servers. Secondly, you have no way of maintaining state between disconnections which will happen as part of normal behaviour for clients.
The industry typically approaches this type of problem using the concept of channels as it scales, it decouples the publisher from the subscriber, and it's quite a simple concept to work with. For example, if you had a channel called "client:1" and you published to that channel, and your subscriber was listening on that channel, then they would receive the message. You can find out more about how we have designed our realtime service around channels, I would suggest you do consider that pattern in your system.
Matt, co-founder, Ably

Node.js HTTP and TCP Clients Connection

I am trying to create a system where I have a desktop client created in VB, and a browser based client, that can send messages to each other. I am using a Node.js server to handle the connections and messages.
This is the code of my Node.js server:
net = require('net')
// Supports multiple client chat application
// Keep a pool of sockets ready for everyone
// Avoid dead sockets by responding to the 'end' event
var sockets = [];
// Create a TCP socket listener
var s = net.Server(function (socket) {
// Add the new client socket connection to the array of
// sockets
// 'data' is an event that means that a message was just sent by the
// client application
socket.on('data', function (msg_sent) {
// Loop through all of our sockets and send the data
for (var i = 0; i < sockets.length; i++) {
// Don't send the data back to the original sender
if (sockets[i] == socket) // don't send the message to yourself
// Write the msg sent by chat client
// Use splice to get rid of the socket that is ending.
// The 'end' event means tcp client has disconnected.
socket.on('end', function () {
var i = sockets.indexOf(socket);
sockets.splice(i, 1);
console.log('System waiting at http://localhost:8000');
With this sever, I am able to send messages between two desktop clients successfully.
However, because I am using net and not HTTP I cannot get the browser based client to connect.
How can I get both the clients to connect? I would really appreciate any help/suggestions/directions. I have been searching everywhere for about 4 days now! TIA!
You could use http or express for browser based client. could check also which works on http port.
I would try to help more if know type of the desktop client you are using.

WebRTC videochat through Websockets

I'm trying to develop a video-chat application using webRTC and WebSockets for signaling.
My problem is that I don't know exactly what is the process of creating RTCPeerConnection and connect both peers(2 browsers) through webSocket(Locally at least).
I know how to communicate clients though WebSockets, but not with the RTCPeerConnection API, you know any tutorial step-by-step explaining the process?(Offer SDP, answers, ICE, ...) and, on the other hand, how looks the server code to managing these clients through RTCPeerConnection?
Here is my Node.js code for the server
"use strict";
// Optional. You will see this name in eg. 'ps' or 'top' command
process.title = 'node-webrtc';
// Port where we'll run the websocket server
var webSocketsServerPort = 1337;
// websocket and http servers
var webSocketServer = require('websocket').server;
var http = require('http');
/* ---------------------------------
// latest 100 messages
//var history = [ ];
// list of currently connected clients (users)
var clients = [ ];
/* ---------------------------------
var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
// Not important for us. We're writing WebSocket server, not HTTP server
server.listen(webSocketsServerPort, function() {
console.log((new Date()) + " Server is listening on port " + webSocketsServerPort);
/* ---------------------------------
var wsServer = new webSocketServer({
// WebSocket server is tied to a HTTP server. WebSocket request is just
// an enhanced HTTP request. For more info
httpServer: server
// This callback function is called every time someone
// tries to connect to the WebSocket server
wsServer.on('request', function(request) {
console.log((new Date()) + ' Connection from origin ' + request.origin + '.');
// accept connection - you should check 'request.origin' to make sure that
// client is connecting from your website
// (
var connection = request.accept(null, request.origin);
// we need to know client index to remove them on 'close' event
var index = clients.push(connection) - 1;
console.log((new Date()) + ' Connection accepted.');
// user sent some message
connection.on('message', function(message) {
for (var i=0; i < clients.length; i++) {
// user disconnected
connection.on('close', function(conn) {
console.log((new Date()) + " Peer " + conn.remoteAddress + " disconnected.");
// remove user from the list of connected clients
clients.splice(index, 1);
You might want to have a look at the codelab I did for Google I/O:
Step 5 shows how to set up a signaling server using, and Step 6 puts this together with RTCPeerConnection to make a simple video chat app.
You might also want to have a look at easyRTC (full stack) and Signalmaster (signaling server created for SimpleWebRTC).
The 'canonical' WebRTC video chat example at uses XHR and the Google App Engine Channel API for signaling.
Have you looked at or come across It is an opensource GitHub project that utilizes Node.js and websockets to do the exact thing you are talking about. I, not being much of a javascript person, was able to figure out what it was doing within a week. It isn't a step by step instruction, but anyone with javascript experience would be able to figure out the function call order.
There are two bits to the code: the server side and the client side. The server side is run with Node.js, and serves up the client side code to the browser. If I remember correctly, since the two projects are separate, if you want to combine them you will have to copy the webrtcio.js file from the client side and paste it into the server side folder. Although, I think if you clone the github repository right, you might not have to worry about that.

