when should I put var in front of function in js? - javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
var output = function() {console.log('result')}
If I changed to output = function() {console.log('result')}; it still shows the right result, so my question is:
what is the difference between them? when should I put var in front of function in js? is that the same principle as var in front of variable?

A function defined in a script tag is in the global scope (ie the window object in a browser context) so there is no difference in this case.
Inside a function block, however, is a different story. For example:
foo = function() {
var foo = 1;
foo(); // logs '1'
foo(); // logs '1'
foo = function() {
foo = 1;
foo(); // logs '1'
foo(); // SyntaxError: Unexpected token function
Because foo wasn't defined locally, we overwrote the global object.

You're in the global window scope, so there's no difference.
It doesn't matter what the type of the variable is.
If this is declared in functions, then there is a difference:
function name(){
var a=1;
Here a will be undefined, as var declares the variable in the scope of the function.
As an excercise:
var a=2;
function name(){
var a=1;
This alerts 2 instead of 1, since the middle var belongs in the scope of the function, which is separate from the global scope.
You can also modify global variables this way:
var a=2;
function name(){
Also compare this with let, which limits it's scope to the block instead: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/let

"Is that the same principle as var in front of variable?"
Yes. output is a variable.
So I would suggest you use var in front of it when you define it. You could eventually change its value without using var. As in:
var A=1;
Consider the "script" of the funcion as the "value" of that variable.
var F=function() {console.log('one')};
// change it later
F=function() {console.log('two')};
(not suggesting you do this, but to show you it is 100% a var)
You are actually assigning to the variable named "output" a value of "function() {console.log('result')}" not as a string but as a script that gets executed. Note the semicolon at the end like in var A=3;
Now "inside" output there is the code that executes console.log('result'). (more or less, just to explain).
As you usually do not change that same function later (you can, and sometimes it is done) I really suggest you use var in front of it every time you define a function like this, even in cases when it is not strictly necessary, just to be safe you do not override an existing function.
This is a bit different from defining the function as:
function output() {console.log('result')}
Here there is no = sign, no assignment, no semicolon at the end. This is not a variable assignment but a function "definition" although results are similar, and you can call output() in both cases, there are differences. The main one I think is that function definitions are examined before executing the script line by line, while with assignment you really need to have the assignment line processed before you can use the function. So this:
function output() {console.log('result')}
works. While this:
output(); // nope! output not defined yet!
var output=function() {console.log('result')}
doesn't. Variables are assigned or changed when the assignment instruction is read and interpreted.
// here A is undefined, B() prints 'ok'
var A=function() {console.log('first')};
// here A() prints 'first', B() prints 'ok' as usual
A=function() {console.log('second')}; // change it
// here A() prints 'second', B() prints 'ok' as usual
function B() {console.log('ok')}
// same here A() prints 'second', B() prints 'ok'

Without var your variable will be declared as global variable which means it is available on other JS files too. In short If you declare a variable, without using var, the variable always becomes GLOBAL.

Generally there is no difference because you are in the global scope, but in ES5 there's a strict mode, which slightly changes the behavior of undeclared variables. In strict mode, assignment to an undeclared identifier (not putting var in front) is a ReferenceError.
For example:
"use strict";
myVariable = "foo"; // throws a ReferenceError

Function or not function, here's what MDN has to say about var:
The scope of a variable declared with var is the enclosing function or, for variables declared outside a function, the global scope (which is bound to the global object).
Using var outside a function is optional; assigning a value to an undeclared variable implicitly declares it as a global variable (it is now a property of the global object). The difference is that a declared variable is a non-configurable property of the global object while an undeclared is configurable.
And you could also read about the function statement here and the function operator here.


Javascript: When does a global get created

At what point would the global variable be created in the following function below; before test() is executed or after?
var test = function(){
foo = 5
Edit: I am referring to foo variable
..before test() is executed or after?
It depends which global variable you're referring to, test or foo.
For test: Before. var declarations are "hoisted," they're processed before any step-by-step code in the scope where they appear is executed; global ones are executed prior to any step-by-step code at global scope in that script. (Subsequent scripts are handled separately, first vars, then step-by-step code.)
For foo: During.
The order of that code is:
Declarations occur:
The global test is created with the value undefined.
Step-by-step execution is done:
The assignment test = function() { foo = 5 } is executed
The function is created
It's assigned to test
test() is executed
The assignment foo = 5 is done, creating an implicit global called foo (more on my blog: The Horror of Implicit Globals)
This is easy enough to test:
// The code within the function won't be evaluated (nor any variables within it be hoisted)
// until that code is invoked
var test = function(){
foo = 5;
// This will fail saying that foo is undefined, so we know that the global
// hasn't been created yet
// Call the function and force the code within it to be evaluated
// Works. The global has been created..
The variable foo will be create when an interpreter will try to assign the variable foo, so during the function execution.
var test = function(){
foo = 5
window.hasOwnProperty('foo'); // false
window.hasOwnProperty('foo'); // true
Here in your code
var test = function(){ foo = 5};
test is the global variable which holds the Function object. It is created before test() function invocation during global execution environment .
foo is also global variable as no var, let or const keyword is there. But it will be created after invocation of test() function.

Why is this console log affected by a subsequent if statement?

Consider the following code:
var a = 'a';
function b() {
if (!a) {
var a = 'b';
Running b() prints undefined to the console. However, if you remove the if statement, or even simply remove the var keyword from the expression within the if statement so that you're redefining the outer a variable, the string a will be printed to the console as expected.
Can anyone explain this? The only cause I can think of is that this is a race condition, and the if statement is running just a tad faster than the console.log.
This is not a race condition - it's a language feature and is working as the designers of the Javascript language intended.
Because of hoisted variable definitions (where all variable definitions within a function scope are hoisted to the top of the function), your code is equivalent to this:
var a = 'a';
function b() {
var a;
if (!a) {
a = 'b';
So, the locally declared a hides the globally declared a and initially has a value of undefined until your if statement gives it a value.
You can find lots of discussion about this characteristic of the Javascript language by searching for "Javascript hoisting".
When you use var statement in a function, it will be creating a new variable which is local to that function.
All the variables declared in the function, will be moved to the top of the function, irrespective of the place where they are actually declared. This is called Hoisting.
The hoisted variables will have the value undefined, by default, till they are explicitly assigned a value.
It prints undefined as it is, because of the 3rd point.
In your case, you declared a variable a within the if block. Since the variables are hoisted, the declaration is moved to the top of the function. It has the same name as the outer variable. When you access a in the function, it first looks in the current scope if there is a variable by that name exists. It checks other scopes only if it is not found in local scope. So, the local a shadows the outer a. When you remove the var statement, there is no a in local scope, so the outer a is used. That is why it prints a.

function(a){ var a='test'; } : Is "var" required? What if a is undefined?

Quite a javascript 101 question, but, here goes:
function test(a){
var a='test';
Is the "var" required to keep the variable from going global?
function test(a){
Would this suffice?
How about if the function is called with a undefined?
function test(a){
In the above snippet, would a become global?
Every parameter is implicitly a var.
(The argument value supplied doesn't matter.)
You can pass arguments to a function. These are considered local variables inside the functions scope regardless of wether the function is called with those arguments or not.
If the function is called without supplying a value for all the arguments, the arguments that are not passed when calling the function are set to a value of undefined, but they are still declared inside the functions scope as locals.
function test(a){
var a = 'test';
Is the "var" required to keep the variable from going global?
No the var keyword is not required, and in fact should not be used, as you're redeclaring the a variable, and redeclaring variables is not allowed.
function test(a){
a = 'test';
Would this suffice?
Yes, that's fine and is the way it should be done. You alread have a variable named a, and now you're setting it to a different value.
How about if the function is called with a undefined?
function test(a){
a = 'test';
As mentioned above, it doesn't matter, the argument a is still declared as a local variable inside the function, the value is just set to undefined, so the var keyword should not be used as you're not creating a new variable, a already exists, you're just giving it a new value.
If you are not using "use strict" then if you don't use var, a will be attached to the global namespace implicitly, which in a browser is equivalent to window.a. This is known as "polluting the global namespace" and is generally considered bad practice.
This is not the same as a formal argument bound to a name, as is in your examples. This lives in the function scope as 'a'
However, if you use "use strict", the absence of var throws an error in environments that support "use strict" for any variables not formally bound in the function signature. It basically safeguards against bad practices and potential mistakes/bugs in your code that are easy to make
I actually think its worth mentioning let too, which is a way of explicitly binding a variable for use in a given scope. So you needn't use var, if you use let
Check support for this keyword in your environment first!
Well, there are some points to comment:
First of all, within a function variables must have var if they are not a reference to an outside var:
var outside_var = "OUT!";
var myFunction = function() {
var inner_var = "IN";
console.log(outside_var); //Will prompt "OUT!"
console.log(inner_var); //Will prompt "IN"
console.log(outside_var); //Will prompt "OUT!"
console.log(inner_var); //Will prompt undefined
Another point is that every var defined as an argument, is already defined in function scope, you don't need to declare it with var:
var outside_var = "OUT!";
var myFunction = function(a) { //imagine you call myFunction("I'M");
var inner_var = a + " IN";
console.log(outside_var); //Will prompt "OUT!"
console.log(a); //Will prompt "I'M"
console.log(inner_var); //Will prompt "I'M IN"
console.log(outside_var); //Will prompt "OUT!"
console.log(a); //Will prompt undefined
console.log(inner_var); //Will prompt undefined

Variables defined in global scope with identical names

Can anybody explain, why next js code rises two alert windows with 'string1' text rather than to rise the second with 'undefined' text inside?? If both variables are described in the same scope..
var a = 'string1';
var a;
Variable declarations (and function declarations) are hoisted to the top of the scope in which they appear. Assignments happen in place. The code is effectively interpreted like this:
var a;
var a;
a = 'string1';
For example, consider what happens if you declare a variable inside an if statement body:
console.log(myVar); //undefined (NOT a reference error)
if (something === somethingElse) {
var myVar = 10;
console.log(myVar); //10
Because JavaScript does not have block scope, all declarations in each scope are hoisted to the top of that scope. If you tried to log some variable that was not declared, you would get a reference error. The above example is interpreted like this:
var myVar; //Declaration is hoisted
if (something === somethingElse) {
myVar = 10; //Assignment still happens here
So even if the condition evaluates to false, the myVar variable is still accessible. This is the main reason that JSLint will tell you to move all declarations to the top of the scope in which they appear.
In slightly more detail... this is what the ECMAScript 5 spec has to say (bold emphasis added):
For each VariableDeclaration and VariableDeclarationNoIn d in code, in
source text order do
Let dn be the Identifier in d.
varAlreadyDeclared be the result of calling env’s HasBinding concrete
method passing dn as the argument.
If varAlreadyDeclared is false, then
Call env’s CreateMutableBinding concrete method passing dn and
configurableBindings as the arguments.
Call env’s SetMutableBinding concrete method passing dn, undefined, and strict as the arguments.
So, if a binding already exists with the identifier we are trying to bind now, nothing happens.
Thats because JavaScript does something called variable hoisting. In fact, your JS looks like this:
var a; // hoisted -> declared on top
a = 'string1';
See How Good C# Habits can Encourage Bad JavaScript Habits for more details on how JavaScript works.
That's because the second var a isn't a separate variable declaration. As far as the javascript interpreter is concerned it is the same a as the first one.
var means "Scope this variable to this function" not "Set the value of this variable to undefined".
If the variable is already scoped to the function then var foo means the same as just plain foo

Trying to figure out how scope works

I'm trying to learn JS on codeacademy and I can't understand/get past this thing. Can someone please provide an answer and also an explanation of why is it so? Would deeply appreciate.
// This function tries to set foo to be the
// value specified.
function setFoo(val) {
// foo is declared in a function. It is not
// accessible outside of the function.
var foo = val;
// Now that we are outside the function, foo is
// not defined and the program will crash! Fix this
// by moving the declaration of foo outside of the
// function. Make sure that setFoo will still update
// the value of foo.
You can see scope as a term meaning what variables you can reach at a specific "level" in the code. In JavaScript, these "levels" are defined by functions. Each function introduces a new level.
For example, take this sample code:
var a;
// you can access a at this level
function function1() {
var b;
// you can access a, b at this level
function function2() {
var c;
// you can access a, b, c at this level
So in your case, you should declare var foo; outside the function, preferably above it. Then you can set it inside setFoo with foo = val;. foo then refers to the one you declared in the level above setFoo.
foo is accessible both in setFoo and in the alert call that way; compare it with the above sample code (function1 is setFoo, a is foo and the alert call is in the top-most level. function2, b and c are not used in your case.).
// Create globale variable
// (You should not use globale variables!)
var foo;
// set value
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val;
// show value
Just declare foo outside any function then it will be global:
var foo = null;
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val;
Try it !
When you declare a variable in Javascript it is only visible to code that is in the same function as it is declared, or a function inernal to that function. Because foo is originally declared in the SetFoo function nothing outside of SetFoo is able to see it, so the call to alert fails as foo does not exist in the gloabl scope.
As the comments suggest, moving the declaration of foo out of the function and into the global scope (which you can think of as a catch-all function that contains everything) would allow you to use foo when calling alert.
var foo;
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val;
alert(foo); // No longer crashes
Every function in Javascript has it's own scope. That means that every variable you define there with the var keyword, will only be available within that function. That means that when you call setFoo(10), you create the variable foo, give it a value of five, after which it is immediately destroyed because it went out of scope.
There are multiple ways to solve this problem. The first would be to remove the var keyword. This would put foo in the global scope, which means that it's available everywhere. However, this is discouraged, you want to keep the global scope as uncluttered as possible, so that if you have javascript code provided by multiple people on the same page, they can't overwrite other people's variables. Another way to do it would be this:
function setFoo(val){
var foo = val;
alertfoo = function(){
In this example, the only thing you're putting in the global scope is the alertfoo function, because you want that to be available everywhere. The alertfoo function is defined inside the setFoo function, this means that although foo should have gone out of scope after setfoo has been executed, it is kept in memory, because alertfoo has access to it.
This makes for some nice tricks. For example, let's say you're making a javascript library that will be included on other people's pages, you'll want to create a scope inside of which you can define variables, without polluting the global scope. The most common way to do this, is by declairing a self-executing function. This is a function which is executed immediately after being defined, it looks like this:
//set variables you want to be global in your own code
var mainpage = document.getElementById('main');
//define functions you want to make available to other people in a way that puts them in the global scope
setMainElement = function(newmain){mainpage = newmain;}
You can make this even better by making only one object global, and provide your interfae through the methods of that object, this way, you create a namespace with all the functions that your library contains. The next example uses an object literal to do this. In javascript, you can create an object by putting key/value pairs petween curly braces. the key/value pairs are properties of the object. for example:
var privatevar = 10,otherprivate=20;
publicInterface = {
'addToPrivate': function(x){privatevar+=x;},
'getPrivate': function(){return private}
Original code:
function setFoo(val) {
var foo = val;
alert(foo); // Crash!
Their advice to fix the crash:
Fix this by moving the declaration of foo outside of the function
I'm guessing you're confused as to what they mean by "outside of the function".
Try this edited code:
var foo = 5; // "var" declares the variable to be in this outer scope
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val; // but we can still access it in this inner scope...
alert(foo); // Displays a dialog box that says "10"
Variables defined in the function is valid only in the function
function setFoo(val) {
foo = val;
In JavaScript, new scopes are only created by functions

