How to use Javascript's getElementById on another page - javascript

I'm able to use document.getElementById() fine when working with the same page, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get the element by it's ID from a different page. So far, my guess has been to use jQuery's $.get function, which I haven't gotten to work either.
$(function() {
$('#inputform').submit(function(e) {
var rawnum = $('#inputform').serialize();
var num = rawnum.split("=")[1];
var url = ""; //this url is an example
$.get(url, function(data, status) {

Your page would need to be the opener and the other page and, more importantly, the two pages would have to be served by the same origin (see same origin policy) or that other page would have to be served with CORS headers precising this access is authorized.
As your example shows, this is obviously not the case so you simply can't access the element.


Can I get a parameter from shortened URL through an Iframe?

I have shortened URL's scanned from QRCODES.
The full URL has some parameters that I need.
I'm putting up an Iframe to load the shortened URL and was hoping to get the "full" url once it loaded.
But didn't get to work...
Is it possible?
Once the Iframe is loaded, I try access it using:
But always get an error
ERROR DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "http://localhost:8100" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
There are solutions to the communication between iframe and host if you control the content of both windows, but they often feel like hacks and can be limiting.
For a general solution, you could get the redirected URL before you even load the iframe.
The fetch api has a "redirect" option you can set to "manual" to get the URL it redirects to.
fetch(shorturl, {redirect: "manual"})
.then(function(response) {
var iframeurl;
if (response.type==="opaqueredirect") {
// set to redirected url
iframeurl = response.url
else {
// use original url.
iframeurl = shorturl
iframe.contentWindow.location.href = iframeurl;

Redirecting XMLHTTP request - Javascript

I have a web page that has a too much content and javascript. When the page loads it makes multiple requests using Ajax and XMLHttp to load data. Is there a way to hook up all these requests and direct them to a different server.
For example the webpage fetches data from and after it is loaded. Is is possible to insert a script somewhere in the webpage which automatically changes any request made to
Waiting for answer. Thanks
You can add a global handler to the ajaxSend event, the event will be triggered right before the ajax request being sent out. So you can check the request uri, apply some filtering logic, and then redirect the request by abort the original and resend it.
Below is an example
$(document).ajaxSend(function(e, xhr, opt) {
if (opt.url.indexOf("") !== -1) {
// abort the request
// change the uri to
opt.url = opt.url.replace("", "");
Ok. So I followed Anthony C's answer and it did actually work. But the problem with his solution is that it only works with Ajax requests not XMLHttpRequests (I am not sure why, I am a beginner at this topic.) However digging on his idea of creating a hook I came across a similar post here How to get the URL of a xmlhttp request (AJAX). The code provided a way to fetch the requested URL for each request. So by a little tweak to the code I managed to come up with this:- = (function(open) {
return function(method,url,async) {
var uri=getLocation(url);// use get location function to convert requested url string into readable url
url="" + url;
var getLocation = function(href) {
var l = document.createElement("a");
l.href = href;
return l;
This code at top of the page allows me to change the host name of all XMLHttpRequests that are not directed towards Though I am sure there are better ways to write this code as well but since I am not an expert over javascript this will suffice my need for the time.

Making a Same Domain iframe Secure

tl;dr Can I execute un-trusted scripts on an iframe safely?
Back story:
I'm trying to make secure JSONP requests. A lot of older browsers do not support Web Workers which means that the current solution I came up with is not optimal.
I figured I could create an <iframe> and load a script inside it. That script would perform a JSONP request (creating a script tag), which would post a message to the main page. The main page would get the message, execute the callback and destroy the iframe. I've managed to do this sort of thing.
function jsonp(url, data, callback) {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "none";
var iframedoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
sc = document.createElement("script");
sc.textContent = "(function(p){ cb = function(result){p.postMessage(result,'');};})(parent);";
//sc.textContent += "alert(cb)";
var jr = document.createElement("script");
var getParams = ""; // serialize the GET parameters
for (var i in data) {
getParams += "&" + i + "=" + data[i];
jr.src = url + "?callback=cb" + getParams;
window.onmessage = function (e) {
jsonp("", {
foo: "bar"
}, function (result) {
alert("Result: " + JSON.stringify(result));
The problem is that since the iframes are on the same domain, the injected script still has access to the external scope through .top or .parent and such.
Is there any way to create an iframe that can not access data on the parent scope?
I want to create an iframe where scripts added through script tags will not be able to access variables on the parent window (and the DOM). I tried stuff like top=parent=null but I'm really not sure that's enough, there might be other workarounds. I tried running a for... in loop, but my function stopped working and I was unable to find out why.
I know optimally WebWorkers are a better isolated environment. I know JSONP is a "bad" technique (I even had some random guy tell me he'd never use it today). I'm trying to create a secure environment for scenarios where you have to perform JSONP queries.
You can't really delete the references, setting null will just silently fail and there is always a way to get the reference to the parent dom.
References like frameElement and frameElement.defaultView etc. cannot be deleted. Attempting to do so will either silently fail or throw exception depending on browser.
You could look into Caja/Cajita though.
tl;dr no
Any untrusted script can steal cookies (like a session id!) or read information from the DOM like the value of a credit card input field.
JavaScript relies on the security model that all code is trusted code. Any attempts at access from another domain requires explicit whitelisting.
If you want to sandbox your iframe you can serve the page from another domain. This does mean that you can't share a session or do any kind of communication because it can be abused. It's just like including an unrelated website. Even then there are possibilities for abuse if you allow untrusted JavaScript. You can for instance do: = 'http://my.phishing.domain/';, the user might not notice the redirect.

get iframe src in a page loaded via jquery $.get?

I'm loading a page using $.get, that page i load has an iframe.
i know the iframe id, but for some reason i cant get the src value...
assuming this is my code
function loadPage(postid) {
$.get("/post/" + postid,
function(data) {
var p = $(data).find("iframe").attr('src');
i get undefined result...
but the console of data is an Object complete with all the valus i need...i'm not sure if it just a problem of selecting in the right way
The following should work:
$.get('/someScript', function(result) {
var frameSource = $('iframe', result).attr('src');
Here's a live demo. Just make sure you are not violating the same origin policy. That's why it's always better to use relative urls when performing AJAX requests (/somescript).

Dynamic Script Tags for JSON requests... detecting if there is a XXX error?

I do a bunch of json requests with dynamic script tags. Is it possible to detect if there's an error in the request (eg. 503 error, 404 error) and run something on detection of the error?
use ajax instead. AFAIK there is no way to detect if a script tag loads or not, and if not, why it didn't load. Using ajax you can load the json and it will tell you why it didn't load.
Using a library like jQuery this becomes very simple:
type: "GET",
url: "test.js",
dataType: "script",
error: function(xhr, error, exception){
alert(xhr.status); //Will alert 404 if the script does not exist
AFAIK, there's no way to access status code of some external asset loaded from the document (such as script, style or image). Even detecting error (via, say, onerror event handler) is not that widely supported across browsers.
If whatever you're loading falls under SOP, use XHR which gives you access to response headers. Otherwise, you can try looking into recently introduced X-domain XHR.
I'm assuming you want this to work cross-domain, which is why you can't use XHR?
Try creating two script tags for each request, the first does your standard JSONP request, the second is basically an error handler.
If the first script tag executes, then clear the error handler in your callback. But if the first gets a 404, the error handler inside the second script tag will be run.
You probably also want to set a timeout, to cope with a slow JSONP response. ?
If you're using jQuery, check out jQuery-JSONP which is a jQuery plugin that does a fairly decent job of doing the <script> insertion for you as well as detecting fetch errors.
Quoting from the project page, jQuery-JSONP features:
error recovery in case of network failure or ill-formed JSON responses,
precise control over callback naming and how it is transmitted in the URL,
multiple requests with the same callback name running concurrently,
two caching mechanisms (browser-based and page based),
the possibility to manually abort the request just like any other AJAX request,
a timeout mechanism.
If you need to cross domains (and need the page to work portably), you have to use dynamic script tags.
If you have access to the remote server, you can pass back an error code from the server, and have the server page return 200.
Whether you have access or not, you can use setTimeout when you create the script tag, passing a function that will trigger an error if it expires before the jsonp handler is called. Make sure that the jsonp handler aborts if the error handler has been called.
You'll need to track each request through a global collection, but you'll gain the ability to cancel and count requests. This is similar to the way that XHR objects are managed by a library like jQuery.
If you want to detect errors, listen for an error event and compare the fileName property of the error with the file name of the script. If they match, you then handle the error. The thing is, I think that the fileName property is Firefox and Opera-only. Most browsers that have a stacktrace for errors can also simulate this behaviour.
Here's an example, as requested by Eric Bréchemier:
var getErrorScriptNode = (function () {
var getErrorSource = function (error) {
var loc, replacer = function (stack, matchedLoc) {
loc = matchedLoc;
if ("fileName" in error) {
loc = error.fileName;
} else if ("stacktrace" in error) { // Opera
error.stacktrace.replace(/Line \d+ of .+ script (.*)/gm, replacer);
} else if ("stack" in error) { // WebKit
error.stack.replace(/at (.*)/gm, replacer);
loc = loc.replace(/:\d+:\d+$/, "");
return loc;
anchor = document.createElement("a");
return function (error) {
anchor.href = getErrorSource(error);
var src = anchor.href,
scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
for (var i = 0, l = scripts.length; i < l; i++) {
anchor.href = scripts.item(i).src;
if (anchor.href === src) {
return scripts.item(i);

