Click event doesn't work inside jQuery dialog - javascript

got a problem that I have a form page which I open with jQuery UI dialog help. But in this page I have need to use .click event on some objects, but it doesn't work.
The code for this case is simple alert() test from that page.
<input type='text' class='input_date' value='' readonly />
So I want to get alert when I click on input field inside that dialog form.
$('.input_date').click(function() {
What's the problem, how can I get this work? Thanks

This is because you don't have the object you want to bind the event to at the moment of the jquery execution.
You need to delegate the event binding in a parent container or use the getScript jquery method after your dialog is loaded.
<div id="dialogContainer" />
$('#dialogContainer').on('click', '.input_date', function(){

If the dialog html is generated dynamically, your click callback wont be attached to the ".input_date" elment. Use this instead:
$('.input_date').live('click',function() {

Other options inside document.ready :

Put your click event in the open callback, like this:
$( ".selector" ).dialog({
open: function( event, ui ) {

It will work fine you just need to set attribute to readonly like
<input type='text' class='input_date' value='' readonly="readonly">
$('.input_date').click(function () {

You have not given document ready function from jquery. You can do it by
$(function() {
// your code
Sample for your program
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$(".input_date").bind("click", function(){
<input type='text' class='input_date' value='' readonly />


Keydown script only working when placing the script code below the input box?

When I place the script code above the text box it is not working but if I place code below the input field then it works.
<script src="js/jQueryv3.1.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<input type="number" id="phoneNo" />
<script src="js/jQueryv3.1.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<input type="number" id="phoneNo" />
Wrap your code with $(document).ready() like:
$(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
jQuery unable to find the input element when you define it before the input box, But when you write the same after the input box that time it will get the information about the input box.
Hope it will help you.
Suppose you want to attach a handler to an alreadt defined element, you can use
as you have already used.
However, if you want to attach a event handler to a dynamic element ( one you are creating later on ), you can use :
$(document).on('keydown', 'input', function(e){

When an input button field is added to the page using jQuery, how to access values

I have generated input button fields based on values inputted elsewhere in the page
$('#saved_answers').prepend('<input type="button" name="remove_answer" value="' + answerstring + '"><br />');
Afterwards, I tried calling:
$("input:button[name=remove_answer]").click(function() {
But nothing happens. When I view source, I also notice that none of the new code shows up. However, it does show up visually in the window.
You should use the jQuery on method rather than click, so something like
$('#saved_answers').on('click', 'some selector for your newly added button', function(){
This will allow for the event to be attached correctly.
See jQuery .on method
If you use this it should work:
<div id="saved_answers"></div>
<script src=""></script>
$('#saved_answers').prepend('<input type="button" name="remove_answer" value="test" />');
$('#saved_answers').on('click', 'input:button[name=remove_answer]', function(){
Correct me if I misunderstood your question. What you did is binding an event handler to the click event,
$("input:button[name=remove_answer]").click(function () {
if you want to trigger the click event, you need this

jQuery .on click event does not occur

Hi and thanks for reading. I've been trying to avoid using HTML onclick="__" references and instead putting these events in my .js file. After reading about jQuery's .click() and then .on() events, I tried to use this in my code for a button.
edit In my haste to make up a <p> that didn't have the rest of the contents, I entered "name" instead of "id". Many answers have recommended I either switch to a p[name=p+ or #p+ reference, but my main problem has been that I can't even hit the alert before the reference to the id/name. Thanks again for your answers.
<p name="pBananas"> junk </p>
<button class="deleter" id="dBananas" name="Bananas">Delete</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.deleter').click(function() {
alert('click function works');
$("p" + $(this).attr("name")).remove();
The above code won't even get to the alert when I click the button. I've also tried referring to the button by name and ID, and going by $(document).ready($('.deleter')___.
I tried using the $(handler) format as well to have the click event be set after the document is ready. Neither way seems to work. At this point, I resorted to onclick="deleteButton()" and have a deleteButton() function in my .js file, but the function won't detect $(this) and just deletes all <p> tags.
The rest of my javascript is working. I haven't tried including this .on() at the bottom of the HTML, but I'm trying to avoid scripts in my HTML as well. For completeness' sake, I've been testing on both Chrome and Firefox, using a .jsp file to render the HTML.
Thanks again.
here's how I'm referencing my jquery and js, directly copy-pasted.
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/index.js"></script>
here is how my html looks leading up to the div where the is inserted:
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="header">Card Draw Probability Calculator</div>
<div id="main">
<div id="cardList">
<legend> Select cards for probability calculation</legend>
<div id="innerCardList"></div>
Here is how the <p> is generated:
function newestCardListLineMaker() {
var $newLine = $('<p id="newestPara"><input type="checkbox" name="new" value="none"/> <input class="cardText" type="text" maxlength="30" name="newestCard" /> Quantity <input type="text" maxlength="1" class="quantityText" name="newestQuant" /><button class="deleter" id="newestDelete">Delete</button><br/></p>');
On another note, which I should have seen before as significant: the HTML that the .click or .on(click, handler) is referencing has been created by another js function.
Try using .on() function, so your code would be:
$('.deleter').on('click', function(){
//do stuff here
Even better would be this:
$('div_above_.deleter').on('click', '.deleter', function(){
// do stuff here
Hope this helps you.
I have modify your javascript code check it.
$('.deleter').click(function() {
alert('click function works');
var p="p"+$(this).attr("name");
working demo
<p id="pBananas"> junk </p>
<button class="deleter" id="dBananas" name="Bananas">Delete</button>​
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.deleter').click(function() {
alert('click function works');
$("#p" + $(this).attr("name")).hide();
Edited Jsfiddle
For me it works. Didn't delete the Paragraph element though so your code should look like this instead:
<p id="pBananas"> junk </p>
<button class="deleter" id="dBananas" name="Bananas">Delete</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.deleter').click(function() {
alert('click function works');
$("#p" + $(this).attr("name")).remove();
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.deleter').click(function() {
alert('click function works');
$("p[name=p" + $(this).attr("name") + "]").remove();
The final code I used to complete the .on('click') event was:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("div#innerCardList").on("click", "button.deleter", function() {
var paraName = $(this).closest("p").attr("id");
$("#" + paraName).remove();
The HTML elements which I wanted to assign click events to were generated after the page was already loaded. I needed to delegate the events to the containing div.
Thanks for all the help and different perspectives!

jQuery input button click event listener

Brand new to jQuery.
I was trying to set up an event listener for the following control on my page which when clicked would display an alert:
<input type="button" id="filter" name="filter" value="Filter" />
But it didn't work.
How do you create an event listener for a input button control with jQuery?
First thing first, button() is a jQuery ui function to create a button widget which has nothing to do with jQuery core, it just styles the button.
So if you want to use the widget add jQuery ui's javascript and CSS files or alternatively remove it, like this:
Another thing that might have caused you the problem is if you didn't wait for the input to be rendered and wrote the code before the input. jQuery has the ready function, or it's alias $(func) which execute the callback once the DOM is ready.
So even if the order is this it will work:
<input type="button" id="filter" name="filter" value="Filter" />
//Put your code here
More on gdoron's answer, it can also be done this way:
$(window).on("click", "#filter", function() {
without the need to place them all into $(function(){...})

unable to call click event in JS file

Below is the html code:
<input type="button" id="abc" name="TechSupport_PartsOrder" value="Open Editor" />
Below is the JQuery Code:
$('#abc').click(function () {
Now when i put the above JQuery code to JS file it does not work, while when i put the same in page it works fine. Why this is happening i don't knw.
And if i call the function onclick of button like this:
<input type="button" id="abc" name="TechSupport_PartsOrder" onclick="abc()" value="Open Editor" />
function abc()
it works well..
Wrap the code in a ready handler:
$(function() {
$('#abc').click(function() {
Did you make sure that the event handler is getting defined after the DOM has loaded? This is why jquery recommends putting all your code in
//XXX code goes here
you're event handler is probably try to be assigned before the element has been loaded into the DOM.
Does the following solve the problem?
$('#abc').click(function () {
Your code may be getting called before '#abc' has been added to the DOM

