Javascript Regex + Unicode Diacritic Combining Characters` - javascript

I want to match this character in the African Yoruba language 'ẹ́'. Usually this is made by combining an 'é' with a '\u0323' under dot diacritic. I found that:
'é\u0323'.match(/[é]\u0323/) works but
'ẹ́'.match(/[é]\u0323/) does not work.
I don't just want to match e. I want to match all combinations. Right now, my solution involves enumerating all combinations. Like so: /[ÁÀĀÉÈĒẸE̩Ẹ́É̩Ẹ̀È̩Ẹ̄Ē̩ÍÌĪÓÒŌỌO̩Ọ́Ó̩Ọ̀Ò̩Ọ̄Ō̩ÚÙŪṢS̩áàāéèēẹe̩ẹ́é̩ẹ̀è̩ẹ̄ē̩íìīóòōọo̩ọ́ó̩ọ̀ò̩ọ̄ō̩úùūṣs̩]/
Could there not be a shorter and thus better way to do this, or does regex matching in javascript of unicode diacritic combining characters not work this easily?
Thank you

Normally the solution would be to use Unicode properties and/or scripts, but JavaScript does not support them natively.
But there exists the lib XRegExp that adds this support. With this lib you can use
\p{L}: to match any kind of letter from any language.
\p{M}: a character intended to be combined with another character (e.g. accents, umlauts, enclosing boxes, etc.).
So your character class would look like this:
that would match all possible letters that are in the Unicode table.
If you want to limit it, you can have a look at Unicode scripts and replace \p{L} by a script, they collect all letters from certain languages. e.g. \p{Latin} for all Latin letters or \p{Cyrillic} for all Cyrillic letters.

Usually this is made by combining an 'é' with a '\u0323' under dot diacritic
However, that isn't what you have here:
that's not U+0065,U+0323 but U+1EB9,U+0301 - combining an ẹ with an acute diacritic.
The usual solution would be to normalise each string (typically to Unicode Normal Form C) before doing the comparison.
I don't just want to match e. I want to match all combinations
Matching without diacriticals is typically done by normalising to Normal Form D and removing all the combining diacritical characters.
Unfortunately normalisation is not available in JS, so if you want it you would have to drag in code to do it, which would have to include a large Unicode data table. One such effort is unorm. For picking up characters based on Unicode preoperties like being a combining diacritical, you'd also need a regexp engine with support for the Unicode database, such as XRegExp Unicode Categories.
Server-side languages (eg Python, .NET) typically have native support for Unicode normalisation, so if you can do the processing on the server that would generally be easier.


Why does NFKC normalize of all digits not work?

In JavaScript I am using NFKC normalization via String.prototype.normalize to normalize fullwidth to standard ASCII halfwidth characters.
'1'.normalize('NFKC') === '1'
> true
However, looking at more obscure digits like ૫ which is the digit 5 in Gujarati it does not normalize.
'૫'.normalize('NFKC') === '5'
> false
What am I missing?
Unicode normalisation is meant for characters that are variants of each other, not for every set of characters that might have similar meanings.
The character ‘1’ (FULLWIDTH DIGIT ONE) is essentially just the character ‘1’ (DIGIT ONE) with slightly different styling and would not have been encoded if it was not necessary for compatibility. They are – in some contexts – completely interchangeable, so the former was assigned a decomposition mapping to the latter. The character ‘૫’ (GUJARATI DIGIT FIVE) does not have a decomposition mapping because it is not a variant of any other character; it is its own distinct thing.
You can consult the Unicode Character Database to see which characters decompose and which (i.e. most of them) don’t. The link to the tool you posted as part of your question shows you for example that ૫ does not change under any form of Unicode normalisation.
You are looking the wrong problem.
Unicode is main purpose is about encoding characters (without loosing information). Fonts and other programs should be able to interpret such characters and give a glyph (according combination code point, nearby characters, and other characteristics outside code points [like language, epoch, font characteristic [script and non-script, uppercase, italic, etc changes how to combine characters and ligature (and also glyph form).
There are two main normalization (canonical and compatible) [and two variant: decomposed, and composed when possible]. Canonical normalization remove unneeded characters (repetition) and order composing characters in a standard way. Compatible normalization remove "compatible characters": characters that are in Unicode just not to lose information on converting to and from other charset.
Some digits (like small 2 exponent) have compatible character as normal digit (this is a formatting question, unicode is not about formatting). But on the other cases, digits in different characters should be keep ad different characters.
That was about normalization.
But you want to get the numeric value of a unicode character (warning: it could depends on other characters, position, etc.).
Unicode database provides also such property.
With Javascript, you may use unicode-properties javasript package, which provide you also the function getNumericValue(codePoint). This packages seems to use efficient compression of database, but so I don't know how fast it could be. The database is huge.
The NFKC which you are using here stands for Compatibility Decomposition followed by Canonical Composition, which in trivial english means first break things to smaller more often used symbols and then combine them to find the equivalent simpler character. For example 𝟘->0, fi->fi (Codepoint fi=64257).
It does not do conversion to ASCII, for example in ख़(2393)-> ख़([2326, 2364])
For simpler understanding:

JavaScript print all used Unicode characters

I am trying to make JavaScript print all Unicode characters. According to my research, there are 1,114,112 Unicode characters.
A script like the following could work:
for(i = 0; i < 1114112; i++)
But I found out that only 10% of the 1,114,112 Unicode characters are used.
How can I can I only print the used unicode characters?
As Jukka said, JavaScript has no built-in way of knowing whether a given Unicode code point has been assigned a symbol yet or not.
There is still a way to do what you want, though.
I’ve written several scripts that parse the Unicode database and create separate data files for each category, property, script, block, etc. in Unicode. I’ve also created an HTTP API that allows you to programmatically get all code points (i.e. an array of numbers) in a given Unicode category, or all symbols (i.e. an array of strings for each character) with a given Unicode property, or a regular expression with that matches any symbols in a certain Unicode script.
For example, to get an array of strings that contains one item for each Unicode code point that has been assigned a symbol in Unicode v6.3.0, you could use the following URL:
Note that you can prepend and append anything you like to the output by tweaking the URL parameters, to make it easier to reuse the data in your own scripts. An example HTML page that console.log()s all these symbols, as you requested, could be written as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>All assigned Unicode v6.3.0 symbols</title>
<script src=""></script>
window.symbols.forEach(function(symbol) {
// Do what you want to do with `symbol` here, e.g.
Demo. Note that since this is a lot of data, you can expect your DevTools console to become slow when opening this page.
Update: Nowadays, you should use Unicode data packages such as unicode-11.0.0 instead. In Node.js, you can then do the following:
const symbols = require('unicode-11.0.0/Binary_Property/Assigned/symbols.js');
// Or, to get the code points:
// Or, to get a regular expression that only matches these characters:
There is no direct way in JavaScript to find out whether a code point is assigned to a character or not, which appears to be the question here. You need information extracted from suitable sources, and this information needs to be updated whenever new characters are assigned in new versions of Unicode.
There are 1,114,112 code points in Unicode. The Unicode standard assigns to each code point the property gc, General Category. If the value of this property is anything but Cs, Co, or Cn, then the code point is assigned to a character. (Code points with gc equal to Co are Private Use code points, to which no character is assigned, but they may be used for characters by private agreements.)
What you would need to do is to get a copy of some relevant files in the Unicode character database (just a collection of files in specific formats, really) and write code that reads it and generates information about assigned code points. For the purposes of printing all Unicode characters, it might be best to generate the information as an array of ranges of assigned codepoints. And this would need to be repeated when the standard is updated with new characters.
Even the rest isn’t trivial. You would need to decide what it means to print a character. Some characters are control characters that may have an effect such as causing a newline, but lacking a visible glyph. Some (spaces) have empty glyphs. Some (combining marks) are meant to be rendered as marks attached to preceding character, though they have conventional renderings as “standalone” characters, too. Some are meant to take essentially different shapes depending on nearest context; they may have isolated forms, too, but just writing a character after another by no means guarantees that an isolated form is used.
Then there’s the problem of fonts. No single font can contain all Unicode characters, so you would need to find a collection of fonts that cover all of Unicode when used together, preferably so that they stylistically match somehow.
So if you are just looking for a compilation of all printable Unicode characters, consider using the Unicode code charts.
The trouble here is that Javascript is not, contrary to popular opinion, a Unicode environment.
Internally, it uses USC-2, an incompatible 16-bit encoding method that predates UTF16.
In addition, many of the unicode characters are not directly printable by themselves -- some of them are modifies for the previous characters -- for example the Spanish letter ñ can be written in unicode either as a single point -- that character -- or as two points -- n and ~
Here are a couple of resources that should really help you in understanding this:

Using charCodeAt() and fromCharCode to obtain Unicode characters (code value > 55349) with JS

I use "".charCodeAt(pos) to get the Unicode number for a strange character, and then String.fromCharCode for the reverse.
But I'm having problems with characters that have a Unicode number greater than 55349. For example, the Blackboard Bold characters. If I want Lowercase Blackboard Bold X (𝕩), which has a Unicode number of 120169, if I alert the code from JavaScript:
I get another character. The same thing happens if I log an Uppercase Blackboard Bold X (𝕏), which has a Unicode number of 120143, from directly within JavaScript:
Is there a method to work with these kind of characters?
Internally, Javascript stores strings in a 16-bit encoding resembling UCS2 and UTF-16. (I say resembling, since it’s really neither of those two). The fact that they’re 16-bits means that characters outside the BMP, with code points above 65535, will be split up into two different characters. If you store the two different characters separately, and recombine them later, you should get the original character without problem.
Recognizing that you have such a character can be rather tricky, though.
Mathias Bynens has written a blog post about this: JavaScript’s internal character encoding: UCS-2 or UTF-16?. It’s very interesting (though a bit arcane at times), and concludes with several references to code libraries that support the conversion from UCS-2 to UTF-16 and vice versa. You might be able to find what you need in there.

JavaScript regex for validating for alphanumeric characters,all international characters (Japanese, Chinese, Russian etc)

One of my project requirements is to validate a data field(text box from web page). I need to allow alpha numeric characters in all foreign languages (japanese,chinese,korean,russian,latin american characters etc). And avoid special characters.
I am using the expression /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/ (javascript, asp .net page)
Many blogs I have read and not able to correctly understand what exactly I have to do here. I can't add any addons or plugins and have to use the available functionality of regex.
How do regex engine recognize other language characters (esp. Unicode)?
You will need to use Unicode regular expressions. Please check this previous SO thread in which various unicode matching mechanisms are discussed.

Why this regex is not working for german words?

I am trying to break the following sentence in words and wrap them in span.
<p class="german_p big">Das ist ein schönes Armband</p>
I followed this:
How to get a word under cursor using JavaScript?
$('p').each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
$this.html($this.text().replace(/\b(\w+)\b/g, "<span>$1</span>"));
The only problem i am facing is, after wrapping the words in span the resultant html is like this:
<p class="german_p big"><span>Das</span> <span>ist</span> <span>ein</span> <span>sch</span>ö<span>nes</span> <span>Armband</span>.</p>
so, schönes is broken into three words sch, ö and nes. why this is happening? What could be the correct regex for this?
Unicode in Javascript Regexen
Like Java itself, Javascript doesn't support Unicode in its \w, \d, and \b regex shortcuts. This is (arguably) a bug in Java and Javascript. Even if one manages through casuistry or obstinacy to argue that it is not a bug, it's sure a big gotcha. Kinda bites, really.
The problem is that those popular regex shortcuts only apply to 7-bit ASCII whether in Java or in Javascript. This restriction is painfully 1970s‐ish; it makes absolutely no sense in the 21ˢᵗ century. This blog posting from this past March makes a good argument for fixing this problem in Javascript.
It would be really nice if some public-spirited soul would please add Javascript to this Wikipedia page that compares the support regex features in various languages.
This page says that Javascript doesn't support any Unicode properties at all. That same site has a table that's a lot more detailed than the Wikipedia page I mention above. For Javascript features, look under its ECMA column.
However, that table is in some cases at least five years out of date, so I can't completely vouch for it. It's a good start, though.
Unicode Support in Other Languages
Ruby, Python, Perl, and PCRE all offer ways to extend \w to mean what it is supposed to mean, but the two J‐thingies do not.
In Java, however, there is a good workaround available. There, you can use \pL to mean any character that has the Unicode General_Category=Letter property. That means you can always emulate a proper \w using [\pL\p{Nd}_].
Indeed, there's even an advantage to writing it that way, because it keeps you aware that you're adding decimal numbers and the underscore character to the character class. With a simple \w, please sometimes forget this is going on.
I don't believe that this workaround is available in Javascript, though. You can also use Unicode properties like those in Perl and PCRE, and in Ruby 1.9, but not in Python.
The only Unicode properties current Java supports are the one- and two-character general properties like \pN and \p{Lu} and the block properties like \p{InAncientSymbols}, but not scripts like \p{IsGreek}, etc.
The future JDK7 will finally get around to adding scripts. Even then Java still won't support most of the Unicode properties, though, not even critical ones like \p{WhiteSpace} or handy ones like \p{Dash} and \p{Quotation_Mark}.
SIGH! To understand just how limited Java's property support is, merely compare it with Perl. Perl supports 1633 Unicode properties as of 2007's 5.10 release, and 2478 of them as of this year's 5.12 release. I haven't counted them for ancient releases, but Perl started supporting Unicode properties back during the last millennium.
Lame as Java is, it's still better than Javascript, because Javascript doesn't support any Unicode properties whatsoCENSOREDever. I'm afraid that Javascript's paltry 7-bit mindset makes it pretty close to unusable for Unicode. This is a tremendously huge gaping hole in the language that's extremely difficult to account for given its target domain.
Sorry 'bout that. ☹
You can also use
instead of
in order to handle the umlauts
\w only matches A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _ (underscore).
You could use something like \S+ to match all non-space characters, including non-ASCII characters like ö. This might or might not work depending on how the rest of your string is formatted.
To include all the Latin 1 Supplement characters like äöüßÒÿ you can use:
however, there are even more funny characters in the Latin Extended-A and Latin Extended-B unicode blocks like ČŇů . To include that you can use:
\w and \b are not unicode-aware in javascript; they only match ASCII word/boundary characters. If you use cases will all allow splitting on whitespace, you can use \s/\S, which are unicode-aware.
As others note, the \w shortcut is not very useful for non-Latin character sets. If you need to match other text ranges you should use hex* notation (Ref1) (Ref2) for the appropriate range.
* could be hex or octal or unicode, you'll often see these collectively referred as hex notation.
the \b's will also not work correctly. It is possible to use Xregex library \p{L} tag for unicode support, however there is still not \b support so you wont be able to find the word boundaries. It would be nice to provide \b support by doing lookbehind/lookaheads with \P{L} in the following implementation
While javascript doesn't support Unicode natively, you could use this library to work around it:

