HIghcharts, button text undefined - javascript

I've trawled through the API and can't find where to define the alt text of custom nav buttons.
Can anyone help out?
Here's a sample of what I've got in my exporting options:
exporting: {
buttons: {
contextButtons: {
enabled: false,
menuItems: null
contextButton: {
menuItems: null,
symbol: 'url()',
symbolX: 1,
symbolY: 1,
width: 1,
onclick: function() {
return false;
'downButton': {
symbol: 'url(img/glyphicons/glyphicons_200_download.png)',
symbolX: 13,
symbolY: 13,
width: 26,
onclick: function() {
type: 'image/png'

_titleKey is what you want. See http://jsfiddle.net/x36qR/1/ for an example.

make sure you define lang: { }
parameter in the chart object
then use the _titleKey: "example" in the lang to set the desired title
example: "Title Name"


Legend in network graph ( Highchart Js)

I want to show the user about which nodes are some sort of type in network graph of Highchart JS.
For example, the red node would be about "car" and the black node would be about "person".
How can I implement such a legend in Highchart Js?
Here is my codepen.
Highcharts.seriesTypes.networkgraph.prototype.drawLegendSymbol = Highcharts.LegendSymbolMixin.drawRectangle;
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'networkgraph'
plotOptions: {
networkgraph: {
keys: ['from', 'to']
legend: {
enabled: true
series: [{
showInLegend: true,
data: [
['A', 'B'],
Thank you in advance.
Have you tried adding the dataLabel to series property and add a name to your nodes.
id: "A",
color: "#ff1000",
name: "car" <--------- name property
Something like this:
series: {
dataLabels: {
linkFormat: '',
enabled: true,
format: "{point.name}",
crop: false,
defer: false,
useHtml: true,
Full example:

Changing bloodhound icons

I try to change the icons of bloodhound
i edited the file index.js with the following content:
global.appStore = {
dagre: false,
startNode: null,
endNode: null,
highlightedEdges: [],
spotlightData: {},
queryStack: [],
currentTooltip: null,
highResPalette: {
imageScheme: {
'User': {
url: './img1.png',
scale: 1.3,
clip: 0.85
highResStyle: {
nodes: {
label: {
by: 'label'
size: {
by: 'degree',
bins: 5,
min: 10,
max: 20
icon: {
by: 'type',
scheme: 'imageScheme'
edges: {
type : {
by : 'type',
scheme: 'edgeScheme'
but i am getting red question mark in black circle, t doesn`t work when i put url from internet site.
what to do?

Highcharts - URL's for series data to open clickable link

I need a solution to add unique URL's to my series.
This former question, unfortunately does not work anymore.
series: [{
name: 'batch',
visible: false,
marker: {
enabled: false,
states: {
hover: {
enabled: true
symbol: 'square'
color: 'darkred',
}, {
Something like this?
series:[{data: [ [123.12,'http://goole.com'],[332.32,'http://zzs.com'] ] }]

How do I attach a click event handler to null data points on HighMaps

I have already tried changing the data (null to some out of range number) and toying with colorAxis min and mas and color stops and while that works if it where a single map, it does not work for what I am doing.
I really need to be able to hang code on a click event.
$(function () {
// Instantiate the map
$('#container').highcharts('Map', {
plotOptions: {
map: {
events: {
mouseOver: function (e) {
chart : {
borderWidth : 1
title : {
text : 'Nordic countries'
subtitle : {
text : 'Demo of drawing all areas in the map, only highlighting partial data'
legend: {
enabled: false
colorAxis: {
dataClasses: [{
from: -100,
to: 1,
color: '#C40401',
name: 'pseudonull(1s are the new null)'
series : [{
name: 'Country',
mapData: Highcharts.maps['custom/europe'],
data: [
code: 'DE',
value: 1
}, {
code: 'IS',
value: 2
}, {
code: 'NO',
value: 2
}, {
code: 'SE',
value: 2
}, {
code: 'FI',
value: 2
}, {
code: 'DK',
value: 2
joinBy: ['iso-a2', 'code'],
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
color: 'white',
formatter: function () {
if (this.point.value > 1) {
return this.point.name;
} else if(this.point.value == 1) {
return 'this is "null"';
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '',
pointFormat: '{point.name}'
I am not very sure about what you try to achieve, but from my understanding, you want to attach click events to countries with NULL values.
I have created this example here: http://jsfiddle.net/on6v5vhr/
Apparently, if a country has a NULL value, it won't be able to have click events, but what I've done is to simulate this behaviour so I went through these steps:
Process your data and give all the null value the same particular value (France was null so I gave it the value of -999)
{code: 'FR', value: -999}
Show datalabels only for the countries that have a value and that values is different than -999
formatter: function() {
if (this.point.value && (this.point.value !== -999)) {
return this.point.name;
Show tooltip only for the countries that have a value different than -999
tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
if (this.point.value !== -999) {
return this.point.name;
} else {
return false;
Manually set the color same as the NULL color for all countries that have the value of -999
colorAxis: {
dataClasses: [{
from: -100,
to: 1,
color: '#C40401',
name: 'pseudonull(1s are the new null)'
}, {
from: -999,
to: -999,
color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
name: 'No data'

Syncfusion JS Chart Custom Tooltip

I'm using Syncfusion JS, trying to implement line chart with custom tooltip;
Here is my HTML;
<div id="div-overview-transaction-tooltip" style="display:none;">
<div id="div-transaction-tooltip-value">
Here is my example JSON;
And here is my JS;
primaryXAxis: { labelFormat: "HH:00" },
labelFormat: "{value}",
rangePadding: 'round',
range: { min: 0, max: 25, interval: 5 },
commonSeriesOptions: {
type: 'line', animation: true,
tooltip: { visible: true, template: 'div-overview-transaction-tooltip' },
marker: { shape: 'circle', size: { height: 5, width: 5 }, visible: true },
border: { width: 1 }
series: [{ name: 'GET', type: 'line', dataSource: { data: getJson, xName: "DateTime", yName: 'TotalValue' } }],
canResize: true,
load: "loadTheme",
size: { height: 300 },
legend: { visible: true }
I want to show all of my property from JSON on custom tooltip. Except tooltip everything works fine.
Any help would be appriciated. Thanks already.
By default the Tool-tip template supports only point.x and point.y so there is no direct way to achieve this using Tool-tip template.
However the value "TotalValue" from JSON can be shown in the Tool-tip with the help of the following event "toolTipInitialize" as like in below code snippet.
primaryXAxis: { labelFormat: "HH:00" },
labelFormat: "{value}",
rangePadding: 'round',
range: { min: 0, max: 25, interval: 5 },
commonSeriesOptions: {
type: 'line', animation: true,
tooltip: { visible: true, template: 'div-overview-transaction-tooltip' },
marker: { shape: 'circle', size: { height: 5, width: 5 }, visible: true },
border: { width: 1 }
series: [{ name: 'GET', type: 'line', dataSource: { data: getJson, xName: "DateTime", yName: 'TotalValue' } }],
canResize: true,
load: "loadTheme",
size: { height: 300 },
legend: { visible: true }
And in the method "rendertool"
function rendertool(sender) {
sender.Data.currentText = "Total Value:"+sender.model.series[sender.Data.seriesIndex].dataSource.data[sender.Data.pointIndex].TotalValue.toString();
The sender of the event has the "model" properties of the chart where you can get the data source of the series and thus you can access any values in the JSON. Hope this works for you.
here is the sample link which I tried to achieve this.

