Circular segmented slider control in javascript - javascript

Is there any JavaScript (even better if it's based on jQuery) slider that is circular in shape and that also allogs to draw segments on the circle. Here's a drawing of a sample of what I'd like to achieve:
As you can see, the yellow slices are those that have been selected, while all the rest is just a background image (this is done on an iOS device with a custom control).
It would be nice to find something similar for HTML pages if there's any around.

This might be useful. It's very good.

I ended up using a custom solution based on oCanvas.


Broken/Incomplete Doughnut with CanvasJS

I'm looking to make a responsive donought chart with CanvasJS but my client wants a "broken" donought. Like with a piece missing.
Can it be done? If so, how?
Or else, if it cannot be done, could another responsive graph library be recommended that can do this?
I managed to "fake" a gap in it my setting one datapoint to transparent. However, it's not "real" as the transparent part is still a part.
See my pen
I don't know about canvasJS, but you can draw a polygon with inner rings in canvas, see the answer here: Polygon with a hole in the middle with HTML5's canvas
You can also do it with SVG which some web mapping libs used for this purpose before the advent of the canvas element.

Javascript charting plugin which allows to select a portion of an area graph

I'm looking for a javascript charting library which would allow me to build an area chart with an ability to hover the portion between the two adjoining points on the graph curve. Basically like this:
Also as seen on this sample it would be really nice to smooth out the lines between points (use bezier curves instead regular straight lines).
Any help deeply appreciated.
Like #Duniyandn suggested, you can create two series and create rules about what to do with them on mouse interaction.
If you wanted a static section of red you could do it like this. e.g.
But if you we're trying to have the highlighted section move with the mouse you could do something like this: though the matching of the smooth curves wouldn't be possible.
I use the tooltip formatter function to accomplish both of these because it's an easy proxy for a mousemove callback, not because it's the best way to do it.

Spinning wheel or 360 degree rotation wheel

I am looking for some jquery plugin or any code examples for multiple spinning wheels or 360 degree rotation wheels. Attached is the demo image for which, I am looking for the solution, where all the wheel can be rotate and This is basically develop birthdate selection somewhat like desktop and mobile application...But I need for my web application. I am using PHP & Apache web server.
Thanks in advance for any idea or sameple code or similer solution to moving forward
I don't know of any ready made solutions, but I can point you in two directions you can go:
You can make an image for each of the 3 different wheels with the correct sizes and next use css3 transformations to rotate the specific wheels with javascript ( )
The other option is to look into the html5 canvas tag and draw the wheels onto it by hand. Here is a tutorial which covers making a roulette game on a canvas tag, which is quite different from your requirements, but does describe the necessary techniques.
Yes HTML5 canvas rotate() is the way to go with this. My site has a winning wheel that uses canvas rotation, but only for one wheel image. The code is fully commented so you may find it a useful starting point.
For your project you would probably need multiple images that are rendered to the canvas and rotated to the desired angles. Also you will probably need to look in to a mouseDown, mouseMove, and mouseUp code to allow the user to drag the wheels to the desired locations, with the code being able to tell you the values pointed at (something the code in my winning wheel can also do).
I am not aware of a jQuery plugin that does exactly what you ask. In terms of browser compatibility, I recommend you to take a look at the excellent RaphaelJS JavaScript library. It allows you to draw and rotate a wheel using vector graphics. Best of all, this library is IE6+ compatible and works in most if not all modern webbrowsers, including tablets and mobile phones.
To ease the creation of the necessary vector graphics, you can draw the wheel in a vector image editor of your choice (e.g. Illustrator, Inkscape, etc..) and save the vector image as SVG file. A very convenient online companion tool called ReadySetRaphael takes an SVG file as input and produces the necessary JavaScript to draw the graphics automatically.
If you have the path of the vector graphic as an object in JavaScript, it is easy to rotate it with the Element.rotate() method.
Although I am not sure if a plugin exists for this purpose;In my current project we have made a context menu using the canvas api which is not that different from your requirement, if not a bit more complex. Therefore, I highly recommend using the HTML5 Canvas api to do this, if you are not restricted from it. You can use a few ideas from the interactive flower tutorial.
This should help too if you're interested in bringing jQuery into play.

<canvas> gradient fade with 3 Colours

I have been experimenting with HTML5 and gradient fades, I would like to use 3 colours and gradually fade them into each other. Currently I can only get it working using two colours.
My target is something similar to this image:
The colours should slowly fade into each other, i'm happy with the fade effect I currently have working, although would like to add a third colour.
I have tried to add an array of the colours to use, but the colour function was modded from a tutorial (will add link if I can find) and am not quite sure how to do it.
Could anyone offer any adivce?
Thanks in advance.
Am not trying to get it looking exactly the same as the image, but if I could just add another colour to my current version that should be fine.
Edit: Due to the confusion: I'm not looking for a "static" graident, if you view my example closely you will see a suttle fade effect. I want to achieve the same effect, but have the gradient with 3 colours and looking similar to the image above.
It should "shimmer" and a gradually fade. Offering a bounty as I'm struggling with creating this with 3 colours, which I think will be easy for most..
Unless you need to do some complex animation, you were doing some extremely unnecessary calculations for your gradient. The point of the gradient is that you give it some seed values and it generates everything in between automatically.
I worked up a sample gradient that looks similar to your reference image:
Note that it looks like your reference image might have a small amount of texture to it, and that the gradient definitely isn't linear. If you want to re-create the reference image, you'll have to use some radial gradients and possibly overlay a texture.
Also, note that you were setting the canvas width and height via CSS properties. With the canvas element, CSS width and height control the magnification of the element, while DOM-level attributes control the actual dimensions.
Edit: I completely missed the fact that you were looking to produce an animated gradient. My apologies for that.
I went back and edited my example to smoothly transition between three pre-defined colors similar to the ones in your reference image. You can view the updated example here:
Is this more along the lines of what you're looking for?
Edit: Here's another update that adds full-screen support, a diagonal gradient, and a secondary radial gradient that is overlaid in the middle to help give some variety:
You might want to customize the colors a bit more to increase the variation, but hopefully the functionality is there now.
I think by applying certain tricks it should not be a big deal using CSS3 properties here is the playground,

Adding sizing handles to drawn object in canvas

I have a full screen canvas I am drawing to, and I've set it up to allow the user to drag and drop objects that are within the canvas.
I also want to enable them to select an object, and then 'resize handlers' show up (the little circles in the corners) to allow them to click/drag and resize them.
I can code this manually by drawing circles in each corner and detect a click, etc.... but was wondering if anyone has any better way to do this? Maybe there's a library out there that already handles this?
Any help is appreciated!
There isn't any simpler way than doing it yourself or getting a library to do it for you.
I wrote a tutorial here on the use of sizing handles. That should get you started if you plan to make your own.

