Emberjs Change routes to !# for seo? [duplicate] - javascript

I am trying to set up my Router to use "hashbang" URLs (#!).
I tried this, but obviously it doesn't work:
App.Router.map(function() {
this.route("index", { path: "!/" });
this.route("otherState", { path: "!/otherState" });
Is this possible to do in Ember?

Teddy Zeenny's answer is mostly correct, and registerImplementation seems to be a clean way to implement this. I tried to just edit his answer to make it fully answer the question, but my edit got rejected.
Anyway here is the full code to make Ember use hashbang URLs:
(function() {
var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set;
Ember.Location.registerImplementation('hashbang', Ember.HashLocation.extend({
getURL: function() {
return get(this, 'location').hash.substr(2);
setURL: function(path) {
get(this, 'location').hash = "!"+path;
set(this, 'lastSetURL', "!"+path);
onUpdateURL: function(callback) {
var self = this;
var guid = Ember.guidFor(this);
Ember.$(window).bind('hashchange.ember-location-'+guid, function() {
Ember.run(function() {
var path = location.hash.substr(2);
if (get(self, 'lastSetURL') === path) { return; }
set(self, 'lastSetURL', null);
formatURL: function(url) {
return '#!'+url;
Then once you create your app you need to change the router to utilize the "hashbang" location implementation:
location: 'hashbang'

Extending Ember.HashLocation would be the way to go.
For a clean implementation, you can do the following.
Ember.Location.registerImplementation('hashbang', Ember.HashLocation.extend({
// overwrite what you need, for example:
formatURL: function(url) {
return '#!' + url;
// you'll also need to overwrite setURL, getURL, onUpdateURL...
Then instruct your App Router to use your custom implementation for location management:
location: 'hashbang'


How should I extract value from Url in Node Js

I recently started programming on nodeJs.
I am using Angular JS, resource to call API's as
demoApp.factory('class', function ($resource) {
return $resource('/class/:classId', { classId: '#_classId' }, {
update: { method: 'PUT' }
And in Controller, I have delete method as;
// The class object, e {classId: 1, className: "Pro"}
$scope.deleteClass = function (class) {
var deleteObj = new Class();
deleteObj.classId = class.classId;
deleteObj.$delete({classId : deleteObj.classId}, function() {
growl.success("Class deleted successfully.");
},function () {
growl.error("Error while deleting Class.");
Using browser, I verified call goes to :
Now in node Js, How should I extract value from Url,
In server.js
app.use('/class', classController.getApi);
In classController.js
exports.getApi = function(req, resp){
switch(req.method) {
case 'DELETE':
if (req) {
// how to extract 1 from url.
else {
httpMsgs.show404(req, resp);
I have tried ,
But no luck.
I am seeing
query: null,
pathname: '/class/1',
path: '/class/1',
Any help appreciated.
This should be a get call right ? You can use angular $http service, with method as get. Replace your app.use('/class') with app.get('/class', function). Then you can use req.param('classId') to retrieve data. I think it should work.
Try updating your app.use to app.use('/class/:classId'), then try req.params.classId
Try using req.hostname as in:
Check this answer.
var url = require('url');
var url_parts = url.parse(request.url, true);
var query = url_parts.query;
Also read the docs on node url.

Protractor- Generic wait for URL to change

In previous questions I have seen that a nice way to wait for the url to change is to use:
browser.wait( function() {
return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
return /myURL/.test(url);
}, 10000, "url has not changed");`
But I am trying to have a method that I can pass myURL as a variable (in case I need to use it with other sites) and is not working.
I am trying this in my Page Object file:
this.waitUrl = function(myUrl) {
browser.wait( function(myUrl) {
return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url, myUrl) {
return myUrl.test(url);
}, 10000, "url has not changed");
Any ideas if this is even possible and how to do it if so?
Update (July 2016): with Protractor 4.0.0 you can solve it with urlIs and urlContains built-in Expected Conditions.
Original answer:
Don't pass myUrl inside the then function, it is available from the page object function scope:
browser.wait(function() {
return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
return myUrl.test(url);
}, 10000, "url has not changed");
I would though define it as an Expected Condition:
function waitUrl (myUrl) {
return function () {
return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
return myUrl.test(url);
So that you can then use it this way:
browser.wait(waitUrl(/my\.url/), 5000);
For those that want an example for Protractor 4.0.0 through 5.3.0
You can use "ExpectedConditions" like so...
var expectedCondition = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Waits for the URL to contain 'login page'.
browser.wait(expectedCondition.urlContains('app/pages/login'), 5000);
If you want to validate this with an e2e test.
it('should go to login page', function() {
const EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
browser.wait(EC.urlContains('app/pages/login'), 5000).then(function(result) {

Angular-Toaster not working in my service?

I have got to know toaster.js from this site and trying to implement it in my web app. I have done it according to the example but it doesn't work.
Here is my service where I Implemented:
function () {
.factory('DataService', DataService);
DataService.$inject = ['$http','toaster'];
function DataService($http, toaster) {
venueName: venue.name,var serviceBase = '/api/places/';
var placesDataFactory = {};
var userInContext = null;
var _getUserInCtx = function () {
return userInContext;
var _setUserInCtx = function (userInCtx) {
userInContext = userInCtx;
var _savePlace = function (venue) {
//process venue to take needed properties
var minVenue = {
userName: userInContext,
venueID: venue
address: venue.location.address,
category: venue.categories[0].shortName,
rating: venue.rating
return $http.post(serviceBase, minVenue).then(
function (results) {
toaster.pop('success', "Bookmarked Successfully", "Place saved to your bookmark!");
function (results) {
if (results.status == 304) {
toaster.pop('note', "Faield to Bookmark", "Something went wrong while saving :-(");
else {
toaster.pop('error', "Failed to Bookmark", "Something went wrong while saving :-(");
return results;
I have called the library scripts in index.html and also the css files.
Any ideas of what I might be doing wrong?
Are you sure that you use toaster.js library? The popular one is toastr.js
Try to modify your code to
DataService.$inject = ['$http','toastr'];
function DataService($http, toastr) {
Also ensure, that you link this js file in you index.html and also refer this package in main app module definition as a second (dependency) parameter

Adding new feature to discourse

I am trying to add an WatchList feature in the existing code discourse ember rails application
I have addded the following code
Discourse.Route.buildRoutes(function() {
var router = this;
this.resource('watchLists', { path: '/watch_lists' }, function() {
this.resource('watchList', {path: ':watch_list_id'});
In the ember Controller
Discourse.WatchListsController = Discourse.ObjectController.extend({});
In the ember model
Discourse.WatchList = Discourse.Model.extend({});
find: function() {
jQuery.getJSON("watch_lists").then(function(json) {
var watch_lists = json.watch_lists.map(function(attrs) {
return Discourse.WatchList.create(attrs);
In the ember view js
Discourse.WatchListsView = Ember.View.extend({});
In ember route js
Discourse.WatchListsRoute = Discourse.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return Discourse.WatchList.find();
When i renderring the handlebars template I am getting an WatchListsController object withot the data we have got from the ajax.
Can any body point out where i am doing wrong.
I see two possible problems.
First, you probably want WatchListsController to extend Discourse.ArrayController, not Discourse.ObjectController.
Second your reopen block is not valid JavaScript in the example code that you posted. I count four { but only two }. You probably want something kind of like this:
find: function() {
return jQuery.getJSON("watch_lists").then(function(json) {
return json.watch_lists.map(function(attrs) {
return Discourse.WatchList.create(attrs);

ember.js Uncaught TypeError: Object data-size has no method 'transitionTo'

I am very new to ember and trying to implement authentication via facebook
I am using ember-facebook.js library to connect with facebook. Once the authentication is successful, I want to transition to some other route e.g. '/index'. This library creates a App.FBUser object in mixin which is populated from the facebook response. The blog say following:
Whenever the user changes (login, logout, app authorization, etc) the method updateFBUser is called, updating the App.FBUser object on your application. You can do whatever you want with this binding, observe it, put it in the DOM, whatever.
Ember.Facebook = Ember.Mixin.create({
FBUser: void 0,
appId: void 0,
fetchPicture: true,
init: function() {
return window.FBApp = this;
appIdChanged: (function() {
var _this = this;
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
return _this.fbAsyncInit();
return $(function() {
var js;
js = document.createElement('script');
id: 'facebook-jssdk',
async: true,
src: "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js"
return $('head').append(js);
fbAsyncInit: function() {
var _this = this;
appId: this.get('appId'),
status: true,
cookie: true,
xfbml: true
this.set('FBloading', true);
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.authResponseChange', function(response) {
return _this.updateFBUser(response);
return FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
return _this.updateFBUser(response);
updateFBUser: function(response) {
console.log("Facebook.updateFBUser: Start");
var _this = this;
if (response.status === 'connected') {
return FB.api('/me', function(user) {
var FBUser;
FBUser = user;
FBUser.accessToken = response.authResponse.accessToken;
if (_this.get('fetchPicture')) {
return FB.api('/me/picture', function(path) {
FBUser.picture = path;
_this.set('FBUser', FBUser);
return _this.set('FBloading', false);
} else {
_this.set('FBUser', FBUser);
return _this.set('FBloading', false);
} else {
this.set('FBUser', false);
return this.set('FBloading', false);
Update :
Adding following observer in my LoginController, I am able to capture the App.FBUser update event(it is update after getting response from FB; as indicated by the blog).
From this observer method, when I try to 'transitionTo' my index route I get following error
Uncaught TypeError: Object data-size has no method 'transitionTo'. Following is the code
App.LoginController = Ember.Controller.extend({
onSuccess: (function(){
var self = this;
//tried all these method to redirect but error is the same
var attemptedTransition = this.get('attemptedTransition');
//tried all these method to redirect but error is the same
var router = this.get('target.router');
//tried all these method to redirect but error is the same
Index Route
App.AuthenticatedRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
beforeModel: function(transition){
var self = this;
redirectToLogin: function(transition){
var loginController = this.controllerFor('login');
loginController.set('attemptedTransition', transition);
I am not able to get my head around it.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
How can I access this object in my Route.beforeModel() hook.
Depending on what route's beforModel hook you are talking about, this is how you could do it:
App.SomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
beforeModel: function(transition) {
if (!Ember.isNone(App.FBUser)) {
// calling 'transitionTo' aborts the transition, redirects to 'index'
Update in response to your last comment
The addon you are using is slightly outdated and the proposed implementation method for the mixin in your application will not work with the current version of ember:
App = Ember.Application.create(Ember.Facebook)
App.set('appId', 'yourfacebookappid');
starting from version 1.0.0-rc3 of ember you should rather do it like this:
App = Ember.Application.creatWithMixins(Ember.Facebook);
App.set('appId', 'yourfacebookappid');
After that you should be able to have access to the App.FBUser object as mentioned above.
Update 2
If you want to be able to be notified when some events happend, like login, logout etc. you should (as the Author of the addon states on it's blog post) override the updateFBUser method and do in there your transitions.
Since the addon is trough the mixin available in our App namespace you should be able to do the following:
App = Ember.Application.creatWithMixins(Ember.Facebook, {
updateFBUser: function() {
// we are calling super to let the addon
// do it's work but at the same time we get
// notified that something happened, so do at this
// point your transition
Hope it helps.
As per Issue 1 adding
attributeBindings: [],
return Ember.FacebookView = Ember.View.extend({
solved the issue.

