Performing Action while clicking a text to remove a Div - javascript

I have an Example what I get this from one of my previous post .I am trying to upgrade this with my need but I failing . I guess it's because of my lack of knowledge in jquery and JavaScripts . But I need this badly .
Here is Live demo in js fiddle :
What I have now:
There you can see I have a button . If I click the button it will open a Div with Editable input , where I can rename the input and save . you can create many div by clicking the button and rename as you want .
What I am trying to do
What I was trying to Do is that ,I added a "X" text there . When I click the button "START" new div created with input to change name , also with this "X" text . What I am mainly trying is .. before I rename he input if I don't what that div I can remove the div with input by clicking the "X" text . SO that mean "X" will act as a close of that Div .But I am not finding any way to do that . May be because of my lacking of knowledge . If there is any solution or way it will be Excellent .
My code :
<button id="createDiv">Start</button>
<div id="results"></div>
#createDiv, #results span { cursor: pointer; }
#results div {
background: #FFA;
border: 1px solid;
#results input[type=text] {
border: none;
display: none;
outline: none;
float: right;
// Call for document .onload event
$(function() {
// Normal Click event asignement, same as $("#createDiv").click(function
$("#createDiv").on("click", function(e) {
// Simply creating the elements one by one to remove confusion
var newDiv = $("<div />", { class: "new-folder" }), // Notice, each child variable is appended to parent
newInp = $("<input />", { name: "inpTitle[]",style:"display:block ;float:left; border:solid 1px #fa9a34", type: "text", value: "Unnamed Group", class: "title-inp" }).appendTo(newDiv),
newSpan = $("<span />", { id: "myInstance2",style:"display:none; float:left;", text: "Unnamed Group", class: "title-span" }).appendTo(newDiv),
clickToCancle = $("<a />", { text: "X", class: "clickToCancleIcon" }).appendTo(newDiv);
// Everything created and seated, let's append this new div to it's parent
// the following use the ".delegate" side of .on
// This means that ALL future created elements with the same classname,
// inside the same parent will have this same event function added
$("#results").on("click", ".new-folder .title-span", function(e) {
// This hides our span as it was clicked on and shows our trick input,
// also places focus on input
$("#results").on("blur", ".new-folder .title-inp", function(e) {
// tells the browser, when user clicks away from input, hide input and show span
// also replaces text in span with new text in input
// The following sures we get the same functionality from blur on Enter key being pressed
$("#results").on("keyup", ".new-folder .title-inp", function(e) {
// Here we grab the key code for the "Enter" key
var eKey = e.which || e.keyCode;
if (eKey == 13) { // if enter key was pressed then hide input, show span, replace text

Just add the following code, {
clickToCancle = $("<a />", { text: "X", class: "clickToCancleIcon" }).appendTo(newDiv);
Or you can done this by,
clickToCancle = $("<a />", { text: "X", class: "clickToCancleIcon" }).appendTo(newDiv).click(function() {
See the live DEMO


jquery getting an 'undefined' on the id of a div element I'm trying to grab

So I am dynamically generating HTML code with JavaScript that loads in all my images from my Firebase Realtime Database. I'm currently working on implementing a button attached to each image that will delete this image when clicked. However, after multiple attempts to grab this div's ID attribute using both standard JavaScript and Jquery, the id in the alert box is always 'undefined'. Inspecting the webpage allows me to see that the image's id is always loaded in just fine, so I know it is there.
This is the HTML Generated that I'm trying to interact with.
JavaScript function to respond to my html 'onclick event'
function deleteFile(){
var postId = $(this).closest('div').attr('id');
alert("You have selected id: " + postId);
var sure = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this post?");
firebase.database().ref().child('Posts/' + postId).remove().then(function(){
alert("Post deleted sucessfully");
Attached image is what html is generated on the actual chrome inspector. The ID's of course will all be unique.
add this parameter on your html onclick attribute so it become deleteFile(this)
then on your js
function deleteFile(element){
var postId = $(element).closest('div').attr('id');
alert("You have selected id: " + postId);
var sure = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this post?");
firebase.database().ref().child('Posts/' + postId).remove().then(function(){
alert("Post deleted sucessfully");
Pairing onclick with $(this) won't work as you expect because $(this) has a different context, you could view its value using console.log($(this));
What should be done is add a class to that button and bind an onclick event via jquery. Run snippet below.
Red div contains onclick event attached via jquery.
Yellow div contains onclick event attached to the button attribute onclick.
$(".getIdButton").click(function() {
function getId() {
div {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
padding: 20px;
display: inline-block;
#red {
background-color: red;
#yellow {
background-color: yellow;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="red">
Just a link
<button class="getIdButton">Click Me</button>
<div id="yellow">
Just a link
<button onclick="getId()">Click Me</button>

How to change the item inside the menu from span to custom div?

I want to replace the span in the context menu to a custom div:
This is the code used:
selector: '.context-menu-row',
items: {
copy: {
name: function(){
return "Layout"
callback: function(key, opt){
alert("Clicked on " + key);
So instead of "Layout" I need to put a div divided into 3 divs.
Instead of replacing an element, you can have both in the document and change their display property, hiding or displaying the element as you like. To hide an object, just disable the display property as follows:
display: none;
To display it again, change the display property to whatever you need to.
More information:

I want to hide kendo grid command edit button?

I want to hide kenod edit button with out removing it from code, I tried with adding a class with display:none and attribute hidden:true but nothing worked.
I need price button here but edit should be hidden.
{ command: ["edit",{text:"D" , click: deleteRow ,class : "k-grid-delete"} , {text:"Price" , click: showDetails ,class : "k-button"} ], title: " ", width: "120px" }
If you want the button to be hidden conditionally, you can use the dataBound() event:
dataBound: function (){
var grid = this;
var trs = this.tbody.find('tr').each(function(){
var item = grid.dataItem($(this));
if( item.Something == "Condition") {
If you want to hide the button indefinitely, you can use the following CSS:
.k-grid-edit {
display: none;
Here is an example which displays the use of both methods (I have initially commented out the CSS example to display the conditional hide functionality).

Issue in dynamically added select list

in my project,(Edit page) i have an input box that contain the value from db. and place a div over that input box(when page loading that div is not shown). my need is when i am clicking on that input box i want to enable the div and show as a drop down select list. i am using following code,
<div class="role">
<div style="float:left;">In Rotary Club of Puthencruz : </div>
<div class="currentrole"><input type="text" value="#Model.Mem_Role" name="Mem_Role" id="memrole"/></div>
<div class="allrole"></div>
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#memrole').click(function () {
$('.allrole').attr('disabled', false);
var arr = [
{ val: 'member', text: 'Member' },
{ val: 'president', text: 'President' }
var sel = $('<select>').appendTo('body');
$(arr).each(function () {
sel.append($("<option>").attr('value', this.val).text(this.text));
.role {
.currentrole {
position: absolute;
.allrole {
But my jquery part is not working, the dropdown select list is not displayed.
Change your code to this -
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#memrole').click(function () {
var arr = [
{ val: 'member', text: 'Member' },
{ val: 'president', text: 'President' }
var sel = $('<select>');
$(arr).each(function () {
sel.append($("<option>").attr('value', this.val)
The mistake that you were making was - to show a hidden div, you need to call jQuery's show method on it. Setting disabled attribute to false doesn't work here.
Also you can simply create a select element by calling $(''), no need to append it to a body, since you are already attaching it to the .allrole div later. Next, rather than assigning the the select element with options as a text, I simply appended it to the .allrole div.
If you want to show the div which is display:none or visibility:hidden just use $(yourselector).show(); So your code would be
$('.allrole').show(); instead of
$('.allrole').attr('disabled', false);
The working demo is here Refer show()

Need help about a function

I am new at Javascript and jQuery. I need help with something like:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#createDiv').click(function (){
$("<div/>").html("<span id='myInstance2' style='display: block;'>New Folder</span>").css("display", "none").appendTo("#results").fadeIn();
I have this function to click and create a new <span> tag with a text. You can see I have an ID myInstance2. So what I am trying to do is when I click and the span is created, I would like to make this span live-editable. Like I can rename this "New folder" into whatever I want.
If anyone can help it would be great. Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad English :)
If I catch what I think you're trying to do, it's not quite feasable the way you imagine. However, there are tricks. The following is one of them. The idea is to insert a "hidden" input where the span is, then create functions to show the input and hide span when needed (like when user clicks on span. Something like so:
<button id="createDiv">Start</button>
<div id="results"></div>
#createDiv, #results span { cursor: pointer; }
#results div {
background: #FFA;
border: 1px solid;
margin: 1em;
padding: 1em 1em 2em;
#results input[type=text] {
border: none;
display: none;
outline: none;
// Call for document .onload event
$(function() {
// Normal Click event asignement, same as $("#createDiv").click(function
$("#createDiv").on("click", function(e) {
// Simply creating the elements one by one to remove confusion
var newDiv = $("<div />", { class: "new-folder" }), // Notice, each child variable is appended to parent
newInp = $("<input />", { type: "text", value: "New Folder", class: "title-inp" }).appendTo(newDiv),
newSpan = $("<span />", { id: "myInstance2", text: "New Folder", class: "title-span" }).appendTo(newDiv);
// Everything created and seated, let's append this new div to it's parent
// the following use the ".delegate" side of .on
// This means that ALL future created elements with the same classname,
// inside the same parent will have this same event function added
$("#results").on("click", ".new-folder .title-span", function(e) {
// This hides our span as it was clicked on and shows our trick input,
// also places focus on input
$("#results").on("blur", ".new-folder .title-inp", function(e) {
// tells the browser, when user clicks away from input, hide input and show span
// also replaces text in span with new text in input
// The following sures we get the same functionality from blur on Enter key being pressed
$("#results").on("keyup", ".new-folder .title-inp", function(e) {
// Here we grab the key code for the "Enter" key
var eKey = e.which || e.keyCode;
if (eKey == 13) { // if enter key was pressed then hide input, show span, replace text
what you can do is put a delegated event handler on the enclosing, static element where span will reside #results. The handler will hide the span and reveal an input. I don't know your code well enough but you likely want the id on the input instead of the span. You did not say you wanted to go from editable back to "read-only" so I did not do that.
$('#createDiv').on('click', function () {
var str = "Click here to edit it"; // New Folder
$("<div/>").html("<span id='myInstance2' class='editToggler' style='display: block;'>" + str + "</span><input class='editToggler' style='display: none' value='" + str + "'/>").appendTo("#results").fadeIn();
$('#results').on('click', 'span', function () {
This should work and is much simpler than other answers (imo):
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#createDiv').click(function (){
$("<div />").html("<span onclick='$(this).html(prompt(\"Rename \"+$(this).html()))' id='myInstance2' style='display: block; cursor:pointer;'>New Folder</span>").css("display", "none").appendTo("#results").fadeIn();
When you click your span, you will be prompted for its new name. To visual represent that your created the span is clickable, I also added cursor:pointer to the style for the span.
Edit: P.S: Do you create more than one spanusing this method? If so, you should create the ids dynamically, because ids are meant to be unique. If you want a string to be the same for all spans, you can set it as a class instead.

