Can reducing index length in Javascript associative array save memory - javascript

I am trying to build a large Array (22,000 elements) of Associative Array elements in JavaScript. Do I need to worry about the length of the indices with regards to memory usage?
In other words, which of the following options saves memory? or are they the same in memory consumption?
Option 1:
var student = new Array();
for (i=0; i<22000; i++)
student[i] = {
"studentName": token[0],
"studentMarks": token[1],
"studentDOB": token[2]
Option 2:
var student = new Array();
for (i=0; i<22000; i++)
student[i] = {
"n": token[0],
"m": token[1],
"d": token[2]
I tried to test this on Google Chrome DevTools, but the numbers are inconsistent to make a decision. My best guess is that because the Array indices repeat, the browser can optimize memory usage by not repeating them for each student[i], but that is just a guess.
To clarify, the problem is the following: a large array containing many small associative arrays. Does it matter using long index or short index when it comes to memory requirements.
Edit 2:
The 3N array approach that was suggested in the comments and #Joseph Myers is referring to is creating one array 'var student = []', with a size 3*22000, and then using student[0] for name, student[1] for marks, student[2] for DOB, etc.

The difference is insignificant, so the answer is no. This sort of thing would barely even fall under micro optimization. You should always opt for most readable solutions when in such dilemmas. The cost of maintaining code from your second option outweighs any (if any) performance gain you could get from it.
What you should do though is use the literal for creating an array.
[] instead of new Array(). (just a side note)
A better approach to solve your problem would probably be to find a way to load the data in parts, implementing some kind of pagination (I assume you're not doing heavy computations on the client).

The main analysis of associative arrays' computational cost has to do with performance degradation as the number of elements stored increases, but there are some results available about performance loss as the key length increases.
In Algorithms in C by Sedgewick, it is noted that for some key-based storage systems the search cost does not grow with the key length, and for others it does. All of the comparison-based search methods depend on key length--if two keys differ only in their rightmost bit, then comparing them requires time proportional to their length. Hash-based methods always require time proportional to the key length (in order to compute the hash function).
Of course, the key takes up storage space within the original code and/or at least temporarily in the execution of the script.
The kind of storage used for JavaScript may vary for different browsers, but in a resource-constrained environment, using smaller keys would have an advantage, like still too small of an advantage to notice, but surely there are some cases when the advantage would be worthwhile.
P.S. My library just got in two new books that I ordered in December about the latest computational algorithms, and I can check them tomorrow to see if there are any new results about key length impacting the performance of associative arrays / JS objects.
Update: Keys like studentName take 2% longer on a Nexus 7 and 4% longer on an iPhone 5. This is negligible to me. I averaged 500 runs of creating a 30,000-element array with each element containing an object { a: i, b: 6, c: 'seven' } vs. 500 runs using an object { studentName: i, studentMarks: 6, studentDOB: 'seven' }. On a desktop computer, the program still runs so fast that the processor's frequency / number of interrupts, etc., produce varying results and the entire program finishes almost instantly. Once every few runs, the big key size actually goes faster (because other variations in the testing environment affect the result more than 2-4%, since the JavaScript timer is based on clock time rather than CPU time.) You can try it yourself here:
Your 3N array approach (using array[0], array[1], and array[2] for the contents of the first object; and array[3], array[4], and array[5] for the second object, etc.) works much faster than any object method. It's five times faster than the small object method and five times faster plus 2-4% than the big object method on a desktop, and it is 11 times faster on a Nexus 7.


JavaScript array performance drop at 13k-16k elements

I am doing some performance testing regarding creating and editing performance of arrays and noticed that there are some weird characteristics around arrays with about 13k-16k elements.
The below graphs show the time per element it takes to create an array and read from it (in this case summing the numbers in it). capacity and push relate to the way the array was created:
capacity: const arr = new Array(length) and then arr[i] = data
push: const arr = []; and then arr.push(data)
As you can see, in both cases, the creation of an array and reading from it, there is a performance reduction of about 2-3 times compared to the performance per element at 1k less elements.
When creating an array using the push method, this jump happens a bit earlier compared to creating it with the correct capacity beforehand. I assume that this is happening because, when pushing to an array that is already at max capacity, more than the actually needed extra capacity is added (to avoid having to add new capacity again soon) and the threshold for the slower performance path is hit earlier.
If you want to see the code or test it yourself: github
My question, why is the performance dropping at around 13k-16k?
To me it seems that larger arrays are treated differently in v8 starting at around 13k-16k elements to improve performance for them, but the cut-off point (at least in my code) is slightly too early so the performance drops before the optimizations bring any benefit.
You can see the performance improvements going down after about 500 elements and picking up again after the drop.
Sadly I can't find any information about that.
Also, if you happen to have any idea why there are those spikes at the end of creating with capacity and summing with push, feel free to let me know :)
As suggested by #ggorlen I run the same test on a different machine to rule out caching as the reason for the seen behavior (using a different, weaker CPU and less RAM). The results seem very similar.
I ran node using the --allow-natives-syntax flag to debug log the created arrays with %DebugPrint(array);, hoping to see a difference between the different array lengths, but besides the length and memory adresses they all look the same. Here is one as an example:
// For array created with capacity
DebugPrint: 000002CB8E1ACE19: [JSArray]
- map: 0x035206283321 <Map(HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS)> [FastProperties]
- prototype: 0x036b86245b19 <JSArray[0]>
- elements: 0x02cb8e1ace39 <FixedArray[1]> [HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS]
- length: 1
- properties: 0x0114c5d01309 <FixedArray[0]>
- All own properties (excluding elements): {
00000114C5D04D41: [String] in ReadOnlySpace: #length: 0x03f907ac1189 <AccessorInfo> (const accessor descriptor), location: descriptor
0000035206283321: [Map]
- instance size: 32
- inobject properties: 0
- elements kind: HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS
- unused property fields: 0
- enum length: invalid
- back pointer: 0x035206283369 <Map(PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS)>
- prototype_validity cell: 0x03f907ac15e9 <Cell value= 1>
- instance descriptors #1: 0x009994a6aa31 <DescriptorArray[1]>
- transitions #1: 0x009994a6a9d1 <TransitionArray[4]>Transition array #1:
0x0114c5d05949 <Symbol: (elements_transition_symbol)>: (transition to PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS) -> 0x0352062832d9 <Map(PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS)>
- prototype: 0x036b86245b19 <JSArray[0]>
- constructor: 0x031474c124e9 <JSFunction Array (sfi = 000003CECD93C3A9)>
- dependent code: 0x0114c5d01239 <Other heap object (WEAK_FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE)>
- construction counter: 0
// For array created with push
DebugPrint: 000003B09882CE19: [JSArray]
- map: 0x02ff94f83369 <Map(PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS)> [FastProperties]
- prototype: 0x0329b3805b19 <JSArray[0]>
- elements: 0x03b09882ce39 <FixedArray[17]> [PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS]
- length: 1
- properties: 0x03167aa81309 <FixedArray[0]>
- All own properties (excluding elements): {
000003167AA84D41: [String] in ReadOnlySpace: #length: 0x02094f941189 <AccessorInfo> (const accessor descriptor), location: descriptor
000002FF94F83369: [Map]
- instance size: 32
- inobject properties: 0
- elements kind: PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS
- unused property fields: 0
- enum length: invalid
- back pointer: 0x03167aa81599 <undefined>
- prototype_validity cell: 0x02094f9415e9 <Cell value= 1>
- instance descriptors #1: 0x00d25122aa31 <DescriptorArray[1]>
- transitions #1: 0x00d25122aa01 <TransitionArray[4]>Transition array #1:
0x03167aa85949 <Symbol: (elements_transition_symbol)>: (transition to HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS) -> 0x02ff94f83321 <Map(HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS)>
- prototype: 0x0329b3805b19 <JSArray[0]>
- constructor: 0x009ff8a524e9 <JSFunction Array (sfi = 0000025A84ABC3A9)>
- dependent code: 0x03167aa81239 <Other heap object (WEAK_FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE)>
- construction counter: 0
The performance drop for the summing happens when going from an array of size 13_994 to 13_995:
(V8 developer here.)
TL;DR: Nothing to see here, just microbenchmarks producing confusing artifacts.
There are two separate effects here:
What happens at 16384 elements is that the backing store is allocated in "large object space", a special region of the heap that's optimized for large objects. In Chrome, where pointer compression is enabled, this happens at exactly twice as many elements as in Node, where pointer compression is off. It has the consequence that the allocation itself can no longer happen as an inlined sequence of instructions directly in optimized code; instead it's a call to a C++ function; which aside from having some call overhead is also a more generic implementation and as such a bit slower (there might be some optimization potential, not sure). So it's not an optimization that kicks in too early; it's just a cost that's paid by huge objects. And it'll only show up prominently in (tiny microbenchmark?) Cases that allocate many large arrays and then don't do much with them.
What happens at 13995 elements is that for a the specific function sum, that's when the optimizing compiler kicks in to "OSR" (on-stack replace) the function, i.e. the function is replaced with optimized code while it is running. That's a certain one-off cost no matter when it happens, and it will pay for itself shortly after. So perceiving this as a specific hit at a specific time is a typical microbenchmarking artifact that's irrelevant in real-world usage. (For instance, if you ran the test multiple times in the same process, you wouldn't see a step at 13995 any more. If you ran it with multiple sizes, then chances are OSR wouldn't be needed (as the function could switch to optimized code the next time it's called) and this one-off cost wouldn't happen at all.)

Are two for loops slower than a bigger one?

Which piece of code is faster
Number 1:
for(var i = 0; i<50; i++){
//run code in here
for(var i = 0; i<50; i++){
//run more code in here
Or number 2:
for(var i = 0; i<100; i++){
//run all the code in here
As already pointed out in another answer, both loops yield the same O(N) scaling behaviour (for whatever happens in the loop body as well as for scaling the loop lengths 50 and 100, resp. The point usually is the proportional factor that accompanies the power term (c . XN).
On many (most) real CPU systems used for performance-relevant computation, there are usually caches and pipelines for the data manipulated inside the loops. Then, the answer to the question depends on the details of your loop bodies (will all the data read/written in the loops fit into some level of cache, or will the second 50-loop miss all existing cache values, and retrieve data from memory again?). Additionally, speculation of branch prediction (to the loop exit/repeat branch as well as to those inside the loop) has a complicated influence on the actual performance.
It is an own section of computational science to take into account all relevant details exactly. One should analyse the concrete example (what do the loops do actually?) - and before, whether this loop is actually relevant.
Some heuristic may nevertheless be helpful:
If i is an iterator (and not only a repetition counter), the two 1..50 loops might be working on the same data.
If it is possible to treat every element by both loop bodies (which only works if there are no dependencies between the second loop and the state of other elements after the first loop), it is usually more efficient to treat each index only once.
It would depend on the logic inside of them (nested loops etc). Theoretically, They'd run the same, as they're both linear. (Both are 100 iterations). So the Big O Time Complexity is O(N), where N is the size of the loop.
Big O Time Complexity

Why does sorting 32-bit numbers using JavaScript so much faster than sorting 33-bit numbers?

The following code simply creates an array and sort it. It is very strange that on my 2013 Macbook Pro, it took 5.8 seconds to sort the 30-bit numbers:
n = 10000000;
numMax = 1000000000;
console.log(`numMax is how many bits: ${Math.ceil(Math.log(numMax) / Math.log(2))}`)
console.log("\n## Now creating array");
let start =;
let arr = new Array(n);
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i)
arr[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * numMax);
console.log(`took ${( - start)/ 1000} seconds to create the array`);
console.log("\n## Now sorting it");
start =;
arr.sort((a, b) => a - b);
console.log(`took ${( - start)/ 1000} seconds to sort`);
But let's say we make it 34-bit numbers. Now it takes 12.7 seconds to run:
n = 10000000;
numMax = 10000000000;
console.log(`numMax is how many bits: ${Math.ceil(Math.log(numMax) / Math.log(2))}`)
console.log("\n## Now creating array");
let start =;
let arr = new Array(n);
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i)
arr[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * numMax);
console.log(`took ${( - start)/ 1000} seconds to create the array`);
console.log("\n## Now sorting it");
start =;
arr.sort((a, b) => a - b);
console.log(`took ${( - start)/ 1000} seconds to sort`);
On NodeJS (update: I am using v12.14.0), the difference is even more: 5.05 seconds vs 28.9 seconds. Why is the difference so big? If it is due to Chrome or NodeJS able to optimize it by using 32-bit integers, vs using 64-bit integers, or IEEE 754 Numbers, would it take exactly one clock cycle to do the compare during the sort (and moving the data during the "partition phase" of Quicksort)? Why would it take more than 2 times or even 5 times the time to do it? Does it also have something to do with fitting all data in the internal cache of the processor and whether the internal cache can support 32 bit but not IEEE 754 numbers?
V8 developer here. In short: this is why V8 uses "Smis" (small integers) internally when it can.
In JavaScript, any value can generally be anything, so engines typically represent values in some format that stores type information along with the value itself. This includes numbers; so a number on the heap is an object with two fields: a type descriptor, and the actual number value, which is an IEEE-754 64-bit double value per JavaScript spec. Since small-ish, integer-valued numbers are particularly common, V8 uses a special trick to encode them more efficiently: they're not stored as an object on the heap at all, instead the value is directly encoded into the "pointer", and one of the pointer's bits is used to tag it as a so-called Smi. In all current versions of Chrome, V8 uses 32-bit heap pointers, which leaves 31 bits for the payload of a Smi. Since arrays of numbers are also fairly common, storing a type descriptor for each element is fairly wasteful; instead V8 has double arrays, where the array itself remembers the fact (only once!) that all its elements are doubles; those elements can then be stored directly in the array.
So in the 30-bit version of your code, the array's backing store is an array full of Smis, and calling the comparator function can pass two of those directly. That function, in turn, can quickly Smi-check and untag the values to perform the subtraction.
In the 34-bit version, the array's backing store stores doubles. Every time the comparator needs to be called, two raw doubles are read from the array, are boxed as "heap numbers" in order to be used as parameters for the function call, and the comparator function has to read the value from the heap before being able to subtract them. I'm actually surprised that this is only about twice as slow :-)
To play with the performance details of this testcase a bit, you can force the array to store heap numbers instead of unboxed doubles. While that consumes more memory up front and has a performance cost for many use cases, in this particular case it actually saves about 10% of the time, since less short-lived garbage is allocated during execution. If you additionally force the comparator's result to be returned as a Smi:
arr.sort((a, b) => a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0);
it saves another 10%.
On NodeJS, the difference is even more: 5.05 seconds vs 28.9 seconds.
With Node 13.11 I can't reproduce that; I'm getting almost exactly the same numbers as with Chrome 81.
Chrome or NodeJS able to optimize it by using 32-bit integers, vs using 64-bit integers, or IEEE 754 Numbers
Being able to use 32-bit integer CPU instructions is a side effect of using the Smi representation, but it's not the (primary) cause of the performance difference here. Using 64-bit integers internally would be a violation of the JavaScript spec (unless the engine were very careful to detect and avoid results that are too precise).
would it take exactly one clock cycle to do the compare
Estimating clock cycles on modern CPUs is very difficult, and almost nothing is as simple as "exactly one clock cycle". On the one hand, CPUs can execute (parts of) more than one instruction per cycle, on the other hand they have pipelines, which means that finishing the execution of just one instruction takes many cycles. In particular, frequent branching (i.e. "decision-making" inside the CPU), as sorting algorithms typically have to do, tends to suffer from pipeline-related latencies.
the "partition phase" of Quicksort
V8 does not use Quicksort any more. That said, of course all sorting algorithms have to move data around.
Does it also have something to do with fitting all data in the internal cache of the processor and whether the internal cache can support 32 bit but not IEEE 754 numbers?
The CPU's cache does not care about the type of data. The size of the data (64-bit doubles are twice as big as 32-bit integers) can cause caching-related performance differences though.
V8 is capable of optimizing the numeric storage type if the optimizer can deduce that all the values in the array will fit in that size
Almost; there are no deductions involved: the array optimistically starts with a Smi backing store, and generalizes that as needed, e.g. when the first double is stored, the storage is switched over to a double array.
You are probably seeing the effect of "just-in-time compiling."
Not really. Of course all modern engines JIT-compile your code, but that's true for all code, and doesn't explain the difference here.

Are there ideal array sizes in JavaScript?

I've seen little utility routines in various languages that, for a desired array capacity, will compute an "ideal size" for the array. These routines are typically used when it's okay for the allocated array to be larger than the capacity. They usually work by computing an array length such that the allocated block size (in bytes) plus a memory allocation overhead is the smallest exact power of 2 needed for a given capacity. Depending on the memory management scheme, this can significantly reduce memory fragmentation as memory blocks are allocated and then freed.
JavaScript allows one to construct arrays with predefined length. So does the concept of "ideal size" apply? I can think of four arguments against it (in no particular order):
JS memory management systems work in a way that would not benefit from such a strategy
JS engines already implement such a sizing strategy internally
JS engines don't really keep arrays as contiguous memory blocks, so the whole idea is moot (except for typed arrays)
The idea applies, but memory management is so engine-dependent that no single "ideal size" strategy would be workable
On the other hand, perhaps all of those arguments are wrong and a little utility routine would actually be effective (as in: make a measurable difference in script performance).
So: Can one write an effective "ideal size" routine for JavaScript arrays?
Arrays in javascript are at their core objects. They merely act like arrays through an api. Initializing an array with an argument merely sets the length property with that value.
If the only argument passed to the Array constructor is an integer between 0 and 232-1 (inclusive), this returns a new JavaScript array with length set to that number. -Array MDN
Also, there is no array "Type". An array is an Object type. It is thus an Array Object ecma 5.1.
As a result, there will be no difference in memory usage between using
var one = new Array();
var two = new Array(1000);
aside from the length property. When tested in a loop using chrome's memory timeline, this checks out as well. Creating 1000 of each of those both result in roughly 2.2MB of allocation on my machine.
You'll have to measure performance because there are too many moving parts. The VM and the engine and browser. Then, the virtual memory (the platform windows/linux, the physical available memory and mass storage devices HD/SSD). And, obviously, the current load (presence of other web pages or if server-side, other applications).
I see little use in such an effort. Any ideal size for performance may just not be ideal anymore when another tab loads in the browser or the page is loaded on another machine.
Best thing I see here to improve is development time, write less and be quicker on deploying your website.
I know this question and the answer was about memory usage. BUT although there might be no difference in the allocated memory size between calling the two constructors (with and without the size parameter), there is a difference in performance when filling the array. Chrome engine obviously performs some pre-allocation, as suggested by this code run in the Chrome profiler:
function preAlloc() {
var a = new Array(100000);
for(var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
a[i] = i;
function noAlloc() {
var a = [];
var length = 100000;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
a[i] = i;
function repeat(func, count) {
var i = 0;
while (i++ < count) {
Array performance test
// 2413 ms scripting
repeat(noAlloc, 10000);
repeat(preAlloc, 10000);
The profiler shows that the function with no size parameter took 28 s to allocate and fill 100,000 items array for 1000 times and the function with the size parameter in the array constructor took under 7 seconds.

Performance of assigning values to array

Code optimizing is said here in SO that profiling is the first step for optimizing javascript and the suggested engines are profilers of Chrome and Firefox. The problem with those is that they tell in some weird way the time that each function is executed, but I haven't got any good understanding of them. The most helpful way would be that the profiler would tell, how many times each row is executed and if ever possible also the time that is spent on each row. This way would it be possible to see the bottlenecks strictly. But before such tool is implemented/found, we have two options:
1) make own calculator which counts both the time and how many times certain code block or row is executed
2) learn to understand which are slow methods and which are not
For option 2 is of great help. I have tried to learn optimizing arrays and made a speed test in JSPERF.COM. The following image shows the results in 5 main browsers and found some bottlenecks that I didn't know earlier.
The main findings were:
1) Assigning values to arrays is significantly slower than assigning to normal variables despite of which method is used for assigning.
2) Preinitializing and/or prefilling array before performance critical loops can improve speed significantly
3) Math trigonometric functions are not so slow when compared to pushing values into arrays(!)
Here are the explanations of every test:
1. non_array (100%):
The variables were given a predefined value this way:
var non_array_0=0;
var non_array_1=0;
var non_array_2=0;
and in timed region they were called this way:
The above is an array-like variable, but there seems to be no way to iterate or refer to those variables in other way as oppocite to array. Or is there?
Nothing in this test is faster than assigning a number to variable.
2. non_array_non_pre (83.78%)
Exactly the same as test 1, but the variables were not pre-initialized nor prefilled. The speed is 83,78% of the speed of test 1. In every tested browser the speed of prefilled variables was faster than non-prefilled. So initialize (and possibly prefill) variables outside any speed critical loops.
The test code is here:
var non_array_non_pre_0=0;
var non_array_non_pre_1=0;
var non_array_non_pre_2=0;
var non_array_non_pre_3=0;
var non_array_non_pre_4=0;
var non_array_non_pre_5=0;
var non_array_non_pre_6=0;
var non_array_non_pre_7=0;
var non_array_non_pre_8=0;
var non_array_non_pre_9=0;
3. pre_filled_array (19.96 %):
Arrays are evil! When we throw away normal variables (test1 and test2) and take arrays in to the picture, the speed decreases significantly. Although we make all optimizations (preinitialize and prefill arrays) and then assign values directly without looping or pushing, the speed decreases to 19.96 percent. This is very sad and I really don't understand why this occurs. This was one of the main shocks to me in this test. Arrays are so important, and I have not find a way to make many things without arrays.
The test data is here:
4. non_pre_filled_array (8.34%):
This is the same test as 3, but the array members are not preinitialized nor prefilled, only optimization was to initialize the array beforehand: var non_pre_filled_array=[];
The speed decreases 58,23 % compared to preinitilized test 3. So preinitializing and/or prefilling array over doubles the speed.
The test code is here:
5. pre_filled_array[i] (7.10%):
Then to the loops. Fastest looping method in this test. The array was preinitialized and prefilled.
The speed drop compared to inline version (test 3) is 64,44 %. This is so remarkable difference that I would say, do not loop if not needed. If array size is small (don't know how small, it have to be tested separately), using inline assignments instead of looping are wiser.
And because the speed drop is so huge and we really need loops, it's is wise to find better looping method (eg. while(i--)).
The test code is here:
for(var i=0;i<10;i++)
6. non_pre_filled_array[i] (5.26%):
If we do not preinitialize and prefill array, the speed decreases 25,96 %. Again, preinitializing and/or prefilling before speed critical loops is wise.
The code is here:
for(var i=0;i<10;i++)
7. Math calculations (1.17%):
Every test have to be some reference point. Mathematical functions are considered slow. The test consisted of ten "heavy" Math calculations, but now comes the other thing that struck me in this test. Look at speed of 8 and 9 where we push ten integer numbers to array in loop. Calculating these 10 Math functions is more than 30% faster than pushing ten integers into array in loop. So, may be it's easier to convert some array pushes to preinitialized non-arrays and keep those trigonometrics. Of course if there are hundred or thousands of calculations per frame, it's wise to use eg. sqrt instead of sin/cos/tan and use taxicab distances for distance comparisons and diamond angles (t-radians) for angle comparisons, but still the main bottleneck can be elsewhere: looping is slower than inlining, pushing is slower than using direct assignment with preinitilization and/or prefilling, code logic, drawing algorithms and DOM access can be slow. All cannot be optimized in Javascript (we have to see something on the screen!) but all easy and significant we can do, is wise to do. Someone here in SO has said that code is for humans and readable code is more essential than fast code, because maintenance cost is the biggest cost. This is economical viewpoint, but I have found that code optimizing can get the both: elegance and readability and the performance. And if 5% performance boost is achieved and the code is more straightforwad, it gives a good feeling!
The code is here:
8. pre_filled_array.push(i) (0.8%):
Push is evil! Push combined to loop is baleful evil! This is for some reason very slow method to assign values into array. Test 5 (direct assignments in loop), is nearly 9 times faster than this method and both methods does exactly the same thing: assign integer 0-9 into preinitialized and prefilled array. I have not tested if this push-for-loop evilness is due to pushing or looping or the combination of both or the looping count. There are in JSPERF.COM other examples that gives conflicting results. It's wiser to test just with the actual data and make decisions. This test may not be compatible with other data than what was used.
And here is the code:
for(var i=0;i<10;i++)
9. non_pre_filled_array.push(i) (0.74%):
The last and slowest method in this test is the same as test 8, but the array is not prefilled. A little slower than 9, but the difference is not significant (7.23%). But let's take an example and compare this slowest method to the fastest. The speed of this method is 0.74% of the speed of the method 1, which means that method 1 is 135 times faster than this. So think carefully, if arrays are at all needed in particular use case. If it is only one or few pushes, the total speed difference is not noticeable, but on the other hand if there are only few pushes, they are very simple and elegant to convert to non-array variables.
This is the code:
for(var i=0;i<10;i++)
And finally the obligatory SO question:
Because the speed difference according to this test seems to be so huge between non-array-variable- assignments and array-assignments, is there any method to get the speed of non-array-variable-assigments and the dynamics of arrays?
I cannot use var variable_$i = 1 in a loop so that $i is converted to some integer. I have to use var variable[i] = 1 which is significantly slower than var variable1 = 1 as the test proved. This may be critical only when there are large arrays and in many cases they are.
I made a new test to confirm the slowness of arrays access and tried to find faster way:
Array-read and/or array-write are significantly slower than using normal variables. If some operations are done to array members, it's wiser to store the array member value to a temp variable, make those operations to temp variable and finally store the value into the array member. And although code becomes larger, it's significantly faster to make those operations inline than in loop.
Conclusion: arrays vs normal variables are analogous to disk vs memory. Usually memory access is faster than disk access and normal variables access is faster than array access. And may be concatenating operations is also faster than using intermediate variables, but this makes code a little non readable.
Assigning values to arrays is significantly slower than assigning to normal variables. Arrays are evil! This is very sad and I really don't understand why this occurs. Arrays are so important!
That's because normal variables are statically scoped and can be (and are) easily optimised. The compiler/interpreter will learn their type, and might even avoid repeated assignments of the same value.
These kind of optimisations will be done for arrays as well, but they're not so easy and will need longer to take effect. There is additional overhead when resolving the property reference, and since JavaScript arrays are auto-growing lists the length needs to be checked as well.
Prepopulating the arrays will help to avoid reallocations for capacity changes, but for your little arrays (length=10) it shouldn't make much difference.
Is there any method to get the speed of non-array-variable-assigments and the dynamics of arrays?
No. Dynamics do cost, but they are worth it - as are loops.
You hardly ever will be in the case to need such a micro-optimisation, don't try it. The only thing I can think of are fixed-sized loops (n <= 4) when dealing with ImageData, there inlining is applicable.
Push is evil!
Nope, only your test was flawed. The jsperf snippets are executed in a timed loop without tearup and -down, and only there you have been resetting the size. Your repeated pushes have been producing arrays with lengths of hundredth thousands, with correspondent need of memory (re-)allocations. See the console at
Actually push is just as fast as property assignment. Good measurements are rare, but those that are done properly show varying results across different browser engine versions - changing rapidly and unexpected. See How to append something to an array?, Why is array.push sometimes faster than array[n] = value? and Is there a reason JavaScript developers don't use Array.push()? - the conclusion is that you should use what is most readable / appropriate for your use case, not what you think could be faster.

