Taffydb dynamic like 'and' query - javascript

I recently started working with taffydb. Assuming I have this as my data
db= TAFFY([
{OrderNo:'prod1',range: 3,description:'one two'},
{OrderNo:'prod2',range: 2,description:'one two three'},
{OrderNo:'prod3',range: 2,description:'one three two'},
{OrderNo:'prod4',range: 6,description:'one two four three'},
{OrderNo:'prod5',range: 5,description:'three'},...
if I wanted to write a query to find all records with "one two" and "three" I'd do something like
db({description:{likenocase:"one two"}},{description:{likenocase:"three"}}).get()
this would return products 2 and 4. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to do this with a dynamic query that will have an unknown number of variables to search for. I'm doing this to let the user search for their own supplied words.
Anyone got any ideas?

As a precursor, this will not be the best answer to your problem. But it will work. :)
So the user will have the option of searching a database with an "unknown number of variables". Let's add a maximum amount of variables--perhaps 10?
Now we catch all the user's search variables in an array:
// Create a dynamic array
var userSearchVars = [];
// Fill the array from 10 HTML input type=text fields
// You can fill your array however you fancy. This is just one example!
$("#myForm input[type=text]").each(function() {
userSearchVars.push( $(this).val());
// Note: by default an empty input will return the empty string: ""
Using your code snippet, just query the database with the array:

Adapting #Jacob-IT's answer so that its dynamic. Used Taffy for the first time tonight and just discovered you can pass an array of objects as the query argument.
// Create a dynamic array
var userSearchVars = [];
// Fill the array from 10 HTML input type=text fields
// You can fill your array however you fancy. This is just one example!
$("#myForm input[type=text]").each(function() {
// This is my edit - push the whole query on to the array.
userSearchVars.push({description:{likenocase: $(this).val() }});
// Then pass the whole query array in...
db( userSearchVars ).get()
Tested the above - and it worked for me.

You can do it like this
let items = [];
items.push({description:{likenocase:"one two"}});


getting distinct values from result set in taffyDB

I have a TAFFYDB database that consists of 4 fields:
What I want is a unique list of "cTech" for a certain clientID inside of a range of dates.
I can match clientID and dates like this:
var ret=clientTechsDB([{
That returns the array "ret", but ret has many duplicated cTech values.
I tried
var ret=clientTechsDB([{
but that generates and error "get(...).distinct is not a function"
I can iterate through and filter out duplicates but I was hoping to do it in a taffyDB query.
You don't need "get" when using distinct. The correct syntax is:
var ret=clientTechsDB([{

How to get an unflattened array of multiselect values and single inputs together?

I have some dynamically created filters on a web app's page where the filter "entry" is at times the combination of a few different inputs and the values for the collection are gathered into an array to send back to the server. If these were all just single inputs then an array of values would be easy to map over to the inputs on the backend, however when one or more is a multiselect with multiple options, a flattened array of values mixing the multiselect's values and the individual input values isn't appropriate.
As an example: if I have two inputs for a given filter on a search control page, one being a multiselect and another being a text input, I would like to gather an array of two elements, the first being an array of selected values and the second as the value entered in the text input. So if in the first multiselect I select "A", "B" and the text input I enter "Joe" and the code below gathers the input values:
filters = []
$(#customFilterElements.selector).each ->
filterName = $(#).find('.filter_entry .filter_name:input').val()
filterValues = $(#).find('.filter_entry .filter_value:input').map(->
if $(#).data('multiselect')
filters.push({name: filterName, value: filterValues})
Javascript: (converted from above)
var filters = [];
$(this.customFilterElements.selector).each(function() {
var filterName, filterValues;
filterName = $(this).find('.filter_entry .filter_name:input').val();
filterValues = $(this).find('.filter_entry .filter_value:input').map(function() {
if ($(this).data('multiselect')) {
return $(this).find('option:selected').map(function() {
return $(this).val();
} else {
return $(this).val();
return filters.push({
name: filterName,
value: filterValues
Current result for filterValues: ["A","B","Joe"]
The above code ends up producing an array ["A","B","Joe"] for filterValues.
I think this may be because the .get() is converting everything to a flattened array. I tried using $.makeArray() instead of .get() and I get the same results but perhaps I missed something.
Desired result for filterValues: [["A","B"],"Joe"]
What I am hoping to produce is [["A","B"],"Joe"] so it is clear that the first element (in this example) is a collection of selected values from a multiselect to the backend.
How can I adjust the above code to get the desired result (for any combination or ordering of multiselects and single inputs together) in a fairly elegant manner?
The code is intended to be applied to any dynamically created filter, so reusable instead of hardcoding to each filter.
Ok, after a full night's rest the answer came to me right away and it seems so obvious now - just need to wrap the multiselect in an array bracket after the .get()! - doh. Sometimes documenting the problem here forces a solution to bubble up or highlight what I was missing.
filters = []
$(#customFilterElements.selector).each ->
filterName = $(#).find('.filter_entry .filter_name:input').val()
filterValues = $(#).find('.filter_entry .filter_value:input').map(->
if $(#).data('multiselect')
filters.push({name: filterName, value: filterValues})

WebdriverIO loop through element list

So I have a table of 250 of rows, and I want to just get all the values from one column and check if they meet the required criteria:
const rows = browser.elements(selector..);
const numbers = [];
rows.value.forEach(cellData => {
const value = browser.elementIdText(cellData.value.ELEMENT).value;
// some logic to check if the value is ok
// check if all numbers are sorted correctly
, but it most of the time it fails on the line (it says stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document):
const value = browser.elementIdText(cellData.value.ELEMENT).value;
I tried doing cellDate.getText(), but there was a Java socket error, could someone help? I assume the selector is not attached to the page as indicated, but I can't figure my head out how to just loop through them all.
I had a solution similar to your method before and while it seems to work, I think there might just be some slight adjustments to your code to get what you want. I never had much luck chaining from the end of the elementIdText call.
Step 1: Grab all the Data (browser.elements or browser.$$):
let cellData = browser.$$('selector that matches desired Column Data')
The above returns an array of JSON WebElements. And as you know you can correctly loop through the array looking at the "values". If you use the selector that matches the Column Values you're looking for you should have all similar data stored in the element.value.ELEMENT.
Step 2: Loop through the cellData array and pluck out the text values of the ELEMENT using browser.elementIdText()
cellData.forEach((elem) => {
let number = browser.elementIdText(elem.value.ELEMENT)
//elementIdText also returns a JSON WebElement so it's number.value
if(number.value === <condition>) {
console.log('number looks good')
//perform other on value logic
//perform other logic still in loop EX: array.push()
I hope this helps! Let me know if you hit any snags!

Convert One field in an Object Array data with angularjs and Javascript to another value

In an angularjs controller I have this code:
var ysshControllers = angular.module('theControllers', []);
function($scope, $http, $route) {
$scope.dbKey = $route.current.customInput;
$scope.urlToDb = 'https://' + $scope.dbKey + '/.json';
$http.get($scope.urlToDb).success(function(data) {
var values = [];
for (var name in data) {
$scope.Items = values;
// Initially order by date and time
$scope.orderProp = 'ac';
It creates an object array with the name Items. The key values are just labed aa, ab, ac etc. When the user inputs data from a drop down menu, I want to save only values like: 1,2,3,4,5 and then when the data is imported back into the website, convert the values back. Like 0 = Bad; 5 = Very Good. So, for every record with the key name ae I want to convert the values from 1,2,3,4,5 to Bad, Okay, Fair, Good, Very Good.
I can figure out the program flow, what I need to know is how to reference the values using object oriented JavaScript I guess.
The data is structured like this:
C5_200630_Option 1
aa:"Option 1"
ae:"Tacoma, Silver, 1/2 ton 4wd"
I ran this like of code:
And it gives values of 0,1,2,3,4 etc. So I guess the key values in $scope.UsedItems are just numbers. I don't know how to access the key and value data specifically. What is a simple way I can just display in an alert what the content of the array is?
I used this line:
And that will reference the data in every record with the name ad. So that gives me a way to identify a specific item in the record.
Okay, I figured out a solution:
if (data[name].af === "3") {
data[name].af = "Awesome!";
Even though I figured out the solution to my problem, I still have almost no idea what I'm doing. So if there is a better way, let me know.
You can define an array like this
var example = ["Bad", "Not Bad", "Fine", "Good", "Very Good"];
and instead of checking value of data[name].af every time you can simply set it like this
data[name].af = example[data[name].af];
which gives you the result you want as you want data[name].af=3 should be fine and example[3] is what you want...

Create an array from a string

I have a webpage where a user can select multiple items from a jquery list.
Based on the item(s) selected I need to add each item into the database.
When someone selects one item the value returned to my Javascript is similar to "4~2"
The value 4 would be used in my example for one column named "skill_id" in the database and the value 2 would be used for another column called "category_id" in the same row.
When someone selects two items it is comma-delimited and similar to "4~2,6~7" and so on if they select more than 2.
I'm thinking I need to do a for loop with an array or a jquery.each() function but not certain how the best way to approach this is.
What you're looking for is the split() method.
"4~2,6~7".split(',') // ['4~2', '6~7']
Here is one way you could extract the skill_id and category_id:
$.each("4~2,6~7".split(','), function(index, value) {
var nums = value.split("~");
var skill_id = nums[0];
var category_id = nums[1];

